

源代码1 项目: openjdk-8   文件: FileSystemView.java
 * Icon for a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in
 * a system file browser. Example from Windows: the "M:\" directory
 * displays a CD-ROM icon.
 * The default implementation gets information from the ShellFolder class.
 * @param f a <code>File</code> object
 * @return an icon as it would be displayed by a native file chooser
 * @see JFileChooser#getIcon
 * @since 1.4
public Icon getSystemIcon(File f) {
    if (f == null) {
        return null;

    ShellFolder sf;

    try {
        sf = getShellFolder(f);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        return null;

    Image img = sf.getIcon(false);

    if (img != null) {
        return new ImageIcon(img, sf.getFolderType());
    } else {
        return UIManager.getIcon(f.isDirectory() ? "FileView.directoryIcon" : "FileView.fileIcon");
源代码2 项目: openjdk-8   文件: WTrayIconPeer.java
synchronized void updateNativeImage(Image image) {
    if (isDisposed())

    boolean autosize = ((TrayIcon)target).isImageAutoSize();

    BufferedImage bufImage = new BufferedImage(TRAY_ICON_WIDTH, TRAY_ICON_HEIGHT,
    Graphics2D gr = bufImage.createGraphics();
    if (gr != null) {
        try {

            gr.drawImage(image, 0, 0, (autosize ? TRAY_ICON_WIDTH : image.getWidth(observer)),
                         (autosize ? TRAY_ICON_HEIGHT : image.getHeight(observer)), observer);


            if (firstUpdate) firstUpdate = false;

        } finally {
源代码3 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: TranslucentWindowPainter.java
 * Updates the window associated with the painter.
 * @param repaint indicates if the window should be completely repainted
 * to the back buffer using {@link java.awt.Window#paintAll} before update.
public void updateWindow(boolean repaint) {
    boolean done = false;
    Image bb = getBackBuffer(repaint);
    while (!done) {
        if (repaint) {
            Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)bb.getGraphics();
            try {
            } finally {

        done = update(bb);
        if (!done) {
            repaint = true;
            bb = getBackBuffer(true);
源代码4 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: LUTCompareTest.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Image img = createTestImage();

    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

    LUTCompareTest o = new LUTCompareTest(img);

    tk.prepareImage(img, -1, -1, o);

    while(!o.isImageReady()) {
        synchronized(lock) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

源代码5 项目: netbeans   文件: DOMNodeAnnotator.java
public void annotate(Node node, Image badge) {
    int nodeId = node.getNodeId();
    if (badge == null) {
    } else {
        badges.put(node.getNodeId(), badge);
    Page page = PageInspector.getDefault().getPage();
    if (page instanceof WebKitPageModel) {
        WebKitPageModel pageModel = (WebKitPageModel)page;
        DOMNode domNode = pageModel.getNode(node.getNodeId());
        if (domNode != null) {
源代码6 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: LUTCompareTest.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Image img = createTestImage();

    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

    LUTCompareTest o = new LUTCompareTest(img);

    tk.prepareImage(img, -1, -1, o);

    while(!o.isImageReady()) {
        synchronized(lock) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

 * Updates the window associated with the painter.
 * @param repaint indicates if the window should be completely repainted
 * to the back buffer using {@link java.awt.Window#paintAll} before update.
public void updateWindow(boolean repaint) {
    boolean done = false;
    Image bb = getBackBuffer(repaint);
    while (!done) {
        if (repaint) {
            Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)bb.getGraphics();
            try {
            } finally {

