

源代码1 项目: attic-apex-core   文件: StramWebServices.java
@Path(PATH_LOGICAL_PLAN_OPERATORS + "/{operatorName}/attributes")
public JSONObject getOperatorAttributes(@PathParam("operatorName") String operatorName, @QueryParam("attributeName") String attributeName)
  OperatorMeta logicalOperator = dagManager.getLogicalPlan().getOperatorMeta(operatorName);
  if (logicalOperator == null) {
    throw new NotFoundException();
  HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
  for (Map.Entry<Attribute<?>, Object> entry : dagManager.getOperatorAttributes(operatorName).entrySet()) {
    if (attributeName == null || entry.getKey().getSimpleName().equals(attributeName)) {
      Map.Entry<Attribute<Object>, Object> entry1 = (Map.Entry<Attribute<Object>, Object>)(Map.Entry)entry;
      map.put(entry1.getKey().getSimpleName(), entry1.getKey().codec.toString(entry1.getValue()));
  return new JSONObject(map);
源代码2 项目: Knowage-Server   文件: KpiService.java
@UserConstraint(functionalities = { SpagoBIConstants.KPI_MANAGEMENT })
public Response listAvailableAlias(@QueryParam("ruleId") Integer ruleId, @QueryParam("ruleVersion") Integer ruleVersion, @Context HttpServletRequest req)
		throws EMFUserError, JSONException {
	Response out;
	IKpiDAO dao = getKpiDAO(req);
	logger.debug("Getting available aliases");
	List<Alias> aliases = dao.listAliasNotInMeasure(ruleId, ruleVersion);
	logger.debug("Getting unavailable aliases");
	List<Alias> unavaliases = dao.listAliasInMeasure(ruleId, ruleVersion);

	JSONObject resp = new JSONObject();
	resp.put("available", new JSONArray(JsonConverter.objectToJson(aliases, aliases.getClass())));
	resp.put("notAvailable", new JSONArray(JsonConverter.objectToJson(unavaliases, unavaliases.getClass())));
	out = Response.ok(resp.toString()).build();
	return out;
 * Get all open orders without a symbol.
 * @param symbol
 * @param recvWindow optional
 * @param timestamp mandatory
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws BinanceException
List<BinanceOrder> openOrders(
    @QueryParam("recvWindow") Long recvWindow,
    @QueryParam("timestamp") long timestamp,
    @HeaderParam(X_MBX_APIKEY) String apiKey,
    @QueryParam(SIGNATURE) ParamsDigest signature)
    throws IOException, BinanceException;
源代码4 项目: dexter   文件: RestService.java
@ApiOperation(value = "Given a category, returns the entities that belong to the category", response = ArticleDescription.class)
@Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public String getBelongingEntities(
		@QueryParam("id") @DefaultValue("30061715") String wikiId,
		@QueryParam("wn") @DefaultValue("false") String asWikiNames) {
	boolean addWikinames = new Boolean(asWikiNames);
	int id = Integer.parseInt(wikiId);
	IncomingNodes entityIncomingNodes = EntityCategoryNodeFactory
	int[] in = entityIncomingNodes.getNeighbours(id);
	ArticleDescription e = new ArticleDescription();
	e.setOutcomingEntities(getNodes(id, e,
			new ArrayList<ArticleDescription>(in.length), in, addWikinames));
	return gson.toJson(e);

源代码5 项目: keycloak   文件: ScopeService.java
public Response find(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
    StoreFactory storeFactory = authorization.getStoreFactory();

    if (name == null) {
        return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).build();

    Scope model = storeFactory.getScopeStore().findByName(name, this.resourceServer.getId());

    if (model == null) {
        return Response.status(Status.NO_CONTENT).build();

