

源代码1 项目: arcusandroid   文件: IrrigationDeviceController.java
public void skipWatering(@IntRange(from = 1, to = 72) int hours) {
    LawnNGardenSubsystem subsystem = getLawnNGardenSubsystem();
    String address = getDeviceAddress();

    if (subsystem != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) {

        if (hours > 72) { // TODO: Wasnt sure if were using the minutes elsewhere... So just updating here for now.
            // Should really go and change the delay event if we don't need minutes
            hours = (int) TimeUnit.MINUTES.toHours(hours);

        subsystem.skip(address, hours).onFailure(updateErrorListener);
    else {
        updateError(new RuntimeException("Unable to send command. Controller was null."));
源代码2 项目: arcusandroid   文件: IrrigationDeviceController.java
public void waterNow(String zone, @IntRange(from = 1) int minutesToWater) {
    if (minutesToWater < 1) {

    IrrigationController controller = getControllerFromSource();
    String address = getDeviceAddress();
    if (controller != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(address)) {
              address, // TODO: Monitor this or the duration? Or the zone?...

        controller.waterNowV2(zone, minutesToWater).onFailure(updateErrorListener);
    else {
        updateError(new RuntimeException("Unable to send command. Controller was null."));
public ClientFuture<PagedRecordings> loadLimited(@IntRange(from = 1) @Nullable Integer limit, @Nullable String nextToken, @Nullable Boolean all) {
    ClientFuture<PagedRecordings> current = partialLoadRef.get();
    if (current != null) {
        return current;

    String placeID = getPlaceID();
    if (placeID == null) {
        return Futures.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException("Must select a place before data can be loaded"));

    if (limit == null || limit < 1 || limit > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT;

    ClientFuture<PagedRecordings> response = doLoadPartial(placeID, limit, nextToken, Boolean.TRUE.equals(all));


    return response;
源代码4 项目: DevUtils   文件: BitmapUtils.java
 * 添加边框
 * @param bitmap       待操作源图片
 * @param borderSize   边框尺寸
 * @param color        边框颜色
 * @param isCircle     是否画圆
 * @param cornerRadius 圆角半径
 * @return 添加边框后的图片
public static Bitmap addBorder(final Bitmap bitmap, @IntRange(from = 1) final int borderSize,
                               @ColorInt final int color, final boolean isCircle, final float cornerRadius) {
    if (isEmpty(bitmap)) return null;

    Bitmap newBitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmap.getConfig(), true);
    int width = newBitmap.getWidth();
    int height = newBitmap.getHeight();

    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(newBitmap);
    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    if (isCircle) {
        float radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2f - borderSize / 2f;
        canvas.drawCircle(width / 2f, height / 2f, radius, paint);
    } else {
        int halfBorderSize = borderSize >> 1;
        RectF rectF = new RectF(halfBorderSize, halfBorderSize, width - halfBorderSize, height - halfBorderSize);
        canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, paint);
    return newBitmap;
源代码5 项目: LiTr   文件: TransformationJob.java
TransformationJob(@NonNull String jobId,
                  List<TrackTransform> trackTransforms,
                  @IntRange(from = GRANULARITY_NONE) int granularity,
                  @NonNull MarshallingTransformationListener marshallingTransformationListener) {

    this.jobId = jobId;
    this.trackTransforms = trackTransforms;
    this.granularity = granularity;
    this.marshallingTransformationListener = marshallingTransformationListener;

    lastProgress = 0;

    trackTranscoderFactory = new TrackTranscoderFactory();
    diskUtil = new DiskUtil();
    statsCollector = new TransformationStatsCollector();
源代码6 项目: LiTr   文件: MediaCodecDecoder.java
public Frame getOutputFrame(@IntRange(from = 0) int tag) {
    if (tag >= 0) {
        ByteBuffer buffer;
            buffer = mediaCodec.getOutputBuffer(tag);
        } else {
            ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
            buffer = encoderOutputBuffers[tag];
        return new Frame(tag, buffer, outputBufferInfo);