        done = update(bb);
        if (!done) {
            repaint = true;
            bb = getBackBuffer(true);
源代码8 项目: openjdk-8   文件: SunGraphics2D.java
private boolean drawHiDPIImage(Image img, int dx1, int dy1, int dx2,
                               int dy2, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2,
                               Color bgcolor, ImageObserver observer) {
    final int scale = SurfaceManager.getImageScale(img);
    sx1 = Region.clipScale(sx1, scale);
    sx2 = Region.clipScale(sx2, scale);
    sy1 = Region.clipScale(sy1, scale);
    sy2 = Region.clipScale(sy2, scale);
    try {
        return imagepipe.scaleImage(this, img, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, sx1, sy1,
                                    sx2, sy2, bgcolor, observer);
    } catch (InvalidPipeException e) {
        try {
            return imagepipe.scaleImage(this, img, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, sx1,
                                        sy1, sx2, sy2, bgcolor, observer);
        } catch (InvalidPipeException e2) {
            // Still catching the exception; we are not yet ready to
            // validate the surfaceData correctly.  Fail for now and
            // try again next time around.
            return false;
    } finally {
public void loadPreviewImage(Entity entity, Image camo, int tint, BufferedPanel bp) {
Image base = mechTileset.imageFor(entity, comp);
EntityImage entityImage = new EntityImage(base, tint, camo, bp);
Image preview = entityImage.loadPreviewImage();

BackGroundDrawer bgdPreview = new BackGroundDrawer(preview);

MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(comp);
tracker.addImage(preview, 0);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

源代码10 项目: knopflerfish.org   文件: GameFrame.java
void setIcon() {
  String iconName = "cloud32x32.gif";
  if (Util.isWindows()) {
    iconName = "cloud16x16.gif";
  String strURL = "/data/" + iconName;
  try {
    MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(frame);

    URL url = getClass().getResource(strURL);

    if(url != null) {
      Image image = frame.getToolkit().getImage(url);
      tracker.addImage(image, 0);

    } else {
  } catch (Exception e) {
源代码11 项目: nullpomino   文件: ResourceHolderSwing.java
 * Load line clear effect images.
public static void loadLineClearEffectImages() {
	String skindir = NullpoMinoSwing.propConfig.getProperty("custom.skin.directory", "res");

	if(imgBreak == null) {

		for(int i = 0; i < BLOCK_BREAK_MAX; i++) {
			for(int j = 0; j < BLOCK_BREAK_SEGMENTS; j++) {
				imgBreak[i][j] = loadImage(getURL(skindir + "/graphics/break" + i + "_" + j + ".png"));
	if(imgPErase == null) {
		imgPErase = new Image[PERASE_MAX];

		for(int i = 0; i < imgPErase.length; i++) {
			imgPErase[i] = loadImage(getURL(skindir + "/graphics/perase" + i + ".png"));
源代码12 项目: util   文件: ImageUtil.java
 * 给图片添加文字水印
 * @param pressText 水印文字
 * @param srcImageFile 源图像地址
 * @param destImageFile 目标图像地址
 * @param fontName 字体名称
 * @param fontStyle 字体样式
 * @param color 字体颜色
 * @param fontSize 字体大小
 * @param x 修正值
 * @param y 修正值
 * @param alpha 透明度:alpha 必须是范围 [0.0, 1.0] 之内(包含边界值)的一个浮点数字
public final static void pressText2(String pressText, String srcImageFile,String destImageFile,
        String fontName, int fontStyle, Color color, int fontSize, int x,
        int y, float alpha) {
    try {
        File img = new File(srcImageFile);
        Image src = ImageIO.read(img);
        int width = src.getWidth(null);
        int height = src.getHeight(null);
        BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height,
        Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();
        g.drawImage(src, 0, 0, width, height, null);
        g.setFont(new Font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize));
        // 在指定坐标绘制水印文字
        g.drawString(pressText, (width - (getLength(pressText) * fontSize))
                / 2 + x, (height - fontSize) / 2 + y);
        ImageIO.write((BufferedImage) image, "JPEG", new File(destImageFile));
    } catch (Exception e) {
 * Creates an AttachmentBuilder based on the parameter type
 * @param param
 *      runtime Parameter that abstracts the annotated java parameter
 * @param setter
 *      specifies how the obtained value is set into the argument. Takes
 *      care of Holder arguments.
public static EndpointArgumentsBuilder createAttachmentBuilder(ParameterImpl param, EndpointValueSetter setter) {
    Class type = (Class)param.getTypeInfo().type;
    if (DataHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        return new DataHandlerBuilder(param, setter);
    } else if (byte[].class==type) {
        return new ByteArrayBuilder(param, setter);
    } else if(Source.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        return new SourceBuilder(param, setter);
    } else if(Image.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        return new ImageBuilder(param, setter);
    } else if(InputStream.class==type) {
        return new InputStreamBuilder(param, setter);
    } else if(isXMLMimeType(param.getBinding().getMimeType())) {
        return new JAXBBuilder(param, setter);
    } else if(String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        return new StringBuilder(param, setter);
    } else {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown Type="+type+" Attachment is not mapped.");
源代码14 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: LUTCompareTest.java
private static Image createTestImage() throws IOException  {
    BufferedImage frame1 = createFrame(new int[] { 0xffff0000, 0xffff0000 });
    BufferedImage frame2 = createFrame(new int[] { 0xff0000ff, 0xffff0000 });

