

源代码1 项目: onos   文件: PortChainResourceTest.java
 * Tests that a fetch of a non-existent port chain object throws an exception.
public void testBadGet() {
    WebTarget wt = target();
    try {
        fail("Fetch of non-existent port chain did not throw an exception");
    } catch (NotFoundException ex) {
                   containsString("HTTP 404 Not Found"));
源代码2 项目: keycloak   文件: AuthServerTestEnricher.java
public static void removeTestRealms(TestContext testContext, Keycloak adminClient) {
    List<RealmRepresentation> testRealmReps = testContext.getTestRealmReps();
    if (testRealmReps != null && !testRealmReps.isEmpty()) {
        log.info("removing test realms after test class");
        StringBuilder realms = new StringBuilder();
        for (RealmRepresentation testRealm : testRealmReps) {
            try {
                realms.append(testRealm.getRealm()).append(", ");
            } catch (NotFoundException e) {
                // Ignore
        log.info("removed realms: " + realms);
源代码3 项目: clouditor   文件: CertificationResource.java
public Certification getCertification(@PathParam(value = "id") String certificationId) {
  certificationId = sanitize(certificationId);

  var certifications = this.service.getCertifications();

  var certification = certifications.get(certificationId);

  if (certification == null) {
    throw new NotFoundException();

  return certification;
源代码4 项目: usergrid   文件: GoogleAssetResourceIT.java
public void ensureMissingFileReturns404() {
    Map<String, String> payload = hashMap("name", "assettest");
    ApiResponse postResponse = pathResource(getOrgAppPath("missingFile")).post(payload);
    UUID assetId = postResponse.getEntities().get(0).getUuid();

    try {
        fail("Should fail as there isn't an asset to retrieve.");
    } catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Unexpected exception", e);
        fail("Shouldn't return any other kind of exception");

源代码5 项目: keycloak   文件: AccountCredentialResource.java
 * Update a user label of specified credential of current user
 * @param credentialId ID of the credential, which will be updated
 * @param userLabel new user label as JSON string
public void setLabel(final @PathParam("credentialId") String credentialId, String userLabel) {
    CredentialModel credential = session.userCredentialManager().getStoredCredentialById(realm, user, credentialId);
    if (credential == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Credential not found");

    try {
        String label = JsonSerialization.readValue(userLabel, String.class);
        session.userCredentialManager().updateCredentialLabel(realm, user, credentialId, label);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new ErrorResponseException(ErrorResponse.error(Messages.INVALID_REQUEST, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST));
public void deleteWishlist(final YaasAwareParameters yaasAware, final String wishlistId, final AccessToken token) {
    final Response response = documentClient

    if (response.getStatus() == Status.NO_CONTENT.getStatusCode()) {
    } else if (response.getStatus() == Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode()) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Cannot find wishlist with ID " + wishlistId, response);
    throw ErrorHandler.resolveErrorResponse(response, token);
源代码7 项目: dremio-oss   文件: JobResource.java
public JobResourceData getQueryResults(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") Integer offset, @Valid @QueryParam("limit") @DefaultValue("100") Integer limit) {
  Preconditions.checkArgument(limit <= 500,"limit can not exceed 500 rows");
  try {
    JobSummaryRequest request = JobSummaryRequest.newBuilder()
    JobSummary jobSummary = jobs.getJobSummary(request);

    if (jobSummary.getJobState() != JobState.COMPLETED) {
      throw new BadRequestException(String.format("Can not fetch details for a job that is in [%s] state.", jobSummary.getJobState()));
    // Additional wait not necessary since we check for job completion via JobState
    return new JobResourceData(jobs, jobSummary, securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName(),
      getOrCreateAllocator("getQueryResults"),  offset, limit);
  } catch (JobNotFoundException e) {
    throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Could not find a job with id [%s]", id));
源代码8 项目: cxf   文件: JAXRSClientMetricsTest.java
public void usingClientProxyStopIsCalledWhenServerReturnsNotFound() throws Exception {
    final JAXRSClientFactoryBean factory = new JAXRSClientFactoryBean();
    factory.setAddress("http://localhost:" + wireMockRule.port() + "/");
    factory.setFeatures(Arrays.asList(new MetricsFeature(provider)));

