

源代码1 项目: easy_javadoc   文件: HttpUtil.java
public static String get(String url) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(url)) {
        return null;
    String result = null;
    CloseableHttpClient httpclient = null;
    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;
    try {
        httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
        HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
        response = httpclient.execute(httpGet);
        result = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.warn("请求" + url + "异常", e);
    } finally {
    return result;
源代码2 项目: joyqueue   文件: AsyncHttpClient.java
        public void completed(HttpResponse httpResponse) {
            try {
                int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                if (HttpStatus.SC_OK == statusCode) {
                     String response = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity());
//                     logger.info(response);
                     synchronized (object) {
            } catch (IOException e){
                logger.info("network io exception",e);
            } finally {
源代码3 项目: video-recorder-java   文件: RestUtils.java
public static String sendRecordingRequest(final String url) {
    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;
    try (final CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {
        final HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);
        response = client.execute(get);
        HttpEntity content = response.getEntity();
        String message = EntityUtils.toString(content);
        LOGGER.info("Response: " + message);
        return message;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOGGER.severe("Request: " + ex);
    } finally {
    return "";
源代码4 项目: video-recorder-java   文件: RestUtils.java
public static String sendRecordingRequest(final String url) {
    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;
    try (final CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {
        final HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);
        response = client.execute(get);
        HttpEntity content = response.getEntity();
        String message = EntityUtils.toString(content);
        LOGGER.info("Response: " + message);
        return message;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOGGER.severe("Request: " + ex);
    } finally {
    return "";
 * This method executes the given {@link ApacheCloudStackRequest}.
 * It will return the response as a plain {@link String}.
 * You should have in mind that if the parameter 'response' is not set, the default is 'XML'.
public String executeRequest(ApacheCloudStackRequest request) {
    boolean isSecretKeyApiKeyAuthenticationMechanism = StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.apacheCloudStackUser.getApiKey());
    String urlRequest = createApacheCloudStackApiUrlRequest(request, isSecretKeyApiKeyAuthenticationMechanism);
    LOGGER.debug(String.format("Executing request[%s].", urlRequest));
    CloseableHttpClient httpClient = createHttpClient();
    HttpContext httpContext = createHttpContextWithAuthenticatedSessionUsingUserCredentialsIfNeeded(httpClient, isSecretKeyApiKeyAuthenticationMechanism);
    try {
        return executeRequestGetResponseAsString(urlRequest, httpClient, httpContext);
    } finally {
        if (!isSecretKeyApiKeyAuthenticationMechanism) {
            executeUserLogout(httpClient, httpContext);
源代码6 项目: flux   文件: FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl.java
public FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl(Long connectionTimeout, Long socketTimeout, String fluxEndpoint, ObjectMapper objectMapper,
                                    MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
    this.fluxEndpoint = fluxEndpoint;
    this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
    RequestConfig clientConfig = RequestConfig.custom()
    PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager syncConnectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();

    closeableHttpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultRequestConfig(clientConfig).setConnectionManager(syncConnectionManager)

    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
    this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry;
源代码7 项目: flux   文件: FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl.java
public void submitNewWorkflow(StateMachineDefinition stateMachineDef) {
    CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
    try {
        httpResponse = postOverHttp(stateMachineDef, "");
        if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            try {
                logger.debug("Flux returned response: {}", EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity()));
            } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {
源代码8 项目: flux   文件: FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl.java
public void submitEvent(String name, Object data, String correlationId, String eventSource) {
    final String eventType = data.getClass().getName();
    if (eventSource == null) {
        eventSource = EXTERNAL;
    CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
    try {
        final EventData eventData = new EventData(name, eventType, objectMapper.writeValueAsString(data), eventSource);
        httpResponse = postOverHttp(eventData, "/" + correlationId + "/context/events?searchField=correlationId");
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
源代码9 项目: flux   文件: FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl.java
public void submitEventUpdate(String name, Object data, String correlationId,String eventSource) {
    final String eventType = data.getClass().getName();
    if (eventSource == null) {
        eventSource = EXTERNAL;
    CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
    try {
        final EventData eventData = new EventData(name, eventType, objectMapper.writeValueAsString(data), eventSource);
        httpResponse = postOverHttp(eventData, "/" + correlationId + "/context/eventupdate");

