

源代码1 项目: nebula   文件: GridPropertyHandler.java
private void applyCSSPropertyFont(final Object element, final Grid grid, final CSSValue value, String target) throws Exception {
	if (value.getCssValueType() == CSSValue.CSS_VALUE_LIST) {
		final CSSValueList valueList = (CSSValueList) value;
		final int length = valueList.getLength();
		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			final CSSValue value2 = valueList.item(i);
			if (value2.getCssValueType() == CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE) {
				final String cssProp = CSS2FontHelper.getCSSFontPropertyName((CSSPrimitiveValue) value2);
				if (cssProp.equals("font-family")) {
					applyCSSPropertyFamily(element, grid, value2, target);
				} else if (cssProp.equals("font-size")) {
					applyCSSPropertySize(element, grid, value2, target);
				} else if (cssProp.equals("font-weight") && ("bold".equals(value2.getCssText()) || "bolder".equals(value2.getCssText()))) {
					applyCSSPropertyWeight(element, grid, value2, target);
				} else if (cssProp.equals("font-style") && ("italic".equals(value2.getCssText()) || "oblique".equals(value2.getCssText()))) {
					applyCSSPropertyStyle(element, grid, value2, target);
源代码2 项目: nebula   文件: GridPropertyHandler.java
private boolean applyCSSPropertyWeight(final Object element, final Grid grid, final CSSValue value, String target) throws Exception {
	if (value.getCssValueType() == CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE) {
		final FontData fd = CSSEngineHelper.getFontData(grid);
		boolean modified = false;
		if ("bold".equals(value.getCssText()) || "bolder".equals(value.getCssText())) {
			modified = (fd.getStyle() & SWT.BOLD) != SWT.BOLD;
			if (modified) {
				fd.setStyle(fd.getStyle() | SWT.BOLD);
		} else {
			modified = (fd.getStyle() & SWT.BOLD) == SWT.BOLD;
			if (modified) {
				fd.setStyle(fd.getStyle() | ~SWT.BOLD);
		if (modified) {
			applyFont(grid, fd, target);

	return true;
源代码3 项目: nebula   文件: TableComboPropertyHandler.java
private boolean applyCSSPropertyStyle(final Object element, final Control widget, final CSSValue value) throws Exception {
	if (value.getCssValueType() == CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE) {
		final FontData fd = CSSEngineHelper.getFontData(widget);
		boolean modified = false;
		if ("italic".equals(value.getCssText()) || "oblique".equals(value.getCssText())) {
			modified = (fd.getStyle() & SWT.ITALIC) != SWT.ITALIC;
			if (modified) {
				fd.setStyle(fd.getStyle() | SWT.ITALIC);
		} else {
			modified = (fd.getStyle() & SWT.ITALIC) == SWT.ITALIC;
			if (modified) {
				fd.setStyle(fd.getStyle() | ~SWT.ITALIC);
		if (modified) {
			applyFont(widget, fd);

	return true;
源代码4 项目: nebula   文件: CDateTimePropertyHandler.java
private void applyCSSPropertyFont(final Control widget, final CSSValue value, final boolean picker) throws Exception {
	if (value.getCssValueType() == CSSValue.CSS_VALUE_LIST) {
		final CSSValueList valueList = (CSSValueList) value;
		final int length = valueList.getLength();
		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			final CSSValue value2 = valueList.item(i);
			if (value2.getCssValueType() == CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE) {
				final String cssProp = CSS2FontHelper.getCSSFontPropertyName((CSSPrimitiveValue) value2);
				if (cssProp.equals("font-family")) {
					applyCSSPropertyFamily(widget, value2, picker);
				} else if (cssProp.equals("font-size")) {
					applyCSSPropertySize(widget, value2, picker);
				} else if (cssProp.equals("font-weight") && ("bold".equals(value2.getCssText()) || "bolder".equals(value2.getCssText()))) {
					applyCSSPropertyWeight(widget, value2, picker);
				} else if (cssProp.equals("font-style") && ("italic".equals(value2.getCssText()) || "oblique".equals(value2.getCssText()))) {
					applyCSSPropertyStyle(widget, value2, picker);
源代码5 项目: nebula   文件: PShelfPropertyHandler.java
public boolean applyCSSProperty(Object element, String property,
		CSSValue value, String pseudo, CSSEngine engine) throws Exception {
	final PShelf s = (PShelf)((PShelfElement)element).getNativeWidget();
	final AbstractRenderer r = s.getRenderer();

