

源代码1 项目: ambari-logsearch   文件: ExternalServerClient.java
 * Send GET request to an external server
 * @param loginUrl external url
 * @param classObject response object type
 * @param username basic auth credential user
 * @param password basic auth credential password
 * @return response
 * @throws Exception error during send request to external location
public Object sendGETRequest(String loginUrl, Class<?> classObject, String username, String password) throws Exception {
  if (localJerseyClient == null) {
    if (sslConfigurer.isKeyStoreSpecified()) {
    localJerseyClient = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> sslConfigurer.isKeyStoreSpecified() ?
      new JerseyClientBuilder().sslContext(sslConfigurer.getSSLContext()).build() :
  String url = authPropsConfig.getExternalAuthHostUrl() + loginUrl;
  JerseyClient client = localJerseyClient.get();
  HttpAuthenticationFeature authFeature = HttpAuthenticationFeature.basicBuilder()
    .credentials(username, password)

  WebTarget target = client.target(url);
  logger.debug("URL: " + url);
  Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder =  target.request();
  try {
    Response response = invocationBuilder.get();
    if (response.getStatus() != Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()
      && response.getStatus() != Response.Status.FOUND.getStatusCode()) {
      throw new InvalidCredentialsException(String.format("External auth failed with status code: %d, response: %s",
        response.getStatus(), response.readEntity(String.class)));
    return response.readEntity(classObject);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new Exception(e.getCause());
  } finally {
源代码2 项目: RestServices   文件: RemoteApiServlet.java
private synchronized void serveRunStart(HttpServletRequest request,
		HttpServletResponse response, String path) throws IOException, CoreException, InvalidCredentialsException {
	JSONObject input = parseInput(request);

	IContext context = Core.createSystemContext();
	if (!detectedUnitTests) {
		detectedUnitTests = true;
	if (testSuiteRunner != null && !testSuiteRunner.isFinished()) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot start a test run while another test run is still running");
	LOG.info("[remote api] starting new test run");
	testSuiteRunner = new TestSuiteRunner();
	Thread t = new Thread() {
		public void run() {
源代码3 项目: RestServices   文件: RemoteApiServlet.java
private void verifyPassword(JSONObject input) throws InvalidCredentialsException {
	if (!input.has(PARAM_PASSWORD)) {
		LOG.warn("[remote api] Missing password");
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("No '" + PARAM_PASSWORD + "' attribute found in the JSON body. Please provide a password");
	if (!password.equals(input.getString(PARAM_PASSWORD))) {
		LOG.warn("[remote api] Invalid password");
		throw new InvalidCredentialsException();
源代码4 项目: ats-framework   文件: GGSSchemeBase.java
public Header authenticate(
                            final Credentials credentials,
                            final HttpRequest request,
                            final HttpContext context ) throws AuthenticationException {

    if (request == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("HTTP request may not be null");
    switch (state) {
        case UNINITIATED:
            throw new AuthenticationException(getSchemeName() + " authentication has not been initiated");
        case FAILED:
            throw new AuthenticationException(getSchemeName() + " authentication has failed");
            try {
                token = generateToken(token);
                state = State.TOKEN_GENERATED;
            } catch (GSSException gsse) {
                state = State.FAILED;
                if (gsse.getMajor() == GSSException.DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL
                    || gsse.getMajor() == GSSException.CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED)
                    throw new InvalidCredentialsException(gsse.getMessage(), gsse);
                if (gsse.getMajor() == GSSException.NO_CRED)
                    throw new InvalidCredentialsException(gsse.getMessage(), gsse);
                if (gsse.getMajor() == GSSException.DEFECTIVE_TOKEN
                    || gsse.getMajor() == GSSException.DUPLICATE_TOKEN
                    || gsse.getMajor() == GSSException.OLD_TOKEN)
                    throw new AuthenticationException(gsse.getMessage(), gsse);
                // other error
                throw new AuthenticationException(gsse.getMessage());
            // continue to next case block
        case TOKEN_GENERATED:
            String tokenstr = new String(base64codec.encode(token));
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Sending response '" + tokenstr + "' back to the auth server");
            return new BasicHeader("Authorization", "Negotiate " + tokenstr);
            throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal state: " + state);
源代码5 项目: cloudstack   文件: ElastistorUtil.java
public ElastiCenterClient(String address, String key) throws InvalidCredentialsException, InvalidParameterException, SSLHandshakeException, ServiceUnavailableException {
    elastiCenterAddress = address;
    apiKey = key;
源代码6 项目: cloudstack   文件: ElastistorUtil.java
public Object executeCommand(String command, MultivaluedMap<String, String> params, Object responeObj) throws Throwable {

            if (!initialized) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Error : ElastiCenterClient is not initialized.");

            if (command == null || command.trim().isEmpty()) {
                throw new InvalidParameterException("No command to execute.");

            try {
                ClientConfig config = new DefaultClientConfig();
                Client client = Client.create(config);
                WebResource webResource = client.resource(UriBuilder.fromUri(restprotocol + elastiCenterAddress + restpath).build());

                MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
                queryParams.add(queryparamapikey, apiKey);
                queryParams.add(queryparamresponse, responseType);

                queryParams.add(queryparamcommand, command);

                if (null != params) {
                    for (String key : params.keySet()) {
                        queryParams.add(key, params.getFirst(key));
                if (debug) {
                    System.out.println("Command Sent " + command + " : " + queryParams);
                ClientResponse response = webResource.queryParams(queryParams).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(ClientResponse.class);

                if (response.getStatus() >= 300) {
                    if (debug)
                        System.out.println("ElastiCenter returned error code : " + response.getStatus());
                    if (401 == response.getStatus()) {
                        throw new InvalidCredentialsException("Please specify a valid API Key.");
                    } else if (431 == response.getStatus()) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterException(response.getHeaders().getFirst("X-Description"));
                    } else if (432 == response.getStatus()) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterException(command + " does not exist on the ElastiCenter server.  Please specify a valid command or contact your ElastiCenter Administrator.");
                    } else {
                        throw new ServiceUnavailableException("Internal Error. Please contact your ElastiCenter Administrator.");
                } else if (null != responeObj) {
                    String jsonResponse = response.getEntity(String.class);
                    if (debug) {
                        System.out.println("Command Response : " + jsonResponse);
                    Gson gson = new Gson();
                    return gson.fromJson(jsonResponse, responeObj.getClass());
                } else {
                    return "Success";
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw t;