

Solution(File inputSpecFile) {
  name = relativePathFunction(ROOT, inputSpecFile);
  solutionFolder =
      new File(TESTDATA_PATH + relativePathFunction(ROOT, inputSpecFile.getParentFile()));
  goldenFolder = new File(solutionFolder, "golden");
  solutionPackage =
          new Supplier<SolutionPackage>() {
            public SolutionPackage get() {
              try {
                DeploymentPackageInput.Builder input = DeploymentPackageInput.newBuilder();
                        Files.asCharSource(inputSpecFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).read(),
                return Autogen.getInstance()
                        input.build(), SharedSupportFilesStrategy.INCLUDED);
              } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码2 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件: GenericTestUtils.java
 * Wait for the specified test to return true. The test will be performed
 * initially and then every {@code checkEveryMillis} until at least
 * {@code waitForMillis} time has expired. If {@code check} is null or
 * {@code waitForMillis} is less than {@code checkEveryMillis} this method
 * will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
 * @param check            the test to perform
 * @param checkEveryMillis how often to perform the test
 * @param waitForMillis    the amount of time after which no more tests
 *                         will be
 *                         performed
 * @throws TimeoutException     if the test does not return true in the
 *                              allotted
 *                              time
 * @throws InterruptedException if the method is interrupted while waiting
public static void waitFor(Supplier<Boolean> check, int checkEveryMillis,
    int waitForMillis) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException {
  Preconditions.checkNotNull(check, ERROR_MISSING_ARGUMENT);
  Preconditions.checkArgument(waitForMillis >= checkEveryMillis,

  long st = monotonicNow();
  boolean result = check.get();

  while (!result && (monotonicNow() - st < waitForMillis)) {
    result = check.get();

  if (!result) {
    throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for condition. " +
        "Thread diagnostics:\n" +
源代码3 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件: XceiverClientRatis.java
private CompletableFuture<RaftClientReply> sendRequestAsync(
    ContainerCommandRequestProto request) {
  return TracingUtil.executeInNewSpan(
      "XceiverClientRatis." + request.getCmdType().name(),
      (Supplier<CompletableFuture<RaftClientReply>>) () -> {
        final ContainerCommandRequestMessage message
            = ContainerCommandRequestMessage.toMessage(
            request, TracingUtil.exportCurrentSpan());
        if (HddsUtils.isReadOnly(request)) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("sendCommandAsync ReadOnly {}", message);
          return getClient().sendReadOnlyAsync(message);
        } else {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("sendCommandAsync {}", message);
          return getClient().sendAsync(message);


源代码4 项目: Camera2   文件: ObservableCombiner.java
 * Transforms a set of input observables with a function.
 * @param inputs   The input observables.
 * @param function The function to apply to all of the inputs.
 * @param <I>      The type of all inputs values.
 * @param <O>      The type of the output values.
 * @return An observable which will reflect the combination of all inputs
 * with the given function. Changes in the output value will result
 * in calls to any callbacks registered with the output.
static <I, O> Observable<O> transform(final List<? extends Observable<I>> inputs,
                                      final Function<List<I>, O> function)
    return new ObservableCombiner<>(inputs, new Supplier<O>()
        public O get()
            ArrayList<I> deps = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Observable<? extends I> dependency : inputs)
            return function.apply(deps);
源代码5 项目: grpc-nebula-java   文件: ProxyDetectorImplTest.java
public void setUp() throws Exception {
  proxySelectorSupplier = new Supplier<ProxySelector>() {
    public ProxySelector get() {
      return proxySelector;
  proxyDetector = new ProxyDetectorImpl(proxySelectorSupplier, authenticator, null);
  int proxyPort = 1234;
  unresolvedProxy = InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved("", proxyPort);
  proxyParmeters = new ProxyParameters(
      new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(unresolvedProxy.getHostName()), proxyPort),
源代码6 项目: qconfig   文件: ConfigStoreImpl.java
private void init() {
    configCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
            .expireAfterAccess(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            .build(new CacheLoader<VersionData<ConfigMeta>, ChecksumData<String>>() {
                public ChecksumData<String> load(VersionData<ConfigMeta> configId) throws ConfigNotFoundException {
                    return loadConfig(configId);

    Metrics.gauge("configFile_notFound_cache_hitRate", new Supplier<Double>() {
        public Double get() {
            return configCache.stats().hitRate();
源代码7 项目: arcusplatform   文件: PacketSchedulerTestCase.java
public void testQueueDrops() throws Exception {
   final int TEST_SIZE = 1000000;
   Supplier<DropCounter> dropSupplier = Suppliers.memoize(DropCounterSupplier.INSTANCE);
   DropCounter drops = dropSupplier.get();