    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
源代码10 项目: flux   文件: EventProxyConnector.java
public void submitEvent(String name, Object data, String correlationId, String eventSource) {
    final String eventType = data.getClass().getName();
    if (eventSource == null) {
        eventSource = EXTERNAL;
    CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
    try {
        final EventData eventData = new EventData(name, eventType, (String) data, eventSource);
        httpResponse = postOverHttp(eventData, "/" + correlationId + "/context/events?searchField=correlationId");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
源代码11 项目: flux   文件: EventProxyConnector.java
public void submitScheduledEvent(String name, Object data, String correlationId,String eventSource, Long triggerTime) {
    final String eventType = data.getClass().getName();
    if (eventSource == null) {
        eventSource = EXTERNAL;
    final EventData eventData = new EventData(name, eventType, (String) data, eventSource);
    CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
    try {
        if(triggerTime != null) {
            httpResponse = postOverHttp(eventData, "/" + correlationId + "/context/events?searchField=correlationId&triggerTime=" + triggerTime);
        } else {
            //this block is used by flux to trigger the event when the time has arrived, send the data as plain string without serializing,
            // as the data is already in serialized form (in ScheduledEvents table the data stored in serialized form)
            httpResponse = postOverHttp(eventData, "/" + correlationId + "/context/events?searchField=correlationId");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
源代码12 项目: flux   文件: ExecutionNodeTaskDispatcherImpl.java
public ExecutionNodeTaskDispatcherImpl(@Named("connector.max.connections") Integer maxConnections, @Named("connector.max.connections.per.route") Integer maxConnectionsPerRoute,
                                       @Named("connector.connection.timeout") Integer connectionTimeout, @Named("connector.socket.timeout") Integer socketTimeOut,
                                       MetricsClient metricsClient) {
    RequestConfig clientConfig = RequestConfig.custom()
    PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager syncConnectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
    closeableHttpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultRequestConfig(clientConfig).setConnectionManager(syncConnectionManager)

    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
    this.metricsClient = metricsClient;
源代码13 项目: nexus-public   文件: RawHostedIT.java
public void contentTypeDetectedFromContent() throws Exception {

  HttpEntity textEntity = new StringEntity("test");
  rawClient.put("path/to/content", textEntity);
  HttpResponse response = rawClient.get("path/to/content");
  MatcherAssert.assertThat(response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type").getValue(), Matchers.is(ContentTypes.TEXT_PLAIN));

  HttpEntity htmlEntity = new StringEntity("<html>...</html>");
  rawClient.put("path/to/content", htmlEntity);
  response = rawClient.get("path/to/content");
  MatcherAssert.assertThat(response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type").getValue(), Matchers.is(ContentTypes.TEXT_HTML));

  // turn off strict validation so we can test falling back to declared content-type
  Configuration hostedConfig = repositoryManager.get(HOSTED_REPO).getConfiguration().copy();
  hostedConfig.attributes(STORAGE).set(STRICT_CONTENT_TYPE_VALIDATION, false);

  HttpEntity jsonEntity = new StringEntity("", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
  rawClient.put("path/to/content", jsonEntity);
  response = rawClient.get("path/to/content");
  MatcherAssert.assertThat(response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type").getValue(), Matchers.is(ContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON));
源代码14 项目: BashSupport   文件: DocTestUtils.java
static boolean isResponseContentValid(String url) {
    if ("true".equals(System.getProperty("bash.skipUrls", "false"))) {
        return true;

    CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
    try {
        CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(new HttpOptions(url));

