

源代码1 项目: dhis2-core   文件: QueryUtils.java
 * Try and parse `value` as Enum. Throws `QueryException` if invalid value.
 * @param klass the Enum class.
 * @param value the enum value.
@SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "rawtypes" } )
public static <T> T getEnumValue( Class<T> klass, String value )
    Optional<? extends Enum<?>> enumValue = Enums.getIfPresent( (Class<? extends Enum>) klass, value );

    if ( enumValue.isPresent() )
        return (T) enumValue.get();
        Object[] possibleValues = klass.getEnumConstants();
        throw new QueryParserException( "Unable to parse `" + value + "` as `" + klass + "`, available values are: " + Arrays.toString( possibleValues ) );
源代码2 项目: dhis2-core   文件: DefaultTrackerImportService.java
private <T extends Enum<T>> T getEnumWithDefault( Class<T> enumKlass, Map<String, List<String>> parameters, String key, T defaultValue )
    if ( parameters == null || parameters.get( key ) == null || parameters.get( key ).isEmpty() )
        return defaultValue;

    if ( TrackerIdScheme.class.equals( enumKlass ) && IdScheme.isAttribute( parameters.get( key ).get( 0 ) ) )
        return Enums.getIfPresent( enumKlass, "ATTRIBUTE" ).orNull();

    String value = String.valueOf( parameters.get( key ).get( 0 ) );

    return Enums.getIfPresent( enumKlass, value ).or( defaultValue );
源代码3 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: HiveSerDeManager.java
 * Get an instance of {@link HiveSerDeManager}.
 * @param props A {@link State} object. To get a specific implementation of {@link HiveSerDeManager}, specify either
 * one of the values in {@link Implementation} (e.g., AVRO or ORC) or the name of a class that implements
 * {@link HiveSerDeManager} in property {@link #HIVE_ROW_FORMAT}. The {@link State} object is also used to
 * instantiate the {@link HiveSerDeManager}.
public static HiveSerDeManager get(State props) {
  String type = props.getProp(HIVE_ROW_FORMAT, Implementation.AVRO.name());
  Optional<Implementation> implementation = Enums.getIfPresent(Implementation.class, type.toUpperCase());

  try {
    if (implementation.isPresent()) {
      return (HiveSerDeManager) ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor(Class.forName(implementation.get().toString()),
    return (HiveSerDeManager) ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor(Class.forName(type), props);
  } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(
        "Unable to instantiate " + HiveSerDeManager.class.getSimpleName() + " with type " + type, e);
源代码4 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: EncryptionConfig.java
private void validate(String encryptionLevel, String encryptedFields) throws IOException {
  if (!Enums.getIfPresent(EncryptionLevel.class, encryptionLevel.toUpperCase()).isPresent()) {
    throw new IOException("Invalid encryption level " + encryptionLevel);
  switch (EncryptionLevel.valueOf(encryptionLevel.toUpperCase())) {
    case FIELD:
      if ((encryptedFields.equalsIgnoreCase(DatasetDescriptorConfigKeys.DATASET_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIG_ANY)) ||
          (encryptedFields.equalsIgnoreCase(DatasetDescriptorConfigKeys.DATASET_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIG_NONE))) {
        log.error("Invalid input for encryptedFields {}", encryptedFields);
        throw new IOException("Invalid encryptedFields");
    case NONE:
      if (!encryptedFields.equalsIgnoreCase(DatasetDescriptorConfigKeys.DATASET_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIG_NONE)) {
        log.error("Invalid input for encryptedFields {}", encryptedFields);
        throw new IOException("Invalid encryptedFields");
源代码5 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: JobLauncherFactory.java
 * Creates a new instance for a JobLauncher with a given type
 * @param sysProps          the system/environment properties
 * @param jobProps          the job properties
 * @param launcherTypeValue the type of the launcher; either a {@link JobLauncherType} value or
 *        the name of the class that extends {@link AbstractJobLauncher} and has a constructor
 *        that has a single Properties parameter..
 * @param metadataTags additional metadata to be added to timing events
 * @return the JobLauncher instance
 * @throws RuntimeException if the instantiation fails
public static JobLauncher newJobLauncher(Properties sysProps, Properties jobProps,
    String launcherTypeValue, SharedResourcesBroker<GobblinScopeTypes> instanceBroker, List<? extends Tag<?>> metadataTags) {
  Optional<JobLauncherType> launcherType = Enums.getIfPresent(JobLauncherType.class, launcherTypeValue);

  try {
    if (launcherType.isPresent()) {
      switch (launcherType.get()) {
        case LOCAL:
            return new LocalJobLauncher(JobConfigurationUtils.combineSysAndJobProperties(sysProps, jobProps), instanceBroker, metadataTags);
        case MAPREDUCE:
          return new MRJobLauncher(JobConfigurationUtils.combineSysAndJobProperties(sysProps, jobProps), instanceBroker, metadataTags);
          throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported job launcher type: " + launcherType.get().name());

