

源代码1 项目: bistoury   文件: BeanSerializerFactory.java
 * Method called to create a type information serializer for values of given
 * non-container property
 * if one is needed. If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured), should
 * return null.
 * @param baseType Declared type to use as the base type for type information serializer
 * @return Type serializer to use for property values, if one is needed; null if not.
public TypeSerializer findPropertyTypeSerializer(JavaType baseType,
                                                 SerializationConfig config, AnnotatedMember accessor)
        throws JsonMappingException
    AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyTypeResolver(config, accessor, baseType);
    TypeSerializer typeSer;

    // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check value class
    if (b == null) {
        typeSer = createTypeSerializer(config, baseType);
    } else {
        Collection<NamedType> subtypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(
                config, accessor, baseType);
        typeSer = b.buildTypeSerializer(config, baseType, subtypes);
    return typeSer;
源代码2 项目: bistoury   文件: BeanSerializerFactory.java
 * Method called to create a type information serializer for values of given
 * container property
 * if one is needed. If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured), should
 * return null.
 * @param containerType Declared type of the container to use as the base type for type information serializer
 * @return Type serializer to use for property value contents, if one is needed; null if not.
public TypeSerializer findPropertyContentTypeSerializer(JavaType containerType,
                                                        SerializationConfig config, AnnotatedMember accessor)
        throws JsonMappingException
    JavaType contentType = containerType.getContentType();
    AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyContentTypeResolver(config, accessor, containerType);
    TypeSerializer typeSer;

    // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check value class
    if (b == null) {
        typeSer = createTypeSerializer(config, contentType);
    } else {
        Collection<NamedType> subtypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(config,
                accessor, contentType);
        typeSer = b.buildTypeSerializer(config, contentType, subtypes);
    return typeSer;
源代码3 项目: momentsketch   文件: MomentSketchModule.java
public List<? extends Module> getJacksonModules()
  return ImmutableList.of(
      new SimpleModule(getClass().getSimpleName()
              new NamedType(
              new NamedType(
              new NamedType(
              MomentSketchWrapper.class, new MomentSketchJsonSerializer()
 * {@inheritDoc}
public ExtensionClientOutput<?> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {

    String name = p.getParsingContext().getCurrentName();
    if (name == null) {
        name = p.getParsingContext().getParent().getCurrentName();

    DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig();
    AnnotatedClass annotatedClass = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config, ExtensionClientOutput.class);
    Collection<NamedType> namedTypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(config, annotatedClass);

    for (NamedType namedType : namedTypes) {
        if (Objects.equals(namedType.getName(), name)) {
            return (ExtensionClientOutput<?>) ctxt.readValue(p, namedType.getType());

    logger.warn("Unknown extension '{}' is contained.", name);
    return ctxt.readValue(p, UnknownExtensionClientOutput.class);
 * {@inheritDoc}
public RegistrationExtensionClientInput<?> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {

    String name = p.getParsingContext().getCurrentName();
    if (name == null) {
        name = p.getParsingContext().getParent().getCurrentName();

    DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig();
    AnnotatedClass annotatedClass = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config, RegistrationExtensionClientInput.class);
    Collection<NamedType> namedTypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(config, annotatedClass);

    for (NamedType namedType : namedTypes) {
        if (Objects.equals(namedType.getName(), name)) {
            return (RegistrationExtensionClientInput<?>) ctxt.readValue(p, namedType.getType());

    logger.warn("Unknown extension '{}' is contained.", name);
    return ctxt.readValue(p, UnknownExtensionClientInput.class);
 * {@inheritDoc}
public ExtensionAuthenticatorOutput<?> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {

    String name = p.getParsingContext().getCurrentName();
    if (name == null) {
        name = p.getParsingContext().getParent().getCurrentName();

    DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig();
    AnnotatedClass annotatedClass = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config, ExtensionAuthenticatorOutput.class);
    Collection<NamedType> namedTypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(config, annotatedClass);

    for (NamedType namedType : namedTypes) {
        if (Objects.equals(namedType.getName(), name)) {
            return (ExtensionAuthenticatorOutput<?>) ctxt.readValue(p, namedType.getType());

    logger.warn("Unknown extension '{}' is contained.", name);
    return ctxt.readValue(p, UnknownExtensionAuthenticatorOutput.class);
源代码7 项目: foxtrot   文件: TestUtils.java
public static void registerActions(AnalyticsLoader analyticsLoader, ObjectMapper mapper) throws Exception {
    Reflections reflections = new Reflections("com.flipkart.foxtrot", new SubTypesScanner());
    Set<Class<? extends Action>> actions = reflections.getSubTypesOf(Action.class);
    if(actions.isEmpty()) {
        throw new Exception("No analytics actions found!!");
    List<NamedType> types = new Vector<>();
    for(Class<? extends Action> action : actions) {
        AnalyticsProvider analyticsProvider = action.getAnnotation(AnalyticsProvider.class);
        final String opcode = analyticsProvider.opcode();
        if(Strings.isNullOrEmpty(opcode)) {
            throw new Exception("Invalid annotation on " + action.getCanonicalName());

                new ActionMetadata(analyticsProvider.request(), action, analyticsProvider.cacheable()), analyticsProvider.opcode());
        if(analyticsProvider.cacheable()) {
        types.add(new NamedType(analyticsProvider.request(), opcode));
        types.add(new NamedType(analyticsProvider.response(), opcode));
        logger.info("Registered action: " + action.getCanonicalName());
            .registerSubtypes(types.toArray(new NamedType[types.size()]));
 * {@inheritDoc}
public AuthenticationExtensionClientInput<?> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {

    String name = p.getParsingContext().getCurrentName();
    if (name == null) {
        name = p.getParsingContext().getParent().getCurrentName();

    DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig();
    AnnotatedClass annotatedClass = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config, AuthenticationExtensionClientInput.class);
    Collection<NamedType> namedTypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(config, annotatedClass);

    for (NamedType namedType : namedTypes) {
        if (Objects.equals(namedType.getName(), name)) {
            return (AuthenticationExtensionClientInput<?>) ctxt.readValue(p, namedType.getType());

    logger.warn("Unknown extension '{}' is contained.", name);
    return ctxt.readValue(p, UnknownExtensionClientInput.class);
源代码9 项目: lams   文件: StdSubtypeResolver.java
public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(MapperConfig<?> config,
        AnnotatedClass type)
    final AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    HashMap<NamedType, NamedType> subtypes = new HashMap<NamedType, NamedType>();
    // then consider registered subtypes (which have precedence over annotations)
    if (_registeredSubtypes != null) {
        Class<?> rawBase = type.getRawType();
        for (NamedType subtype : _registeredSubtypes) {
            // is it a subtype of root type?
            if (rawBase.isAssignableFrom(subtype.getType())) { // yes
                AnnotatedClass curr = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config,
                _collectAndResolve(curr, subtype, config, ai, subtypes);
    // and then check subtypes via annotations from base type (recursively)
    NamedType rootType = new NamedType(type.getRawType(), null);
    _collectAndResolve(type, rootType, config, ai, subtypes);
    return new ArrayList<NamedType>(subtypes.values());
源代码10 项目: lams   文件: StdSubtypeResolver.java
public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypesByTypeId(MapperConfig<?> config,
        AnnotatedClass baseType)
    final Class<?> rawBase = baseType.getRawType();
    Set<Class<?>> typesHandled = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
    Map<String,NamedType> byName = new LinkedHashMap<String,NamedType>();