   T scheduler = createPacketScheduler()

   PacketScheduler.Producer<Packet> producer = scheduler.attach();
   for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; ++i) {
      Packet sent1 = new Packet(i);

      Packet sent2 = new Packet(TEST_SIZE+i);

      Packet recv = scheduler.poll();
      assertSame("received an unexpected packet", sent1, recv);

   assertEquals("queue dropped packets", TEST_SIZE, drops.get());
源代码8 项目: Quicksql   文件: EnumerableDefaults.java
 * Returns elements of {@code outer} for which there is (semi-join) / is not (anti-semi-join)
 * a member of {@code inner} with a matching key. A specified
 * {@code EqualityComparer<TSource>} is used to compare keys.
private static <TSource, TInner, TKey> Enumerable<TSource> semiEquiJoin_(
    final Enumerable<TSource> outer, final Enumerable<TInner> inner,
    final Function1<TSource, TKey> outerKeySelector,
    final Function1<TInner, TKey> innerKeySelector,
    final EqualityComparer<TKey> comparer,
    final boolean anti) {
  return new AbstractEnumerable<TSource>() {
    public Enumerator<TSource> enumerator() {
      // CALCITE-2909 Delay the computation of the innerLookup until the moment when we are sure
      // that it will be really needed, i.e. when the first outer enumerator item is processed
      final Supplier<Enumerable<TKey>> innerLookup = Suppliers.memoize(() ->
          comparer == null
              ? inner.select(innerKeySelector).distinct()
              : inner.select(innerKeySelector).distinct(comparer));

      final Predicate1<TSource> predicate = anti
          ? v0 -> !innerLookup.get().contains(outerKeySelector.apply(v0))
          : v0 -> innerLookup.get().contains(outerKeySelector.apply(v0));

      return EnumerableDefaults.where(outer.enumerator(), predicate);
源代码9 项目: kylin-on-parquet-v2   文件: OLAPValuesRel.java
/** Creates an OLAPValuesRel. */
public static OLAPValuesRel create(RelOptCluster cluster, final RelDataType rowType,
        final ImmutableList<ImmutableList<RexLiteral>> tuples) {
    final RelMetadataQuery mq = cluster.getMetadataQuery();
    final RelTraitSet traitSet = cluster.traitSetOf(OLAPRel.CONVENTION)
            .replaceIfs(RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE, new Supplier<List<RelCollation>>() {
                public List<RelCollation> get() {
                    return RelMdCollation.values(mq, rowType, tuples);
            }).replaceIf(RelDistributionTraitDef.INSTANCE, new Supplier<RelDistribution>() {
                public RelDistribution get() {
                    return RelMdDistribution.values(rowType, tuples);
    return new OLAPValuesRel(cluster, rowType, tuples, traitSet);
源代码10 项目: kylin-on-parquet-v2   文件: OLAPProjectRule.java
public RelNode convert(final RelNode rel) {

    //  KYLIN-3281
    //  OLAPProjectRule can't normal working with projectRel[input=sortRel]
    final LogicalProject project = (LogicalProject) rel;
    final RelNode convertChild = convert(project.getInput(),
    final RelOptCluster cluster = convertChild.getCluster();
    final RelTraitSet traitSet = cluster.traitSet().replace(OLAPRel.CONVENTION)
            .replaceIfs(RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE, new Supplier<List<RelCollation>>() {
                public List<RelCollation> get() {
                    //  CALCITE-88
                    return RelMdCollation.project(cluster.getMetadataQuery(), convertChild, project.getProjects());
    return new OLAPProjectRel(convertChild.getCluster(), traitSet, convertChild, project.getProjects(),
源代码11 项目: nexus-repository-helm   文件: HelmFacetImpl.java
 * Save an asset and create blob.
 * @return blob content
public Content saveAsset(final StorageTx tx,
                          final Asset asset,
                          final Supplier<InputStream> contentSupplier,
                          final Payload payload)
  try {
    if (payload instanceof Content) {
      AttributesMap contentAttributes = ((Content) payload).getAttributes();
      String contentType = payload.getContentType();
      return saveAsset(tx, asset, contentSupplier, contentType, contentAttributes);
    return saveAsset(tx, asset, contentSupplier, null, null);
  catch (IOException ex) {
    log.warn("Could not set blob {}", ex.getMessage(), ex);
    return null;
源代码12 项目: arcusplatform   文件: GatewayNetty.java
public static Provider create() {
   Supplier<String> nettyProvider = ConfigService.supplier("iris.gateway.provider", String.class, "");
   switch (nettyProvider.get()) {
   case "epoll":
      if (Epoll.isAvailable()) {
         log.debug("using netty epoll provider for gateway connection");
         return epoll();
      } else {
         if (!"".equals(nettyProvider.get())) {
            log.warn("netty epoll provider requested but not available, using nio for gateway connection:", Epoll.unavailabilityCause());
         } else {
            log.debug("using netty nio provider for gateway connection");
         return nio();