    Class<? extends AbstractJobLauncher> launcherClass =
        (Class<? extends AbstractJobLauncher>) Class.forName(launcherTypeValue);
    return launcherClass.getDeclaredConstructor(Properties.class)
        .newInstance(JobConfigurationUtils.combineSysAndJobProperties(sysProps, jobProps));
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create job launcher: " + e, e);
源代码6 项目: cloudbreak   文件: CmTemplateProcessor.java
private <T extends Enum<T>> Set<String> getRecommendationByBlacklist(Class<T> enumClass, boolean emptyServiceListBlacklisted) {
    Map<String, Set<String>> componentsByHostGroup = getNonGatewayComponentsByHostGroup();
    Set<String> recos = new HashSet<>();
    for (Entry<String, Set<String>> hostGroupServices : componentsByHostGroup.entrySet()) {
        if (emptyServiceListBlacklisted && hostGroupServices.getValue().isEmpty()) {
        boolean foundBlackListItem = false;
        for (String service : hostGroupServices.getValue()) {
            if (Enums.getIfPresent(enumClass, service).isPresent()) {
                foundBlackListItem = true;
        if (!foundBlackListItem) {
    return recos;
源代码7 项目: levelup-java-examples   文件: EnumsExample.java
public void transform_string_to_enum () {

	List<String> days = Lists.newArrayList(
    Function<String, Day> valueOfFunction = Enums.valueOfFunction(Day.class);

	Iterable<Day> daysAsEnums = Iterables.transform(days, valueOfFunction);
	assertThat(daysAsEnums, IsIterableWithSize.<Day>iterableWithSize(5));
	assertThat(daysAsEnums, IsIterableContainingInOrder.

源代码8 项目: levelup-java-examples   文件: EnumsExample.java
public void transform_string_to_enum_string_converter () {

	List<String> days = Lists.newArrayList(
    Function<String, Day> valueOfFunction = Enums.stringConverter(Day.class);

	Iterable<Day> daysAsEnums = Iterables.transform(days, valueOfFunction);
	assertThat(daysAsEnums, IsIterableWithSize.<Day>iterableWithSize(5));
	assertThat(daysAsEnums, IsIterableContainingInOrder.
源代码9 项目: XSeries   文件: XEntity.java
public static Entity spawn(Location location, ConfigurationSection config) {
    String typeStr = config.getString("type");
    if (typeStr == null) return null;

    EntityType type = Enums.getIfPresent(EntityType.class, typeStr.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)).or(EntityType.ZOMBIE);
    return edit(location.getWorld().spawnEntity(location, type), config);
源代码10 项目: bisq-core   文件: EnumValueConverter.java
 * Attempt to resolve an enum of the specified type by looking for a label with the
 * given value, trying all case variations in the process.
 * @return the matching enum label (if any)
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no such label matching the given value is found.
public Enum convert(String value) {
    Set<String> candidates = Sets.newHashSet(value, value.toUpperCase(), value.toLowerCase());
    for (String candidate : candidates) {
        Optional<? extends Enum> result = Enums.getIfPresent(enumType, candidate);
        if (result.isPresent())
            return result.get();
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
            "No enum constant %s.[%s]", enumType.getName(), collectionToDelimitedString(candidates, "|")));
源代码11 项目: powsybl-core   文件: UcteImporter.java
 * If the substation has a more specific geographical information than just its country,
 * returns the corresponding geographical code, otherwise null.
private static EntsoeGeographicalCode getRegionalGeographicalCode(Substation substation) {
    //Currently only DE has subregions
    if (substation.getCountry().map(country -> country != Country.DE).orElse(true)) {
        return null;
    EntsoeGeographicalCode res = Enums.getIfPresent(EntsoeGeographicalCode.class, substation.getNameOrId().substring(0, 2)).orNull();
    //handle case where a D-node would start with DE ...
    return res == EntsoeGeographicalCode.DE ? null : res;
源代码12 项目: neoscada   文件: ConfigurationHelper.java
private static void fillWithDefault ( final List<ColumnLabelProviderInformation> columnInformation )