	if( r instanceof CSSShelfRenderer ) {
		if( ! scheduled.containsKey(s) ) {
			scheduled.put(s, Boolean.TRUE);
			// Queue the changes
			s.getDisplay().asyncExec(() -> {
				if (!s.isDisposed() && !r.isDisposed()) {
					((CSSShelfRenderer) r).reinitialize();
	return true;
源代码6 项目: birt   文件: ReportletBodyExecutor.java
private boolean isNullValue( CSSValue value )
	if ( value == null )
		return true;

	if ( value instanceof DataFormatValue )
		return true;

	String cssText = value.getCssText( );
	return "none".equalsIgnoreCase( cssText )
			|| "transparent".equalsIgnoreCase( cssText );
源代码7 项目: birt   文件: ChartReportStyleProcessor.java
private ColorDefinition getColor( CSSValue value )
	if ( value != null && value instanceof RGBColorValue )
		RGBColorValue color = (RGBColorValue) value;
			return goFactory.createColorDefinition( Math.round( color.getRed( )
					.getFloatValue( CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER ) ),
					Math.round( color.getGreen( )
							.getFloatValue( CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER ) ),
					Math.round( color.getBlue( )
							.getFloatValue( CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER ) ) );
		catch ( RuntimeException ex )
			logger.log( Level.WARNING.intValue( ),
					"invalid color: {0}" + value.toString( ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
	return null;
源代码8 项目: birt   文件: AttributeBuilder.java
 * Build the Text-Decoration style string.
 * @param styleBuffer
 *            The <code>StringBuffer</code> to which the result is output.
 * @param linethrough
 *            The line-through value.
 * @param underline
 *            The underline value.
 * @param overline
 *            The overline value.
public static void buildTextDecoration( StringBuffer styleBuffer,
		IStyle style )
	CSSValue linethrough = style.getProperty(IStyle.STYLE_TEXT_LINETHROUGH);
	CSSValue underline = style.getProperty(IStyle.STYLE_TEXT_UNDERLINE);
	CSSValue overline = style.getProperty(IStyle.STYLE_TEXT_OVERLINE);

	if (linethrough == IStyle.LINE_THROUGH_VALUE || underline == IStyle.UNDERLINE_VALUE || overline == IStyle.OVERLINE_VALUE)
		styleBuffer.append( " text-decoration:" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (IStyle.LINE_THROUGH_VALUE == linethrough )
			addPropValue( styleBuffer, "line-through" );
		if ( IStyle.UNDERLINE_VALUE == underline)
			addPropValue( styleBuffer, "underline" );
		if ( IStyle.OVERLINE_VALUE == overline)
			addPropValue( styleBuffer, "overline" );
		styleBuffer.append( ';' );
源代码9 项目: birt   文件: HTMLPerformanceOptimize.java
 * Handles the Text-Align property of the row content.
public void handleRowAlign( IRowContent row )
	// The method getStyle( ) will nevel return a null value;
	IStyle style = row.getStyle( );

