

public JSONArray listUsers(Collection<String> keys, int from, int size){
	//validate keys
	if (keys.isEmpty()){
		errorCode = 2;
		return null;
	JSONObject response = getDB().getDocuments(DB.USERS, "all", from, size, keys);
	if (response == null){
		errorCode = 4;
		return null;
	JSONArray hits = JSON.getJArray(response, new String[]{"hits", "hits"});
	if (hits != null && !hits.isEmpty()){
		JSONArray res = new JSONArray();
		for (Object o : hits){
			JSON.add(res, JSON.getJObject((JSONObject) o, "_source"));
		return res;
		errorCode = 4;
		return new JSONArray();
源代码2 项目: alfresco-remote-api   文件: AuditEntry.java
public static ListResponse<AuditEntry> parseAuditEntries(JSONObject jsonObject)
    List<AuditEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>();

    JSONObject jsonList = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("list");

    JSONArray jsonEntries = (JSONArray) jsonList.get("entries");

    for (int i = 0; i < jsonEntries.size(); i++)
        JSONObject jsonEntry = (JSONObject) jsonEntries.get(i);
        JSONObject entry = (JSONObject) jsonEntry.get("entry");

    ExpectedPaging paging = ExpectedPaging.parsePagination(jsonList);
    ListResponse<AuditEntry> resp = new ListResponse<AuditEntry>(paging, entries);
    return resp;
源代码3 项目: netbeans   文件: DockerAction.java
public List<DockerContainer> getContainers() {
    try {
        JSONArray value = (JSONArray) doGetRequest("/containers/json?all=1",
        List<DockerContainer> ret = new ArrayList<>(value.size());
        for (Object o : value) {
            JSONObject json = (JSONObject) o;
            String id = (String) json.get("Id");
            String image = (String) json.get("Image");
            String name = null;
            JSONArray names = (JSONArray) json.get("Names");
            if (names != null && !names.isEmpty()) {
                name = (String) names.get(0);
            DockerContainer.Status status = DockerUtils.getContainerStatus((String) json.get("Status"));
            ret.add(new DockerContainer(instance, id, image, name, status));
        return ret;
    } catch (DockerException ex) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, null, ex);
    return Collections.emptyList();
源代码4 项目: opensim-gui   文件: JSONUtilities.java
static public JSONObject createTopLevelJson() {
    JSONObject topLevelJson = new JSONObject();
    topLevelJson.put("geometries", new JSONArray());
    topLevelJson.put("materials", new JSONArray());
    JSONObject models_json = new JSONObject();
    models_json.put("uuid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    models_json.put("type", "Group");
    models_json.put("name", "Models");
    JSONArray models_json_arr = new JSONArray();
    models_json.put("children", models_json_arr);
    topLevelJson.put("object", models_json);
    return topLevelJson;
源代码5 项目: TabooLib   文件: BStats.java
 * Gets the plugin specific data.
 * This method is called using Reflection.
 * @return The plugin specific data.
public JSONObject getPluginData() {
    JSONObject data = new JSONObject();

    String pluginName = plugin.getDescription().getName();
    String pluginVersion = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();

    data.put("pluginName", pluginName); // Append the name of the plugin
    data.put("pluginVersion", pluginVersion); // Append the version of the plugin
    JSONArray customCharts = new JSONArray();
    for (CustomChart customChart : charts) {
        // Add the data of the custom charts
        JSONObject chart = customChart.getRequestJsonObject();
        if (chart == null) { // If the chart is null, we skip it
    data.put("customCharts", customCharts);

    return data;
源代码6 项目: SB_Elsinore_Server   文件: StatusRecorder.java
 * Check to see if the JSONArrays are different.
 * @param previous The first JSONArray to check
 * @param current The second JSONArray to check.
 * @return True if the JSONArrays are different
protected final boolean isDifferent(final JSONArray previous,
        final JSONArray current) {

    if (previous.size() != current.size()) {
        return true;

    for (int x = 0; x < previous.size(); x++) {
        Object previousValue = previous.get(x);
        Object currentValue = current.get(x);