    ImageWriter writer = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("GIF").next();
    ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(new File("lut_test.gif"));
    ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
    writer.writeToSequence(new IIOImage(frame1, null, null), param);
    writer.writeToSequence(new IIOImage(frame2, null, null), param);


    return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage("lut_test.gif");
源代码15 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件: PathGraphics.java
public boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y,
                         Color bgcolor,
                         ImageObserver observer) {

    if (img == null) {
        return true;

    boolean result;
    int srcWidth = img.getWidth(null);
    int srcHeight = img.getHeight(null);

    if (srcWidth < 0 || srcHeight < 0) {
        result = false;
    } else {
        result = drawImage(img, x, y, srcWidth, srcHeight, bgcolor, observer);

    return result;
源代码16 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件: LUTCompareTest.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Image img = createTestImage();

    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

    LUTCompareTest o = new LUTCompareTest(img);

    tk.prepareImage(img, -1, -1, o);

    while(!o.isImageReady()) {
        synchronized(lock) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

源代码17 项目: triplea   文件: Util.java
public static void ensureImageLoaded(final Image anImage) {
  final MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(component);
  tracker.addImage(anImage, 1);
  try {
  } catch (final InterruptedException ignored) {
源代码18 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: bug8032667_image_diff.java
static BufferedImage getScaledImage(JComponent component) {
    Image image1x = getImage(component, 1, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);
    final BufferedImage image2x = new BufferedImage(
            2 * IMAGE_WIDTH, 2 * IMAGE_HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    final Graphics g = image2x.getGraphics();
    ((Graphics2D) g).scale(2, 2);
    g.drawImage(image1x, 0, 0, null);
    return image2x;
源代码19 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: XDataTransferer.java
 * Translates either a byte array or an input stream which contain
 * platform-specific image data in the given format into an Image.
protected Image platformImageBytesToImage(
    byte[] bytes, long format) throws IOException
    String mimeType = null;
    if (format == PNG_ATOM.getAtom()) {
        mimeType = "image/png";
    } else if (format == JFIF_ATOM.getAtom()) {
        mimeType = "image/jpeg";
    } else {
        // Check if an image MIME format.
        try {
            String nat = getNativeForFormat(format);
            DataFlavor df = new DataFlavor(nat);
            String primaryType = df.getPrimaryType();
            if ("image".equals(primaryType)) {
                mimeType = df.getPrimaryType() + "/" + df.getSubType();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Not an image MIME format.
    if (mimeType != null) {
        return standardImageBytesToImage(bytes, mimeType);
    } else {
        String nativeFormat = getNativeForFormat(format);
        throw new IOException("Translation from " + nativeFormat +
                              " is not supported.");
源代码20 项目: Photato   文件: ImageHelper.java
public static BufferedImage resizeImageSmooth(BufferedImage image, int wantedWidth, int wantedHeight) {
    Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(wantedWidth, wantedHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
    BufferedImage imageBuff = new BufferedImage(wantedWidth, wantedHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics g = imageBuff.createGraphics();
    g.drawImage(scaledImage, 0, 0, null, null);