	// Build the Vertical-Align property of the row content
	CSSValue vAlign = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN );
	if ( null == vAlign || IStyle.BASELINE_VALUE == vAlign )
		// The default vertical-align value of cell is top. And the cell can
		// inherit the valign from parent row.
		vAlign = IStyle.TOP_VALUE;
	writer.attribute( HTMLTags.ATTR_VALIGN, vAlign.getCssText( ) );
	// Build the Text-Align property.
	CSSValue hAlign = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN );
	if ( null != hAlign )
		writer.attribute( HTMLTags.ATTR_ALIGN, hAlign.getCssText( ) );
源代码10 项目: birt   文件: HTMLVisionOptimize.java
 * Build the style of row content.
public void buildRowStyle( IRowContent row, StringBuffer styleBuffer )
	buildSize( styleBuffer, HTMLTags.ATTR_HEIGHT, row.getHeight( ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
	// The method getStyle( ) will nevel return a null value;
	IStyle style = row.getStyle( );
	// output the none value of the display
	CSSValue display = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_DISPLAY );
	if ( IStyle.NONE_VALUE == display )
		styleBuffer.append( " display: none;" );
	style = getElementStyle( row );
	if ( style == null )
	AttributeBuilder.buildFont( styleBuffer, style );
	AttributeBuilder.buildBackground( styleBuffer, style, reportEmitter );
	AttributeBuilder.buildText( styleBuffer, style );
	AttributeBuilder.buildVisual( styleBuffer, style );
源代码11 项目: birt   文件: HTMLVisionOptimize.java
 * Handles the vertical align property of the element content.
public void handleCellVAlign( ICellContent cell )
	// The method getStyle( ) will nevel return a null value;
	IStyle style = cell.getStyle( );
	// Build the Vertical-Align property.
	CSSValue vAlign = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN );
	if( null == vAlign )
		IStyle cellMergedStyle = new CellMergedStyle( cell );
		vAlign = cellMergedStyle.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN );
	if ( IStyle.BASELINE_VALUE == vAlign )
		vAlign = IStyle.TOP_VALUE;
	if ( null != vAlign )
		// The default vertical-align value has already been outputted on
		// the parent row.
		writer.attribute( HTMLTags.ATTR_VALIGN, vAlign.getCssText( ) );
源代码12 项目: birt   文件: HTMLEmitter.java
 * Close the vertical-align box tag if the element needs implementing the
 * vertical-align.
public void handleVerticalAlignEnd( IContent element )
	IStyle style = element.getStyle( );
	CSSValue vAlign = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN );
	CSSValue canShrink = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_CAN_SHRINK );
	DimensionType height = element.getHeight( );
	if ( vAlign != null
			&& vAlign != IStyle.BASELINE_VALUE && height != null
			&& canShrink != IStyle.TRUE_VALUE )
		writer.closeTag( HTMLTags.TAG_TD );
		writer.closeTag( HTMLTags.TAG_TR );
		writer.closeTag( HTMLTags.TAG_TABLE );
源代码13 项目: birt   文件: BirtStyle.java
protected BirtStyle clone() {
	BirtStyle result = new BirtStyle(this.cssEngine);

	result.propertyOverride = new CSSValue[ BirtStyle.NUMBER_OF_STYLES ];
	for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_STYLES; ++i ) {
		CSSValue value = getProperty( i );
		if( value != null ) {
			if( value instanceof DataFormatValue ) {
				value = StyleManagerUtils.cloneDataFormatValue((DataFormatValue)value);
				result.propertyOverride[ i ] = value;
	return result;
源代码14 项目: birt   文件: AbstractEmitterImpl.java
protected boolean isNullValue( CSSValue value )
	if ( value == null )
		return true;

	if ( value instanceof DataFormatValue )
		return true;

