

源代码1 项目: onos   文件: DistributedNetworkConfigStore.java
public void activate() {
    KryoNamespace.Builder kryoBuilder = new KryoNamespace.Builder()
            .register(ConfigKey.class, ObjectNode.class, ArrayNode.class,
                      JsonNodeFactory.class, LinkedHashMap.class,
                      TextNode.class, BooleanNode.class,
                      LongNode.class, DoubleNode.class, ShortNode.class, IntNode.class,

    configs = storageService.<ConfigKey, JsonNode>consistentMapBuilder()
源代码2 项目: nakadi   文件: EventTypeDbRepositoryTest.java
public void unknownAttributesAreIgnoredWhenDesserializing() throws Exception {
    final EventType eventType = buildDefaultEventType();
    final ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) TestUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER.readTree(
    node.set("unknown_attribute", new TextNode("will just be ignored"));

    final String eventTypeName = eventType.getName();
    final String insertSQL = "INSERT INTO zn_data.event_type (et_name, et_event_type_object) " +
            "VALUES (?, to_json(?::json))";

    final EventType persistedEventType = repository.findByName(eventTypeName);

    assertThat(persistedEventType, notNullValue());
源代码3 项目: log-synth   文件: IntegerSampler.java
public JsonNode sample() {
    synchronized (this) {
        if (dist == null) {
            int r = power >= 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            if (power >= 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i <= power; i++) {
                    r = Math.min(r, min + base.nextInt(max - min));
            } else {
                int n = -power;
                for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
                    r = Math.max(r, min + base.nextInt(max - min));
            if (format == null) {
                return new IntNode(r);
            } else {
                return new TextNode(String.format(format, r));
        } else {
            return new LongNode(dist.sample());
源代码4 项目: yosegi   文件: ObjectToJsonNode.java
 * Judge Java objects and create JsonNode.
public static JsonNode get( final Object obj ) throws IOException {
  if ( obj instanceof PrimitiveObject ) {
    return PrimitiveObjectToJsonNode.get( (PrimitiveObject)obj );
  } else if ( obj instanceof String ) {
    return new TextNode( (String)obj );
  } else if ( obj instanceof Boolean ) {
    return BooleanNode.valueOf( (Boolean)obj );
  } else if ( obj instanceof Short ) {
    return IntNode.valueOf( ( (Short)obj ).intValue() );
  } else if ( obj instanceof Integer ) {
    return IntNode.valueOf( (Integer)obj );
  } else if ( obj instanceof Long ) {
    return new LongNode( (Long)obj );
  } else if ( obj instanceof Float ) {
    return new DoubleNode( ( (Float)obj ).doubleValue() );
  } else if ( obj instanceof Double ) {
    return new DoubleNode( (Double)obj );
  } else if ( obj instanceof byte[] ) {
    return new BinaryNode( (byte[])obj );
  } else if ( obj == null ) {
    return NullNode.getInstance();
  } else {
    return new TextNode( obj.toString() );
源代码5 项目: spring-boot-tutorial   文件: DateJsonConvert.java
public InfoDTO deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext)
    throws IOException {
    InfoDTO infoDTO = new InfoDTO();
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

    TreeNode treeNode = jsonParser.getCodec().readTree(jsonParser);