    columnInformation.add ( new ColumnLabelProviderInformation ( "sourceTimestamp", "sourceTimestamp", true, DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap () ) );

    for ( final Fields field : Fields.values () )
        if ( Enums.getField ( field ).getAnnotation ( Deprecated.class ) != null )
            // ignore deprecated fields

        final Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String> ();
        properties.put ( "key", field.getName () );

        switch ( field )
            case ACTOR_NAME:
                properties.put ( "decoration", Decoration.ACTOR.toString () );
            case EVENT_TYPE:
                properties.put ( "decoration", Decoration.MONITOR.toString () );

        columnInformation.add ( new ColumnLabelProviderInformation ( field.getName (), "variant", false, DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE, properties ) );

    columnInformation.add ( new ColumnLabelProviderInformation ( "entryTimestamp", "entryTimestamp", true, DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE, Collections.<String, String> emptyMap () ) );
源代码13 项目: dhis2-core   文件: ChartFacadeController.java
private InclusionStrategy.Include getInclusionStrategy( String inclusionStrategy )
    if ( inclusionStrategy != null )
        Optional<InclusionStrategy.Include> optional = Enums.getIfPresent( InclusionStrategy.Include.class, inclusionStrategy );

        if ( optional.isPresent() )
            return optional.get();

    return InclusionStrategy.Include.NON_NULL;
源代码14 项目: dhis2-core   文件: ReportTableFacadeController.java
private InclusionStrategy.Include getInclusionStrategy( String inclusionStrategy )
    if ( inclusionStrategy != null )
        Optional<InclusionStrategy.Include> optional = Enums.getIfPresent( InclusionStrategy.Include.class, inclusionStrategy );

        if ( optional.isPresent() )
            return optional.get();

    return InclusionStrategy.Include.NON_NULL;
源代码15 项目: dhis2-core   文件: AbstractCrudController.java
private InclusionStrategy.Include getInclusionStrategy( String inclusionStrategy )
    if ( inclusionStrategy != null )
        Optional<InclusionStrategy.Include> optional = Enums.getIfPresent( InclusionStrategy.Include.class, inclusionStrategy );

        if ( optional.isPresent() )
            return optional.get();

    return InclusionStrategy.Include.NON_NULL;
源代码16 项目: dhis2-core   文件: DefaultMetadataExportService.java
private <T extends Enum<T>> T getEnumWithDefault( Class<T> enumKlass, Map<String, List<String>> parameters, String key, T defaultValue )
    if ( parameters == null || parameters.get( key ) == null || parameters.get( key ).isEmpty() )
        return defaultValue;

    String value = String.valueOf( parameters.get( key ).get( 0 ) );

    return Enums.getIfPresent( enumKlass, value ).or( defaultValue );
源代码17 项目: dhis2-core   文件: DefaultMetadataImportService.java
private <T extends Enum<T>> T getEnumWithDefault( Class<T> enumKlass, Map<String, List<String>> parameters, String key, T defaultValue )
    if ( parameters == null || parameters.get( key ) == null || parameters.get( key ).isEmpty() )
        return defaultValue;

    String value = String.valueOf( parameters.get( key ).get( 0 ) );

    return Enums.getIfPresent( enumKlass, value ).or( defaultValue );
static CypherType parse(@NotNull String type) {
    if (type.startsWith("LIST")) {
        if (!type.contains("OF")) {
            return CypherList.of(ANY);
        String param = type.split("OF")[1]
                .replaceAll("\\?", "")

        return CypherList.of(Enums.getIfPresent(CypherSimpleType.class, param).or(ANY));

    return Enums.getIfPresent(CypherSimpleType.class, type.replaceAll("\\?", "").trim())
源代码19 项目: pulsar   文件: ConsumerHandler.java
private ConsumerBuilder<byte[]> getConsumerConfiguration(PulsarClient client) {
    ConsumerBuilder<byte[]> builder = client.newConsumer();

    if (queryParams.containsKey("ackTimeoutMillis")) {
        builder.ackTimeout(Integer.parseInt(queryParams.get("ackTimeoutMillis")), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    if (queryParams.containsKey("subscriptionType")) {
        checkArgument(Enums.getIfPresent(SubscriptionType.class, queryParams.get("subscriptionType")).isPresent(),
                "Invalid subscriptionType %s", queryParams.get("subscriptionType"));