    return imageBuff;
源代码21 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: DrawImage.java
public boolean transformImage(SunGraphics2D sg, Image img,
                              AffineTransform atfm,
                              ImageObserver observer) {
    if (!(img instanceof ToolkitImage)) {
        transformImage(sg, img, 0, 0, atfm, sg.interpolationType);
        return true;
    } else {
        ToolkitImage sunimg = (ToolkitImage)img;
        if (!imageReady(sunimg, observer)) {
            return false;
        ImageRepresentation ir = sunimg.getImageRep();
        return ir.drawToBufImage(sg, sunimg, atfm, observer);
源代码22 项目: Spark   文件: GameboardGUI.java
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
final Image backgroundImage = _bg;
double scaleX = getWidth() / (double) backgroundImage.getWidth(null);
double scaleY = getHeight() / (double) backgroundImage.getHeight(null);
AffineTransform xform = AffineTransform
	.getScaleInstance(scaleX, scaleY);
((Graphics2D) g).drawImage(backgroundImage, xform, this);
源代码23 项目: hottub   文件: DragSource.java
 * Start a drag, given the <code>DragGestureEvent</code>
 * that initiated the drag, the initial
 * <code>Cursor</code> to use,
 * the <code>Image</code> to drag,
 * the offset of the <code>Image</code> origin
 * from the hotspot of the <code>Cursor</code> at
 * the instant of the trigger,
 * the <code>Transferable</code> subject data
 * of the drag, the <code>DragSourceListener</code>,
 * and the <code>FlavorMap</code>.
 * <P>
 * @param trigger        the <code>DragGestureEvent</code> that initiated the drag
 * @param dragCursor     the initial {@code Cursor} for this drag operation
 *                       or {@code null} for the default cursor handling;
 *                       see <a href="DragSourceContext.html#defaultCursor">DragSourceContext</a>
 *                       for more details on the cursor handling mechanism during drag and drop
 * @param dragImage      the image to drag or {@code null}
 * @param imageOffset    the offset of the <code>Image</code> origin from the hotspot
 *                       of the <code>Cursor</code> at the instant of the trigger
 * @param transferable   the subject data of the drag
 * @param dsl            the <code>DragSourceListener</code>
 * @param flavorMap      the <code>FlavorMap</code> to use, or <code>null</code>
 * <P>
 * @throws java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException
 *    if the Drag and Drop
 *    system is unable to initiate a drag operation, or if the user
 *    attempts to start a drag while an existing drag operation
 *    is still executing

public void startDrag(DragGestureEvent   trigger,
                      Cursor             dragCursor,
                      Image              dragImage,
                      Point              imageOffset,
                      Transferable       transferable,
                      DragSourceListener dsl,
                      FlavorMap          flavorMap) throws InvalidDnDOperationException {


    try {
        if (flavorMap != null) this.flavorMap = flavorMap;

        DragSourceContextPeer dscp = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createDragSourceContextPeer(trigger);

        DragSourceContext     dsc = createDragSourceContext(dscp,

        if (dsc == null) {
            throw new InvalidDnDOperationException();

        dscp.startDrag(dsc, dsc.getCursor(), dragImage, imageOffset); // may throw
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw e;
源代码24 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: CGLSurfaceData.java
public CGLVSyncOffScreenSurfaceData(CPlatformView pView,
        CGLGraphicsConfig gc, int width, int height, Image image,
        ColorModel cm, int type) {
    super(pView, gc, width, height, image, cm, type);
    flipSurface = CGLSurfaceData.createData(pView, image,
源代码25 项目: netbeans   文件: DummyPalette.java
public Image getIcon(int type) {