    NamedType rootType = new NamedType(rawBase, null);
    _collectAndResolveByTypeId(baseType, rootType, config, typesHandled, byName);
    if (_registeredSubtypes != null) {
        for (NamedType subtype : _registeredSubtypes) {
            // is it a subtype of root type?
            if (rawBase.isAssignableFrom(subtype.getType())) { // yes
                AnnotatedClass curr = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config,
                _collectAndResolveByTypeId(curr, subtype, config, typesHandled, byName);
    return _combineNamedAndUnnamed(rawBase, typesHandled, byName);
源代码11 项目: lams   文件: StdSubtypeResolver.java
 * Helper method used for merging explicitly named types and handled classes
 * without explicit names.
protected Collection<NamedType> _combineNamedAndUnnamed(Class<?> rawBase,
        Set<Class<?>> typesHandled, Map<String,NamedType> byName)
    ArrayList<NamedType> result = new ArrayList<NamedType>(byName.values());

    // Ok, so... we will figure out which classes have no explicitly assigned name,
    // by removing Classes from Set. And for remaining classes, add an anonymous
    // marker
    for (NamedType t : byName.values()) {
    for (Class<?> cls : typesHandled) {
        // 27-Apr-2017, tatu: [databind#1616] Do not add base type itself unless
        //     it is concrete (or has explicit type name)
        if ((cls == rawBase) && Modifier.isAbstract(cls.getModifiers())) {
        result.add(new NamedType(cls));
    return result;
源代码12 项目: lams   文件: BeanSerializerFactory.java
 * Method called to create a type information serializer for values of given
 * non-container property
 * if one is needed. If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured), should
 * return null.
 * @param baseType Declared type to use as the base type for type information serializer
 * @return Type serializer to use for property values, if one is needed; null if not.
public TypeSerializer findPropertyTypeSerializer(JavaType baseType,
        SerializationConfig config, AnnotatedMember accessor)
    throws JsonMappingException
    AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyTypeResolver(config, accessor, baseType);        
    TypeSerializer typeSer;

    // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check value class
    if (b == null) {
        typeSer = createTypeSerializer(config, baseType);
    } else {
        Collection<NamedType> subtypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(
                config, accessor, baseType);
        typeSer = b.buildTypeSerializer(config, baseType, subtypes);
    return typeSer;
源代码13 项目: lams   文件: BeanSerializerFactory.java
 * Method called to create a type information serializer for values of given
 * container property
 * if one is needed. If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured), should
 * return null.
 * @param containerType Declared type of the container to use as the base type for type information serializer
 * @return Type serializer to use for property value contents, if one is needed; null if not.
public TypeSerializer findPropertyContentTypeSerializer(JavaType containerType,
        SerializationConfig config, AnnotatedMember accessor)
    throws JsonMappingException
    JavaType contentType = containerType.getContentType();
    AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyContentTypeResolver(config, accessor, containerType);        
    TypeSerializer typeSer;

    // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check value class
    if (b == null) {
        typeSer = createTypeSerializer(config, contentType);
    } else {
        Collection<NamedType> subtypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(config,
                accessor, contentType);
        typeSer = b.buildTypeSerializer(config, contentType, subtypes);
    return typeSer;
源代码14 项目: lams   文件: BasicSerializerFactory.java
 * Method called to construct a type serializer for values with given declared
 * base type. This is called for values other than those of bean property
 * types.
public TypeSerializer createTypeSerializer(SerializationConfig config,
        JavaType baseType)
    BeanDescription bean = config.introspectClassAnnotations(baseType.getRawClass());
    AnnotatedClass ac = bean.getClassInfo();
    AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findTypeResolver(config, ac, baseType);
    /* Ok: if there is no explicit type info handler, we may want to
     * use a default. If so, config object knows what to use.
    Collection<NamedType> subtypes = null;
    if (b == null) {
        b = config.getDefaultTyper(baseType);
    } else {
        subtypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByClass(config, ac);
    if (b == null) {
        return null;
    // 10-Jun-2015, tatu: Since not created for Bean Property, no need for post-processing
    return b.buildTypeSerializer(config, baseType, subtypes);
源代码15 项目: storm-example   文件: DruidStateFactory.java
private static synchronized void startRealtime() {
    if (rn == null) {
        final Lifecycle lifecycle = new Lifecycle();
        rn = RealtimeNode.builder().build();
        rn.registerJacksonSubtype(new NamedType(StormFirehoseFactory.class, "storm"));
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                LOG.info("Running shutdown hook");