    return Response.ok(toRepresentation(model)).build();
源代码6 项目: metacat   文件: PartitionV1.java
 * Return list of partitions for a table.
 * @param catalogName             catalog name
 * @param databaseName            database name
 * @param tableName               table name
 * @param sortBy                  sort by this name
 * @param sortOrder               sort order to use
 * @param offset                  offset of the list
 * @param limit                   size of the list
 * @param includeUserMetadata     whether to include user metadata for every partition in the list
 * @param getPartitionsRequestDto request
 * @return list of partitions for a table
List<PartitionDto> getPartitionsForRequest(
        String catalogName,
        String databaseName,
        String tableName,
        String sortBy,
        SortOrder sortOrder,
        Integer offset,
        Integer limit,
        Boolean includeUserMetadata,
    GetPartitionsRequestDto getPartitionsRequestDto
源代码7 项目: hugegraph   文件: IndexLabelAPI.java
@RolesAllowed({"admin", "$owner=$graph $action=schema_read"})
public String list(@Context GraphManager manager,
                   @PathParam("graph") String graph,
                   @QueryParam("names") List<String> names) {
    boolean listAll = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(names);
    if (listAll) {
        LOG.debug("Graph [{}] list index labels", graph);
    } else {
        LOG.debug("Graph [{}] get index labels by names {}", graph, names);

    HugeGraph g = graph(manager, graph);
    List<IndexLabel> labels;
    if (listAll) {
        labels = g.schema().getIndexLabels();
    } else {
        labels = new ArrayList<>(names.size());
        for (String name : names) {
    return manager.serializer(g).writeIndexlabels(mapIndexLabels(labels));
源代码8 项目: emodb   文件: DedupQueueResource1.java
@RequiresPermissions({"queue|poll|{?from}", "queue|post|{?to}"})
@Timed(name = "bv.emodb.dedupq.DedupQueueResource1.moveAsync", absolute = true)
@ApiOperation (value = "Asynchronous Move operation.",
        notes = "Returns a Map.",
        response = Map.class
public Map<String, Object> moveAsync(@QueryParam("from") String from, @QueryParam("to") String to) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(from), "from is required");
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(to), "to is required");
    checkArgument(!from.equals(to), "cannot move queue to itself");

    String id = _queueService.moveAsync(from, to);
    return ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of("id", id);
public JsonObject verifyInjectedOptionalAuthTime(@QueryParam("auth_time") Long authTime) {
    boolean pass = false;
    String msg;
    // auth_time
    Optional<Long> optAuthTimeValue = this.authTime.getValue();
    if(optAuthTimeValue == null || !optAuthTimeValue.isPresent()) {
        msg = Claims.auth_time.name()+" value is null or missing, FAIL";
    else if(optAuthTimeValue.get().equals(authTime)) {
        msg = Claims.auth_time.name()+" PASS";
        pass = true;
    else {
        msg = String.format("%s: %s != %s", Claims.auth_time.name(), optAuthTimeValue, authTime);
    JsonObject result = Json.createObjectBuilder()
        .add("pass", pass)
        .add("msg", msg)
    return result;
源代码10 项目: movieapp-dialog   文件: WDSBlueMixProxyResource.java
 * Initializes chat with WDS This initiates the chat with WDS by requesting for a client id and conversation id(to be used in subsequent API calls) and a
 * response message to be displayed to the user. If it's a returning user, it sets the First_Time profile variable to "No" so that the user is not taken
 * through the hand-holding process.
 * @param firstTimeUser specifies if it's a new user or a returning user(true/false). If it is a returning user WDS is notified via profile var.
 * @return a response containing either of these two entities- {@code WDSConversationPayload} or {@code ServerErrorPayload}
public Response startConversation(@QueryParam("firstTimeUser") boolean firstTimeUser) {
    Conversation conversation = dialogService.createConversation(dialog_id);
    if (!firstTimeUser) {
        Map<String, String> profile = new HashMap<>();
        profile.put("First_Time", "No");
        dialogService.updateProfile(dialog_id, conversation.getClientId(), profile);
    WDSConversationPayload conversationPayload = new WDSConversationPayload();
    conversationPayload.setClientId(Integer.toString(conversation.getClientId())); //$NON-NLS-1$
    conversationPayload.setConversationId(Integer.toString(conversation.getId())); //$NON-NLS-1$
    conversationPayload.setInput(conversation.getInput()); //$NON-NLS-1$
    conversationPayload.setWdsResponse(StringUtils.join(conversation.getResponse(), " "));
    return Response.ok(conversationPayload, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).build();
源代码11 项目: hugegraph   文件: VertexLabelAPI.java
@RolesAllowed({"admin", "$owner=$graph $action=schema_read"})
public String list(@Context GraphManager manager,
                   @PathParam("graph") String graph,
                   @QueryParam("names") List<String> names) {
    boolean listAll = CollectionUtils.isEmpty(names);
    if (listAll) {
        LOG.debug("Graph [{}] list vertex labels", graph);
    } else {
        LOG.debug("Graph [{}] get vertex labels by names {}", graph, names);