    TextNode appNameNode = (TextNode) treeNode.get("appName");
    TextNode versionNode = (TextNode) treeNode.get("version");
    TextNode dateNode = (TextNode) treeNode.get("date");
    try {
    } catch (ParseException e) {
    return infoDTO;
源代码6 项目: log-synth   文件: BurstyEvents.java
    private boolean addTimeFields(ObjectNode x) {
        Event e = null;
        while (e != Event.ACTION) {
            e = step();
//            System.out.printf("%8s/%-9s %11s %s %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n",
//                    Util.isDaytime(Util.timeOfDay(now), sunriseTime, sunsetTime) ? "day" : "night",
//                    isActive ? "active" : "inactive",
//                    e, df.format((long) now),
//                    (nextQuery - now) / TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1),
//                    (nextTransition - now) / TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1),
//                    24 * Util.fractionalPart((sunriseTime - Util.timeOfDay(now)) / TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(24)),
//                    24 * Util.fractionalPart((sunsetTime - Util.timeOfDay(now)) / TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(24))
//            );
            if (e == Event.END) {
                return false;
        x.set("time", new TextNode(df.format((long) now)));
        x.set("timestamp_ms", new LongNode((long) now));
        x.set("timestamp_s", new LongNode((long) (now / 1000)));
        return true;
源代码7 项目: jslt   文件: MultiplyOperator.java
public JsonNode perform(JsonNode v1, JsonNode v2) {
  if (v1.isTextual() || v2.isTextual()) {
    // if one operand is string: do string multiplication

    String str;
    int num;
    if (v1.isTextual() && !v2.isTextual()) {
      str = v1.asText();
      num = v2.intValue();
    } else if (v2.isTextual()) {
      str = v2.asText();
      num = v1.intValue();
    } else
      throw new JsltException("Can't multiply two strings!");

    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    for ( ; num > 0; num--)

    return new TextNode(buf.toString());
  } else
    // do numeric operation
    return super.perform(v1, v2);
public void shouldReturnFailedFutureIfStoredBidRequestExtCouldNotBeParsed() {
    // given
    final ObjectNode ext = mapper.createObjectNode()
            .set("prebid", new TextNode("non-ExtBidRequest"));
    givenBidRequest(builder -> builder.ext(ext), Imp.builder().build());

    // when
    final Future<?> future = factory.fromRequest(routingContext, 0L);

    // then
    assertThat(((InvalidRequestException) future.cause()).getMessages())
            .hasSize(1).element(0).asString().startsWith("Error decoding bidRequest.ext:");
public void shouldConvertStringPriceGranularityViewToCustom() {
    // given
                    .targeting(ExtRequestTargeting.builder().pricegranularity(new TextNode("low")).build())

    // when
    final BidRequest request = factory.fromRequest(routingContext, 0L).result().getBidRequest();

    // then
    // request was wrapped to list because extracting method works different on iterable and not iterable objects,
    // which force to make type casting or exception handling in lambdas
            .extracting(ext -> mapper.treeToValue(ext, ExtBidRequest.class))
            .containsOnly(mapper.valueToTree(ExtPriceGranularity.of(2, singletonList(ExtGranularityRange.of(
                    BigDecimal.valueOf(5), BigDecimal.valueOf(0.5))))));
public void shouldReturnFailedFutureWithInvalidRequestExceptionWhenStringPriceGranularityInvalid() {
    // given
                    .targeting(ExtRequestTargeting.builder().pricegranularity(new TextNode("invalid")).build())

    // when
    final Future<?> future = factory.fromRequest(routingContext, 0L);

    // then
            .hasMessage("Invalid string price granularity with value: invalid");
源代码11 项目: prebid-server-java   文件: CacheServiceTest.java
public void cacheBidsOpenrtbShouldNotModifyVastXmlWhenBidIdIsNotInToModifyList() throws IOException {
    // given
    final com.iab.openrtb.response.Bid bid = givenBidOpenrtb(builder ->
    final Imp imp1 = givenImp(builder -> builder.id("impId1").video(Video.builder().build()));

    // when
    cacheService.cacheBidsOpenrtb(singletonList(bid), singletonList(imp1),
                    .bidderToVideoBidIdsToModify(singletonMap("bidder", singletonList("bid2")))
                    .bidderToBidIds(singletonMap("bidder", singletonList("bid1")))
                    .build(), account, eventsContext, timeout);