        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            LOG.info("Throwable caught at startup, committing seppuku", t);
源代码16 项目: lams   文件: BasicDeserializerFactory.java
 * Method called to create a type information deserializer for values of
 * given non-container property, if one is needed.
 * If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured for property), should return null.
 * Note that this method is only called for non-container bean properties,
 * and not for values in container types or root values (or container properties)
 * @param baseType Declared base type of the value to deserializer (actual
 *    deserializer type will be this type or its subtype)
 * @return Type deserializer to use for given base type, if one is needed; null if not.
public TypeDeserializer findPropertyTypeDeserializer(DeserializationConfig config,
        JavaType baseType, AnnotatedMember annotated)
    throws JsonMappingException
    AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyTypeResolver(config, annotated, baseType);        
    // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check value class
    if (b == null) {
        return findTypeDeserializer(config, baseType);
    // but if annotations found, may need to resolve subtypes:
    Collection<NamedType> subtypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByTypeId(
            config, annotated, baseType);
    return b.buildTypeDeserializer(config, baseType, subtypes);
源代码17 项目: lams   文件: BasicDeserializerFactory.java
 * Method called to find and create a type information deserializer for values of
 * given container (list, array, map) property, if one is needed.
 * If not needed (no polymorphic handling configured for property), should return null.
 * Note that this method is only called for container bean properties,
 * and not for values in container types or root values (or non-container properties)
 * @param containerType Type of property; must be a container type
 * @param propertyEntity Field or method that contains container property
public TypeDeserializer findPropertyContentTypeDeserializer(DeserializationConfig config,
        JavaType containerType, AnnotatedMember propertyEntity)
    throws JsonMappingException
    AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = ai.findPropertyContentTypeResolver(config, propertyEntity, containerType);        
    JavaType contentType = containerType.getContentType();
    // Defaulting: if no annotations on member, check class
    if (b == null) {
        return findTypeDeserializer(config, contentType);
    // but if annotations found, may need to resolve subtypes:
    Collection<NamedType> subtypes = config.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypesByTypeId(
            config, propertyEntity, contentType);
    return b.buildTypeDeserializer(config, contentType, subtypes);
public DynamicConfigApiJsonModule() {
  super(DynamicConfigApiJsonModule.class.getSimpleName(), new Version(1, 0, 0, null, null, null));

      new NamedType(ClusterActivationNomadChange.class, "ClusterActivationNomadChange"),
      new NamedType(MultiSettingNomadChange.class, "MultiSettingNomadChange"),
      new NamedType(NodeAdditionNomadChange.class, "NodeAdditionNomadChange"),
      new NamedType(ClusterActivationNomadChange.class, "ClusterActivationNomadChange"),
      new NamedType(NodeRemovalNomadChange.class, "NodeRemovalNomadChange"),
      new NamedType(SettingNomadChange.class, "SettingNomadChange"));

  setMixInAnnotation(NodeNomadChange.class, NodeNomadChangeMixin.class);
  setMixInAnnotation(Applicability.class, ApplicabilityMixin.class);
  setMixInAnnotation(ClusterActivationNomadChange.class, ClusterActivationNomadChangeMixin.class);
  setMixInAnnotation(MultiSettingNomadChange.class, MultiSettingNomadChangeMixin.class);
  setMixInAnnotation(NodeAdditionNomadChange.class, NodeAdditionNomadChangeMixin.class);
  setMixInAnnotation(NodeRemovalNomadChange.class, NodeRemovalNomadChangeMixin.class);
  setMixInAnnotation(SettingNomadChange.class, SettingNomadChangeMixin.class);
源代码19 项目: storm-example   文件: DruidStateFactory.java
private static synchronized void startRealtime() {
    if (rn == null) {
        final Lifecycle lifecycle = new Lifecycle();
        rn = RealtimeNode.builder().build();
        rn.registerJacksonSubtype(new NamedType(StormFirehoseFactory.class, "storm"));
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                LOG.info("Running shutdown hook");