            Image icon = null;
            try {
                URL url = new URL("nbres:/javax/swing/beaninfo/images/JTabbedPaneColor16.gif");
                icon = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url);
            } catch( MalformedURLException murlE ) {
            return icon;
源代码26 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: Win32GraphicsConfig.java
 * Creates a new managed image of the given width and height
 * that is associated with the target Component.
public Image createAcceleratedImage(Component target,
                                    int width, int height)
    ColorModel model = getColorModel(Transparency.OPAQUE);
    WritableRaster wr =
        model.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height);
    return new OffScreenImage(target, model, wr,
源代码27 项目: netbeans   文件: Hk2ItemNode.java
 * Applies a badge to an open or closed folder icon.
 * <p/>
 * @param badge  Badge image for folder.
 * @param opened Use open or closed folder.
 * @return An image of the badged folder.
public static Image badgeFolder(Image badge, boolean opened) {
    Node folderNode = getIconDelegate();
    Image folder = opened
            ? folderNode.getOpenedIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16)
            : folderNode.getIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16);
    return ImageUtilities.mergeImages(folder, badge, 7, 7);
源代码28 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: DitherTest.java
 * Calculates and returns the image.  Halts the calculation and returns
 * null if the Applet is stopped during the calculation.
private Image calculateImage() {
    Thread me = Thread.currentThread();

    int width = canvas.getSize().width;
    int height = canvas.getSize().height;
    int xvals[] = new int[2];
    int yvals[] = new int[2];
    int xmethod = XControls.getParams(xvals);
    int ymethod = YControls.getParams(yvals);
    int pixels[] = new int[width * height];
    int c[] = new int[4];   //temporarily holds R,G,B,A information
    int index = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            c[0] = c[1] = c[2] = 0;
            c[3] = 255;
            if (xmethod < ymethod) {
                applyMethod(c, xmethod, i, width, xvals);
                applyMethod(c, ymethod, j, height, yvals);
            } else {
                applyMethod(c, ymethod, j, height, yvals);
                applyMethod(c, xmethod, i, width, xvals);
            pixels[index++] = ((c[3] << 24) | (c[0] << 16) | (c[1] << 8)
                    | c[2]);

        // Poll once per row to see if we've been told to stop.
        if (runner != me) {
            return null;
    return createImage(new MemoryImageSource(width, height,
            ColorModel.getRGBdefault(), pixels, 0, width));
源代码29 项目: jdk8u60   文件: D3DDrawImage.java
protected void renderImageXform(SunGraphics2D sg, Image img,
                                AffineTransform tx, int interpType,
                                int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2,
                                Color bgColor)
    // punt to the MediaLib-based transformImage() in the superclass if:
    //     - bicubic interpolation is specified
    //     - a background color is specified and will be used
    //     - an appropriate TransformBlit primitive could not be found
    if (interpType != AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BICUBIC) {
        SurfaceData dstData = sg.surfaceData;
        SurfaceData srcData =

        if (srcData != null && !isBgOperation(srcData, bgColor)) {
            SurfaceType srcType = srcData.getSurfaceType();
            SurfaceType dstType = dstData.getSurfaceType();
            TransformBlit blit = TransformBlit.getFromCache(srcType,

            if (blit != null) {
                blit.Transform(srcData, dstData,
                               sg.composite, sg.getCompClip(),
                               tx, interpType,
                               sx1, sy1, 0, 0, sx2-sx1, sy2-sy1);

    super.renderImageXform(sg, img, tx, interpType,
                           sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, bgColor);
源代码30 项目: TrakEM2   文件: ExportARGB.java
static public final int[] extractARGBIntArray( final Image img )
	final int[] pix = new int[img.getWidth(null) * img.getHeight(null)];
	PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber( img, 0, 0, img.getWidth(null), img.getHeight(null), pix, 0, img.getWidth(null) );
	try {
	} catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
	return pix;