    // then
    final BidCacheRequest bidCacheRequest = captureBidCacheRequest();
                    PutObject.builder().type("xml").value(new TextNode("adm")).build());
源代码12 项目: syndesis   文件: ExtractConnectorDescriptorsMojo.java
private ObjectNode getComponentMeta(ClassLoader classLoader) {
    Properties properties = loadComponentProperties(classLoader);
    if (properties == null) {
        return null;
    String components = (String) properties.get("components");
    if (components == null) {
        return null;
    String[] part = components.split("\\s", -1);
    ObjectNode componentMeta = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
    for (String scheme : part) {
        // find the class name
        String javaType = extractComponentJavaType(classLoader, scheme);
        if (javaType == null) {
        String schemeMeta = loadComponentJSonSchema(classLoader, scheme, javaType);
        if (schemeMeta == null) {
        componentMeta.set(scheme, new TextNode(schemeMeta));
    return componentMeta.size() > 0 ? componentMeta : null;
源代码13 项目: rest-schemagen   文件: StringJsonPropertyMapper.java
  public ObjectNode toJson(JsonProperty jsonProperty) {
      Function<Object,JsonNode> nodeCreator = value -> new TextNode((String) value);
      final ObjectNode propertyNode = primitiveJsonPropertyBuilder.forProperty(jsonProperty).withType("string").withDefaultAndAllowedValues(nodeCreator).build();
      jsonProperty.getSizeConstraints().getMin().ifPresent(x -> propertyNode.put("minLength", x));
      jsonProperty.getSizeConstraints().getMax().ifPresent(x -> propertyNode.put("maxLength", x));
if (jsonProperty.getFormat() != null) {
	propertyNode.put("format", jsonProperty.getFormat());
if (jsonProperty.getPattern() != null) {
	propertyNode.put("pattern", jsonProperty.getPattern());
      return propertyNode;
源代码14 项目: agrest   文件: EnumConverterTest.java
public void testConvert() {
    EnumConverter c = new EnumConverter(E1.class);

    assertSame(E1.e11, c.value(new TextNode("e11")));
    assertSame(E1.e12, c.value(new TextNode("e12")));
    assertNull(c.value(new TextNode("")));
源代码15 项目: data-highway   文件: JsonNodeTransformerTest.java
public void unionValue() throws Exception {

  JsonNode result = underTest.transform(f1Unnested, singletonList("/0/f1"));

  assertThat(result, is(mapper.createObjectNode().put("f1", "bar")));
源代码16 项目: prebid-server-java   文件: ConversantAdapterTest.java
public void makeHttpRequestsShouldFailIfAdUnitBidParamsCouldNotBeParsed() {
    // given
    final ObjectNode params = mapper.createObjectNode();
    params.set("secure", new TextNode("non-integer"));
    adapterRequest = givenBidder(builder -> builder.params(params), identity());

    // when and then
    assertThatThrownBy(() -> adapter.makeHttpRequests(adapterRequest, preBidRequestContext))
            .hasMessageStartingWith("Cannot deserialize value of type");
源代码17 项目: template-compiler   文件: ContentFormatters.java
protected JsonNode resize(Context ctx, JsonNode node, boolean resizeWidth, int requested) {
  String[] parts = splitDimensions(node);
  if (parts == null || parts.length != 2) {
    return new TextNode("Invalid source parameter. Pass in 'originalSize'.");
  int width = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
  int height = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
  int value = 0;
  if (resizeWidth) {
    value = (int)(width * (requested / (float)height));
  } else {
    value = (int)(height * (requested / (float)width));
  return new IntNode(value);
源代码18 项目: vividus   文件: CodeStepsTests.java
void testCheckJsonFieldValue() throws IOException
    codeSteps.checkJsonFieldValue(SCRIPT, NAME, VALUE);
源代码19 项目: calcite   文件: ElasticsearchTransport.java
void closeScroll(Iterable<String> scrollIds) {
  Objects.requireNonNull(scrollIds, "scrollIds");

