

源代码1 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: JSONObjectTest.java
 * JSONObjects can be built from a Map<String, Object>. 
 * In this test the map entries are not valid JSON types.
 * The actual conversion is kind of interesting.
public void jsonObjectByMapWithUnsupportedValues() {
    Map<String, Object> jsonMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    // Just insert some random objects
    jsonMap.put("key1", new CDL());
    jsonMap.put("key2", new Exception());

    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonMap);

    // validate JSON
    Object doc = Configuration.defaultConfiguration().jsonProvider().parse(jsonObject.toString());
    assertTrue("expected 2 top level items", ((Map<?,?>)(JsonPath.read(doc, "$"))).size() == 2);
    assertTrue("expected 0 key1 items", ((Map<?,?>)(JsonPath.read(doc, "$.key1"))).size() == 0);
    assertTrue("expected \"key2\":java.lang.Exception","java.lang.Exception".equals(jsonObject.query("/key2")));
源代码2 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Attempt to create a JSONArray with an escape quote and no enclosing quotes.
 * Expects a JSONException. 
public void badEscapedQuote(){
	       String badLine = "Col1, Col2\nVal1, \"\"Val2";
	       try {
               fail("Expecting an exception");
           } catch (JSONException e) {
        	   System.out.println("Message" + e.getMessage());
               assertEquals("Expecting an exception message",
                       "Bad character 'V' (86). at 20 [character 9 line 2]",
源代码3 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Given a JSONArray that was not built by CDL, some chars may be
 * found that would otherwise be filtered out by CDL.
public void checkSpecialChars() {
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
    // \r will be filtered from name
    jsonObject.put("Col \r1", "V1");
    // \r will be filtered from value
    jsonObject.put("Col 2", "V2\r");
    assertTrue("expected length should be 1",jsonArray.length() == 1);
    String cdlStr = CDL.toString(jsonArray);
    jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0);
    assertTrue(cdlStr.contains("\"Col 1\""));
    assertTrue(cdlStr.contains("Col 2"));
源代码4 项目: qaf   文件: JSONUtil.java
 * @param csv
 * @return
public static JSONArray getJsonArrayFromCsvOrNull(String csv){
	try {
		return CDL.rowToJSONArray(new JSONTokener(csv));
	} catch (JSONException e) {
		return null;
源代码5 项目: qaf   文件: StringUtil.java
 * @param csv
 * @return
private static Object[] getArrayFromCsv(String csv){
	JSONArray obj = CDL.rowToJSONArray(new JSONTokener(csv));

