

源代码1 项目: connector-sdk   文件: IndexingItemBuilder.java
 * Gets the first value from the primary (nullable) or backup (optional) FieldOrValue
 * instances, extracts non-empty values, and passes them to the given ItemMetadata setter.
 * @param <T> the field type in this class
 * @param <M> the field type in the API model, usually String
 * @param primary the FieldOrValue from the setter
 * @param backup the FieldOrValue from the configuration
 * @param values the multimap used to resolve field name references
 * @param converter the converter for multimap values
 * @param isEmpty a predicate to check whether a value is present or missing
private static <T, M> void setFromFieldOrValues(FieldOrValue<T> primary,
    Optional<FieldOrValue<T>> backup,
    Multimap<String, Object> values,
    Converter<Object, T> converter,
    Predicate<T> isEmpty,
    Function<T, M> extractor,
    Consumer<M> setter) {
  T value = getSingleValue(primary, values, converter);
  if (isEmpty.test(value) && backup.isPresent()) {
    value = getSingleValue(backup.get(), values, converter);
  if (!isEmpty.test(value)) {
源代码2 项目: connector-sdk   文件: IndexingItemBuilder.java
private static <T> T getSingleValue(
    FieldOrValue<T> field,
    Multimap<String, Object> values,
    Converter<Object, T> converter) {
  if (field == null) {
    return null;
  if (field.fieldName == null) {
    return field.defaultValue;
  List<Object> fieldValues =
  if (fieldValues.isEmpty()) {
    return field.defaultValue;
  return converter.convert(fieldValues.get(0));
源代码3 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void dateConverter_fromDateTime() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  Date expected = new Date().setYear(2018).setMonth(8).setDay(8);

  Converter<Object, Date> converter = StructuredData.DATE_CONVERTER;
  for (String dateString : new String[] {
        // API Date class doesn't have a time zone, so anything will match.
        "2018-08-08T23:48:17-11:00", // 2018-08-09 in most local time zones.
        "2018-08-08T00:01:00+14:00", // 2018-08-07 in most local time zones.
      }) {
    try {
      collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(new DateTime(dateString)),
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
源代码4 项目: kripton   文件: BindContentProviderBuilder.java
 * Generate URI for method.
 * @param schema
 *            the schema
 * @param listFieldAlias
 *            the list field alias
 * @param alreadyUsedName
 *            the already used name
 * @param format
 *            the format
 * @param entry
 *            the entry
 * @param method
 *            the method
private void generateURIForMethod(SQLiteDatabaseSchema schema, List<FieldSpec> listFieldAlias, Set<String> alreadyUsedName, Converter<String, String> format, Pair<String, ContentEntry> entry,
		SQLiteModelMethod method) {
	if (method == null)
	String alias = "URI_" + entry.value1.pathCostant.substring(0, entry.value1.pathCostant.lastIndexOf("_")).replace("PATH_", "") + "_" + format.convert(method.getName());
	if (!alreadyUsedName.contains(alias)) {
		String contentUri = schema.contentProviderUri().replace("*", "[*]") + "/" + entry.value1.uriTemplate.replace("*", "[*]");
		String contentUriWithParameter = method.contentProviderUri().replace("*", "[*]");

		listFieldAlias.add(FieldSpec.builder(Uri.class, alias, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL, Modifier.PUBLIC).addJavadoc("<h2>URI standard</h2>\n<pre>$L</pre></p>\n", contentUri)
				.addJavadoc("<h2>URI with parameters</h2>\n<pre>$L</pre>\n\n", contentUriWithParameter)
				.addJavadoc("<p>Method associated to this URI is {@link $LImpl#$L}</p>\n", method.getParent().getName(), method.contentProviderMethodName)
				.initializer(CodeBlock.of("URI_" + entry.value1.pathCostant)).build());
源代码5 项目: kripton   文件: BindTypeContext.java
 * Gets the bind mapper name.
 * @param context the context
 * @param typeName the type name
 * @return the bind mapper name
public String getBindMapperName(BindTypeContext context, TypeName typeName) {
	Converter<String, String> format = CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL.converterTo(CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL);
	TypeName bindMapperName=TypeUtility.mergeTypeNameWithSuffix(typeName,BindTypeBuilder.SUFFIX);
	String simpleName=format.convert(TypeUtility.simpleName(bindMapperName));