    return null;
public void requestMtu(@IntRange(from = 23, to = 517) int mtuSize, CompletionHandler completionHandler) {
    final String identifier = null;
    BleCommand command = new BleCommand(BleCommand.BLECOMMANDTYPE_REQUESTMTU, identifier, completionHandler) {
        public void execute() {
            // Request mtu size change
            if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Request mtu change");
            } else {
                Log.w(TAG, "change mtu size not recommended on Android < 7.0");      // https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37101017
源代码8 项目: DevUtils   文件: BrightnessUtils.java
 * 设置窗口亮度
 * @param window     {@link Window}
 * @param brightness 亮度值
 * @return {@code true} success, {@code false} fail
public static boolean setWindowBrightness(final Window window, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) final int brightness) {
    if (window == null) return false;
    try {
        WindowManager.LayoutParams layoutParams = window.getAttributes();
        layoutParams.screenBrightness = brightness / 255f;
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "setWindowBrightness");
    return false;
源代码9 项目: AndroidProject   文件: MyAdapter.java
 * 更新某个位置上的数据
public void setItem(@IntRange(from = 0) int position, @NonNull T item) {
    if (mDataSet == null) {
        mDataSet = new ArrayList<>();
    mDataSet.set(position, item);
源代码10 项目: PhotoEditor   文件: PhotoEditor.java
 * set opacity/transparency of brush while painting on {@link BrushDrawingView}
 * @param opacity opacity is in form of percentage
public void setOpacity(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) int opacity) {
    if (brushDrawingView != null) {
        opacity = (int) ((opacity / 100.0) * 255.0);
源代码11 项目: arcusandroid   文件: ActivityEventView.java
protected int getMinutesInIntervalOf30(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 59) int minute, boolean roundUp) {
    if (!roundUp && (minute == 30 || minute == 0)) { // Prevents errors in first pass rounding (panning)
        return minute;

    if (minute > 30) {
        return roundUp ? 60 : 30;

    return roundUp ? 30 : 0;
源代码12 项目: weather   文件: AppUtil.java
 * Set the alpha component of {@code color} to be {@code alpha}.
static @CheckResult
int modifyAlpha(@ColorInt int color,
                @IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) int alpha) {
  return (color & 0x00ffffff) | (alpha << 24);
源代码13 项目: DevUtils   文件: ADBUtils.java
 * 更改屏幕亮度值 ( 亮度值在 0-255 之间 )
 * @param brightness 亮度值
 * @return {@code true} success, {@code false} fail
public static boolean setScreenBrightness(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) final int brightness) {
    if (brightness < 0) {
        return false;
    } else if (brightness > 255) {
        return false;
    // 执行 shell
    ShellUtils.CommandResult result = ShellUtils.execCmd("settings put system screen_brightness " + brightness, true);
    return result.isSuccess2();
源代码14 项目: dynamic-support   文件: DynamicWidgetTheme.java
public @NonNull DynamicWidgetTheme setOpacity(
        @IntRange(from = 0, to = AppWidgetTheme.OPACITY_MAX) int opacity) {
    this.opacity = opacity;

    return this;
源代码15 项目: LiTr   文件: MediaCodecEncoder.java
public Frame getInputFrame(@IntRange(from = 0) int tag) {
    if (tag >= 0) {
        ByteBuffer inputBuffer;
            inputBuffer = mediaCodec.getInputBuffer(tag);
        } else {
            ByteBuffer[] encoderInputBuffers = mediaCodec.getInputBuffers();
            inputBuffer = encoderInputBuffers[tag];
        return new Frame(tag, inputBuffer, null);
    return null;
源代码16 项目: LiTr   文件: MediaCodecEncoder.java
public Frame getOutputFrame(@IntRange(from = 0) int tag) {
    if (tag >= 0) {
        ByteBuffer buffer;
            buffer = mediaCodec.getOutputBuffer(tag);
        } else {
            ByteBuffer[] encoderOutputBuffers = mediaCodec.getOutputBuffers();
            buffer = encoderOutputBuffers[tag];
        return new Frame(tag, buffer, encoderOutputBufferInfo);
    return null;
源代码17 项目: DevUtils   文件: BitmapUtils.java
 * 按质量压缩
 * @param bitmap  待操作源图片
 * @param format  图片压缩格式
 * @param quality 质量
 * @param options {@link BitmapFactory.Options}
 * @return 质量压缩过的图片
public static Bitmap compressByQuality(final Bitmap bitmap, final Bitmap.CompressFormat format,
                                       @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality,
                                       final BitmapFactory.Options options) {
    if (isEmpty(bitmap) || format == null) return null;
    try {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        bitmap.compress(format, quality, baos);
        byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
        return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, options);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "compressByQuality");
    return null;
源代码18 项目: DevUtils   文件: BitmapUtils.java
 * 重新编码 Bitmap
 * @param bitmap  需要重新编码的 bitmap
 * @param format  编码后的格式 如 Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG
 * @param quality 质量
 * @param options {@link BitmapFactory.Options}
 * @return 重新编码后的图片
public static Bitmap recode(final Bitmap bitmap, final Bitmap.CompressFormat format,
                            @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality,
                            final BitmapFactory.Options options) {
    if (isEmpty(bitmap) || format == null) return null;
    try {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        bitmap.compress(format, quality, baos);
        byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
        return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.length, options);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "recode");
    return null;
源代码19 项目: LiTr   文件: MockMediaTransformer.java
public void transform(@NonNull String requestId,
                      List<TrackTransform> trackTransforms,
                      @NonNull TransformationListener listener,
                      @IntRange(from = GRANULARITY_NONE) int granularity) {
源代码20 项目: LiTr   文件: MediaTransformer.java
 * Transform video and audio track(s): change resolution, frame rate, bitrate, etc. Video track transformation
 * uses default hardware accelerated codecs and OpenGL renderer.
 * If overlay(s) are provided, video track(s) will be transcoded with parameters as close to source format as possible.
 * @param requestId client defined unique id for a transformation request. If not unique, {@link IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown.
 * @param inputUri input video {@link Uri}
 * @param outputFilePath Absolute path of output media file
 * @param targetVideoFormat target format parameters for video track(s), null to keep them as is
 * @param targetAudioFormat target format parameters for audio track(s), null to keep them as is
 * @param listener {@link TransformationListener} implementation, to get updates on transformation status/result/progress
 * @param granularity progress reporting granularity. NO_GRANULARITY for per-frame progress reporting,
 *                    or positive integer value for number of times transformation progress should be reported
 * @param filters optional OpenGL filters to apply to video frames
public void transform(@NonNull String requestId,
                      @NonNull Uri inputUri,
                      @NonNull String outputFilePath,
                      @Nullable MediaFormat targetVideoFormat,
                      @Nullable MediaFormat targetAudioFormat,
                      @NonNull TransformationListener listener,
                      @IntRange(from = GRANULARITY_NONE) int granularity,
                      @Nullable List<GlFilter> filters) {
    try {
        MediaSource mediaSource = new MediaExtractorMediaSource(context, inputUri);
        MediaTarget mediaTarget = new MediaMuxerMediaTarget(outputFilePath,
        Renderer renderer = new GlVideoRenderer(filters);
        Decoder decoder = new MediaCodecDecoder();
        Encoder encoder = new MediaCodecEncoder();
    } catch (MediaSourceException | MediaTargetException ex) {
        listener.onError(requestId, ex, null);
源代码21 项目: DevUtils   文件: SpannableStringUtils.java
public int getSize(@NonNull final Paint paint, final CharSequence text,
                   @IntRange(from = 0) final int start,
                   @IntRange(from = 0) final int end,
                   @Nullable final Paint.FontMetricsInt fm) {
    return width;
源代码22 项目: PercentageChartView   文件: PercentageChartView.java
 * Sets the duration of the progress change's animation.
 * @param duration non-negative duration value.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given duration is less than 50.
public PercentageChartView animationDuration(@IntRange(from = 50) int duration) {
    if (duration < 50) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duration must be equal or greater than 50.");
    return this;
源代码23 项目: PercentageChartView   文件: PercentageChartView.java
 * Sets the offset of the circular background. Works only if chart mode is set to pie.
 * @param offset A positive offset value.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given offset is a negative value, or, not supported by the current used chart mode.
public PercentageChartView backgroundOffset(@IntRange(from = 0) int offset) {
    if (offset < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Background offset must be a positive value.");