        if (compare(previousValue, currentValue)) {
            return true;
    return false;
源代码7 项目: FunnyGuilds   文件: BStats.java
protected JSONObject getChartData() {
    JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
    HashMap<String, Integer> map = getValues(new HashMap<>());
    if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
        // Null = skip the chart
        return null;
    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        JSONArray categoryValues = new JSONArray();
        values.put(entry.getKey(), categoryValues);
    data.put("values", values);
    return data;
源代码8 项目: cloudsimsdn   文件: PhysicalTopologyParser.java
public Map<String, String> parseDatacenters() {
	HashMap<String, String> dcNameType = new HashMap<String, String>();
	try {
   		JSONObject doc = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parse(new FileReader(this.filename));
   		JSONArray datacenters = (JSONArray) doc.get("datacenters");
		Iterator<JSONObject> iter = datacenters.iterator(); 
			JSONObject node = iter.next();
			String dcName = (String) node.get("name");
			String type = (String) node.get("type");
			dcNameType.put(dcName, type);
	} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
	return dcNameType;		
源代码9 项目: netbeans   文件: CSS.java
 * Returns meta-information of all stylesheets.
 * @return meta-information of all stylesheets.
public List<StyleSheetHeader> getAllStyleSheets() {
    List<StyleSheetHeader> sheets = new ArrayList<StyleSheetHeader>();
    Response response = transport.sendBlockingCommand(new Command("CSS.getAllStyleSheets")); // NOI18N
    if (response != null) {
        JSONObject result = response.getResult();
        if (result == null) {
            // CSS.getAllStyleSheets is not in the latest versions of the protocol
            sheets = Collections.unmodifiableList(styleSheetHeaders);
        } else {
            JSONArray headers = (JSONArray)result.get("headers"); // NOI18N
            for (Object o : headers) {
                JSONObject header = (JSONObject)o;
                sheets.add(new StyleSheetHeader(header));
    return sheets;
源代码10 项目: soltix   文件: ParserASTJSON.java
protected void processPragmaDirective(long id, AST ast, JSONObject attributes) throws Exception {
    JSONArray literals = (JSONArray)attributes.get("literals");
    if (literals == null) {
        throw new Exception("Pragma directive without literals attribute");
    if (literals.size() < 1) {
        throw new Exception("Pragma directive with empty literals list");
    String type = (String)literals.get(0);
    String args = null;
    if (literals.size() > 1) {
        args = "";
        for (int i = 1; i < literals.size(); ++i) {
            args += (String)literals.get(i);
    ast.addInnerNode(new ASTPragmaDirective(id, type, args));
源代码11 项目: sakai   文件: DateManagerServiceImpl.java
 * {@inheritDoc}
public JSONArray getSignupMeetingsForContext(String siteId) {
	JSONArray jsonMeetings = new JSONArray();
	Collection<SignupMeeting> meetings = signupService.getAllSignupMeetings(siteId, getCurrentUserId());
	String url = getUrlForTool(DateManagerConstants.COMMON_ID_SIGNUP);
	String toolTitle = toolManager.getTool(DateManagerConstants.COMMON_ID_SIGNUP).getTitle();
	for(SignupMeeting meeting : meetings) {
		JSONObject mobj = new JSONObject();
		mobj.put("id", meeting.getId());
		mobj.put("title", meeting.getTitle());
		mobj.put("due_date", formatToUserDateFormat(meeting.getEndTime()));
		mobj.put("open_date", formatToUserDateFormat(meeting.getStartTime()));
		mobj.put("tool_title", toolTitle);
		mobj.put("url", url);
		mobj.put("extraInfo", "false");
	return jsonMeetings;
public void setTimers() throws Exception {
    final JSONBasicRollupsOutputSerializer serializer = new JSONBasicRollupsOutputSerializer();
    final MetricData metricData = new MetricData(
    JSONObject metricDataJSON = serializer.transformRollupData(metricData, PlotRequestParser.DEFAULT_TIMER);
    final JSONArray data = (JSONArray)metricDataJSON.get("values");
    Assert.assertEquals(5, data.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
        final JSONObject dataJSON = (JSONObject)data.get(i);
        // bah. I'm too lazy to check equals.
源代码13 项目: io   文件: UserDataListFilterTest.java
 * filterクエリに複数の括弧を指定してフィルタリング後に特定のプロパティのみが取得できること.
public final void filterクエリに複数の括弧を指定してフィルタリング後に特定のプロパティのみが取得できること() {
    final String entity = "filterlist";
    String query = "?\\$top=3&\\$skip=4&\\$select=datetime&"
            + "\\$filter=%28substringof%28%27string%27%2Cstring%29+and+%28boolean+eq+false"
            + "%29%29+or+%28int32+le+5000%29&\\$inlinecount=allpages&\\$orderby=__id+asc";
    TResponse res = UserDataUtils.list(Setup.TEST_CELL_FILTER, "box", "odata", entity,
            query, AbstractCase.MASTER_TOKEN_NAME, HttpStatus.SC_OK);
    // レスポンスボディーが昇順に並んでいることのチェック
    JSONObject jsonResp = res.bodyAsJson();
    ArrayList<String> urilist = new ArrayList<String>();
    int[] ids = {4, 5, 7 };
    for (int idx : ids) {
        urilist.add(UrlUtils.userData(Setup.TEST_CELL_FILTER, "box", "odata",
                entity + String.format("('id_%04d')", idx)));
    ODataCommon.checkCommonResponseUri(jsonResp, urilist);
    JSONArray array = (JSONArray) ((JSONObject) jsonResp.get("d")).get("results");
    for (Object element : array) {
        JSONObject json = (JSONObject) element;