	if (!alreadyGeneratedMethods.contains(simpleName))
		if (bindMapperName.equals(beanTypeName))
			context.builder.addField(FieldSpec.builder(bindMapperName, simpleName, modifiers)					
					.addJavadoc("$T", bindMapperName)
		} else {				
			context.builder.addField(FieldSpec.builder(bindMapperName, simpleName, modifiers)					
					.addJavadoc("$T", bindMapperName)
					.initializer("$T.mapperFor($T.class)", BinderUtils.class, typeName)
	return simpleName;
源代码6 项目: activitystreams   文件: Converters.java
 * Method stringConverter.
 * @param enumClass Class<E>
 * @param or E
 * @return Converter<String,E>
public static <E extends Enum<E>> Converter<String,E> stringConverter(
  final Class<E> enumClass, 
  final E or) {
    return new Converter<String,E>() {

      protected String doBackward(E e) {
        return checkNotNull(e).name();

      protected E doForward(String s) {
        return getIfPresent(enumClass, s).or(or);
源代码7 项目: activitystreams   文件: Converters.java
 * Method toLowerConverter.
 * @param locale Locale
 * @return Converter<String,String>
public static Converter<String,String> toLowerConverter(final Locale locale) {
  return new Converter<String,String>() {

    protected String doForward(String a) {
      return a.toLowerCase(locale);

    protected String doBackward(String b) {
      return b.toUpperCase(locale);
源代码8 项目: yangtools   文件: PrefixConverters.java
 * Create a prefix {@link Converter} for {@link XPathExpressionException} defined in a particular YANG
 * {@link Module} .Instantiation requires establishing how a module's imports are mapped to actual modules
 * and their namespaces. This information is cached and used for improved lookups.
 * @param ctx A SchemaContext
 * @param module Module in which the XPath is defined
 * @return A new Converter
public static @NonNull Converter<String, QNameModule> create(final SchemaContext ctx, final Module module) {
    // Always check for null ctx
    requireNonNull(ctx, "Schema context may not be null");

    // Use immutable map builder for detection of duplicates (which should never occur)
    final Builder<String, QNameModule> b = ImmutableBiMap.builder();
    b.put(module.getPrefix(), module.getQNameModule());

    for (ModuleImport i : module.getImports()) {
        final Optional<? extends Module> mod = ctx.findModule(i.getModuleName(), i.getRevision());
        checkArgument(mod.isPresent(), "Unsatisfied import of %s by module %s", i, module);

        b.put(i.getPrefix(), mod.get().getQNameModule());

    return Maps.asConverter(b.build());
源代码9 项目: grpc-java   文件: RlsProtoConvertersTest.java
public void convert_toRequestProto() {
  Converter<RouteLookupRequest, RlsProtoData.RouteLookupRequest> converter =
      new RouteLookupRequestConverter();
  RouteLookupRequest proto = RouteLookupRequest.newBuilder()
      .putKeyMap("key1", "val1")

  RlsProtoData.RouteLookupRequest object = converter.convert(proto);

  assertThat(object.getKeyMap()).containsExactly("key1", "val1");
源代码10 项目: levelup-java-examples   文件: ConverterExample.java
public void maps_converter () {
	BiMap<String, String> stateCapitals = 
	stateCapitals.put("Wisconsin", "Madison");
	stateCapitals.put("Iowa", "Des Moines");
	stateCapitals.put("Minnesota", "Saint Paul");
	stateCapitals.put("Illinois", "Springfield");
	stateCapitals.put("Michigan", "Lansing");

	Converter<String, String> converter = Maps.asConverter(stateCapitals);
	String state = converter.reverse().convert("Madison");
	assertEquals("Wisconsin", state);
源代码11 项目: immutables   文件: UniqueCachedNaming.java
private UniqueCachedNaming(Iterable<T> values) {
  Objects.requireNonNull(values, "values");
  this.names = buildBiMap(values);
  this.converter =  new Converter<T, String>() {
    protected String doForward(T toName) {
      Preconditions.checkArgument(names.containsKey(toName), "%s was not cached", toName);
      return names.get(toName);

    protected T doBackward(String fromName) {
      Preconditions.checkArgument(names.containsValue(fromName), "name %s not found", fromName);
      return names.inverse().get(fromName);
源代码12 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredData.java
private ValueExtractor(
    Converter<Object, T> valueConverter,
    NamedPropertyBuilder<T> propertyBuilder,
    boolean isRepeated) {
  this.valueConverter = valueConverter;
  this.propertyBuilder = propertyBuilder;
  this.isRepeated = isRepeated;
源代码13 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_nonZeroOffset() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T15:48:17.000-07:00";
  DateTime expected = new DateTime(rfc3339String);
  // Baseline so we don't chase unexpected errors below.
  assertEquals("Baseline failure", rfc3339String, expected.toString());

  Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
  for (String dateString : new String[] {
        "2018-08-08t15:48:17-07:00", // Lowercase t
        // "2018-08-08T15:48:17-07", TODO(jlacey): Restore these if running Java 9.
        "2018-08-08 15:48:17.000-07:00",
        "2018-08-08 15:48:17-07:00",
        // "2018-08-08 15:48:17-07", TODO(jlacey): ibid.
        "Wed, 8 Aug 2018 15:48:17 -0700",
        "08 AUG 2018 15:48:17 -0700", // Uppercase month name
      }) {
    try {
      collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), equalTo(expected));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
源代码14 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_zeroOffset() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T15:48:17.000Z";
  DateTime expected = new DateTime(rfc3339String);
  // Baseline so we don't chase unexpected errors below.
  assertEquals("Baseline failure", rfc3339String, expected.toString());

  Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
  for (String dateString : new String[] {
        // "2018-08-08T15:48:17+00", TODO(jlacey): ibid.
        "2018-08-08 15:48:17.000-00:00",
        "2018-08-08 15:48:17+00:00",
        // "2018-08-08 15:48:17+00", TODO(jlacey): ibid.
        "2018-08-08 15:48:17Z",
        "Wed, 8 Aug 2018 15:48:17 +0000",
        "08 Aug 2018 15:48:17 GMT",
      }) {
    try {
      collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), equalTo(expected));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
源代码15 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_noOffset() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  TimeZone original = TimeZone.getDefault();
  try {
    String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T15:48:17.000-04:00";
    DateTime expected = new DateTime(rfc3339String);
    // Baseline so we don't chase unexpected errors below.
    assertEquals("Baseline failure", rfc3339String, expected.toString());

    Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
    for (String dateString : new String[] {
          "2018-08-08 15:48:17.000",
          "2018-08-08 15:48:17",
        }) {
      try {
        collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), equalTo(expected));
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  } finally {
源代码16 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_dateOnly() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  TimeZone original = TimeZone.getDefault();
  try {
    String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T00:00:00.000-04:00";
    DateTime expected = new DateTime(rfc3339String);
    // Baseline so we don't chase unexpected errors below.
    assertEquals("Baseline failure", rfc3339String, expected.toString());

    Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
    for (String dateString : new String[] {
        }) {
      try {
        collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), equalTo(expected));
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  } finally {
源代码17 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_dateOnly_mismatch() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  TimeZone original = TimeZone.getDefault();
  try {
    String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T00:00:00.000-04:00";
    DateTime expected = new DateTime(rfc3339String);
    // Baseline so we don't chase unexpected errors below.
    assertEquals("Baseline failure", rfc3339String, expected.toString());

    Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
    for (String dateString : new String[] {
          // Time zones are still parsed from strings with no time.
        }) {
      try {
        collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), not(equalTo(expected)));
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  } finally {
源代码18 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_noDate() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
源代码19 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_configuredPatterns() throws IOException {
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());
  Properties config = new Properties();
  config.put(StructuredData.DATETIME_PATTERNS, "M/d/yy h:mm:ss a zzz; dd MMM yyyy HH:mm[:ss]xx");

  String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T15:48:17.000-07:00";
  DateTime expected = new DateTime(rfc3339String);
  // Baseline so we don't chase unexpected errors below.
  assertEquals("Baseline failure", rfc3339String, expected.toString());

  Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
  for (String dateString : new String[] {
        "Wed, 8 Aug 2018 15:48:17 -0700",
        "8/8/18 3:48:17 PM GMT-07:00",
        "08 AuG 2018 15:48:17-0700", // Mixed-case month name
      }) {
    try {
      collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), equalTo(expected));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
源代码20 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_configuredPatterns_dateOnly() throws IOException {
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());
  Properties config = new Properties();
  config.put(StructuredData.DATETIME_PATTERNS, "M/d/yy ;dd MMM uuuu");

  TimeZone original = TimeZone.getDefault();
  try {
    String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T00:00:00.000-04:00";
    DateTime expected = new DateTime(rfc3339String);
    // Baseline so we don't chase unexpected errors below.
    assertEquals("Baseline failure", rfc3339String, expected.toString());

    Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
    for (String dateString : new String[] {
          "Wed, 8 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0400",
          "08 aUg 2018",
        }) {
      try {
        collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), equalTo(expected));
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  } finally {
源代码21 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void testDateTimeConverter_configuredPatterns_dateOnly_mismatch() throws IOException {
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());
  Properties config = new Properties();
  config.put(StructuredData.DATETIME_PATTERNS, "M/d/yy ;dd MMM uuuu");