  // delete current scroll
  final URI uri = URI.create("/_search/scroll");
  // http DELETE with payload
  final HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase request = new HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase() {
    @Override public String getMethod() {
      return HttpDelete.METHOD_NAME;

  final ObjectNode payload = mapper().createObjectNode();
  // ES2 expects json array for DELETE scroll API
  final ArrayNode array = payload.withArray("scroll_id");

  StreamSupport.stream(scrollIds.spliterator(), false)

  try {
    final String json = mapper().writeValueAsString(payload);
    request.setEntity(new StringEntity(json, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON));
  } catch (IOException | UncheckedIOException e) {
    LOGGER.warn("Failed to close scroll(s): {}", scrollIds, e);
源代码20 项目: knox   文件: JsonFilterReader.java
private void processValueString() throws IOException {
  Level child;
  Level parent;
  String value = null;
  if(stack.isEmpty()) {
    generator.writeString( parser.getText() );
  parent = stack.peek();
  if( parent.isArray() ) {
    ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode)parent.node;
    array.add( parser.getText() );
    if( bufferingLevel == null ) {
      value = filterStreamValue( parent );
      array.set( array.size()-1, new TextNode( value ) );
    } else {
  } else {
    child = stack.pop();
    parent = stack.peek();
    ((ObjectNode)parent.node ).put( child.field, parser.getText() );
    if( bufferingLevel == null ) {
      child.node = parent.node; // Populate the JsonNode of the child for filtering.
      value = filterStreamValue( child );
  if( bufferingLevel == null ) {
    if( parent.node.isArray() ) {
    } else {
    generator.writeString( value );
源代码21 项目: flowable-engine   文件: ContentItemResourceTest.java
public void testUpdateContentItem() throws Exception {
    String contentItemId = createContentItem("test.pdf", "application/pdf", null,
            "12345", null, null, "test", "test2");

    ContentItem contentItem = contentService.createContentItemQuery().singleResult();

    try {
        ObjectNode requestNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
        requestNode.put("name", "test2.txt");
        requestNode.put("mimeType", "application/txt");
        requestNode.put("createdBy", "testb");
        requestNode.put("lastModifiedBy", "testc");

        HttpPut httpPut = new HttpPut(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + ContentRestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(
                ContentRestUrls.URL_CONTENT_ITEM, contentItemId));
        httpPut.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestNode.toString()));
        CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(httpPut, HttpStatus.SC_OK);
        JsonNode responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent());

                        + "  id: '" + contentItem.getId() + "',"
                        + "  name: 'test2.txt',"
                        + "  mimeType: 'application/txt',"
                        + "  taskId: null,"
                        + "  tenantId: '',"
                        + "  processInstanceId: '" + contentItem.getProcessInstanceId() + "',"
                        + "  created: " + new TextNode(getISODateStringWithTZ(contentItem.getCreated())) + ","
                        + "  createdBy: 'testb',"
                        + "  lastModified: " + new TextNode(getISODateStringWithTZ(contentItem.getLastModified())) + ","
                        + "  lastModifiedBy: 'testc'"
                        + "}");

    } finally {
源代码22 项目: log-synth   文件: SsnSampler.java
public JsonNode sample() {
    while (true) {
        int i = rand.nextInt(codes.size());
        List<String> fields = values.get(codes.get(i));

        if (keepTypes.contains(fields.get(names.indexOf("type")))) {
            if (verbose) {
                ObjectNode rx = new ObjectNode(nodeFactory);
                Iterator<String> nx = names.iterator();
                for (String field : fields) {
                    String fieldName = nx.next();
                    if (keepFields.contains(fieldName)) {
                        rx.set(fieldName, new TextNode(field));
                if (keepFields.contains("ssn")) {
                    rx.set("ssn", new TextNode(String.format("%s-%02d-%04d", codes.get(i), rand.nextInt(99) + 1, rand.nextInt(9999) + 1)));
                return rx;
            } else {
                return new TextNode(String.format("%s-%02d-%04d", codes.get(i), rand.nextInt(99) + 1, rand.nextInt(9999) + 1));
源代码23 项目: intellij-swagger   文件: JsonBuilderService.java
private void consumeLocalReference(
    final TextNode ref,
    final VirtualFile containingFile,
    Consumer<ResolvedRef> refConsumer,
    final VirtualFile specFile) {