    HugeGraph g = graph(manager, graph);
    List<VertexLabel> labels;
    if (listAll) {
        labels = g.schema().getVertexLabels();
    } else {
        labels = new ArrayList<>(names.size());
        for (String name : names) {
    return manager.serializer(g).writeVertexLabels(labels);
源代码12 项目: keycloak   文件: RealmAdminResource.java
 * Partial export of existing realm into a JSON file.
 * @param exportGroupsAndRoles
 * @param exportClients
 * @return
public RealmRepresentation partialExport(@QueryParam("exportGroupsAndRoles") Boolean exportGroupsAndRoles,
                                                 @QueryParam("exportClients") Boolean exportClients) {

    boolean groupsAndRolesExported = exportGroupsAndRoles != null && exportGroupsAndRoles;
    boolean clientsExported = exportClients != null && exportClients;

    if (groupsAndRolesExported) {
    if (clientsExported) {

    // service accounts are exported if the clients are exported
    // this means that if clients is true but groups/roles is false the service account is exported without roles
    // the other option is just include service accounts if clientsExported && groupsAndRolesExported
    ExportOptions options = new ExportOptions(false, clientsExported, groupsAndRolesExported, clientsExported);
    RealmRepresentation rep = ExportUtils.exportRealm(session, realm, options, false);
    return stripForExport(session, rep);
源代码13 项目: keycloak   文件: LoginActionsService.java
 * protocol independent page for restart of the flow
 * @return
public Response restartSession(@QueryParam(AUTH_SESSION_ID) String authSessionId, // optional, can get from cookie instead
                               @QueryParam(Constants.CLIENT_ID) String clientId,
                               @QueryParam(Constants.TAB_ID) String tabId) {
    SessionCodeChecks checks = new SessionCodeChecks(realm, session.getContext().getUri(), request, clientConnection, session, event, authSessionId, null, null, clientId,  tabId, null);

    AuthenticationSessionModel authSession = checks.initialVerifyAuthSession();
    if (authSession == null) {
        return checks.getResponse();

    String flowPath = authSession.getClientNote(AuthorizationEndpointBase.APP_INITIATED_FLOW);
    if (flowPath == null) {
        flowPath = AUTHENTICATE_PATH;

    AuthenticationProcessor.resetFlow(authSession, flowPath);

    URI redirectUri = getLastExecutionUrl(flowPath, null, authSession.getClient().getClientId(), tabId);
    logger.debugf("Flow restart requested. Redirecting to %s", redirectUri);
    return Response.status(Response.Status.FOUND).location(redirectUri).build();
源代码14 项目: rapid   文件: Service.java
public Response updateService(@PathParam("id") String id,
                                @QueryParam("version") int version,
                                @DefaultValue("spec") @QueryParam("registryAuthFrom") String registryAuthFrom,
                                JsonObject content) {

    WebTarget target = resource().path("services").path(id).path("update").queryParam("registryAuthFrom", registryAuthFrom);

    if (version != 0) {
        target = target.queryParam("version", version);

    Response response = postResponse(target, content);
    try {
        return Response.status(response.getStatus()).entity(response.readEntity(JsonObject.class)).build();
    } finally {
源代码15 项目: sakai   文件: Activity.java
 * Returns a list of events of a user between 2 dates. This one allows to pass strings, so
 * this can be called as a Rest Service
 * @param eid	is the user that we want to query
 * @param startDateString limit the query ti these dates. In this case as String if we call it as a rest
 * @param endDateString limit the query ti these dates. In this case as String if we call it as a rest
 * @return	String as the result of the Query in xml
public String getUserActivityRestVersion(
        @WebParam(name = "sessionid", partName = "sessionid") @QueryParam("sessionid") String sessionid,
        @WebParam(name = "eid", partName = "eid") @QueryParam("eid") String eid,
        @WebParam(name = "startDate", partName = "startDate") @QueryParam("startDate") String startDateString,
        @WebParam(name = "endDate", partName = "endDate") @QueryParam("endDate") String endDateString) {