	if ( value instanceof FloatValue )
		return false;
	String cssText = value.getCssText( );
	return "none".equalsIgnoreCase( cssText )
			|| "transparent".equalsIgnoreCase( cssText );
源代码15 项目: birt   文件: ContentUtil.java
 * to check whether there are horizontal page breaks in the table.
 * @param table
 * @return
public static boolean hasHorzPageBreak( ITableContent table )
	int count = table.getColumnCount( );
	for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		IColumn column = table.getColumn( i );
		IStyle style = column.getStyle( );
		CSSValue pageBreak = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE );
		if ( i > 0 && IStyle.ALWAYS_VALUE == pageBreak )
			return true;
		pageBreak = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_PAGE_BREAK_AFTER );
		if ( i < count - 1 && IStyle.ALWAYS_VALUE == pageBreak )
			return true;
	return false;
源代码16 项目: birt   文件: StyleBuilder.java
public static float convertFontSize( CSSValue fontSize )
	int size = PropertyUtil.getDimensionValue( fontSize );
	float fsize = 0f;
		fsize = size / 1000f;
	catch ( NumberFormatException e )
		logger.log( Level.WARNING, e.getMessage( ), e );
	return fsize;
源代码17 项目: birt   文件: GroupExecutor.java
protected void handlePageBreakInterval( )
	GroupDesign groupDesign = (GroupDesign) design;
	if ( groupDesign.getGroupLevel( ) == listingExecutor.pageBreakLevel )
		if ( listingExecutor.softBreakBefore )
			IStyle style = content.getStyle( );
			if ( style != null )
				CSSValue pageBreak = style
						.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE );
				if ( pageBreak == null
						|| IStyle.AUTO_VALUE.equals( pageBreak ) )
					style.setProperty( IStyle.STYLE_PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE,
							IStyle.SOFT_VALUE );
			listingExecutor.softBreakBefore = false;
			listingExecutor.addAfterBreak = true;
			listingExecutor.pageRowCount = 0;
		listingExecutor.next( );
		if ( listingExecutor.needSoftBreakAfter( ) )
			listingExecutor.softBreakBefore = true;
源代码18 项目: birt   文件: AbstractStyle.java
public CSSValue getPropertyCSSValue( String propertyName )
	int index = getPropertyIndex( propertyName );
	if ( index != -1 )
		return getProperty( index );
	return null;
源代码19 项目: birt   文件: StyleManager.java
 * Return a POI style created by combining a POI style with a BIRT style, where the BIRT style overrides the values in the POI style.
 * @param source
 * The POI style that represents the base style.
 * @param birtExtraStyle
 * The BIRT style to overlay on top of the POI style.
 * @return
 * A POI style representing the combination of source and birtExtraStyle.
public CellStyle getStyleWithExtraStyle( CellStyle source, IStyle birtExtraStyle ) {

	BirtStyle birtStyle = birtStyleFromCellStyle( source );
	for(int i = 0; i < BirtStyle.NUMBER_OF_STYLES; ++i ) {
		CSSValue value = birtExtraStyle.getProperty( i );
		if( value != null ) {
			birtStyle.setProperty( i , value );

	CellStyle newStyle = getStyle( birtStyle );
	return newStyle;
源代码20 项目: nebula   文件: TableComboPropertyHandler.java
private boolean applyCSSPropertyFamily(final Object element, final Control widget, final CSSValue value) throws Exception {
	if (value.getCssValueType() == CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE) {
		final FontData fd = CSSEngineHelper.getFontData(widget);
		final boolean modified = !fd.getName().equals(value.getCssText());
		if (modified) {
			applyFont(widget, fd);
	return true;
源代码21 项目: birt   文件: FontManager.java
 * Test whether two BIRT styles are equivalent, as far as their font definitions are concerned.
 * <br/>
 * Every attribute tested in this method must be used in the construction of the font in createFont.
 * @param style1
 * The first BIRT style to be compared.
 * @param style2
 * The second BIRT style to be compared.
 * @return
 * true if style1 and style2 would produce identical Fonts if passed to createFont.
public static boolean fontsEquivalent(BirtStyle style1, BirtStyle style2) {
	for( int i = 0; i < COMPARE_CSS_PROPERTIES.length; ++i ) {
		int prop = COMPARE_CSS_PROPERTIES[ i ];
		CSSValue value1 = style1.getProperty( prop );
		CSSValue value2 = style2.getProperty( prop );
		if( ! StyleManagerUtils.objectsEqual( value1, value2 ) ) {
			return false;
	return true;
源代码22 项目: birt   文件: CompositeStyle.java
public CSSValue getProperty(int index) {
	CSSValue v = inlineStyle.getProperty(index);
	if ( v != null)
		return v;
	if ( style != null)
		return style.getProperty(index);
	return null;
源代码23 项目: birt   文件: AbstractContent.java
public void setProperty( int index, CSSValue value )
	style.setProperty( index, value );
	if ( AbstractContent.this.computedStyle != null )
		AbstractContent.this.computedStyle = null;

