

default void add(Element element) {
  // JAX-RS
  ApplicationPath applicationPath = element.getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class);
  if (applicationPath != null) {
    HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(ApplicationPath.class.getName(), new HashMap<String, String>() {{
      put("value", applicationPath.value());

  if (element.getAnnotation(Path.class) != null) {

  // servlet
  if (element.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class) != null) {
default void addPropertyConfiguration(Map map) {
  Session session = getSession();
  Port port = detectHttpPort();
  session.configurators().add(new AddPort(port));
  //TODO add support for detecting microprofile-health and setting the liveness/readiness probes

  if (map.containsKey(ApplicationPath.class.getName())) {
    Object o  = map.get(ApplicationPath.class.getName());
    if (o instanceof Map) {
      Map<String, Object> applicationPath = (Map) o;   
        if (applicationPath != null && applicationPath.containsKey("value")) {
          String path = String.valueOf(applicationPath.get("value"));
          session.configurators().add(new SetPortPath(port.getName(), path));
源代码3 项目: piranha   文件: JerseyInitializer.java
 * Initialize Mojarra.
 * @param classes the classes.
 * @param servletContext the Servlet context.
 * @throws ServletException when a Servlet error occurs.
public void onStartup(Set<Class<?>> classes, ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
    DefaultWebApplication context = (DefaultWebApplication) servletContext;
    Set<Class<?>> jerseyClasses = new HashSet<>();
           .getAnnotations(Path.class, Provider.class, ApplicationPath.class)
           .map(e -> e.getTarget())
           .forEach(e -> addClass(e, jerseyClasses));
    JerseyServletContainerInitializer containerInitializer = new JerseyServletContainerInitializer();
    containerInitializer.onStartup(jerseyClasses, servletContext);
源代码4 项目: o2oa   文件: ApiBuilder.java
private List<Class<?>> scanJaxrsClass() throws Exception {
	try (ScanResult scanResult = new ClassGraph().disableJarScanning().enableAnnotationInfo().scan()) {
		SetUniqueList<Class<?>> classes = SetUniqueList.setUniqueList(new ArrayList<Class<?>>());
		for (ClassInfo info : scanResult.getClassesWithAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class.getName())) {
			Class<?> applicationPathClass = ClassUtils.getClass(info.getName());
			for (Class<?> o : (Set<Class<?>>) MethodUtils.invokeMethod(applicationPathClass.newInstance(),
					"getClasses")) {
				Path path = o.getAnnotation(Path.class);
				JaxrsDescribe jaxrsDescribe = o.getAnnotation(JaxrsDescribe.class);
				if (null != path && null != jaxrsDescribe) {
		return classes;
源代码5 项目: o2oa   文件: Describe.java
private List<Class<?>> scanJaxrsClass(String name) throws Exception {
	// String pack = "com." + name.replaceAll("_", ".");
	String pack = "";
	if (StringUtils.startsWith(name, "o2_")) {
		pack = name.replaceAll("_", ".");
	} else {
		pack = "com." + name.replaceAll("_", ".");
	try (ScanResult scanResult = new ClassGraph().whitelistPackages(pack).enableAllInfo().scan()) {
		SetUniqueList<Class<?>> classes = SetUniqueList.setUniqueList(new ArrayList<Class<?>>());
		for (ClassInfo info : scanResult.getClassesWithAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class.getName())) {