        Assert.assertTrue("Expected response content for " + url, 404 != response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());

        String content = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
        return !content.contains("No matches for");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;
    } finally {
源代码15 项目: netcdf-java   文件: HTTPMethod.java
 * Calling close will force the method to close, and will
 * force any open stream to terminate. If the session is local,
 * Then that too will be closed.
public synchronized void close() {
  if (closed)
    return; // recursive calls ok
  closed = true; // mark as closed to prevent recursive calls
  if (methodstream != null) {
    try {
      this.methodstream.close(); // May recursr
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      /* failure is ok */}
    this.methodstream = null;
  // Force release underlying connection back to the connection manager
  if (this.lastresponse != null) {
    if (false) {
      try {
        try {
          // Attempt to keep connection alive by consuming its remaining content
        } finally {
          HttpClientUtils.closeQuietly(this.lastresponse); // Paranoia
      } catch (IOException ignore) {
        /* ignore */}
    } else
    this.lastresponse = null;
  if (session != null) {
    if (localsession) {
      session = null;
  this.lastrequest = null;
源代码16 项目: torrssen2   文件: TelegramService.java
public boolean sendMessage(String message) {
    boolean ret = false;

    if(httpClient == null) {

    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(baseUrl);
    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;

    try {
        for(String chatId: chatIds) {
            JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
            params.put("chat_id", chatId);
            params.put("text", message);
            params.put("parse_mode", "HTML");
            httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(params.toString(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

            response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);

            log.debug("telegram-send-message-response-code: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
            if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
                ret = true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {

    return ret;
源代码17 项目: torrssen2   文件: TelegramService.java
public boolean sendMessage(String inToken, String chatId, String message) {
    boolean ret = false;

    baseUrl = "https://api.telegram.org/bot" + inToken + "/sendMessage";
    List<Header> headers = new ArrayList<Header>();
    headers.add(new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json"));
    httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultHeaders(headers).build();

    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(baseUrl);
    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;

    log.debug("token:" + inToken);
    log.debug("chatId: " + chatId);

    try {
        JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
        params.put("chat_id", chatId);
        params.put("text", message);
        params.put("parse_mode", "HTML");
        httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(params.toString(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

        response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);

        log.debug("telegram-send-message-response-code: " + response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
        if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) {
            ret = true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {

    return ret;
源代码18 项目: torrssen2   文件: DaumMovieTvService.java
public String getPoster(String query) {
    // log.debug("Get Poster: " + query);
    CloseableHttpResponse response = null;

    try {
        URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder(this.baseUrl);
        builder.setParameter("id", "movie").setParameter("multiple", "0").setParameter("mod", "json")
                .setParameter("code", "utf_in_out").setParameter("limit", String.valueOf(limit))
                .setParameter("q", query);

        HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(builder.build());
        response = httpClient.execute(httpGet);

        JSONObject json = new JSONObject(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()));
        // log.debug(json.toString());

        if(json.has("items")) {
            JSONArray jarr = json.getJSONArray("items");
            for(int i = 0; i < jarr.length(); i++) {
                String[] arr = StringUtils.split(jarr.getString(i), "|");