   case "":
   case "nio":
      log.debug("using netty nio provider for gateway connection");
      return nio();

      log.warn("unknown netty provider, using nio by default");
      return nio();
源代码13 项目: arcusplatform   文件: FairQueuingPacketScheduler.java
public FairQueuingPacketScheduler(
   NetworkClock clock,
   RateLimiter outputRateLimit,
   RateLimiters.Builder<? extends RateLimiter> queueRateLimiter,
   Supplier<? extends BlockingQueue<T>> queueSupplier,
   Supplier<? extends PacketScheduler.PacketDropHandler<? super T>> dropHandler,
   Supplier<? extends PacketScheduler.QueueStateHandler<? super T>> queueHandler,
   double lowWatermarkPercent,
   double highWatermarkPercent,
   boolean blocking
   ) {
   this.clock = clock;
   this.outputRateLimit = outputRateLimit;
   this.queueRateLimiter = queueRateLimiter;
   this.queueSupplier = queueSupplier;
   this.dropHandler = dropHandler;
   this.queueHandler = queueHandler;
   this.lowWatermarkPercent = lowWatermarkPercent;
   this.highWatermarkPercent = highWatermarkPercent;
   this.blocking = blocking;

   this.next = new AtomicInteger(0);
   this.available = new Semaphore(0);
   this.producers = new ArrayList<>();
源代码14 项目: Camera2   文件: ControlModeSelector.java
public ControlModeSelector(
        Supplier<Boolean> hdrSetting,
        Supplier<FaceDetectMode> faceDetectMode,
        SupportedHardwareLevel supportedHardwareLevel)
    mHdrSetting = hdrSetting;
    mFaceDetectMode = faceDetectMode;
    mSupportedHardwareLevel = supportedHardwareLevel;
源代码15 项目: nexus-repository-p2   文件: P2FacetImpl.java
 * Save an asset && create blob.
 * @return blob content
public Content saveAsset(final StorageTx tx,
                         final Asset asset,
                         final Supplier<InputStream> contentSupplier,
                         final Payload payload) throws IOException
  AttributesMap contentAttributes = null;
  String contentType = null;
  if (payload instanceof Content) {
    contentAttributes = ((Content) payload).getAttributes();
    contentType = payload.getContentType();
  return saveAsset(tx, asset, contentSupplier, contentType, contentAttributes);
源代码16 项目: qmq   文件: PushConsumerImpl.java
PushConsumerImpl(String subject, String group, RegistParam param) {
    super(param.getExecutor(), param.getMessageListener());
    this.consumeParam = new ConsumeParam(subject, group, param);

    String[] values = {subject, group};
    Metrics.gauge("qmq_pull_buffer_size", SUBJECT_GROUP_ARRAY, values, new Supplier<Double>() {
        public Double get() {
            return (double) messageBuffer.size();
    this.createToHandleTimer = Metrics.timer("qmq_pull_createToHandle_timer", SUBJECT_GROUP_ARRAY, values);
    this.handleTimer = Metrics.timer("qmq_pull_handle_timer", SUBJECT_GROUP_ARRAY, values);
    this.handleFailCounter = Metrics.counter("qmq_pull_handleFail_count", SUBJECT_GROUP_ARRAY, values);
源代码17 项目: grpc-nebula-java   文件: OkHttpClientTransport.java
 * Create a transport connected to a fake peer for test.
    String userAgent,
    Executor executor,
    FrameReader frameReader,
    FrameWriter testFrameWriter,
    int nextStreamId,
    Socket socket,
    Supplier<Stopwatch> stopwatchFactory,
    @Nullable Runnable connectingCallback,
    SettableFuture<Void> connectedFuture,
    int maxMessageSize,
    int initialWindowSize,
    Runnable tooManyPingsRunnable,
    TransportTracer transportTracer) {
  address = null;
  this.maxMessageSize = maxMessageSize;
  this.initialWindowSize = initialWindowSize;
  defaultAuthority = "notarealauthority:80";
  this.userAgent = GrpcUtil.getGrpcUserAgent("okhttp", userAgent);
  this.executor = Preconditions.checkNotNull(executor, "executor");
  serializingExecutor = new SerializingExecutor(executor);
  this.testFrameReader = Preconditions.checkNotNull(frameReader, "frameReader");
  this.testFrameWriter = Preconditions.checkNotNull(testFrameWriter, "testFrameWriter");
  this.socket = Preconditions.checkNotNull(socket, "socket");
  this.nextStreamId = nextStreamId;
  this.stopwatchFactory = stopwatchFactory;
  this.connectionSpec = null;
  this.connectingCallback = connectingCallback;
  this.connectedFuture = Preconditions.checkNotNull(connectedFuture, "connectedFuture");
  this.proxy = null;
  this.tooManyPingsRunnable =
      Preconditions.checkNotNull(tooManyPingsRunnable, "tooManyPingsRunnable");
  this.maxInboundMetadataSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  this.transportTracer = Preconditions.checkNotNull(transportTracer, "transportTracer");
源代码18 项目: arcusplatform   文件: PacketSchedulerTestCase.java
public void testRateLimitsOutput() throws Exception {
   final int TEST_SIZE = 20;
   final double RATE_LIMIT = 10.0;
   final double EXPECTED_TIME = (double)TEST_SIZE / RATE_LIMIT;
   final double EPSILON = 0.100;