源代码14 项目: deep-spark   文件: AerospikeJavaRDDFT.java
 * Imports dataset.
 * @throws java.io.IOException
private static void dataSetImport() throws IOException, ParseException {
    URL url = Resources.getResource(DATA_SET_NAME);
    JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
    Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader(url.getFile()));
    JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj;

    String id = (String) jsonObject.get("id");
    JSONObject metadata = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("metadata");
    JSONArray cantos = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("cantos");

    Key key = new Key(NAMESPACE_ENTITY, SET_NAME, id);
    Bin binId = new Bin("id", id);
    Bin binMetadata = new Bin("metadata", metadata);
    Bin binCantos = new Bin("cantos", cantos);
    aerospike.put(null, key, binId, binMetadata, binCantos);
    aerospike.createIndex(null, NAMESPACE_ENTITY, SET_NAME, "id_idx", "id", IndexType.STRING);

    Key key2 = new Key(NAMESPACE_CELL, SET_NAME, 3);
    Bin bin_id = new Bin("_id", "3");
    Bin bin_number = new Bin("number", 3);
    Bin bin_text = new Bin("message", "new message test");
    aerospike.put(null, key2, bin_id, bin_number, bin_text);
    aerospike.createIndex(null, NAMESPACE_CELL, SET_NAME, "num_idx", "number", IndexType.NUMERIC);
    aerospike.createIndex(null, NAMESPACE_CELL, SET_NAME, "_id_idx", "_id", IndexType.STRING);
源代码15 项目: netbeans   文件: Style.java
Style(JSONObject style, String preferredId) {
    if (preferredId != null) {
        id = new StyleId(preferredId);
    } else {
        if (style.containsKey("styleId")) { // NOI18N
            id = new StyleId((JSONObject)style.get("styleId")); // NOI18N
        } else if (style.containsKey("styleSheetId")) { // NOI18N
            id = new StyleId((String)style.get("styleSheetId")); // NOI18N
        } else {
            id = null;
    JSONArray cssProperties = (JSONArray)style.get("cssProperties"); // NOI18N
    properties = new ArrayList<Property>(cssProperties.size());
    for (Object o : cssProperties) {
        JSONObject cssProperty = (JSONObject)o;
        Property property = new Property(cssProperty);
    text = (String)style.get("cssText"); // NOI18N
    if (style.containsKey("range")) { // NOI18N
        range = new SourceRange((JSONObject)style.get("range")); // NOI18N
源代码16 项目: singleton   文件: TranslationProductAction.java
private JSONObject getBundle(String component, String locale, TranslationDTO allTranslationDTO) {
    JSONArray array = allTranslationDTO.getBundles();
   Iterator<JSONObject> objectIterator =  array.iterator();
    while(objectIterator.hasNext()) {
        JSONObject object = objectIterator.next();
        String fileLocale = (String) object.get(ConstantsKeys.lOCALE);
        String fileComponent = (String) object.get(ConstantsKeys.COMPONENT);
        if(locale.equals(fileLocale)&& component.equals(fileComponent)) {    
            return object;
   return null; 
源代码17 项目: java-sdk   文件: JsonSimpleConfigParser.java
private List<Group> parseGroups(JSONArray groupJson) {
    List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<Group>(groupJson.size());

    for (Object obj : groupJson) {
        JSONObject groupObject = (JSONObject) obj;
        String id = (String) groupObject.get("id");
        String policy = (String) groupObject.get("policy");
        List<Experiment> experiments = parseExperiments((JSONArray) groupObject.get("experiments"), id);
        List<TrafficAllocation> trafficAllocations =
            parseTrafficAllocation((JSONArray) groupObject.get("trafficAllocation"));

        groups.add(new Group(id, policy, experiments, trafficAllocations));

    return groups;
源代码18 项目: carbon-apimgt   文件: APIUtilTest.java
public void testIsProductionEndpointsInvalidJSON() throws Exception {
    Log log = Mockito.mock(Log.class);