  // We only need to inline references if we are in a referenced file.
  if (!containingFile.equals(specFile)) {
    final String jsonPointer = StringUtils.substringAfter(ref.asText(), "#");

    final ResolvedRef resolvedRef = resolveJsonPointer(jsonPointer, containingFile);

    consumeResolvedRef(refConsumer, specFile, resolvedRef);
源代码24 项目: flowable-engine   文件: TaskResourceTest.java
 * Test getting a single task, spawned by a case. GET cmmn-runtime/tasks/{taskId}
@CmmnDeployment(resources = { "org/flowable/cmmn/rest/service/api/repository/oneHumanTaskCase.cmmn" })
public void testGetCaseTask() throws Exception {
    Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();

    CaseInstance caseInstance = runtimeService.createCaseInstanceBuilder().caseDefinitionKey("oneHumanTaskCase").start();
    Task task = taskService.createTaskQuery().caseInstanceId(caseInstance.getId()).singleResult();
    taskService.setDueDate(task.getId(), now.getTime());
    taskService.setOwner(task.getId(), "owner");
    task = taskService.createTaskQuery().caseInstanceId(caseInstance.getId()).singleResult();

    String url = buildUrl(CmmnRestUrls.URL_TASK, task.getId());
    CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(url), HttpStatus.SC_OK);

    // Check resulting task
    JsonNode responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent());
                    + " id: '" + task.getId() + "',"
                    + " assignee: '" + task.getAssignee() + "',"
                    + " owner: '" + task.getOwner() + "',"
                    + " formKey: '" + task.getFormKey() + "',"
                    + " description: '" + task.getDescription() + "',"
                    + " name: '" + task.getName() + "',"
                    + " priority: " + task.getPriority() + ","
                    + " parentTaskId: null,"
                    + " delegationState: null,"
                    + " tenantId: \"\","
                    + " dueDate: " + new TextNode(getISODateStringWithTZ(task.getDueDate())) + ","
                    + " createTime: " + new TextNode(getISODateStringWithTZ(task.getCreateTime())) + ","
                    + " caseInstanceUrl: '" + buildUrl(CmmnRestUrls.URL_CASE_INSTANCE, task.getScopeId()) + "',"
                    + " caseDefinitionUrl: '" + buildUrl(CmmnRestUrls.URL_CASE_DEFINITION, task.getScopeDefinitionId()) + "',"
                    + " url: '" + url + "'"
                    + "}");
源代码25 项目: ecs-logging-java   文件: AbstractEcsEncoderTest.java
void testMarker() throws Exception {
    Marker parent = MarkerFactory.getMarker("parent");
    Marker child = MarkerFactory.getMarker("child");
    Marker grandchild = MarkerFactory.getMarker("grandchild");
    logger.debug(parent, "test");