                if(arr.length > 2) {
                    if(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(arr[0], query)) {
                        return arr[2];
    } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException | ParseException | JSONException e) {
    } finally {
    return null;
源代码19 项目: EasyCode   文件: HttpUtils.java
 * 统一处理请求
 * @param request 请求对象
 * @return 响应字符串
private static String handlerRequest(HttpUriRequest request) {
    try {
        CloseableHttpResponse response = HTTP_CLIENT.execute(request);
        String body = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
        if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
            Messages.showWarningDialog("连接到服务器错误!", MsgValue.TITLE_INFO);
            return null;
        // 解析JSON数据
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readTree(body);
        if (jsonNode.get(STATE_CODE).asInt() == 0) {
            JsonNode data = jsonNode.get("data");
            if (data instanceof TextNode) {
                return data.asText();
            return data.toString();
        // 获取错误消息
        String msg = jsonNode.get("msg").asText();
        Messages.showWarningDialog(msg, MsgValue.TITLE_INFO);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Messages.showWarningDialog("无法连接到服务器!", MsgValue.TITLE_INFO);
    return null;
源代码20 项目: rdf4j   文件: SharedHttpClientSessionManager.java
 * @param httpClient The httpClient to use for remote/service calls.
public void setHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient) {
	synchronized (this) {
		this.httpClient = Objects.requireNonNull(httpClient, "HTTP Client cannot be null");
		// If they set a client, we need to check whether we need to
		// close any existing dependentClient
		CloseableHttpClient toCloseDependentClient = dependentClient;
		dependentClient = null;
		if (toCloseDependentClient != null) {
源代码21 项目: flux   文件: FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl.java
public void submitEventAndUpdateStatus(EventData eventData, String stateMachineId, ExecutionUpdateData executionUpdateData) {
    CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
    try {
        EventAndExecutionData eventAndExecutionData = new EventAndExecutionData(eventData, executionUpdateData);
        httpResponse = postOverHttp(eventAndExecutionData, "/" + stateMachineId + "/context/eventandstatus");
    } finally {
源代码22 项目: flux   文件: FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl.java
public void cancelEvent(String eventName, String correlationId) {
    CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
    try {
        final EventData eventData = new EventData(eventName, null, null, null, true);
        httpResponse = postOverHttp(eventData, "/" + correlationId + "/context/events?searchField=correlationId");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    } finally {
源代码23 项目: flux   文件: FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl.java
 * Interface method implementation. Increments the execution retries in persistence by invoking suitable Flux runtime API
 * @see com.flipkart.flux.client.runtime.FluxRuntimeConnector#incrementExecutionRetries(String, Long)
public void incrementExecutionRetries(String stateMachineId, Long taskId) {
	CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
       httpResponse = postOverHttp(null,  "/" + stateMachineId + "/" + taskId + "/retries/inc");
源代码24 项目: flux   文件: FluxRuntimeConnectorHttpImpl.java
 * Interface method implementation. Posts to Flux Runtime API to redrive a task.
public void redriveTask(String stateMachineId, Long taskId) {
    CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = null;
    httpResponse = postOverHttp(null,  "/redrivetask/" + stateMachineId + "/taskId/"+ taskId);
源代码25 项目: nexus-repository-apt   文件: AptProxyFacet.java
private Optional<SnapshotItem> fetchLatest(ContentSpecifier spec) throws IOException {
  AptFacet aptFacet = getRepository().facet(AptFacet.class);
  ProxyFacet proxyFacet = facet(ProxyFacet.class);
  HttpClientFacet httpClientFacet = facet(HttpClientFacet.class);
  HttpClient httpClient = httpClientFacet.getHttpClient();
  CacheController cacheController = cacheControllerHolder.getMetadataCacheController();
  CacheInfo cacheInfo = cacheController.current();
  Content oldVersion = aptFacet.get(spec.path);

  URI fetchUri = proxyFacet.getRemoteUrl().resolve(spec.path);
  HttpGet getRequest = buildFetchRequest(oldVersion, fetchUri);

  HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(getRequest);
  StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();

  if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    Content fetchedContent = new Content(new HttpEntityPayload(response, entity));
    AttributesMap contentAttrs = fetchedContent.getAttributes();
    contentAttrs.set(Content.CONTENT_LAST_MODIFIED, getDateHeader(response, HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED));
    contentAttrs.set(Content.CONTENT_ETAG, getQuotedStringHeader(response, HttpHeaders.ETAG));
    contentAttrs.set(CacheInfo.class, cacheInfo);
    Content storedContent = getAptFacet().put(spec.path, fetchedContent);
    return Optional.of(new SnapshotItem(spec, storedContent));