    Session session = establishSession(sessionid);

    if (!securityService.isSuperUser()) {
        log.warn("WS getUserActivityStringDates(): Permission denied. Restricted to super users.");
        throw new RuntimeException("WS getUserActivityStringDates(): Permission denied. Restricted to super users.");

    return eventQueryService.getUserActivityRestVersion(eid, startDateString, endDateString);
源代码16 项目: olat   文件: I18nWebService.java
 * Return the translation of the key. If the "locale" parameter is not specified, the method try to use the "locale" of the user and if it hasn't, take the default
 * locale.
 * @response.representation.200.mediaType text/plain
 * @response.representation.200.doc The translation of the package + key
 * @response.representation.200.example OK
 * @param packageName
 *            The name of the package
 * @param key
 *            The key to translate
 * @param localeKey
 *            The locale (optional)
 * @param request
 *            The HTTP request (optional)
 * @return
public Response getTranslation(@PathParam("package") final String packageName, @PathParam("key") final String key, @QueryParam("locale") final String localeKey,
        @Context final HttpServletRequest request) {
    final I18nManager i18n = I18nManager.getInstance();

    Locale locale = null;
    if (StringHelper.containsNonWhitespace(localeKey)) {
        locale = i18n.getLocaleOrDefault(localeKey);
    } else {
        final UserRequest ureq = RestSecurityHelper.getUserRequest(request);
        if (ureq != null && ureq.getLocale() != null) {
            locale = ureq.getLocale();

    if (locale == null) {
        locale = I18nModule.getDefaultLocale();

    final boolean overlayEnabled = I18nModule.isOverlayEnabled();
    final String val = i18n.getLocalizedString(packageName, key, EMPTY_ARRAY, locale, overlayEnabled, true);
    return Response.ok(val).build();
源代码17 项目: emodb   文件: DatabusResource1.java
@Path ("{subscription}/renew")
@Consumes (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
@RequiresPermissions ("databus|poll|{subscription}")
@Timed (name = "bv.emodb.databus.DatabusResource1.renew", absolute = true)
@ApiOperation (value = "Renew operation.",
        notes = "Returns a SucessResponse.",
        response = SuccessResponse.class
public SuccessResponse renew(@QueryParam ("partitioned") BooleanParam partitioned,
                             @PathParam ("subscription") String subscription,
                             @QueryParam ("ttl") @DefaultValue ("30") SecondsParam claimTtl,
                             List<String> eventKeys,
                             @Authenticated Subject subject) {
    getClient(partitioned).renew(subject, subscription, eventKeys, claimTtl.get());
    return SuccessResponse.instance();
源代码18 项目: pnc   文件: SCMRepositoryEndpoint.java
 * {@value GET_ALL}
 * @param pageParameters
 * @param matchUrl {@value MATCH_URL}
 * @param searchUrl {@value SEARCH_URL}
 * @return
        summary = GET_ALL,
        responses = {
                        responseCode = SUCCESS_CODE,
                        description = SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION,
                        content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = SCMRepositoryPage.class))),
                        responseCode = INVALID_CODE,
                        description = INVALID_DESCRIPTION,
                        content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponse.class))),
                        responseCode = SERVER_ERROR_CODE,
                        description = SERVER_ERROR_DESCRIPTION,
                        content = @Content(schema = @Schema(implementation = ErrorResponse.class))) })
Page<SCMRepository> getAll(
        @Valid @BeanParam PageParameters pageParameters,
        @Parameter(description = MATCH_URL) @QueryParam(MATCH_QUERY_PARAM) String matchUrl,
        @Parameter(description = SEARCH_URL) @QueryParam(SEARCH_QUERY_PARAM) String searchUrl);
源代码19 项目: mobi   文件: UserRest.java
 * Resets the password of the specified User in Mobi. This action is only allowed by admin Users.
 * @param context the context of the request
 * @param username the current username of the User to update
 * @param newPassword a new password for the User
 * @return a Response indicating the success or failure of the request
@ApiOperation("Resets a Mobi User's password if User making request is the admin")
public Response resetPassword(@Context ContainerRequestContext context,
                       @PathParam("username") String username,
                       @QueryParam("newPassword") String newPassword) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) {
        throw ErrorUtils.sendError("Current username must be provided", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newPassword)) {
        throw ErrorUtils.sendError("New password must be provided", Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    try {
        return changePassword(username, newPassword);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        throw ErrorUtils.sendError(ex.getMessage(), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
源代码20 项目: che   文件: PreferencesService.java
@GenerateLink(rel = LINK_REL_PREFERENCES)
    value = "Gets preferences of logged in user",
    notes =
        "If not all the preferences needed then 'filter' may be used, "
            + "basically it is regex for filtering preferences by names")
  @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Preferences successfully fetched"),
  @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal Server Error")
public Map<String, String> find(
            "Regex for filtering preferences by names, e.g. '.*github.*' "
                + "will return all the preferences which name contains github")
        String filter)
    throws ServerException {
  if (filter == null) {
    return preferenceManager.find(userId());
  return preferenceManager.find(userId(), filter);
源代码21 项目: semanticMDR   文件: ContextService.java
public Response searchProperty(
		@CookieParam(AuthenticationService.SID) String sessionID,
		@PathParam("contextid") String contextID,
		@QueryParam("q") String keyword) {
	Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getInstance().getRepository();
	Context context = repository.getContext(contextID);
	List<Property> propertyList = context.searchProperty(keyword,
	List<PropertyModel> pList = new ArrayList<PropertyModel>();
	for (Property p : propertyList) {
		pList.add(new PropertyModel(p));
	return Response.ok(pList).build();
源代码22 项目: datacollector   文件: ControlHubResource.java
    value = "Get Control Hub Users",
    response = Map.class,
    authorizations = @Authorization(value = "guest")
public Response getControlHubUsers(
    @Context HttpServletRequest request,
    @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") int offset,
    @QueryParam("len") @DefaultValue("50") int len
) {
  return ControlHubUtil.getControlHubUsers(request, controlHubBaseUrl, offset, len);
源代码23 项目: sakai   文件: TestsAndQuizzes.java
 * createAssessmentFromExportFile - WS Endpoint, exposing the SamLite createImportedAssessment()
 * @param	String sessionid		the id of a valid admin session
 * @param	String siteid			the enterprise/sakai id of the site to be archived
 * @param	String siteproperty		the property that holds the enterprise site id
 * @param	String xmlfile			path to the IMS QTI document containing the assessment
 * @return	boolean	       		 	returns true if assessment created successfully, false if assessment is null
 * @throws	AxisFault			WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromXml(): XmlUtil.createDocument() returned a null QTI Document
 * 						WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromXml(): XmlUtil.createDocument() ParserConfigurationException: 
 *						WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromXml(): XmlUtil.createDocument() SaxException:
 *						WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromXml(): XmlUtil.createDocument() IOException: 