    API api = Mockito.mock(API.class);


    Assert.assertFalse("Unexpected production endpoint found", APIUtil.isProductionEndpointsExists("</SomeXML>"));

    JSONObject productionEndpoints = new JSONObject();
    productionEndpoints.put("url", "https:\\/\\/localhost:9443\\/am\\/sample\\/pizzashack\\/v1\\/api\\/");
    productionEndpoints.put("config", null);
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();


    Assert.assertFalse("Unexpected production endpoint found", APIUtil.isProductionEndpointsExists(jsonArray.toJSONString()));
源代码19 项目: AnimatedFrames   文件: Metrics.java
protected JSONObject getChartData() {
	JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
	JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
	HashMap<String, Integer> map = getValues(new HashMap<String, Integer>());
	if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
		// Null = skip the chart
		return null;
	for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
		JSONArray categoryValues = new JSONArray();
		values.put(entry.getKey(), categoryValues);
	data.put("values", values);
	return data;
源代码20 项目: Indra   文件: JSONUtil.java
private static JSONObject toJSONObject(Map<String, Object> map) {
    JSONObject object = new JSONObject();

    for (String key : map.keySet()) {
        Object content = map.get(key);
        if (content instanceof Collection) {
            JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
            array.addAll((Collection<?>) content);
            object.put(key, array);
        } else if (content instanceof Map) {
            object.put(key, toJSONObject((Map<String, Object>) content));
        } else {
            object.put(key, content);