        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            LOG.info("Throwable caught at startup, committing seppuku", t);
public TypeSerializer buildTypeSerializer(SerializationConfig config, JavaType baseType,
		Collection<NamedType> subtypes) {

	isAutowiredFiledInitialized = (this.capitalizer != null);
	return super.buildTypeSerializer(config, baseType, subtypes);
源代码21 项目: staccato   文件: ExtensionConfig.java
 * The following code is necessary for Jackson to understand what implementation class to deserialize item
 * properties to.  It creates a mapping inside of Jackson between the properties implementation class and the
 * id of the collection
public void init() {

    mapper.addMixIn(Item.class, ItemMixin.class);
    collectionMetadataList.forEach(metadata -> {
        NamedType namedType = new NamedType(metadata.getProperties().getClass(), metadata.getId());

    // TODO -- this isn't being set from the main initializer for some reason???
public TypeSerializer buildTypeSerializer(SerializationConfig config, JavaType baseType,
		Collection<NamedType> subtypes) {

	isAutowiredFiledInitialized = (this.capitalizer != null);
	return super.buildTypeSerializer(config, baseType, subtypes);
public ObjectConverter objectConverter() {
    ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    jsonMapper.registerModule(new WebAuthnMetadataJSONModule());
    jsonMapper.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(ExampleExtensionClientInput.class, ExampleExtensionClientInput.ID));
    ObjectMapper cborMapper = new ObjectMapper(new CBORFactory());
    cborMapper.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(ExampleExtensionAuthenticatorOutput.class, ExampleExtensionAuthenticatorOutput.ID));
    return new ObjectConverter(jsonMapper, cborMapper);
源代码24 项目: webauthn4j   文件: WebAuthnJSONModule.java
public WebAuthnJSONModule(ObjectConverter objectConverter) {

    this.addDeserializer(Challenge.class, new ChallengeDeserializer());
    this.addDeserializer(ExtensionClientInput.class, new ExtensionClientInputDeserializer());
    this.addDeserializer(RegistrationExtensionClientInput.class, new RegistrationExtensionClientInputDeserializer());
    this.addDeserializer(AuthenticationExtensionClientInput.class, new AuthenticationExtensionClientInputDeserializer());
    this.addDeserializer(ExtensionClientOutput.class, new ExtensionClientOutputDeserializer());
    this.addDeserializer(UnknownExtensionClientInput.class, new UnknownExtensionClientInputDeserializer());
    this.addDeserializer(UnknownExtensionClientOutput.class, new UnknownExtensionClientOutputDeserializer());
    this.addDeserializer(JWS.class, new JWSDeserializer(objectConverter));
    this.addDeserializer(X509Certificate.class, new X509CertificateDeserializer());

    this.addSerializer(new ChallengeSerializer());
    this.addSerializer(new JWSSerializer());
    this.addSerializer(new X509CertificateSerializer());

    // client extension inputs
    this.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(CredentialPropertiesExtensionClientInput.class, CredentialPropertiesExtensionClientInput.ID));
    this.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(FIDOAppIDExtensionClientInput.class, FIDOAppIDExtensionClientInput.ID));

    // client extension outputs
    this.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(CredentialPropertiesExtensionClientOutput.class, CredentialPropertiesExtensionClientOutput.ID));
    this.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(FIDOAppIDExtensionClientOutput.class, FIDOAppIDExtensionClientOutput.ID));

public T deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException {
  ObjectCodec objectCodec = jsonParser.getCodec();
  ObjectNode objectNode = objectCodec.readTree(jsonParser);

