

源代码1 项目: wingtips   文件: WingtipsHttpClientBuilderTest.java
@DataProvider(value = {
}, splitBy = "\\|")
public void decorateProtocolExec_uses_subspan_option_value_at_time_of_creation_not_time_of_execution(
    boolean subspanOptionOn
) throws IOException, HttpException {
    // given
    builder = WingtipsHttpClientBuilder.create(subspanOptionOn, tagAndNamingStrategy, tagAndNamingAdapterMock);
    Span parentSpan = Tracer.getInstance().startRequestWithRootSpan("someParentSpan");

    SpanCapturingClientExecChain origCec = spy(new SpanCapturingClientExecChain());

    // when
    ClientExecChain result = builder.decorateProtocolExec(origCec);
    // Set builder's subspan option to the opposite of what it was when the ClientExecChain was decorated.

    // then
    // Even though the *builder's* subspan option has been flipped, the ClientExecChain should still execute with
    //      the subspan option value from when the ClientExecChain was originally decorated.
        result, origCec, parentSpan, subspanOptionOn, null
源代码2 项目: wingtips   文件: WingtipsHttpClientBuilderTest.java
@DataProvider(value = {
    "true   |   true    |   true",
    "false  |   true    |   true",
    "true   |   false   |   true",
    "false  |   false   |   true",
    "true   |   true    |   false",
    "false  |   true    |   false",
    "true   |   false   |   false",
    "false  |   false   |   false"
}, splitBy = "\\|")
public void decorateProtocolExec_works_as_expected(
    boolean subspanOptionOn, boolean parentSpanExists, boolean throwExceptionInInnerChain
) throws IOException, HttpException {
    // given
    builder = WingtipsHttpClientBuilder.create(subspanOptionOn, tagAndNamingStrategy, tagAndNamingAdapterMock);
    RuntimeException exceptionToThrowInInnerChain = (throwExceptionInInnerChain)
                                                    ? new RuntimeException("kaboom")
                                                    : null;
    SpanCapturingClientExecChain origCec = spy(new SpanCapturingClientExecChain(exceptionToThrowInInnerChain));
    Span parentSpan = null;
    if (parentSpanExists) {
        parentSpan = Tracer.getInstance().startRequestWithRootSpan("someParentSpan");

    // when
    ClientExecChain result = builder.decorateProtocolExec(origCec);

    // then
        result, origCec, parentSpan, subspanOptionOn, exceptionToThrowInInnerChain
源代码3 项目: esigate   文件: ProxyingHttpClientBuilder.java
protected ClientExecChain decorateMainExec(ClientExecChain mainExec) {
    ClientExecChain result = mainExec;
    result = addFetchEvent(result);
    if (useCache) {
        CacheAdapter cacheAdapter = new CacheAdapter();
        result = cacheAdapter.wrapBackendHttpClient(result);
        result = super.decorateMainExec(result);
        result = cacheAdapter.wrapCachingHttpClient(result);
    return result;
源代码4 项目: esigate   文件: ProxyingHttpClientBuilder.java
 * Decorate with fetch event managements
 * @param wrapped
 * @return the decorated ClientExecChain
private ClientExecChain addFetchEvent(final ClientExecChain wrapped) {
    return new ClientExecChain() {

        public CloseableHttpResponse execute(HttpRoute route, HttpRequestWrapper request,
                HttpClientContext httpClientContext, HttpExecutionAware execAware) throws IOException,
                HttpException {
            OutgoingRequestContext context = OutgoingRequestContext.adapt(httpClientContext);
            // Create request event
            FetchEvent fetchEvent = new FetchEvent(context, request);

            eventManager.fire(EventManager.EVENT_FETCH_PRE, fetchEvent);

            if (fetchEvent.isExit()) {
                if (fetchEvent.getHttpResponse() == null) {
                    // Provide an error page in order to avoid a NullPointerException
                            "An extension stopped the processing of the request without providing a response"));
            } else {
                try {
                    fetchEvent.setHttpResponse(wrapped.execute(route, request, context, execAware));
                    eventManager.fire(EventManager.EVENT_FETCH_POST, fetchEvent);
                } catch (IOException | HttpException e) {
                    // Usually we want to render and cache the exception but we let an extension decide
                    eventManager.fire(EventManager.EVENT_FETCH_POST, fetchEvent);
                    if (!fetchEvent.isExit())
                        throw e; // Throw the exception and let http client process it (may retry)

            return fetchEvent.getHttpResponse();

