

源代码1 项目: sc2gears   文件: GuiUtils.java
 * Creates and returns a scroll panel which wraps the specified view component.<br>
 * The returned scroll panel disables vertical scroll bar, and only displays the horizontal scroll bar when the view does not fit
 * into the size of the view port. When the view fits into the view port, the scroll pane will not claim the space of the scroll bar.
 * @param view               view to wrap in the scroll pane
 * @param parentToRevalidate parent to revalidate when the scroll pane decides to change its size
 * @return the created self managed scroll pane
public static JScrollPane createSelfManagedScrollPane( final Component view, final JComponent parentToRevalidate ) {
	final JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane( view );
	scrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER );
	scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 0, 12 ) ); // Only want to restrict the height, width doesn't matter (it takes up whole width)
	scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement( 10 );
	final ComponentListener scrollPaneComponentListener = new ComponentAdapter() {
		public void componentResized( final ComponentEvent event ) {
			scrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( view.getWidth() < scrollPane.getWidth() ? JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER : JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS );
			scrollPane.setPreferredSize( null );
			scrollPane.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 10, scrollPane.getPreferredSize().height ) );
	scrollPane.addComponentListener( scrollPaneComponentListener );
	return scrollPane;
源代码2 项目: desktopclient-java   文件: ComponentUtils.java
private void showPopupPanel() {
    if (mPopup == null)
        mPopup = new ComponentUtils.ModalPopup(this);

    PopupPanel panel = this.getPanel().orElse(null);
    if (panel == null)


    for (ComponentListener cl : panel.getComponentListeners())

    panel.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() {
        public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {
源代码3 项目: weblaf   文件: WebMultiSplitPaneModel.java
 * Constructs new {@link WebMultiSplitPaneModel}.
public WebMultiSplitPaneModel ()
    this.views = new ArrayList<MultiSplitView> ();
    this.dividers = new ArrayList<WebMultiSplitPaneDivider> ( 2 );
    this.listeners = new EventListenerList ();
    this.listeners.add ( ComponentListener.class, new ComponentAdapter ()
        public void componentResized ( final ComponentEvent e )
            // Informing about operation
            onOperation ( Operation.splitPaneResized );
    } );
    draggedDividerIndex = -1;
    dragStart = null;
源代码4 项目: darklaf   文件: MouseGrabberUtil.java
 * This Method is responsible for removing the old MouseGrabber from the AppContext, to be able to add our own
 * implementation for it that is a bit more generous with closing the popup.
public static void uninstallOldMouseGrabber(final ChangeListener oldMouseGrabber) {
    if (oldMouseGrabber == null) return;
    MenuSelectionManager menuSelectionManager = MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager();
    if (oldMouseGrabber instanceof AWTEventListener) {
        Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
        java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<Object>) () -> {
            tk.removeAWTEventListener((AWTEventListener) oldMouseGrabber);
            return null;
    MenuElement[] path = menuSelectionManager.getSelectedPath();
    if (path.length != 0 && path[0] != null) {
        Component invoker = path[0].getComponent();
        if (invoker instanceof JPopupMenu) {
            invoker = ((JPopupMenu) invoker).getInvoker();
        Window grabbedWindow = DarkUIUtil.getWindow(invoker);
        if (oldMouseGrabber instanceof WindowListener) {
            grabbedWindow.removeWindowListener((WindowListener) oldMouseGrabber);
        if (oldMouseGrabber instanceof ComponentListener) {
            grabbedWindow.removeComponentListener((ComponentListener) oldMouseGrabber);
源代码5 项目: netbeans   文件: Outline.java
/** Create a component listener to handle size changes if the table model
 * is large-model */
private ComponentListener getComponentListener() {
    if (componentListener == null) {
        componentListener = new SizeManager();
    return componentListener;
源代码6 项目: netbeans   文件: FontAndColorsPanel.java
public void removeNotify() {
    for (ComponentListener l : getComponentListeners()) {
源代码7 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ComponentOperator.java
 * Maps {@code Component.addComponentListener(ComponentListener)}
 * through queue
public void addComponentListener(final ComponentListener componentListener) {
    runMapping(new MapVoidAction("addComponentListener") {
        public void map() {
源代码8 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ComponentOperator.java
 * Maps {@code Component.removeComponentListener(ComponentListener)}
 * through queue
public void removeComponentListener(final ComponentListener componentListener) {
    runMapping(new MapVoidAction("removeComponentListener") {
        public void map() {
源代码9 项目: stendhal   文件: ScrolledViewport.java
 * Create a new ScrolledViewport.
 * @param view child component. The border that view has at the moment when
 * 	the ScrolledViewport is created is used when ant least one of the scroll
 * 	bars is visible.
public ScrolledViewport(JComponent view) {
	this.view = view;
	originalBorder = view.getBorder();
	scrollPane = new JScrollPane(view);
	ComponentListener listener = new ScrollBarVisibilityChangeListener();
源代码10 项目: WorldGrower   文件: AskQuestionDialog.java
private void pressAskQuestionButtonOnVisible() {
	ComponentListener listener = new ComponentAdapter() {
		// this method is called after componentShown and performs the click
		// otherwise the component may get moved/resized after clicking
		public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
源代码11 项目: jexer   文件: SwingComponent.java
 * Adds the specified component listener to receive component events from
 * this component. If listener l is null, no exception is thrown and no
 * action is performed.
 * @param l the component listener
public void addComponentListener(ComponentListener l) {
    if (frame != null) {
    } else {
源代码12 项目: seaglass   文件: SeaGlassInternalFrameUI.java
protected ComponentListener createComponentListener() {
    if (UIManager.getBoolean("InternalFrame.useTaskBar")) {
        return new ComponentHandler() {
            public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
                if (frame != null && frame.isMaximum()) {
                    JDesktopPane desktop = (JDesktopPane) e.getSource();
                    for (Component comp : desktop.getComponents()) {
                        if (comp instanceof SeaGlassDesktopPaneUI.TaskBar) {
                            frame.setBounds(0, 0, desktop.getWidth(), desktop.getHeight() - comp.getHeight());