			Class<?> applicationPathClass = ClassUtils.getClass(info.getName());
			for (Class<?> o : (Set<Class<?>>) MethodUtils.invokeMethod(applicationPathClass.newInstance(),
					"getClasses")) {
				Path path = o.getAnnotation(Path.class);
				JaxrsDescribe jaxrsDescribe = o.getAnnotation(JaxrsDescribe.class);
				if (null != path && null != jaxrsDescribe) {
		return classes;
源代码6 项目: o2oa   文件: DescribeBuilder.java
private List<Class<?>> scanJaxrsClass() throws Exception {
	try (ScanResult scanResult = new ClassGraph().disableJarScanning().enableAnnotationInfo().scan()) {
		SetUniqueList<Class<?>> classes = SetUniqueList.setUniqueList(new ArrayList<Class<?>>());
		for (ClassInfo info : scanResult.getClassesWithAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class.getName())) {
			Class<?> applicationPathClass = ClassUtils.getClass(info.getName());
			for (Class<?> o : (Set<Class<?>>) MethodUtils.invokeMethod(applicationPathClass.newInstance(),
					"getClasses")) {
				Path path = o.getAnnotation(Path.class);
				JaxrsDescribe jaxrsDescribe = o.getAnnotation(JaxrsDescribe.class);
				if (null != path && null != jaxrsDescribe) {
		return classes;
源代码7 项目: mycore   文件: MCRJerseyUtil.java
 * Returns the base URL of the mycore system.
 * @param info the UriInfo
 * @return base URL of the mycore system as string
public static String getBaseURL(UriInfo info, Application app) {
    String baseURL = info.getBaseUri().toString();
    List<String> applicationPaths = MCRConfiguration2
        .getOrThrow("MCR.Jersey.Resource.ApplicationPaths", MCRConfiguration2::splitValue)
    for (String path : applicationPaths) {
        baseURL = removeAppPath(baseURL, path);
    Optional<String> appPath = Optional.ofNullable(app)
        .map(a -> a instanceof ResourceConfig ? ((ResourceConfig) a).getApplication() : a)
        .map(c -> c.getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class))
        .map(s -> s.startsWith("/") ? s.substring(1) : s);
    if (appPath.isPresent()) {
        baseURL = removeAppPath(baseURL, appPath.get());
    return baseURL;
源代码8 项目: cxf   文件: JAXRSCdiResourceExtension.java
public <T> void collect(@Observes final ProcessBean< T > event) {
    if (event.getAnnotated().isAnnotationPresent(ApplicationPath.class)) {
    } else if (event.getAnnotated().isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) {
    } else if (event.getAnnotated().isAnnotationPresent(Provider.class)) {
    } else if (event.getBean().getTypes().contains(javax.ws.rs.core.Feature.class)) {
    } else if (event.getBean().getTypes().contains(Feature.class)) {
        featureBeans.add((Bean< ? extends Feature >)event.getBean());
    } else if (CdiBusBean.CXF.equals(event.getBean().getName())
            && Bus.class.isAssignableFrom(event.getBean().getBeanClass())) {
        hasBus = true;
    } else if (event.getBean().getQualifiers().contains(DEFAULT)) {
            .filter(e -> Object.class != e && InjectionUtils.STANDARD_CONTEXT_CLASSES.contains(e.getTypeName()))
            .ifPresent(type -> existingStandardClasses.add(type.getTypeName()));
源代码9 项目: cxf   文件: OpenApiCustomizer.java
public void setApplicationInfo(ApplicationInfo application) {
    if (application != null && application.getProvider() != null) {
        final Class<?> clazz = application.getProvider().getClass();
        final ApplicationPath path = ResourceUtils.locateApplicationPath(clazz);