    return object;
源代码21 项目: skript-yaml   文件: Metrics.java
protected JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception {
    JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
    JSONObject values = new JSONObject();
    Map<String, Integer> map = callable.call();
    if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) {
        // Null = skip the chart
        return null;
    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        JSONArray categoryValues = new JSONArray();
        values.put(entry.getKey(), categoryValues);
    data.put("values", values);
    return data;
源代码22 项目: sqoop-on-spark   文件: VersionBean.java
public JSONObject extract(boolean skipSensitive) {
  JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
  result.put(BUILD_VERSION, buildVersion);
  result.put(SOURCE_REVISION, sourceRevision);
  result.put(BUILD_DATE, buildDate);
  result.put(SYSTEM_USER_NAME, systemUser);
  result.put(SOURCE_URL, sourceUrl);
  JSONArray apiVersionsArray = new JSONArray();
  for (String version : supportedRestAPIVersions) {
  result.put(SUPPORTED_API_VERSIONS, apiVersionsArray);
  return result;
源代码23 项目: EchoSim   文件: FromJSONLogic.java
public static List<TransactionBean> fromJSONTransactions(JSONArray jtranss, ApplicationBean context)
    List<TransactionBean> transs = new ArrayList<TransactionBean>();
    for (Object jtrans : jtranss)
        transs.add(fromJSONTransaction(new TransactionBean(), (JSONObject)jtrans, context));
    return transs;
源代码24 项目: io   文件: SentMessageUtils.java
 * 自動生成された受信メッセージの削除.
 * @param targetCell targetCell
 * @param fromCellUrl fromCellUrl
 * @param type type
 * @param title title
 * @param body body
public static void deleteReceivedMessage(String targetCell,
        String fromCellUrl,
        String type,
        String title,
        String body) {
    TResponse resReceivedList = null;
    try {
        resReceivedList = Http
                .with("cellPath", targetCell)
                .with("token", AbstractCase.MASTER_TOKEN_NAME)
                .with("query", "?\\$filter=From+eq+%27" + URLEncoder.encode(fromCellUrl, "UTF-8") + "%27+"
                        + "and+Type+eq+%27" + URLEncoder.encode(type, "UTF-8") + "%27+"
                        + "and+Title+eq+%27" + URLEncoder.encode(title, "UTF-8") + "%27")
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    JSONObject jsonBody = (JSONObject) resReceivedList.bodyAsJson().get("d");
    if (jsonBody != null) {
        JSONArray resultsList = (JSONArray) jsonBody.get("results");
        for (int i = 0; i < resultsList.size(); i++) {
            JSONObject results = (JSONObject) resultsList.get(i);
            String id = (String) results.get("__id");
            ReceivedMessageUtils.delete(AbstractCase.MASTER_TOKEN_NAME, targetCell, -1, id);
源代码25 项目: sepia-assist-server   文件: DynamoDB.java
 * Get the real type of the object and make a dynamoDB element like "{"S":"some string"}".
 * Note that this does a lot of unchecked class casting, so please test it thoroughly before using it!
 * @param obj - object to cast, supported: (hashMap&#60;String, Object&#62;, ArrayList&#60;Object&#62;, String, Double, Integer, Boolean, Short, Float, Long)
 * @return JSONObject in dynamoDB style (object can be empty)
public static JSONObject typeConversionDynamoDB(Object obj){
	JSONObject dyn = new JSONObject();
	if (obj != null){
		Class<?> c = obj.getClass();
		if (c.equals((new HashMap<String, Object>()).getClass())){
			dyn = mapToJSON((HashMap<String, Object>) obj);
		}else if (c.equals(new ArrayList<Object>().getClass())){
			dyn = listToJSON((ArrayList<Object>) obj);
		//JSONArray list
		}else if (c.equals(new JSONArray().getClass())){
			dyn = jsonArrayToJSON((JSONArray) obj);
		}else if (c.equals(String.class)){
			dyn.put("S", obj.toString());
		}else if (c.equals(Integer.class) || c.equals(Double.class) || c.equals(Long.class) || c.equals(Float.class) || c.equals(Short.class)){
			dyn.put("N", obj.toString());
		}else if (c.equals(Boolean.class)){
			dyn.put("BOOL", obj.toString());
		//other is always string
			dyn.put("S", obj.toString());
	return dyn;
源代码26 项目: ModPackDownloader   文件: CurseFileHandler.java
private JSONObject getJSONFileNode(JSONArray fileListJson, Integer fileID) {
	for (val jsonNode : fileListJson) {
		if (fileID.equals(((Long) ((JSONObject) jsonNode).get("id")).intValue())) {
			return (JSONObject) jsonNode;
	return new JSONObject();
源代码27 项目: sqoop-on-spark   文件: ConfigBundleSerialization.java
public static List<ResourceBundle> restoreConfigParamBundles(JSONArray array) {
  List<ResourceBundle> bundles = new LinkedList<ResourceBundle>();
  for (Object item : array) {
    bundles.add(restoreConfigParamBundle((JSONObject) item));
  return bundles;
源代码28 项目: netbeans   文件: LibraryProvider.java
public void run() {
    BowerExecutable executable = BowerExecutable.getDefault(project, false);
    if (executable != null) {
        JSONArray result = executable.search(searchTerm);
        Library[] libraries = result == null ? null : parseSearchResult(result);
        updateCache(searchTerm, libraries);
源代码29 项目: RedProtect   文件: UltimateFancy.java
public UltimateFancy appendAtFirst(JSONObject json) {
    JSONArray jarray = new JSONArray();
    this.constructor = jarray;
    return this;
源代码30 项目: soltix   文件: ParserASTJSON.java
protected void processVariableDeclarationStatement(long id, AST ast, JSONObject attributes) throws Exception {
    JSONArray assignments = (JSONArray)attributes.get("assignments");
    ArrayList<Integer> assignmentIds = null;
    if (assignments != null) {
        assignmentIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < assignments.size(); ++i) {
            //if (assignments.get)
            if (assignments.get(i) == null) {
                // This is an empty slots, e.g. the first part in "var (,x) = (123, 456);"
            } else {
                //int value = 0;
                //Object object = (Object)assignments.get(i);

                //if (object instanceof Integer) {
                //    value = (Integer)object;
                //} else if (value instanceof Long) {
                //    value = (int)(Long)object;

                // ID typing and access are unclear - apparently sometimes int, sometimes long. Maybe
                // we don't need IDs, so just mark this item as present (=1)
    } else System.out.println(" !!!! no assignments");
    ast.addInnerNode(new ASTVariableDeclarationStatement(id, assignmentIds));