  TimeZone original = TimeZone.getDefault();
  try {
    String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T00:00:00.000-04:00";
    DateTime expected = new DateTime(rfc3339String);
    // Baseline so we don't chase unexpected errors below.
    assertEquals("Baseline failure", rfc3339String, expected.toString());

    Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
    for (String dateString : new String[] {
          // Time zones are still parsed from strings with no time.
        }) {
      try {
        collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), not(equalTo(expected)));
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  } finally {
源代码22 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void dateTimeConverter_fromDate() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  String rfc3339String = "2018-08-08T15:48:17.000-04:00";
  // DATETIME_CONVERTER assumes the current time zone, so we need to
  // construct an expected value in the local time zone.
  DateTime expected = new DateTime(new DateTime(rfc3339String).getValue());

  Converter<Object, DateTime> converter = StructuredData.DATETIME_CONVERTER;
  java.util.Date input = java.util.Date.from(ZonedDateTime.parse(rfc3339String).toInstant());
  assertThat(converter.convert(input), equalTo(expected));
源代码23 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void dateConverter_fromString() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  Date expected = new Date().setYear(2018).setMonth(8).setDay(8);

  Converter<Object, Date> converter = StructuredData.DATE_CONVERTER;
  for (String dateString : new String[] {
        // API Date class doesn't have a time zone, so anything will match.
        // TODO(jlacey): We could construct offsets relative to the actual local time zone,
        // rather than assuming that +14:00 and -11:00 will always test rollover.
        "2018-08-08 15:48:17-04:00",
        "Wed, 8 Aug 2018 15:48:17 -0700",
        "08 Aug 2018 15:48:17 +0100",
        "2018-08-08T23:48:17-11:00", // 2018-08-09 in most local time zones.
        "2018-08-08+14:00", // 2018-08-07 in most local time zones.
      }) {
    try {
      collector.checkThat(dateString, converter.convert(dateString), equalTo(expected));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
源代码24 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void dateConverter_fromString_noDate() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  Converter<Object, Date> converter = StructuredData.DATE_CONVERTER;
源代码25 项目: connector-sdk   文件: StructuredDataTest.java
public void dateConverter_fromString_unparsedCharacters() throws IOException {
  setupConfig.initConfig(new Properties());
  when(mockIndexingService.getSchema()).thenReturn(new Schema());

  Converter<Object, Date> converter = StructuredData.DATE_CONVERTER;
  converter.convert("2018-08-08T15:48:17.000-07:00 and so on");
源代码26 项目: wicket-orientdb   文件: FunctionModel.java
protected F doBackward(T b) {
	if(function instanceof Converter)
		Converter<F, T> converter = (Converter<F, T>)function;
		return converter.reverse().convert(b);
		return super.doBackward(b);
源代码27 项目: activitystreams   文件: EnumAdapter.java
 * Constructor for EnumAdapter.
 * @param _enumClass Class<E>

 * @param c Converter<String,E>
public EnumAdapter(
  Class<E> _enumClass, 
  Converter<String,E> c) {
  this.des = toUpper.andThen(c);
  this.ser = c.reverse().andThen(toLower);
源代码28 项目: yangtools   文件: NormalizedNodeContextSupport.java
static NormalizedNodeContextSupport create(final JaxenDocument document,
        final Converter<String, QNameModule> prefixes) {
    final ConverterNamespaceContext context = new ConverterNamespaceContext(prefixes);
    final NormalizedNodeNavigator navigator = new NormalizedNodeNavigator(context, document);

    return new NormalizedNodeContextSupport(context, navigator);
源代码29 项目: yangtools   文件: JaxenSchemaContext.java
public XPathExpression compileExpression(final SchemaPath schemaPath,
        final Converter<String, QNameModule> prefixes, final String xpath) throws XPathExpressionException {
    try {
        return JaxenXPath.create(prefixes, schemaPath, xpath);
    } catch (JaxenException e) {
        throw new XPathExpressionException(e);
源代码30 项目: grpc-java   文件: RlsProtoConvertersTest.java
public void convert_toRequestObject() {
  Converter<RlsProtoData.RouteLookupRequest, RouteLookupRequest> converter =
      new RouteLookupRequestConverter().reverse();
  RlsProtoData.RouteLookupRequest requestObject =
      new RlsProtoData.RouteLookupRequest(
          "server", "path", "target", ImmutableMap.of("key1", "val1"));

  RouteLookupRequest proto = converter.convert(requestObject);

  assertThat(proto.getKeyMapMap()).containsExactly("key1", "val1");