        if (path != null) {
            applicationPath = path.value();

            if (!applicationPath.startsWith("/")) {
                applicationPath = "/" + applicationPath;

            if (applicationPath.endsWith("/")) {
                applicationPath = applicationPath.substring(0, applicationPath.lastIndexOf('/'));
源代码10 项目: microprofile-sandbox   文件: JAXRSUtilities.java
public static <T> T createRestClient(Class<T> clazz, String appContextRoot, String jwt) {
    String resourcePackage = clazz.getPackage().getName();

    // First check for a javax.ws.rs.core.Application in the same package as the resource
    List<Class<?>> appClasses = ReflectionSupport.findAllClassesInPackage(resourcePackage,
                                                                          c -> Application.class.isAssignableFrom(c) &&
                                                                               AnnotationSupport.isAnnotated(c, ApplicationPath.class),
                                                                          n -> true);
    if (appClasses.size() == 0) {
        // If not found, check under the 3rd package, so com.foo.bar.*
        // Classpath scanning can be expensive, so we jump straight to the 3rd package from root instead
        // of recursing up one package at a time and scanning the entire CP for each step
        String[] pkgs = resourcePackage.split("(.*)\\.(.*)\\.(.*)\\.", 2);
        if (pkgs.length > 0 && !pkgs[0].isEmpty() && !pkgs[0].equals(resourcePackage)) {
            appClasses = ReflectionSupport.findAllClassesInPackage(pkgs[0],
                                                                   c -> Application.class.isAssignableFrom(c) &&
                                                                        AnnotationSupport.isAnnotated(c, ApplicationPath.class),
                                                                   n -> true);

    if (appClasses.size() == 0) {
        LOGGER.info("No classes implementing 'javax.ws.rs.core.Application' found on classpath to set as context root for " + clazz +
                    ". Defaulting context root to '/'");
        return createRestClient(clazz, appContextRoot, "", jwt);

    Class<?> selectedClass = appClasses.get(0);
    if (appClasses.size() > 1) {
        appClasses.sort((c1, c2) -> c1.getCanonicalName().compareTo(c2.getCanonicalName()));
        LOGGER.warn("Found multiple classes implementing 'javax.ws.rs.core.Application' on classpath: " + appClasses +
                    ". Setting context root to the first class discovered (" + selectedClass.getCanonicalName() + ")");
    ApplicationPath appPath = AnnotationSupport.findAnnotation(selectedClass, ApplicationPath.class).get();
    return createRestClient(clazz, appContextRoot, appPath.value(), jwt);
private void init() {
    latestApiVersion = StreamSupport
            .stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(applications.iterator(), Spliterator.IMMUTABLE), false)
            .filter(a -> a.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(ApplicationPath.class))
            .map(a -> a.getClass().getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class).value())
            .map(path -> path.replace("api/v", ""))
    startTime = new Date();
private int getApiVersion() {
    return StreamSupport
            .stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(applications.iterator(), Spliterator.IMMUTABLE), false)
            .filter(a -> a.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(ApplicationPath.class))
            .map(a -> a.getClass().getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class).value())
            .map(path -> path.replace("api/v", ""))
源代码13 项目: jrestless   文件: ApplicationPathFilter.java
private static String getApplicationPath(Application applicationConfig) {
	if (applicationConfig == null) {
		return null;
	ApplicationPath ap = applicationConfig.getClass().getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class);
	if (ap == null) {
		return null;
	String applicationPath = ap.value();
	if (isBlank(applicationPath)) {
		return null;
	while (applicationPath.startsWith("/")) {
		applicationPath = applicationPath.substring(1);
	// support Servlet configs
	if (applicationPath.endsWith("/*")) {
		applicationPath = applicationPath.substring(0, applicationPath.length() - 2);
	while (applicationPath.endsWith("/")) {
		applicationPath = applicationPath.substring(0, applicationPath.length() - 1);
	if (isBlank(applicationPath)) {
		return null;
	return applicationPath;
源代码14 项目: thorntail   文件: SwaggerArchivePreparer.java
 * Get the JAX-RS application path configured this deployment. If the IndexView is not available, or if there is no class
 * that has the annotated @ApplicationPath, then this method will return an empty string.
 * @return the JAX-RS application path configured this deployment.
private String getRestApplicationPath() {
    String path = "";
    // Check to see if we have any class annotated with the @ApplicationPath. If found, ensure that we set the context path
    // for Swagger resources to webAppContextPath + applicationPath.
    if (indexView != null) {
        DotName dotName = DotName.createSimple(ApplicationPath.class.getName());
        Collection<AnnotationInstance> instances = indexView.getAnnotations(dotName);
        Set<String> applicationPaths = new HashSet<>();
        for (AnnotationInstance ai : instances) {
            AnnotationTarget target = ai.target();
            if (target.kind() == AnnotationTarget.Kind.CLASS) {
                Object value = ai.value().value();
                if (value != null) {
        if (applicationPaths.size() > 1) {
            // We wouldn't know which application path to pick for serving the swagger resources. Let the deployment choose
            // this value explicitly.
        } else if (!applicationPaths.isEmpty()) {
            // Update the context path for swagger
            path = applicationPaths.iterator().next();
    return path;
public Result tryParse(SourceType<?> sourceType) {
    if (!(sourceType.type instanceof Class<?>)) {
        return null;
    final Class<?> cls = (Class<?>) sourceType.type;