   public boolean createAssessmentFromExportFile(
           @WebParam(name = "sessionid", partName = "sessionid") @QueryParam("sessionid") String sessionid,
           @WebParam(name = "siteid", partName = "siteid") @QueryParam("siteid") String siteid,
           @WebParam(name = "siteproperty", partName = "siteproperty") @QueryParam("siteproperty") String siteproperty,
           @WebParam(name = "xmlfile", partName = "xmlfile") @QueryParam("xmlfile") String xmlfile) {
       Session session = establishSession(sessionid);
	Document document = null;

	try {
		document = XmlUtil.readDocument(xmlfile, true);
	} catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
		log.error("WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromExportFile(): XmlUtil.createDocument() ParserConfigurationException: " + pce.getMessage(), pce);
		throw new RuntimeException("WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromExportFile(): XmlUtil.createDocument() ParserConfigurationException: " + pce.getMessage());
	} catch (SAXException saxe) {
		log.error("WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromExportFile(): XmlUtil.createDocument() SaxException: " + saxe.getMessage(), saxe);
		throw new RuntimeException("WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromExportFile(): XmlUtil.createDocument() SaxException: " + saxe.getMessage());
	} catch (IOException ioe) {
		log.error("WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromExportFile(): XmlUtil.createDocument() IOException: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
		throw new RuntimeException("WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromExportFile(): XmlUtil.createDocument() IOException: " + ioe.getMessage());
	if (document == null) {
		throw new RuntimeException("WS TestsAndQuizzes.createAssessmentFromExportFile(): XmlUtil.createDocument() returned a null QTI Document");
	return createAssessment(siteid, siteproperty, null, null, null, document);
源代码24 项目: bitbucket-rest   文件: RepositoryApi.java
RepositoryPage listAll(@Nullable @QueryParam("projectname") String project,
                       @Nullable @QueryParam("name") String repo,
                       @Nullable @QueryParam("permission") String permission,
                       @Nullable @QueryParam("visibility") String visibility,
                       @Nullable @QueryParam("start") Integer start,
                       @Nullable @QueryParam("limit") Integer limit);
源代码25 项目: emodb   文件: ApiKeyResource1.java
 * Creates an API Key.
public Response createApiKey(CreateEmoApiKeyRequest request, @QueryParam("key") String key,
                             @Authenticated Subject subject) {
    if (key != null) {
        request.setCustomRequestParameter("key", key);
    CreateEmoApiKeyResponse response = _uac.createApiKey(subject, request);