	List<Object> strings = obj.toList();
	Object[] array = new Object[strings.size()];
	for (int i=0; i<strings.size();i++){
		array[i]=toObject((String) strings.get(i));
	return array;
源代码6 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Attempts to create a JSONArray from a string with unbalanced quotes
 * in column title line. Expects a JSONException.
public void unbalancedQuoteInName() {
    String badLine = "Col1, \"Col2\nVal1, Val2";
    try {
        fail("Expecting an exception");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        assertEquals("Expecting an exception message",
                "Missing close quote '\"'. at 12 [character 0 line 2]",
源代码7 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Attempts to create a JSONArray from a string with unbalanced quotes
 * in value line. Expects a JSONException.
public void unbalancedQuoteInValue() {
    String badLine = "Col1, Col2\n\"Val1, Val2";
    try {
        fail("Expecting an exception");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        assertEquals("Expecting an exception message",
                "Missing close quote '\"'. at 22 [character 11 line 2]",
源代码8 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Attempts to create a JSONArray from a string with null char
 * in column title line. Expects a JSONException.
public void nullInName() {
    String badLine = "C\0ol1, Col2\nVal1, Val2";
    try {
        fail("Expecting an exception");
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        assertEquals("Expecting an exception message",
                "Bad character 'o' (111). at 2 [character 3 line 1]",
源代码9 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Attempt to create a JSONArray with unbalanced quotes and a properly escaped doubled quote.
 * Expects a JSONException. 
public void unbalancedEscapedQuote(){
	   String badLine = "Col1, Col2\n\"Val1, \"\"Val2\"\"";
       try {
           fail("Expecting an exception");
       } catch (JSONException e) {
           assertEquals("Expecting an exception message",
                   "Missing close quote '\"'. at 26 [character 15 line 2]",
源代码10 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Assert that there is no error for a single escaped quote within a properly embedded quote.
public void singleEscapedQuote(){
           String singleEscape = "Col1, Col2\nVal1, \"\"\"Val2\"";
           JSONArray jsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(singleEscape);
           String cdlStr = CDL.toString(jsonArray);
源代码11 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Assert that there is no error for a single escaped quote within a properly
 * embedded quote when not the last value.
public void singleEscapedQuoteMiddleString(){
           String singleEscape = "Col1, Col2\nVal1, \"\"\"Val2\"\nVal 3,Val 4";
           JSONArray jsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(singleEscape);
           String cdlStr = CDL.toString(jsonArray);
源代码12 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Create a JSONArray from an empty string
public void emptyString() {
    String emptyStr = "";
    JSONArray jsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(emptyStr);
    assertTrue("CDL should return null when the input string is empty",
            jsonArray == null);
源代码13 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Create a JSONArray with only 1 row
public void onlyColumnNames() {
    String columnNameStr = "col1, col2, col3";
    JSONArray jsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(columnNameStr);
    assertNull("CDL should return null when only 1 row is given",
源代码14 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Create a JSONArray from string containing only whitespace and commas
public void emptyLinesToJSONArray() {
    String str = " , , , \n , , , ";
    JSONArray jsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(str);
    assertNull("JSONArray should be null for no content",
源代码15 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * call toString with a null array
public void emptyJSONArrayToString() {
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
    String str = CDL.toString(jsonArray);
    assertNull("CDL should return null for toString(null)",
源代码16 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * call toString with a null arrays for names and values
public void nullJSONArraysToString() {
    String str = CDL.toString(null, null);
    assertNull("CDL should return null for toString(null)",
源代码17 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Create a JSONArray from a string of lines
public void textToJSONArray() {
    JSONArray jsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(this.lines);
    JSONArray expectedJsonArray = new JSONArray(this.expectedLines);
    Util.compareActualVsExpectedJsonArrays(jsonArray, expectedJsonArray);
源代码18 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Create a JSONArray from a JSONArray of titles and a 
 * string of value lines
public void jsonArrayToJSONArray() {
    String nameArrayStr = "[Col1, Col2]";
    String values = "V1, V2";
    JSONArray nameJSONArray = new JSONArray(nameArrayStr);
    JSONArray jsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(nameJSONArray, values);
    JSONArray expectedJsonArray = new JSONArray("[{Col1:V1,Col2:V2}]");
    Util.compareActualVsExpectedJsonArrays(jsonArray, expectedJsonArray);
源代码19 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Create a JSONArray from a string of lines,
 * then convert to string and then back to JSONArray
public void textToJSONArrayAndBackToString() {
    JSONArray jsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(this.lines);
    String jsonStr = CDL.toString(jsonArray);
    JSONArray finalJsonArray = CDL.toJSONArray(jsonStr);
    JSONArray expectedJsonArray = new JSONArray(this.expectedLines);
    Util.compareActualVsExpectedJsonArrays(finalJsonArray, expectedJsonArray);
源代码20 项目: tutorials   文件: CDLDemo.java
public static void jaOfJOFromCDT() {
    String string = 
      "name, city, age \n" +
      "john, chicago, 22 \n" +
      "gary, florida, 35 \n" +
      "sal, vegas, 18";
    JSONArray result = CDL.toJSONArray(string);
源代码21 项目: tutorials   文件: CDLDemo.java
public static void jaOfJOFromCDT2() {
    JSONArray ja = new JSONArray();
    String string = 
      "john, chicago, 22 \n" +
      "gary, florida, 35 \n" +
      "sal, vegas, 18";
    JSONArray result = CDL.toJSONArray(ja, string);
源代码22 项目: tutorials   文件: CDLIntegrationTest.java
public void givenCommaDelimitedText_thenGetJSONArrayOfJSONObjects() {
    String string = 
      "name, city, age \n" +
      "john, chicago, 22 \n" +
      "gary, florida, 35 \n" +
      "sal, vegas, 18";
    JSONArray result = CDL.toJSONArray(string);
    assertEquals("[{\"name\":\"john\",\"city\":\"chicago\",\"age\":\"22\"},{\"name\":\"gary\",\"city\":\"florida\",\"age\":\"35\"},{\"name\":\"sal\",\"city\":\"vegas\",\"age\":\"18\"}]", result.toString());
源代码23 项目: tutorials   文件: CDLIntegrationTest.java
public void givenCommaDelimitedText_thenGetJSONArrayOfJSONObjects2() {
    JSONArray ja = new JSONArray();
    String string = 
      "john, chicago, 22 \n" +
      "gary, florida, 35 \n" +
      "sal, vegas, 18";
    JSONArray result = CDL.toJSONArray(ja, string);
    assertEquals("[{\"name\":\"john\",\"city\":\"chicago\",\"age\":\"22\"},{\"name\":\"gary\",\"city\":\"florida\",\"age\":\"35\"},{\"name\":\"sal\",\"city\":\"vegas\",\"age\":\"18\"}]", result.toString());
源代码24 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * Attempts to create a JSONArray from a null string.
 * Expect a NullPointerException.
public void exceptionOnNullString() {
    String nullStr = null;
源代码25 项目: JSON-Java-unit-test   文件: CDLTest.java
 * call toString with a null array
public void nullJSONArrayToString() {
源代码26 项目: tutorials   文件: CDLDemo.java
public static void jsonArrayFromCDT() {
    JSONArray ja = CDL.rowToJSONArray(new JSONTokener("England, USA, Canada"));
源代码27 项目: tutorials   文件: CDLDemo.java
public static void cDTfromJSONArray() {
    JSONArray ja = new JSONArray("[\"England\",\"USA\",\"Canada\"]");
    String cdt = CDL.rowToString(ja);
源代码28 项目: tutorials   文件: CDLIntegrationTest.java
public void givenCommaDelimitedText_thenConvertToJSONArray() {
    JSONArray ja = CDL.rowToJSONArray(new JSONTokener("England, USA, Canada"));
    assertEquals("[\"England\",\"USA\",\"Canada\"]", ja.toString());
源代码29 项目: tutorials   文件: CDLIntegrationTest.java
public void givenJSONArray_thenConvertToCommaDelimitedText() {
    JSONArray ja = new JSONArray("[\"England\",\"USA\",\"Canada\"]");
    String cdt = CDL.rowToString(ja);
    assertEquals("England,USA,Canada", cdt.toString().trim());