  String typeValue = null;
  JsonNode type = objectNode.get(TYPE_PROPERTY);
  if (type != null) {
    typeValue = type.asText();

    if (STRING_PROPERTY_VALUE.equals(typeValue)) {
      if (objectNode.get(ENUM_PROPERTY) != null) {
        typeValue = "enum";
  } else {
    if (objectNode.get(REF_PROPERTY) != null) {
      typeValue = "ref";

  if (typeValue == null) {
    throw new JsonParseException(jsonParser, "Unknown object type.");

  DeserializationConfig config = context.getConfig();

  AnnotatedClass annotatedClass =
      AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config, handledType());
  List<NamedType> subtypes = config.getAnnotationIntrospector().findSubtypes(annotatedClass);

  for (NamedType namedType : subtypes) {
    if (typeValue.equals(namedType.getName())) {
      return (T) objectCodec.treeToValue(objectNode, namedType.getType());

  throw new JsonParseException(jsonParser, "Unknown object type " + typeValue + ".");
public TypeSerializer buildTypeSerializer(SerializationConfig config, JavaType baseType, Collection<NamedType> subtypes) {
    //Copied this code from parent class, StdTypeResolverBuilder with same method name
    TypeIdResolver idRes = this.idResolver(config, baseType, subtypes, true, false);
    // have to escape "." in the middle of the "odata.type" otherwise it will be serialized to "odata": { "type":"Value"} JSON
    String escapedString = this._typeProperty.replace(".", "\\.");
    return new AsPropertyTypeSerializer(idRes, (BeanProperty) null, escapedString);
源代码27 项目: lams   文件: StdSubtypeResolver.java
public void registerSubtypes(NamedType... types) {
    if (_registeredSubtypes == null) {
        _registeredSubtypes = new LinkedHashSet<NamedType>();
    for (NamedType type : types) {
源代码28 项目: lams   文件: StdSubtypeResolver.java
public void registerSubtypes(Class<?>... classes) {
    NamedType[] types = new NamedType[classes.length];
    for (int i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; ++i) {
        types[i] = new NamedType(classes[i]);
源代码29 项目: lams   文件: StdSubtypeResolver.java
@Override // since 2.9
public void registerSubtypes(Collection<Class<?>> subtypes) {
    int len = subtypes.size();
    NamedType[] types = new NamedType[len];
    int i = 0;
    for (Class<?> subtype : subtypes) {
        types[i++] = new NamedType(subtype);
源代码30 项目: lams   文件: StdSubtypeResolver.java
public Collection<NamedType> collectAndResolveSubtypesByTypeId(MapperConfig<?> config, 
        AnnotatedMember property, JavaType baseType)
    final AnnotationIntrospector ai = config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
    Class<?> rawBase = baseType.getRawClass();

    // Need to keep track of classes that have been handled already 
    Set<Class<?>> typesHandled = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
    Map<String,NamedType> byName = new LinkedHashMap<String,NamedType>();

    // start with lowest-precedence, which is from type hierarchy
    NamedType rootType = new NamedType(rawBase, null);
    AnnotatedClass ac = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config,
    _collectAndResolveByTypeId(ac, rootType, config, typesHandled, byName);
    // then with definitions from property
    if (property != null) {
        Collection<NamedType> st = ai.findSubtypes(property);
        if (st != null) {
            for (NamedType nt : st) {
                ac = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config, nt.getType());
                _collectAndResolveByTypeId(ac, nt, config, typesHandled, byName);
    // and finally explicit type registrations (highest precedence)
    if (_registeredSubtypes != null) {
        for (NamedType subtype : _registeredSubtypes) {
            // is it a subtype of root type?
            if (rawBase.isAssignableFrom(subtype.getType())) { // yes
                AnnotatedClass curr = AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config,
                _collectAndResolveByTypeId(curr, subtype, config, typesHandled, byName);
    return _combineNamedAndUnnamed(rawBase, typesHandled, byName);