   Supplier<DropCounter> dropSupplier = Suppliers.memoize(DropCounterSupplier.INSTANCE);
   DropCounter drops = dropSupplier.get();

   T scheduler = createPacketScheduler()
      .setRateLimiter(RateLimiters.tokenBucket(1, RATE_LIMIT).setInitiallyEmpty())

   PacketScheduler.Producer<Packet> producer = scheduler.attach();
   for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; ++i) {
      Packet sent = new Packet(i);

   long start = System.nanoTime();
   for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; ++i) {
   long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start;
   double seconds = (double)elapsed / 1000000000.0;
   double epsilon = Math.abs(seconds - EXPECTED_TIME);

   assertEquals("queue dropped packets", 0, drops.get());
   assertTrue("execution time was different than expected: expected=" + EXPECTED_TIME + ", actual=" + seconds, epsilon < EPSILON);
源代码19 项目: grpc-nebula-java   文件: CensusStatsModule.java
 * Creates a {@link CensusStatsModule} with the default OpenCensus implementation.
CensusStatsModule(Supplier<Stopwatch> stopwatchSupplier, boolean propagateTags) {
源代码20 项目: arcusplatform   文件: PacketSchedulerTestCase.java
public void testRateLimitsProducers() throws Exception {
   final int TEST_SIZE = 20;
   final double RATE_LIMIT = 10.0;
   final double EXPECTED_TIME = (double)TEST_SIZE / RATE_LIMIT;
   final double EPSILON = 0.100;

   Supplier<DropCounter> dropSupplier = Suppliers.memoize(DropCounterSupplier.INSTANCE);
   DropCounter drops = dropSupplier.get();

   T scheduler = createPacketScheduler()
      .setProducerRateLimiter(RateLimiters.tokenBucket(1, RATE_LIMIT))

   PacketScheduler.Producer<Packet> producer = scheduler.attach();
   long start = System.nanoTime();
   for (int i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; ++i) {
      Packet sent = new Packet(i);
   long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start;
   double seconds = (double)elapsed / 1000000000.0;
   double epsilon = Math.abs(seconds - EXPECTED_TIME);