                // Update the new parent bounds for next resize, but don't
                // let the super method touch this frame
                JInternalFrame f = frame;
                frame = null;
                frame = f;
    } else {
        return super.createComponentListener();
源代码13 项目: weblaf   文件: WebMultiSplitPaneModel.java
public void install ( @NotNull final WebMultiSplitPane multiSplitPane, @Nullable final List<MultiSplitView> views,
                      @Nullable final List<WebMultiSplitPaneDivider> dividers )
    if ( this.multiSplitPane == null )
        this.initialized = false;
        this.multiSplitPane = multiSplitPane;
        this.multiSplitPane.addPropertyChangeListener ( this );
        for ( final ComponentListener listener : listeners.getListeners ( ComponentListener.class ) )
            this.multiSplitPane.addComponentListener ( listener );
        if ( CollectionUtils.notEmpty ( views ) )
            this.views.addAll ( views );
        if ( CollectionUtils.notEmpty ( dividers ) )
            this.dividers.addAll ( dividers );
        onOperation ( Operation.splitPaneModelInstalled );
    else if ( this.multiSplitPane == multiSplitPane )
        throw new IllegalStateException ( "This MultiSplitPaneModel is already installed in specified WebMultiSplitPane" );
        throw new IllegalStateException ( "MultiSplitPaneModel can only be installed into single WebMultiSplitPane at a time" );
源代码14 项目: weblaf   文件: WebMultiSplitPaneModel.java
public void uninstall ( @NotNull final WebMultiSplitPane multiSplitPane )
    if ( this.multiSplitPane != null && this.multiSplitPane == multiSplitPane )
        // Informing about operation
        onOperation ( Operation.splitPaneModelUninstalled );