源代码5 项目: brave   文件: TracingMainExec.java
TracingMainExec(HttpTracing httpTracing, ClientExecChain mainExec) {
  this.tracer = httpTracing.tracing().tracer();
  this.currentTraceContext = httpTracing.tracing().currentTraceContext();
  this.serverName = "".equals(httpTracing.serverName()) ? null : httpTracing.serverName();
  this.handler = HttpClientHandler.create(httpTracing);
  this.mainExec = mainExec;
SignatureExec(Credentials credentials, Validator validator, ClientExecChain mainExec) {
  this.credentials = credentials;
  this.validator = validator;
  this.mainExec = mainExec;
protected ClientExecChain decorateProtocolExec(final ClientExecChain requestExecutor) {
  return new SignatureExec(this.credentials, this.validator, requestExecutor);
源代码8 项目: vscrawler   文件: ProxyFeedBackClientExecChain.java
public ProxyFeedBackClientExecChain(ClientExecChain delegate) {
    this.delegate = delegate;
protected ClientExecChain decorateProtocolExec(ClientExecChain protocolExec) {
    return new ProxyFeedBackClientExecChain(protocolExec);
源代码10 项目: wingtips   文件: WingtipsHttpClientBuilderTest.java
private void verifyDecoratedClientExecChainPerformsTracingLogic(
    ClientExecChain decoratedCec, SpanCapturingClientExecChain origCecSpy, Span parentSpan,
    boolean expectSubspan, Throwable expectedError
) throws IOException, HttpException {
    // given
    HttpRoute httpRoute = new HttpRoute(new HttpHost("localhost"));
    HttpRequestWrapper requestWrapperSpy = spy(HttpRequestWrapper.wrap(requestMock));
    HttpClientContext httpClientContextMock = mock(HttpClientContext.class);
    HttpExecutionAware httpExecutionAwareMock = mock(HttpExecutionAware.class);


    // when
    CloseableHttpResponse result = null;
    Throwable exFromChain = null;
    try {
        result = decoratedCec.execute(
            httpRoute, requestWrapperSpy, httpClientContextMock, httpExecutionAwareMock
    catch (Throwable ex) {
        exFromChain = ex;

    // then
    verify(origCecSpy).execute(httpRoute, requestWrapperSpy, httpClientContextMock, httpExecutionAwareMock);
    if (origCecSpy.exceptionToThrow == null) {
    else {

    // The only time the capturedSpan should be null is if expectSubspan is false and parentSpan is null, and then
    //      no tracing propagation headers should have been set.
    //      Otherwise, the tracing propagation headers should match capturedSpan.
    if (origCecSpy.capturedSpan == null) {
        verify(requestWrapperSpy, never()).setHeader(anyString(), anyString());
    else {
        verify(requestWrapperSpy).setHeader(TRACE_ID, origCecSpy.capturedSpan.getTraceId());
        verify(requestWrapperSpy).setHeader(SPAN_ID, origCecSpy.capturedSpan.getSpanId());
            TRACE_SAMPLED, convertSampleableBooleanToExpectedB3Value(origCecSpy.capturedSpan.isSampleable())
        if (origCecSpy.capturedSpan.getParentSpanId() == null) {
            verify(requestWrapperSpy, never()).setHeader(eq(PARENT_SPAN_ID), anyString());
        else {
            verify(requestWrapperSpy).setHeader(PARENT_SPAN_ID, origCecSpy.capturedSpan.getParentSpanId());

    // If we have a subspan, then it should have been completed. Otherwise, no spans should have been completed.
    //      Also, if we have a subspan, then request and response tagging should have been done.
    if (expectSubspan) {

        // Verify the request tags were set
        strategyInitialSpanNameArgs.get().verifyArgs(requestWrapperSpy, tagAndNamingAdapterMock);

            origCecSpy.capturedSpan, requestWrapperSpy, tagAndNamingAdapterMock

        // Verify the response tags were set
            origCecSpy.capturedSpan, requestWrapperSpy, result, expectedError, tagAndNamingAdapterMock
    else {

        // None of the tag/naming stuff should have been called since there was no subspan.