    // application
    if (Application.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
        final ApplicationPath applicationPathAnnotation = cls.getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class);
        if (applicationPathAnnotation != null) {
        final List<SourceType<Type>> discoveredTypes = JaxrsApplicationScanner.scanJaxrsApplication(cls, isClassNameExcluded);
        return new Result(discoveredTypes);

    // resource
    final Path path = cls.getAnnotation(Path.class);
    if (path != null) {
        TypeScriptGenerator.getLogger().verbose("Parsing JAX-RS resource: " + cls.getName());
        final Result result = new Result();
        parseResource(result, new ResourceContext(cls, path.value()), cls);
        return result;

    return null;
源代码16 项目: cxf   文件: JAXRSCdiResourceExtension.java
 * Extracts relevant beans from producers.
 * @param event process bean event
 * @param baseType base type of the producer
private <T> void processProducer(final ProcessBean<T> event, final Type baseType) {
    if (baseType instanceof Class<?>) {
        final Class<?> clazz = (Class<?>)baseType;
        if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) {
        } else if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Provider.class)) {
        } else if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(ApplicationPath.class)) {
源代码17 项目: cxf   文件: ResourceUtils.java
public static ApplicationPath locateApplicationPath(Class<?> appClass) {
    ApplicationPath appPath = appClass.getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class);
    if (appPath == null && appClass.getSuperclass() != Application.class) {
        return locateApplicationPath(appClass.getSuperclass());
    return appPath;
源代码18 项目: hammock   文件: JerseyContainerConfigurator.java
public ServletDescriptor jerseyServlet() {
    String urlPattern = restServerConfiguration.getRestServletMapping();
    if (!applicationInstance.isUnsatisfied() && !applicationInstance.isAmbiguous()) {
        ApplicationPath annotation = ClassUtils.getAnnotation(applicationInstance.get().getClass(), ApplicationPath.class);
        if(annotation != null) {
            String path = annotation.value();
            urlPattern = path.endsWith("/") ? path + "*" : path + "/*";
    return new ServletDescriptor(SERVLET_NAME, null, new String[] { urlPattern }, 1, null, true, ServletContainer.class);
public ServletDescriptor resteasyServlet() {
    String path = restServerConfiguration.getRestServerUri();
    if( !(applicationInstance.isUnsatisfied() || applicationInstance.isAmbiguous())) {
        ApplicationPath appPath = ClassUtils.getAnnotation(applicationInstance.get().getClass(), ApplicationPath.class);
        if(appPath != null) {
            path = appPath.value();
    String pattern = path.endsWith("/") ? path + "*" : path + "/*";
    WebInitParam param = new WebParam("resteasy.servlet.mapping.prefix", path);
    return new ServletDescriptor("ResteasyServlet",new String[]{pattern}, new String[]{pattern},
            1,new WebInitParam[]{param},true,HttpServlet30Dispatcher.class);
public static Set<Class<?>> getApplicationConfigClasses(Archive<?> archive) {
    WebArchive webArchive = (WebArchive) archive;
    return webArchive.getContent(archivePath ->
            archivePath.get().startsWith("/WEB-INF/classes/") &&
            .filter(node -> node.getAsset() instanceof ClassAsset)
            .map(node -> ((ClassAsset)node.getAsset()).getSource())
            .filter(clazz -> clazz.isAnnotationPresent(ApplicationPath.class))
源代码21 项目: microshed-testing   文件: RestClientBuilder.java
private static String locateApplicationPath(Class<?> clazz) {
    String resourcePackage = clazz.getPackage().getName();