    try {
        ((OffsetEnabledMode) renderer).setBackgroundOffset(offset);
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Background offset is not support by the used percentage chart mode.");
    return this;
源代码24 项目: DevUtils   文件: ImageUtils.java
 * Bitmap 转换成 byte[]
 * @param bitmap  待转换图片
 * @param quality 质量
 * @param format  如 Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG
 * @return byte[]
public static byte[] bitmapToByte(final Bitmap bitmap, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality,
                                  final Bitmap.CompressFormat format) {
    if (bitmap == null || format == null) return null;
    try {
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        bitmap.compress(format, quality, baos);
        return baos.toByteArray();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LogPrintUtils.eTag(TAG, e, "bitmapToByte");
    return null;
public static Data setCommunicationInterval(@IntRange(from = 0, to = 65535) final int interval,
											final boolean secure) {
	return create(OP_CODE_SET_COMMUNICATION_INTERVAL, interval, Data.FORMAT_UINT8, secure);
源代码26 项目: Matisse-Kotlin   文件: OverlayView.java
 * Setter for crop frame stroke width
public void setCropFrameStrokeWidth(@IntRange(from = 0) int width) {
源代码27 项目: EasyPhotos   文件: OverlayView.java
 * Setter for crop grid stroke width
public void setCropGridStrokeWidth(@IntRange(from = 0) int width) {
public static Data reportNumberOfStoredRecordsLessThenOrEqualTo(@IntRange(from = 0) final int sequenceNumber) {
			FilterType.SEQUENCE_NUMBER, Data.FORMAT_UINT16, sequenceNumber);
源代码29 项目: Matisse-Kotlin   文件: OverlayView.java
 * Setter for crop grid rows count.
 * Resets {@link #mGridPoints} variable because it is not valid anymore.
public void setCropGridRowCount(@IntRange(from = 0) int cropGridRowCount) {
    mCropGridRowCount = cropGridRowCount;
    mGridPoints = null;
源代码30 项目: Matisse-Kotlin   文件: UCropMulti.java
 * @param count - crop grid columns count.
public Options setCropGridColumnCount(@IntRange(from = 0) int count) {
    mOptionBundle.putInt(EXTRA_CROP_GRID_COLUMN_COUNT, count);
    return this;