  try {
    if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {
      checkState(oldVersion != null, "Received 304 without conditional GET (bad server?) from %s", fetchUri);
      doIndicateVerified(oldVersion, cacheInfo, spec.path);
      return Optional.of(new SnapshotItem(spec, oldVersion));
  finally {

  return Optional.empty();
源代码26 项目: nexus-public   文件: RawHostedIT.java
public void contentTypeDetectedFromPath() throws Exception {
  HttpEntity testEntity = new ByteArrayEntity(new byte[0]);

  rawClient.put("path/to/content.txt", testEntity);
  HttpResponse response = rawClient.get("path/to/content.txt");
  MatcherAssert.assertThat(response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type").getValue(), Matchers.is(ContentTypes.TEXT_PLAIN));

  rawClient.put("path/to/content.html", testEntity);
  response = rawClient.get("path/to/content.html");
  MatcherAssert.assertThat(response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type").getValue(), Matchers.is(ContentTypes.TEXT_HTML));
源代码27 项目: nexus-public   文件: AptProxyFacet.java
private Optional<SnapshotItem> fetchLatest(final ContentSpecifier spec) throws IOException {
  AptFacet aptFacet = getRepository().facet(AptFacet.class);
  ProxyFacet proxyFacet = facet(ProxyFacet.class);
  HttpClientFacet httpClientFacet = facet(HttpClientFacet.class);
  HttpClient httpClient = httpClientFacet.getHttpClient();
  CacheController cacheController = cacheControllerHolder.getMetadataCacheController();
  CacheInfo cacheInfo = cacheController.current();
  Content oldVersion = aptFacet.get(spec.path);

  URI fetchUri = proxyFacet.getRemoteUrl().resolve(spec.path);
  HttpGet getRequest = buildFetchRequest(oldVersion, fetchUri);

  HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(getRequest);
  StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();

  if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    Content fetchedContent = new Content(new HttpEntityPayload(response, entity));
    AttributesMap contentAttrs = fetchedContent.getAttributes();
    contentAttrs.set(Content.CONTENT_LAST_MODIFIED, getDateHeader(response, HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED));
    contentAttrs.set(Content.CONTENT_ETAG, getQuotedStringHeader(response, HttpHeaders.ETAG));
    contentAttrs.set(CacheInfo.class, cacheInfo);
    Content storedContent = getAptFacet().put(spec.path, fetchedContent);
    return Optional.of(new SnapshotItem(spec, storedContent));

  try {
    if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {
      checkState(oldVersion != null, "Received 304 without conditional GET (bad server?) from %s", fetchUri);
      doIndicateVerified(oldVersion, cacheInfo, spec.path);
      return Optional.of(new SnapshotItem(spec, oldVersion));
  finally {

  return Optional.empty();
源代码28 项目: nexus-public   文件: ProxyFacetSupport.java
private void mayThrowBypassHttpErrorException(final HttpResponse httpResponse) {
  final StatusLine status = httpResponse.getStatusLine();
  if (httpResponse.containsHeader(BYPASS_HTTP_ERRORS_HEADER_NAME)) {
    log.debug("Bypass http error: {}", status);
    ListMultimap<String, String> headers = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    throw new BypassHttpErrorException(status.getStatusCode(), status.getReasonPhrase(), headers);
源代码29 项目: p4ic4idea   文件: HttpClientRequesterImpl.java
public <T> T execute(HttpUriRequest request, HttpClientContext context, RequestFunction<T> func)
        throws IOException, UnauthorizedAccessException {
    HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
    try {
        return func.run(client.execute(request, context));
    } finally {
源代码30 项目: p4ic4idea   文件: HttpClientRequesterImpl.java
public <T> T execute(HttpUriRequest request, HttpClientContext context, CredentialsProvider provider,
        RequestFunction<T> func)
        throws IOException, UnauthorizedAccessException {
    HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(provider).build();
    try {
        return func.run(client.execute(request, context));
    } finally {