    // If the rest client directly extends Application, look for ApplicationPath on it
    if (AnnotationSupport.isAnnotated(clazz, ApplicationPath.class))
        return AnnotationSupport.findAnnotation(clazz, ApplicationPath.class).get().value();

    // First check for a javax.ws.rs.core.Application in the same package as the resource
    List<Class<?>> appClasses = ReflectionSupport.findAllClassesInPackage(resourcePackage,
                                                                          c -> Application.class.isAssignableFrom(c) &&
                                                                               AnnotationSupport.isAnnotated(c, ApplicationPath.class),
                                                                          n -> true);
    if (appClasses.size() == 0) {
        LOG.debug("no classes implementing Application found in pkg: " + resourcePackage);
        // If not found, check under the 3rd package, so com.foo.bar.*
        // Classpath scanning can be expensive, so we jump straight to the 3rd package from root instead
        // of recursing up one package at a time and scanning the entire CP for each step
        String[] pkgs = resourcePackage.split("\\.");
        if (pkgs.length > 3) {
            String checkPkg = pkgs[0] + '.' + pkgs[1] + '.' + pkgs[2];
            LOG.debug("checking in pkg: " + checkPkg);
            appClasses = ReflectionSupport.findAllClassesInPackage(checkPkg,
                                                                   c -> Application.class.isAssignableFrom(c) &&
                                                                        AnnotationSupport.isAnnotated(c, ApplicationPath.class),
                                                                   n -> true);

    if (appClasses.size() == 0) {
        LOG.info("No classes implementing 'javax.ws.rs.core.Application' found on classpath to set as context root for " + clazz +
                 ". Defaulting context root to '/'");
        return "";

    Class<?> selectedClass = appClasses.stream()
                    .sorted((c1, c2) -> c1.getName().compareTo(c2.getName()))
    ApplicationPath appPath = AnnotationSupport.findAnnotation(selectedClass, ApplicationPath.class).get();
    if (appClasses.size() > 1) {
        LOG.warn("Found multiple classes implementing 'javax.ws.rs.core.Application' on classpath: " + appClasses +
                 ". Setting context root to the first class discovered (" + selectedClass.getCanonicalName() + ") with path: " +
    LOG.debug("Using ApplicationPath of '" + appPath.value() + "'");
    return appPath.value();
源代码22 项目: jaxrs-analyzer   文件: ProjectAnalyzer.java
private boolean isJAXRSRootResource(String className) {
    final Class<?> clazz = JavaUtils.loadClassFromName(className);
    return clazz != null && (isAnnotationPresent(clazz, javax.ws.rs.Path.class) || isAnnotationPresent(clazz, ApplicationPath.class));
源代码23 项目: cxf   文件: AbstractSpringComponentScanServer.java
protected Server createJaxRsServer() {
    JAXRSServerFactoryBean factoryBean = null;
    String[] beanNames = applicationContext.getBeanNamesForAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class);