public TextNode tinkerpopToJson(Object value) throws IOException {
  if (value instanceof String) {
    JsonNode result = objectMapper.readTree((String) value);
    throwIfInvalid(result, this.allowedValues);
    return (TextNode) result;
  } else {
    throw new IOException("should be a string");
源代码27 项目: kogito-runtimes   文件: JsonUtils.java
 * Merge two JSON documents. 
 * @param src JsonNode to be merged
 * @param target JsonNode to merge to
public static void merge(JsonNode src, JsonNode target) {
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = src.fields();
    while (fields.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry = fields.next();
        JsonNode subNode = entry.getValue();
        switch (subNode.getNodeType()) {
            case OBJECT:
                writeObject(entry, target);
            case ARRAY:
                writeArray(entry, target);
            case STRING:
                updateObject(target, new TextNode(entry.getValue().textValue()), entry);
            case NUMBER:
                updateObject(target, new IntNode(entry.getValue().intValue()), entry);
            case BOOLEAN:
                updateObject(target, BooleanNode.valueOf(entry.getValue().booleanValue()), entry);
                logger.warn("Unrecognized data type {} "+subNode.getNodeType());
源代码28 项目: qconfig   文件: FileTemplateServiceImpl.java
private String dealDefaultConfig(String detail, String defaultConfig) {
    try {
        ObjectNode defaultNode = (ObjectNode) MAPPER.readTree(defaultConfig);
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = defaultNode.fields();
        Map<String, String> defaults = Maps.newHashMap();
        Map<String, String> readonly = Maps.newHashMap();
        while (fields.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field = fields.next();
            defaults.put(field.getKey(), field.getValue().get(TemplateContants.DEFAULT).asText());
            readonly.put(field.getKey(), field.getValue().get(TemplateContants.READONLY).asText());

        ObjectNode detailNode = (ObjectNode) MAPPER.readTree(detail);
        JsonNode columns = detailNode.get(Constants.COLUMNS);
        for (JsonNode node : columns) {
            ObjectNode columnNode = (ObjectNode) node;
            String name = columnNode.get(TemplateContants.NAME).asText();
            if (defaults.containsKey(name)) {
                columnNode.set(TemplateContants.DEFAULT, new TextNode(defaults.get(name)));
        return MAPPER.writeValueAsString(detailNode);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("parse template with default error, default is [%s], detail is [%s]", defaultConfig, detail, e);
        throw new IllegalStateException("解析模版失败");
源代码29 项目: helios   文件: ApiTest.java
 * Verify that the Helios master generates and returns a hash if the submitted job creation
 * request does not include one.
public void testHashLessJobCreation() throws Exception {

  final Job job = Job.newBuilder()

  // Remove the hash from the id in the json serialized job
  final ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) Json.reader().readTree(Json.asString(job));
  json.set("id", TextNode.valueOf(testJobName + ":" + testJobVersion));

  final HttpURLConnection req = post("/jobs?user=" + TEST_USER,

  assertEquals(req.getResponseCode(), 200);

  final CreateJobResponse res = Json.read(toByteArray(req.getInputStream()),

  assertEquals(OK, res.getStatus());
  assertEquals(job.getId().toString(), res.getId());
源代码30 项目: jslt   文件: BuiltinFunctions.java
public JsonNode call(JsonNode input, JsonNode[] arguments) {
  String string = NodeUtils.toString(arguments[0], true);
  if (string == null)
    return NullNode.instance;

  String regexp = NodeUtils.toString(arguments[1], false);
  String sep = NodeUtils.toString(arguments[2], false);

  Pattern p = getRegexp(regexp);
  Matcher m = p.matcher(string);
  char[] buf = new char[string.length() * Math.max(sep.length(), 1)];
  int pos = 0; // next untouched character in input
  int bufix = 0; // next unwritten character in buf

  while (m.find(pos)) {
    // we found another match, and now matcher state has been updated
    if (m.start() == m.end())
      throw new JsltException("Regexp " + regexp + " in replace() matched empty string in '" + arguments[0] + "'");

    // if there was text between pos and start of match, copy to output
    if (pos < m.start())
      bufix = copy(string, buf, bufix, pos, m.start());

    // copy sep to output (corresponds with the match)
    bufix = copy(sep, buf, bufix, 0, sep.length());

    // step over match
    pos = m.end();

  if (pos == 0 && arguments[0].isTextual())
    // there were matches, so the string hasn't changed
    return arguments[0];
  else if (pos < string.length())
    // there was text remaining after the end of the last match. must copy
    bufix = copy(string, buf, bufix, pos, string.length());

  return new TextNode(new String(buf, 0, bufix));