    try {
        final Library client = factory.create(Library.class);
    } finally {
        Mockito.verify(resourceContext, times(1)).start(any(Exchange.class));
        Mockito.verify(resourceContext, times(1)).stop(anyLong(), anyLong(), anyLong(), any(Exchange.class));
        Mockito.verify(endpointContext, times(1)).start(any(Exchange.class));
        Mockito.verify(endpointContext, times(1)).stop(anyLong(), anyLong(), anyLong(), any(Exchange.class));
源代码9 项目: cloudbreak   文件: SdxRepairService.java
protected AttemptResult<StackV4Response> checkClusterStatusDuringRepair(SdxCluster sdxCluster) throws JsonProcessingException {
    LOGGER.info("Repair polling cloudbreak for stack status: '{}' in '{}' env", sdxCluster.getClusterName(), sdxCluster.getEnvName());
    try {
        if (PollGroup.CANCELLED.equals(DatalakeInMemoryStateStore.get(sdxCluster.getId()))) {
            LOGGER.info("Repair polling cancelled in inmemory store, id: " + sdxCluster.getId());
            return AttemptResults.breakFor("Repair polling cancelled in inmemory store, id: " + sdxCluster.getId());
        FlowState flowState = cloudbreakFlowService.getLastKnownFlowState(sdxCluster);
        if (RUNNING.equals(flowState)) {
            LOGGER.info("Repair polling will continue, cluster has an active flow in Cloudbreak, id: " + sdxCluster.getId());
            return AttemptResults.justContinue();
        } else {
            return getStackResponseAttemptResult(sdxCluster, flowState);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        LOGGER.debug("Stack not found on CB side " + sdxCluster.getClusterName(), e);
        return AttemptResults.breakFor("Stack not found on CB side " + sdxCluster.getClusterName());
源代码10 项目: keycloak   文件: UserStorageTest.java
public void testRegistration() {
    UserRepresentation memuser = new UserRepresentation();
    String uid = ApiUtil.createUserAndResetPasswordWithAdminClient(testRealmResource(), memuser, "password");
    loginSuccessAndLogout("memuser", "password");
    loginSuccessAndLogout("memuser", "password");
    loginSuccessAndLogout("memuser", "password");

    memuser = user(uid).toRepresentation();
    ComponentRepresentation origin = testRealmResource().components().component(memuser.getOrigin()).toRepresentation();
    Assert.assertEquals("memory", origin.getName());

    try {
        user(uid).toRepresentation(); // provider doesn't implement UserQueryProvider --> have to lookup by uid
        fail("`memuser` wasn't removed");
    } catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
        // expected
private void deleteFlow(String id, boolean isTopMostLevel) {
    AuthenticationFlowModel flow = realm.getAuthenticationFlowById(id);
    if (flow == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Could not find flow with id");
    if (flow.isBuiltIn()) {
        throw new BadRequestException("Can't delete built in flow");
    List<AuthenticationExecutionModel> executions = realm.getAuthenticationExecutions(id);
    for (AuthenticationExecutionModel execution : executions) {
        if(execution.getFlowId() != null) {
            deleteFlow(execution.getFlowId(), false);

    // Use just one event for top-level flow. Using separate events won't work properly for flows of depth 2 or bigger
    if (isTopMostLevel) adminEvent.operation(OperationType.DELETE).resourcePath(session.getContext().getUri()).success();
源代码12 项目: keywhiz   文件: AutomationClientResource.java
 * Retrieve Client by ID
 * @param automationClient the client with automation access performing this operation
 * @param clientId the ID of the Client to retrieve
 * @return the specified client, if found
 * description Returns a single Client if found
 * responseMessage 200 Found and retrieved Client with given ID
 * responseMessage 404 Client with given ID not Found
@Timed @ExceptionMetered
public Response findClientById(
    @Auth AutomationClient automationClient,
    @PathParam("clientId") LongParam clientId) {
  logger.info("Automation ({}) - Looking up an ID {}", automationClient.getName(), clientId);