    if (queryParams.containsKey("receiverQueueSize")) {
        builder.receiverQueueSize(Math.min(Integer.parseInt(queryParams.get("receiverQueueSize")), 1000));

    if (queryParams.containsKey("consumerName")) {

    if (queryParams.containsKey("priorityLevel")) {

    if (queryParams.containsKey("maxRedeliverCount") || queryParams.containsKey("deadLetterTopic")) {
        DeadLetterPolicy.DeadLetterPolicyBuilder dlpBuilder = DeadLetterPolicy.builder();
        if (queryParams.containsKey("maxRedeliverCount")) {
                    .deadLetterTopic(String.format("%s-%s-DLQ", topic, subscription));

        if (queryParams.containsKey("deadLetterTopic")) {

    return builder;
源代码20 项目: bisq   文件: EnumValueConverter.java
 * Attempt to resolve an enum of the specified type by looking for a label with the
 * given value, trying all case variations in the process.
 * @return the matching enum label (if any)
 * @throws ConfigException if no such label matching the given value is found.
public Enum convert(String value) {
    Set<String> candidates = Sets.newHashSet(value, value.toUpperCase(), value.toLowerCase());
    for (String candidate : candidates) {
        Optional<? extends Enum> result = Enums.getIfPresent(enumType, candidate);
        if (result.isPresent())
            return result.get();
    throw new ConfigException("Enum label %s.{%s} does not exist",
            enumType.getSimpleName(), String.join("|", candidates));
源代码21 项目: bisq   文件: ProtoUtil.java
 * Get a Java enum from a Protobuf enum in a safe way.
 * @param enumType the class of the enum, e.g: BlaEnum.class
 * @param name     the name of the enum entry, e.g: proto.getWinner().name()
 * @param <E>      the enum Type
 * @return an enum
public static <E extends Enum<E>> E enumFromProto(Class<E> enumType, String name) {
    E result = Enums.getIfPresent(enumType, name).orNull();
    if (result == null) {
        log.error("Invalid value for enum " + enumType.getSimpleName() + ": " + name);
        result = Enums.getIfPresent(enumType, "UNDEFINED").orNull();
        log.error("We try to lookup for an enum entry with name 'UNDEFINED' and use that if available, " +
                "otherwise the enum is null. enum={}", result);
        return result;
    return result;
private DedupKeyOption getDedupKeyOption() {
  if (!this.dataset.jobProps().contains(COMPACTION_JOB_DEDUP_KEY)) {
  Optional<DedupKeyOption> option = Enums.getIfPresent(DedupKeyOption.class,
  return option.isPresent() ? option.get() : DEFAULT_DEDUP_KEY_OPTION;
 * Refer to MRCompactorAvroKeyDedupJobRunner#getDedupKeyOption()
private MRCompactorAvroKeyDedupJobRunner.DedupKeyOption getDedupKeyOption() {
  if (!this.state.contains(MRCompactorAvroKeyDedupJobRunner.COMPACTION_JOB_DEDUP_KEY)) {
    return MRCompactorAvroKeyDedupJobRunner.DEFAULT_DEDUP_KEY_OPTION;
  Optional<MRCompactorAvroKeyDedupJobRunner.DedupKeyOption> option =
  return option.isPresent() ? option.get() : MRCompactorAvroKeyDedupJobRunner.DEFAULT_DEDUP_KEY_OPTION;
源代码24 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: KafkaWorkUnitPacker.java
KafkaWorkUnitSizeEstimator getWorkUnitSizeEstimator() {
  if (this.state.contains(KAFKA_WORKUNIT_SIZE_ESTIMATOR_TYPE)) {
    String sizeEstimatorTypeString = this.state.getProp(KAFKA_WORKUNIT_SIZE_ESTIMATOR_TYPE);
    Optional<SizeEstimatorType> sizeEstimatorType =
        Enums.getIfPresent(SizeEstimatorType.class, sizeEstimatorTypeString);
    if (sizeEstimatorType.isPresent()) {
      return getWorkUnitSizeEstimator(sizeEstimatorType.get());
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("WorkUnit size estimator type " + sizeEstimatorType + " not found");
  return getWorkUnitSizeEstimator(DEFAULT_SIZE_ESTIMATOR_TYPE);
源代码25 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: KafkaWorkUnitPacker.java
public static KafkaWorkUnitPacker getInstance(AbstractSource<?, ?> source, SourceState state,
    Optional<MetricContext> metricContext) {
  if (state.contains(KAFKA_WORKUNIT_PACKER_TYPE)) {
    String packerTypeStr = state.getProp(KAFKA_WORKUNIT_PACKER_TYPE);
    Optional<PackerType> packerType = Enums.getIfPresent(PackerType.class, packerTypeStr);
    if (packerType.isPresent()) {
      return getInstance(packerType.get(), source, state, metricContext);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("WorkUnit packer type " + packerTypeStr + " not found");
  return getInstance(DEFAULT_PACKER_TYPE, source, state, metricContext);
 * Constructs a {@link KafkaSchemaRegistry} using the value of {@link #KAFKA_DESERIALIZER_TYPE}, if not set it
 * defaults to {@link SimpleKafkaSchemaRegistry}.
private static KafkaSchemaRegistry<?, ?> getKafkaSchemaRegistry(Properties props)
    throws ReflectiveOperationException {