源代码11 项目: lavaplayer   文件: ExtendedHttpClientBuilder.java
protected ClientExecChain decorateMainExec(ClientExecChain mainExec) {
  return mainExec;
源代码12 项目: esigate   文件: CacheAdapter.java
public ClientExecChain wrapCachingHttpClient(final ClientExecChain wrapped) {
    return new ClientExecChain() {

         * Removes client http cache directives like "Cache-control" and "Pragma". Users must not be able to bypass
         * the cache just by making a refresh in the browser. Generates X-cache header.
        public CloseableHttpResponse execute(HttpRoute route, HttpRequestWrapper request,
                HttpClientContext httpClientContext, HttpExecutionAware execAware) throws IOException,
                HttpException {
            OutgoingRequestContext context = OutgoingRequestContext.adapt(httpClientContext);

            // Switch route for the cache to generate the right cache key
            CloseableHttpResponse response = wrapped.execute(route, request, context, execAware);

            // Remove previously added Cache-control header
            if (request.getRequestLine().getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("GET")
                    && (staleWhileRevalidate > 0 || staleIfError > 0)) {
            // Add X-cache header
            if (xCacheHeader) {
                if (context != null) {
                    CacheResponseStatus cacheResponseStatus =
                            (CacheResponseStatus) context.getAttribute(HttpCacheContext.CACHE_RESPONSE_STATUS);
                    String xCacheString;
                    if (cacheResponseStatus.equals(CacheResponseStatus.CACHE_HIT)) {
                        xCacheString = "HIT";
                    } else if (cacheResponseStatus.equals(CacheResponseStatus.VALIDATED)) {
                        xCacheString = "VALIDATED";
                    } else {
                        xCacheString = "MISS";
                    xCacheString += " from " + route.getTargetHost().toHostString();
                    xCacheString +=
                            " (" + request.getRequestLine().getMethod() + " " + request.getRequestLine().getUri()
                                    + ")";
                    response.addHeader("X-Cache", xCacheString);

            // Remove Via header
            if (!viaHeader && response.containsHeader("Via")) {
            return response;
源代码13 项目: brave   文件: TracingHttpClientBuilder.java
@Override protected ClientExecChain decorateProtocolExec(ClientExecChain protocolExec) {
  return new TracingProtocolExec(httpTracing, protocolExec);
源代码14 项目: brave   文件: TracingHttpClientBuilder.java
@Override protected ClientExecChain decorateMainExec(ClientExecChain exec) {
  return new TracingMainExec(httpTracing, exec);
源代码15 项目: brave   文件: TracingCachingHttpClientBuilder.java
@Override protected ClientExecChain decorateProtocolExec(ClientExecChain protocolExec) {
  return new TracingProtocolExec(httpTracing, protocolExec);
源代码16 项目: brave   文件: TracingCachingHttpClientBuilder.java
@Override protected ClientExecChain decorateMainExec(ClientExecChain exec) {
  return new LocalIfFromCacheTracingMainExec(httpTracing, super.decorateMainExec(exec));
源代码17 项目: brave   文件: TracingCachingHttpClientBuilder.java
LocalIfFromCacheTracingMainExec(HttpTracing httpTracing, ClientExecChain mainExec) {
  super(httpTracing, mainExec);
源代码18 项目: brave   文件: TracingProtocolExec.java
TracingProtocolExec(HttpTracing httpTracing, ClientExecChain protocolExec) {
  this.tracer = httpTracing.tracing().tracer();
  this.httpSampler = httpTracing.clientRequestSampler();
  this.handler = HttpClientHandler.create(httpTracing);
  this.protocolExec = protocolExec;