   assertEquals("queue dropped packets", 0, drops.get());
   assertTrue("execution time was different than expected: expected=" + EXPECTED_TIME + ", actual=" + seconds, epsilon < EPSILON);
源代码21 项目: Camera2   文件: RequestTemplate.java
 * Attaches the given value to all derived RequestBuilders. Note that the
 * value is polled when each new RequestBuilder is created.
public <T> RequestTemplate setParam(CaptureRequest.Key<T> key,
                                    Supplier<T> value)
    mParameters.add(new Parameter<T>(key, value));
    return this;
源代码22 项目: presto   文件: PrometheusClient.java
private static Supplier<Map<String, Object>> metricsSupplier(final JsonCodec<Map<String, Object>> metricsCodec, final URI metadataUri)
    return () -> {
        try {
            byte[] json = getHttpResponse(metadataUri).bytes();
            Map<String, Object> metrics = metricsCodec.fromJson(json);
            return metrics;
        catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException((IOException) e);
源代码23 项目: presto   文件: ExampleClient.java
private static Supplier<Map<String, Map<String, ExampleTable>>> schemasSupplier(final JsonCodec<Map<String, List<ExampleTable>>> catalogCodec, final URI metadataUri)
    return () -> {
        try {
            return lookupSchemas(metadataUri, catalogCodec);
        catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
源代码24 项目: Camera2   文件: FlashBasedPhotoCommand.java
FlashBasedPhotoCommand(Logger.Factory logFactory,
                       Supplier<OneCamera.PhotoCaptureParameters.Flash> flashMode,
                       ImageCaptureCommand flashOnCommand,
                       ImageCaptureCommand flashAutoCommand,
                       ImageCaptureCommand flashOffCommand)
    mLog = logFactory.create(new Log.Tag("FlashBasedPhotoCmd"));
    mFlashMode = flashMode;
    mFlashOnCommand = flashOnCommand;
    mFlashAutoCommand = flashAutoCommand;
    mFlashOffCommand = flashOffCommand;
源代码25 项目: Quicksql   文件: ArrayTable.java
/** Creates an ArrayTable. */
ArrayTable(Type elementType, RelProtoDataType protoRowType,
    Supplier<Content> supplier) {
  this.protoRowType = protoRowType;
  this.supplier = supplier;
源代码26 项目: hop   文件: ExtensionPointMap.java
 * Call the extension point(s) corresponding to the given id
 * <p>
 * This iteration was isolated here to protect against ConcurrentModificationException using PluginRegistry's lock
 * @param log    log channel to pass to extension point call
 * @param id     the id of the extension point interface
 * @param object object to pass to extension point call
public void callExtensionPoint( ILogChannel log, String id, Object object ) throws HopException {
  try {
    if ( extensionPointPluginMap.containsRow( id ) && !extensionPointPluginMap.rowMap().get( id ).values().isEmpty() ) {
      for ( Supplier<IExtensionPoint> extensionPoint : extensionPointPluginMap.row( id ).values() ) {
        extensionPoint.get().callExtensionPoint( log, object );
  } finally {
PlaceExecutorRegistryMetrics(IrisMetricSet metrics) {
   metrics.gauge("places", (Supplier<Integer>) () -> sample());
   metrics.monitor("executor.cache", executors);
   // explicitly specify reset on snapshot reservoir because this is really a gauge, so
   // accumulating samples across snapshots doesn't make a lot of sense
   this.rulesPerPlace = metrics.histogram("rules.total", IrisMetrics.hdrHistogramResetOnSnapshotReservoir());
   this.activeRulesPerPlace = metrics.histogram("rules.active", IrisMetrics.hdrHistogramResetOnSnapshotReservoir());
   this.scenesPerPlace = metrics.histogram("scenes.total", IrisMetrics.hdrHistogramResetOnSnapshotReservoir());
   this.activeScenesPerPlace = metrics.histogram("scenes.active", IrisMetrics.hdrHistogramResetOnSnapshotReservoir());
private SchedulerMetrics() {
   IrisMetricSet metrics = IrisMetrics.metrics("scheduler");
   this.partitionScheduled = metrics.counter("partition.scheduled");
   this.partitionCompleted = metrics.counter("partition.completed");
   this.partitionErrors = metrics.counter("partition.errors");
   this.partitionSchedulingTime = metrics.timer("partition.schedule.time");
   this.commandScheduled = metrics.counter("command.scheduled");
   this.commandFired = metrics.counter("command.sent");
   this.commandExpired = metrics.counter("command.expired");
   this.commandError = metrics.counter("command.error");
   this.commandRescheduled = metrics.counter("command.rescheduled");
   metrics.gauge("partition.count",   (Supplier<Integer>) () -> partitions.size());
   metrics.gauge("partition.pending", (Supplier<Integer>) () -> activeJobs.size());
源代码29 项目: arcusplatform   文件: PreviewConfig.java
public List<StorageCredentials> getStorageAzureAccounts() {
	List<StorageCredentials> result = new ArrayList<>();

	for (int i = 1; true; ++i) {
		String rawAccount = "previews.storage.azure.account" + i;
		ConfigurationKey confAccount = new ConfigurationKey(rawAccount, KeyParser.parse(rawAccount));
		Supplier<String> supAccount = configProvider.getStringSupplier(confAccount, null);
		String account = (supAccount == null) ? null : supAccount.get();

		if (account == null || account.trim().isEmpty()) {

		try {
			StorageCredentials creds = StorageCredentials.tryParseCredentials(account);
			if (creds == null) {
				throw new RuntimeException("invalid azure storage credentials");

		} catch (InvalidKeyException ex) {
			throw new RuntimeException(ex);

	return result;
源代码30 项目: arcusplatform   文件: BaseScheduler.java
public <I> ScheduledTask scheduleDelayed(
      Function<I,?> task, 
      Supplier<I> input, 
      long timeout, 
      TimeUnit unit
) {
   return scheduleDelayed(new ProdConRunner<I>(task, input), timeout, unit);