源代码24 项目: birt   文件: BorderConflictResolver.java
public void setValues( BorderStyleInfo[] stylesInfo,
		CSSValue borderStyle, CSSValue borderWidth, CSSValue borderColor )
	this.borderColor = borderColor;
	this.borderStyle = borderStyle;
	this.borderWidth = borderWidth;
	for ( int i = 0; i < stylesInfo.length; i++ )
		styles[i] = stylesInfo[i].style;
源代码25 项目: birt   文件: AbstractStyle.java
public void setCssText( int index, String cssText )
	if ( cssText != null )
		CSSValue value = engine.parsePropertyValue( index, cssText );
		setProperty( index, value );
		setProperty( index, null );
源代码26 项目: docx-html-editor   文件: RoundtripXHTMLImporter.java
  protected PPr getPPr(BlockBox blockBox, Map<String, CSSValue> cssMap) {

// if the paragraph has an ID, use the preserved existing pPr
String id = blockBox.getElement().getAttribute("id");

if (id==null ) {
	log.debug("no id on p " );
} else {
	log.debug("processing p with id " + id);

	Object o = wordMLPackage.getUserData(id);
	if (o==null) {
		log.debug("no #Pr UserData on p with id " + id);
	} else if (o instanceof PPrNone) {
		return null;			
	} else {
		// (TODO unless the user has changed the style)

// A new p the user has created
      PPr pPr =  Context.getWmlObjectFactory().createPPr();
      populatePPr(pPr, blockBox, cssMap);
  	return pPr;
protected void applyCSSProperty(Control control, String property, CSSValue value, String pseudo, CSSEngine engine)
		throws Exception {
	if (!(control instanceof TabbedPropertyTitle) || value.getCssValueType() != CSSValue.CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE
			|| property == null || !cssPropertyToSWTProperty.containsKey(property)) {

	TabbedPropertyTitle title = (TabbedPropertyTitle) control;
	title.setColor(cssPropertyToSWTProperty.get(property), CSSSWTColorHelper.getRGBA(value));
源代码28 项目: birt   文件: BlockContainerArea.java
private void applyAlignment( BlockContainerArea area )
	IContent content = area.getContent( );
	if ( content == null )
	CSSValue align = content.getComputedStyle( ).getProperty(

	// bidi_hcg: handle empty or justify align in RTL direction as right
	// alignment
	boolean isRightAligned = BidiAlignmentResolver.isRightAligned( content,
			align, false );

	// single line
	if ( isRightAligned || IStyle.CENTER_VALUE.equals( align ) )
		Iterator iter = area.getChildren( );
		while ( iter.hasNext( ) )
			AbstractArea child = (AbstractArea) iter.next( );
			int spacing = area.getContentWidth( )
					- child.getAllocatedWidth( );
			if ( spacing > 0 )
				if ( isRightAligned )
					child.setAllocatedX( spacing + area.getOffsetX( ) );
				else if ( IStyle.CENTER_VALUE.equals( align ) )
					child.setAllocatedX( spacing / 2 + area.getOffsetX( ) );
源代码29 项目: birt   文件: AbstractWordXmlWriter.java
private void writeRunBorder( String borderStyle, String color,
		CSSValue borderWidth )
	writer.openTag( "w:bdr" );
	writeBorderProperty( borderStyle, color, borderWidth, 0 );
	writer.closeTag( "w:bdr" );
源代码30 项目: birt   文件: HTMLPerformanceOptimize.java
 * Handles the alignment property of the container content.
public void handleContainerAlign( IContainerContent container )
	// The method getStyle( ) will nevel return a null value;
	IStyle style = container.getStyle( );
	// Container doesn't support vertical-align.
	// Build the Text-Align property.
	CSSValue hAlign = style.getProperty( IStyle.STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN );
	if ( null != hAlign )
		writer.attribute( HTMLTags.ATTR_ALIGN, hAlign.getCssText( ) );