        // Clearing data
        this.views.clear ();
        this.dividers.clear ();
        for ( final ComponentListener listener : listeners.getListeners ( ComponentListener.class ) )
            this.multiSplitPane.removeComponentListener ( listener );
        this.multiSplitPane.removePropertyChangeListener ( this );
        this.multiSplitPane = null;
        this.initialized = false;
    else if ( this.multiSplitPane == null )
        throw new IllegalStateException ( "This MultiSplitPaneModel is not yet installed in any WebMultiSplitPane" );
        throw new IllegalStateException ( "This MultiSplitPaneModel is installed in different WebMultiSplitPane" );
源代码15 项目: consulo   文件: WindowStateAdapter.java
private static WindowStateAdapter getAdapter(@Nonnull Window window) {
  for (ComponentListener listener : window.getComponentListeners()) {
    if (listener instanceof WindowStateAdapter) {
      return (WindowStateAdapter)listener;
  return new WindowStateAdapter(window);
源代码16 项目: consulo   文件: FrameState.java
private static FrameState findFrameState(@Nonnull Component component) {
  for (ComponentListener listener : component.getComponentListeners()) {
    if (listener instanceof FrameState) {
      return (FrameState)listener;
  return null;
源代码17 项目: consulo   文件: ExpandableSupport.java
public ExpandableSupport(@Nonnull Source source, Function<? super String, String> onShow, Function<? super String, String> onHide) {
  this.source = source;
  this.onShow = onShow != null ? onShow : Function.ID;
  this.onHide = onHide != null ? onHide : Function.ID;
  source.putClientProperty(Expandable.class, this);
  source.addAncestorListener(create(AncestorListener.class, this, "collapse"));
  source.addComponentListener(create(ComponentListener.class, this, "collapse"));
源代码18 项目: hop   文件: ScriptValuesModDummy.java
public void addTransformListener( ComponentListener transformListener ) {
源代码19 项目: netbeans   文件: RendererFactory.java
/** Overridden to do nothing */
public void addComponentListener(ComponentListener l) {
源代码20 项目: netbeans   文件: RendererFactory.java
/** Overridden to do nothing */
public void addComponentListener(ComponentListener l) {
源代码21 项目: netbeans   文件: BaseCaret.java
public @Override void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
    String propName = evt.getPropertyName();
    if ("document".equals(propName)) { // NOI18N
        BaseDocument newDoc = (evt.getNewValue() instanceof BaseDocument)
                              ? (BaseDocument)evt.getNewValue() : null;
        modelChanged(listenDoc, newDoc);

    } else if (EditorUI.OVERWRITE_MODE_PROPERTY.equals(propName)) {
        Boolean b = (Boolean)evt.getNewValue();
        overwriteMode = (b != null) ? b.booleanValue() : false;

    } else if ("ancestor".equals(propName) && evt.getSource() == component) { // NOI18N
        // The following code ensures that when the width of the line views
        // gets computed on background after the file gets opened
        // (so the horizontal scrollbar gets added after several seconds
        // for larger files) that the suddenly added horizontal scrollbar
        // will not hide the caret laying on the last line of the viewport.
        // A component listener gets installed into horizontal scrollbar
        // and if it's fired the caret's bounds will be checked whether
        // they intersect with the horizontal scrollbar
        // and if so the view will be scrolled.
        Container parent = component.getParent();
        if (parent instanceof JViewport) {
            parent = parent.getParent(); // parent of viewport
            if (parent instanceof JScrollPane) {
                JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane)parent;
                JScrollBar hScrollBar = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
                if (hScrollBar != null) {
                    // Add weak listener so that editor pane could be removed
                    // from scrollpane without being held by scrollbar
                            ComponentListener.class, listenerImpl, hScrollBar));
    } else if ("enabled".equals(propName)) {
        Boolean enabled = (Boolean) evt.getNewValue();
        if(component.isFocusOwner()) {
            if(enabled == Boolean.TRUE) {
                if(component.isEditable()) {
            } else {
    } else if (RECTANGULAR_SELECTION_PROPERTY.equals(propName)) {
        boolean origRectangularSelection = rectangularSelection;
        rectangularSelection = Boolean.TRUE.equals(component.getClientProperty(RECTANGULAR_SELECTION_PROPERTY));
        if (rectangularSelection != origRectangularSelection) {
            if (rectangularSelection) {