  Client client = clientDAO.getClientById(clientId.get())
  ImmutableList<Group> groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(aclDAO.getGroupsFor(client));

  return Response.ok()
      .entity(ClientDetailResponse.fromClient(client, groups, ImmutableList.of()))
源代码13 项目: cxf   文件: StatsRestServiceImpl.java
public Response getResource(@Context UriInfo uriInfo, @PathParam("resource") String resourcePath) {
    if (resourcePath.contains("favicon")) {
        return Response.status(404).build();

    try {
        final URL resourceURL = getClass().getResource("/web-ui/" + resourcePath);
        final ResponseBuilder rb = Response.ok(resourceURL.openStream());
        int ind = resourcePath.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (ind != -1 && ind < resourcePath.length()) {
            String ext = resourcePath.substring(ind + 1);
            if ("js".equalsIgnoreCase(ext)) {
            } else {
        return rb.build();
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new NotFoundException(ex);
源代码14 项目: keycloak   文件: ClientScopeEvaluateResource.java
 * @param scopeParam
 * @param roleContainerId either realm name OR client UUID
 * @return
public ClientScopeEvaluateScopeMappingsResource scopeMappings(@QueryParam("scope") String scopeParam, @PathParam("roleContainerId") String roleContainerId) {

    if (roleContainerId == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException("No roleContainerId provided");

    RoleContainerModel roleContainer = roleContainerId.equals(realm.getName()) ? realm : realm.getClientById(roleContainerId);
    if (roleContainer == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Role Container not found");

    return new ClientScopeEvaluateScopeMappingsResource(roleContainer, auth, client, scopeParam, session);
源代码15 项目: onos   文件: DeviceKeyWebResourceTest.java
 * Tests that a GET of a non-existent object throws an exception.
public void testGetNonExistentDeviceKey() {


    WebTarget wt = target();
    try {
        wt.path("keys/" + deviceKeyId1).request().get(String.class);
        fail("GET of a non-existent device key did not throw an exception");
    } catch (NotFoundException ex) {
        assertThat(ex.getMessage(), containsString("HTTP 404 Not Found"));

源代码16 项目: keywhiz   文件: ClientResource.java
 * Modify a client
 * @param currentName Client name
 * @param request     JSON request to modify the client
 * @return the updated client
 * <p>
 * responseMessage 201 Client updated
 * <p>
 * responseMessage 404 Client not found
@Timed @ExceptionMetered
public ClientDetailResponseV2 modifyClient(@Auth AutomationClient automationClient,
    @PathParam("name") String currentName, @Valid ModifyClientRequestV2 request) {
  Client client = clientDAOReadWrite.getClientByName(currentName)
  String newName = request.name();

  // TODO: implement change client (name, updatedAt, updatedBy)
  throw new NotImplementedException(format(
      "Need to implement mutation methods in DAO to rename %s to %s", client.getName(), newName));
public Wishlist getWishlist(final YaasAwareParameters yaasAware, final String id, final AccessToken token) {

        final Response response = documentClient

        if (response.getStatus() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
            final DocumentWishlist documentWishlist = response.readEntity(DocumentWishlist.class);
            final Wishlist wishlist = documentWishlist.getWishlist();
            return wishlist;

        } else if (response.getStatus() == Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode()) {
            throw new NotFoundException("Cannot find wishlist with ID " + id, response);
        throw ErrorHandler.resolveErrorResponse(response, token);
 * Delete authenticator configuration
 * @param id Configuration id
public void removeAuthenticatorConfig(@PathParam("id") String id) {

    AuthenticatorConfigModel config = realm.getAuthenticatorConfigById(id);
    if (config == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Could not find authenticator config");

    for (AuthenticationFlowModel flow : realm.getAuthenticationFlows()) {
        for (AuthenticationExecutionModel exe : realm.getAuthenticationExecutions(flow.getId())) {
            if (id.equals(exe.getAuthenticatorConfig())) {