    if (beanNames.length > 0) {
        Set<String> componentScanPackagesSet = parseSetProperty(componentScanPackages);
        Set<String> componentScanBeansSet = parseSetProperty(componentScanBeans);
        for (String beanName : beanNames) {
            if (isComponentMatched(beanName, componentScanPackagesSet, componentScanBeansSet)) {
                Application app = applicationContext.getBean(beanName, Application.class);
                factoryBean = createFactoryBeanFromApplication(app);
                for (String cxfBeanName : applicationContext.getBeanNamesForAnnotation(
                                              org.apache.cxf.annotations.Provider.class)) {
                    if (isComponentMatched(cxfBeanName, componentScanPackagesSet, componentScanBeansSet)) {
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(classesScanPackages)) {
        try {
            final Map< Class< ? extends Annotation >, Collection< Class< ? > > > appClasses =
                ClasspathScanner.findClasses(classesScanPackages, ApplicationPath.class);
            List<Application> apps = CastUtils.cast(JAXRSServerFactoryBeanDefinitionParser
                                                  appClasses.get(ApplicationPath.class), null));
            if (!apps.isEmpty()) {
                factoryBean = createFactoryBeanFromApplication(apps.get(0));
                final Map< Class< ? extends Annotation >, Collection< Class< ? > > > cxfClasses =
                    ClasspathScanner.findClasses(classesScanPackages, org.apache.cxf.annotations.Provider.class);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new ServiceConstructionException(ex);
    if (factoryBean != null) {
        return factoryBean.create();
    return super.createJaxRsServer();
源代码24 项目: cxf   文件: ResourceUtils.java
public static JAXRSServerFactoryBean createApplication(Application app,
                                                       boolean ignoreAppPath,
                                                       boolean staticSubresourceResolution,
                                                       boolean useSingletonResourceProvider,
                                                       Bus bus) {

    Set<Object> singletons = app.getSingletons();

    List<Class<?>> resourceClasses = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Object> providers = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<Class<?>, ResourceProvider> map = new HashMap<>();

    // Note, app.getClasses() returns a list of per-request classes
    // or singleton provider classes
    for (Class<?> cls : app.getClasses()) {
        if (isValidApplicationClass(cls, singletons)) {
            if (isValidProvider(cls)) {
            } else if (Feature.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
                features.add(createFeatureInstance((Class<? extends Feature>) cls));
            } else {
                if (useSingletonResourceProvider) {
                    map.put(cls, new SingletonResourceProvider(createProviderInstance(cls)));
                } else {
                    map.put(cls, new PerRequestResourceProvider(cls));

    // we can get either a provider or resource class here
    for (Object o : singletons) {
        if (isValidProvider(o.getClass())) {
        } else if (o instanceof Feature) {
            features.add((Feature) o);
        } else {
            map.put(o.getClass(), new SingletonResourceProvider(o));

    JAXRSServerFactoryBean bean = new JAXRSServerFactoryBean();
    if (bus != null) {

    String address = "/";
    if (!ignoreAppPath) {
        ApplicationPath appPath = locateApplicationPath(app.getClass());
        if (appPath != null) {
            address = appPath.value();
    if (!address.startsWith("/")) {
        address = "/" + address;
    for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, ResourceProvider> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        bean.setResourceProvider(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    Map<String, Object> appProps = app.getProperties();
    if (appProps != null) {
    return bean;
源代码25 项目: tomee   文件: RESTService.java
private static String appPrefix(final WebAppInfo info, final Class<?> appClazz) {
    StringBuilder builder = null;

    // no annotation, try servlets
    for (final ServletInfo s : info.servlets) {
        if (s.mappings.isEmpty()) {

        String mapping = null;

        final String name = appClazz.getName();
        if (name.equals(s.servletClass) || name.equals(s.servletName) || "javax.ws.rs.core.Application ".equals(s.servletName)) {
            mapping = s.mappings.iterator().next();
        } else {
            for (final ParamValueInfo pvi : s.initParams) {
                if ("javax.ws.rs.Application".equals(pvi.name) || Application.class.getName().equals(pvi.name)) {
                    mapping = s.mappings.iterator().next();

        if (mapping != null) {
            if (mapping.endsWith("/*")) {
                mapping = mapping.substring(0, mapping.length() - 2);
            if (mapping.startsWith("/")) {
                mapping = mapping.substring(1);

            builder = new StringBuilder();
    if (builder != null) { // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-5702
        return builder.toString();

    // annotation
    final ApplicationPath path = appClazz.getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class);
    if (path != null) {
        String appPath = path.value();
        if (appPath.endsWith("*")) {
            appPath = appPath.substring(0, appPath.length() - 1);

        builder = new StringBuilder();
        if (appPath.startsWith("/")) {
        } else {

    if (builder == null) {
        return null;
    return builder.toString();