    return Response.created(URI.create(response.getId()))
源代码26 项目: geowave   文件: GeoServerService.java
public Response removeCoverage(
    @QueryParam("cvgstore") String cvgstore,
    @QueryParam("coverageName") String coverageName,
    @QueryParam("workspace") String workspace);
源代码27 项目: smarthome   文件: SitemapResource.java
@Path("/{sitemapname: [a-zA-Z_0-9]*}/{pageid: [a-zA-Z_0-9]*}")
@ApiOperation(value = "Polls the data for a sitemap.", response = PageDTO.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "OK"),
        @ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Sitemap with requested name does not exist or page does not exist, or page refers to a non-linkable widget"),
        @ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid subscription id has been provided.") })
public Response getPageData(@Context HttpHeaders headers,
        @HeaderParam(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) @ApiParam(value = "language") String language,
        @PathParam("sitemapname") @ApiParam(value = "sitemap name") String sitemapname,
        @PathParam("pageid") @ApiParam(value = "page id") String pageId,
        @QueryParam("subscriptionid") @ApiParam(value = "subscriptionid", required = false) String subscriptionId) {
    final Locale locale = localeService.getLocale(language);
    logger.debug("Received HTTP GET request from IP {} at '{}'", request.getRemoteAddr(), uriInfo.getPath());

    if (subscriptionId != null) {
        try {
            subscriptions.setPageId(subscriptionId, sitemapname, pageId);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            return JSONResponse.createErrorResponse(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage());

    boolean timeout = false;
    if (headers.getRequestHeader("X-Atmosphere-Transport") != null) {
        // Make the REST-API pseudo-compatible with openHAB 1.x
        // The client asks Atmosphere for server push functionality,
        // so we do a simply listening for changes on the appropriate items
        // The blocking has a timeout of 30 seconds. If this timeout is reached,
        // we notice this information in the response object.
        timeout = blockUnlessChangeOccurs(sitemapname, pageId);
    PageDTO responseObject = getPageBean(sitemapname, pageId, uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder().build(), locale, timeout);
    return Response.ok(responseObject).build();
源代码28 项目: thorntail   文件: DenyAllClassLevel.java
public String echoPermitAll(@Context SecurityContext sec, @QueryParam("input") String input) {
    Principal user = sec.getUserPrincipal();
    return input + ", user="+user.getName();
源代码29 项目: camel-quarkus   文件: HttpResource.java
public String httpGet(@QueryParam("test-port") int port) {
    return producerTemplate
            .to("http://localhost:" + port + "/service/get?bridgeEndpoint=true")
            .withHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, "GET")
源代码30 项目: helix   文件: ClusterAccessor.java
public Response createCluster(@PathParam("clusterId") String clusterId,
    @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("recreate") String recreate,
    @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("addCloudConfig") String addCloudConfig,
    String cloudConfigManifest) {

  boolean recreateIfExists = Boolean.parseBoolean(recreate);
  boolean cloudConfigIncluded = Boolean.parseBoolean(addCloudConfig);

  ClusterSetup clusterSetup = getClusterSetup();

  CloudConfig cloudConfig = null;
  if (cloudConfigIncluded) {
    ZNRecord record;
    try {
      record = toZNRecord(cloudConfigManifest);
      cloudConfig = new CloudConfig.Builder(record).build();
    } catch (IOException | HelixException e) {
      String errMsg = "Failed to generate a valid CloudConfig from " + cloudConfigManifest;
      LOG.error(errMsg, e);
      return badRequest(errMsg + " Exception: " + e.getMessage());

  try {
    clusterSetup.addCluster(clusterId, recreateIfExists, cloudConfig);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    LOG.error("Failed to create cluster {}. Exception: {}.", clusterId, ex);
    return serverError(ex);
  return created();