  Optional<Deserializers> deserializerType =
      Enums.getIfPresent(Deserializers.class, props.getProperty(KAFKA_DESERIALIZER_TYPE).toUpperCase());

  if (deserializerType.isPresent()) {
    return ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor(deserializerType.get().getSchemaRegistryClass(), props);
  if (props.containsKey(KafkaSchemaRegistry.KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_CLASS)) {
    return KafkaSchemaRegistry.get(props);
  return new SimpleKafkaSchemaRegistry(props);
源代码27 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: HiveSerDeWrapper.java
 * Get an instance of {@link HiveSerDeWrapper}.
 * @param serDeType The SerDe type. If serDeType is one of the available {@link HiveSerDeWrapper.BuiltInHiveSerDe},
 * the other three parameters are not used. Otherwise, serDeType should be the class name of a {@link SerDe},
 * and the other three parameters must be present.
public static HiveSerDeWrapper get(String serDeType, Optional<String> inputFormatClassName,
    Optional<String> outputFormatClassName) {
  Optional<BuiltInHiveSerDe> hiveSerDe = Enums.getIfPresent(BuiltInHiveSerDe.class, serDeType.toUpperCase());
  if (hiveSerDe.isPresent()) {
    return new HiveSerDeWrapper(hiveSerDe.get());
      "Missing input format class name for SerDe " + serDeType);
      "Missing output format class name for SerDe " + serDeType);
  return new HiveSerDeWrapper(serDeType, inputFormatClassName.get(), outputFormatClassName.get());
private static DatePartitionType getGranularity(State state, int numBranches, int branchId) {
  String propName = ForkOperatorUtils.getPropertyNameForBranch(WRITER_PARTITION_GRANULARITY, numBranches, branchId);
  String granularityValue = state.getProp(propName, DEFAULT_WRITER_PARTITION_GRANULARITY.toString());
  Optional<DatePartitionType> granularity =
      Enums.getIfPresent(DatePartitionType.class, granularityValue.toUpperCase());
      granularityValue + " is not a valid writer partition granularity");
  return granularity.get();
private void initDatePartitionFromGranularity(State state) {
  String granularityProp = state.getProp(PartitionedFileSourceBase.DATE_PARTITIONED_SOURCE_PARTITION_GRANULARITY);
  DatePartitionType partitionType = null;
  if (granularityProp == null) {
  } else {
    Optional<DatePartitionType> partitionTypeOpt =
        Enums.getIfPresent(DatePartitionType.class, granularityProp.toUpperCase());
        .checkState(partitionTypeOpt.isPresent(), "Invalid source partition granularity: " + granularityProp);
    partitionType = partitionTypeOpt.get();
  this.partitionPatternFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(partitionType.getDateTimePattern());
  this.incrementalUnit = partitionType.getDateTimeFieldType().getDurationType();
源代码30 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: TaskContext.java
 * Get the output format of the writer of type {@link WriterOutputFormat}.
 * @param branches number of forked branches
 * @param index branch index
 * @return output format of the writer
public WriterOutputFormat getWriterOutputFormat(int branches, int index) {
  String writerOutputFormatValue = this.taskState.getProp(
      ForkOperatorUtils.getPropertyNameForBranch(ConfigurationKeys.WRITER_OUTPUT_FORMAT_KEY, branches, index),
  log.debug("Found writer output format value = {}", writerOutputFormatValue);

  WriterOutputFormat wof = Enums.getIfPresent(WriterOutputFormat.class, writerOutputFormatValue.toUpperCase())
  log.debug("Returning writer output format = {}", wof);
  return wof;