            } else { // No rectangular selection
源代码22 项目: netbeans   文件: EditorCaret.java
public @Override void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
            String propName = evt.getPropertyName();
            JTextComponent c = component;
            if ("document".equals(propName)) { // NOI18N
                if (c != null) {
                    modelChanged(activeDoc, c.getDocument());

            } else if (EditorUtilities.CARET_OVERWRITE_MODE_PROPERTY.equals(propName)) {
                Boolean b = (Boolean) evt.getNewValue();
                overwriteMode = (b != null) ? b : false;

            } else if ("ancestor".equals(propName) && evt.getSource() == component) { // NOI18N
                // The following code ensures that when the width of the line views
                // gets computed on background after the file gets opened
                // (so the horizontal scrollbar gets added after several seconds
                // for larger files) that the suddenly added horizontal scrollbar
                // will not hide the caret laying on the last line of the viewport.
                // A component listener gets installed into horizontal scrollbar
                // and if it's fired the caret's bounds will be checked whether
                // they intersect with the horizontal scrollbar
                // and if so the view will be scrolled.
                final JViewport viewport = getViewport();
                if (viewport != null) {
                    Component parent = viewport.getParent();
                    if (parent instanceof JScrollPane) {
                        JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane) parent;
                        JScrollBar hScrollBar = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar();
                        if (hScrollBar != null) {
                            // Add weak listener so that editor pane could be removed
                            // from scrollpane without being held by scrollbar
                                    (ComponentListener) WeakListeners.create(
                                            ComponentListener.class, listenerImpl, hScrollBar));
            } else if ("enabled".equals(propName)) {
                Boolean enabled = (Boolean) evt.getNewValue();
                if (component.isFocusOwner()) {
                    if (enabled == Boolean.TRUE) {
                        if (component.isEditable()) {
                    } else {
            } else if (RECTANGULAR_SELECTION_PROPERTY.equals(propName)) {
                boolean origRectangularSelection = rectangularSelection;
                rectangularSelection = Boolean.TRUE.equals(component.getClientProperty(RECTANGULAR_SELECTION_PROPERTY));
                if (rectangularSelection != origRectangularSelection) {
                    if (rectangularSelection) {
//                        RectangularSelectionTransferHandler.install(component);

                    } else { // No rectangular selection
//                        RectangularSelectionTransferHandler.uninstall(component);
源代码23 项目: littleluck   文件: LuckPopupFactory.java
public Popup getPopup(Component owner, Component contents, int x, int y)
    throws IllegalArgumentException
    Popup popup = super.getPopup(owner, contents, x, y);
    // 比较安全的hack方式
    Object obj = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(contents);

    if (obj instanceof JWindow)
        JWindow window = (JWindow) obj;

        // 承载内容的窗体透明

        ((JComponent) window.getContentPane()).setOpaque(false);
        JdkVersion version = JdkVersion.getSingleton();
        boolean isCompatible = (version.getMajor() <= 1 && version.getMinor() < 8);
        if (contents instanceof JPopupMenu && isCompatible)
            boolean isFound = false;
            for (ComponentListener listener : window.getComponentListeners())
                if(listener instanceof LuckPopupComponentListener)
                    isFound = true;
                window.addComponentListener(new LuckPopupComponentListener());

    return popup;
源代码24 项目: netbeans   文件: DefaultTabbedContainerUI.java
 * Create a component listener responsible for initializing the
 * contentDisplayer component when the tabbed container is shown
protected ComponentListener createComponentListener() {
    return new ContainerComponentListener();
源代码25 项目: weblaf   文件: WebSplitPane.java
 * Adds divider listener.
 * @param listener divider listener to add
public void addDividerListener ( final ComponentListener listener )
    getUI ().getDivider ().addComponentListener ( listener );
源代码26 项目: weblaf   文件: WebSplitPane.java
 * Removes divider listener.
 * @param listener divider listener to remove
public void removeDividerListener ( final ComponentListener listener )
    getUI ().getDivider ().removeComponentListener ( listener );