源代码19 项目: keycloak   文件: RealmTest.java
// KEYCLOAK-1110
public void deleteDefaultRole() {
    RoleRepresentation role = new RoleRepresentation("test", "test", false);
    assertAdminEvents.assertEvent(realmId, OperationType.CREATE, AdminEventPaths.roleResourcePath("test"), role, ResourceType.REALM_ROLE);


    RealmRepresentation rep = realm.toRepresentation();
    rep.setDefaultRoles(new LinkedList<String>());

    assertAdminEvents.assertEvent(realmId, OperationType.UPDATE, Matchers.nullValue(String.class), rep, ResourceType.REALM);

    assertAdminEvents.assertEvent(realmId, OperationType.DELETE, AdminEventPaths.roleResourcePath("test"), ResourceType.REALM_ROLE);

    try {
        fail("Expected NotFoundException");
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        // Expected
@ApiOperation(hidden = true, value = "")
public Response createDeploymentTest(@PathParam("id") final Integer id) {
    logger.debug("Invoking createDeploymentTest");
    // TODO: Check if instance belongs to CSAR and Service Template
    final ServiceTemplateInstance sti = new ServiceTemplateInstanceRepository().find(Long.valueOf(id)).orElse(null);
    if (sti == null) {
        logger.info("Service template instance \"" + id + "\" of template \"" + serviceTemplate.getId()
            + "\" could not be found");
        throw new NotFoundException("Service template instance \"" + id + "\" of template \""
            + serviceTemplate.getId() + "\" could not be found");

    final DeploymentTest result = this.deploymentTestService.run(csar.id(), sti);
    final URI location = this.uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().path(String.valueOf(result.getId())).build();
    return Response.created(UriUtil.encode(location)).build();
源代码21 项目: clouditor   文件: AccountsResource.java
public CloudAccount getAccount(@PathParam("provider") String provider) {
  provider = sanitize(provider);

  var account = this.service.getAccount(provider);

  if (account == null) {
    throw new NotFoundException();

  return account;
源代码22 项目: clouditor   文件: DiscoveryResource.java
public void disable(@PathParam("id") String id) {
  id = sanitize(id);

  var scan = service.getScan(id);

  if (scan == null) {
    LOGGER.error("Could not find scan with id {}", id);
    throw new NotFoundException("Could not find scan with id " + id);

源代码23 项目: keycloak   文件: TestingResourceProvider.java
 * Generate new client scope for specified service client. The "Frontend" clients, who will use this client scope, will be able to
 * send their access token to authenticate against specified service client
 * @param clientId Client ID of service client (typically bearer-only client)
 * @return ID of the newly generated clientScope
public String generateAudienceClientScope(@QueryParam("realm") final String realmName, final @QueryParam("clientId") String clientId) {
    try {
        RealmModel realm = getRealmByName(realmName);
        ClientModel serviceClient = realm.getClientByClientId(clientId);
        if (serviceClient == null) {
            throw new NotFoundException("Referenced service client doesn't exists");

        ClientScopeModel clientScopeModel = realm.addClientScope(clientId);
        clientScopeModel.setProtocol(serviceClient.getProtocol()==null ? OIDCLoginProtocol.LOGIN_PROTOCOL : serviceClient.getProtocol());

        // Add audience protocol mapper
        ProtocolMapperModel audienceMapper = AudienceProtocolMapper.createClaimMapper("Audience for " + clientId, clientId, null,true, false);

        return clientScopeModel.getId();
    } catch (ModelDuplicateException e) {
        throw new BadRequestException("Client Scope " + clientId + " already exists");
源代码24 项目: cloudbreak   文件: ProvisionerServiceTest.java
void startProvisioning() {
    long clusterId = CLUSTER_ID.incrementAndGet();
    SdxCluster sdxCluster = generateValidSdxCluster(clusterId);
    StackV4Response stackV4Response = new StackV4Response();
    when(stackV4Endpoint.getByCrn(anyLong(), nullable(String.class), nullable(Set.class))).thenThrow(new NotFoundException());
    when(stackV4Endpoint.post(anyLong(), any(StackV4Request.class))).thenReturn(stackV4Response);

    underTest.startStackProvisioning(clusterId, getEnvironmentResponse());

    verify(cloudbreakFlowService).saveLastCloudbreakFlowChainId(sdxCluster, stackV4Response.getFlowIdentifier());
    verify(sdxClusterRepository, times(1)).save(any(SdxCluster.class));
源代码25 项目: components   文件: HadoopAmbariCluster.java
public HadoopAmbariCluster(ClusterResource cluster) {
    this.cluster = cluster;
    this.services = cluster.getServicesResource();
    try {
    } catch (NotFoundException noe) {
        supportSCV = false;
源代码26 项目: keycloak   文件: RoleContainerResource.java
 * Get realm-level roles of the role's composite
 * @param roleName role's name (not id!)
 * @return
public Set<RoleRepresentation> getRealmRoleComposites(final @PathParam("role-name") String roleName) {
    RoleModel role = roleContainer.getRole(roleName);
    if (role == null) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Could not find role");
    return getRealmRoleComposites(role);
源代码27 项目: cloudbreak   文件: DistroXTestDto.java
private boolean hasFlow() {
    try {
        return getTestContext().getCloudbreakClient().getCloudbreakClient()
                .getFlowLogsByResourceName(getName()).stream().anyMatch(flowentry -> !flowentry.getFinalized());
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
        return false;
源代码28 项目: cxf   文件: Catalog.java
public Response delete(@PathParam("id") final String id) throws IOException {
    if (!store.remove(id)) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Book with does not exists: " + id);

    return Response.ok().build();
源代码29 项目: vespa   文件: ApplicationSuspensionResource.java
public void getApplication(String applicationIdString) {
    ApplicationId appId = toApplicationId(applicationIdString);
    ApplicationInstanceStatus status;

    try {
         status = orchestrator.getApplicationInstanceStatus(appId);
    } catch (ApplicationIdNotFoundException e) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Application " + applicationIdString + " could not be found");

    if (status.equals(ApplicationInstanceStatus.NO_REMARKS)) {
        throw new NotFoundException("Application " + applicationIdString + " is not suspended");

    // Return void as we have nothing to return except 204 No
    // Content. Unfortunately, Jersey outputs a warning for this case:
    //     The following warnings have been detected: HINT: A HTTP GET
    //     method, public void com.yahoo.vespa.orchestrator.resources.
    //     ApplicationSuspensionResource.getApplication(java.lang.String),
    //     returns a void type. It can be intentional and perfectly fine,
    //     but it is a little uncommon that GET method returns always "204
    //     No Content"
    // We have whitelisted the warning for our systemtests.
    // bakksjo has a pending jersey PR fix that avoids making the hint
    // become a warning:
    //     https://github.com/jersey/jersey/pull/212
    // TODO: Remove whitelisting and this comment once jersey has been
    // fixed.
 * Retrieves the node ID of the document library of a particular site, creating the site, if it does not exist.
 * @param client
 *            the client to use for making ReST API calls
 * @param baseUrl
 *            the base URL of the Alfresco instance
 * @param ticket
 *            the authentication ticket to use for calls to the ResT APIs
 * @param siteId
 *            the ID of the site to retrieve / create
 * @param siteTitle
 *            the title of the site to use if this operation cannot find an existing site and creates one lazily
 * @return the node ID of the document library
protected static String getOrCreateSiteAndDocumentLibrary(final ResteasyClient client, final String baseUrl, final String ticket,
        final String siteId, final String siteTitle)
    final SitesV1 sites = createAPI(client, baseUrl, SitesV1.class, ticket);

    SiteResponseEntity site = null;

        site = sites.getSite(siteId);
    catch (final NotFoundException ignore)
        // getOrCreate implies that site might not exist (yet)

    if (site == null)
        final SiteCreationRequestEntity siteToCreate = new SiteCreationRequestEntity();

        site = sites.createSite(siteToCreate, true, true, null);

    final SiteContainerResponseEntity documentLibrary = sites.getSiteContainer(site.getId(), SiteService.DOCUMENT_LIBRARY);
    return documentLibrary.getId();