

源代码1 项目: bobcat   文件: GuiceExtension.java
 * Create {@link Injector} or get existing one from test context
private static Optional<Injector> getOrCreateInjector(ExtensionContext context)
    throws NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
    InvocationTargetException {

  Optional<AnnotatedElement> optionalAnnotatedElement = context.getElement();
  if (!optionalAnnotatedElement.isPresent()) {
    return Optional.empty();

  AnnotatedElement element = optionalAnnotatedElement.get();
  Store store = context.getStore(NAMESPACE);

  Injector injector = store.get(element, Injector.class);
  if (injector == null) {
    injector = createInjector(context);
    store.put(element, injector);

  return Optional.of(injector);
public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext context) {
    Class<?> testClass = context.getTestClass()
        .orElseThrow(() -> new ExtensionConfigurationException("TestcontainersExtension is only supported for classes."));

    Store store = context.getStore(NAMESPACE);
    List<StoreAdapter> sharedContainersStoreAdapters = findSharedContainers(testClass);

    sharedContainersStoreAdapters.forEach(adapter -> store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(adapter.getKey(), k -> adapter.start()));

    List<TestLifecycleAware> lifecycleAwareContainers = sharedContainersStoreAdapters
        .map(lifecycleAwareAdapter -> (TestLifecycleAware) lifecycleAwareAdapter.container)

    store.put(SHARED_LIFECYCLE_AWARE_CONTAINERS, lifecycleAwareContainers);
    signalBeforeTestToContainers(lifecycleAwareContainers, testDescriptionFrom(context));
源代码3 项目: GitToolBox   文件: IdeaMocksExtension.java
public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext context) {
  IdeaMocksImpl ideaMocks = new IdeaMocksImpl();
  Project project = mock(Project.class);
  MessageBus messageBus = mock(MessageBus.class);
  when(messageBus.syncPublisher(any(Topic.class))).thenAnswer(invocation -> {
    Topic topic = invocation.getArgument(0);
    Class<?> listenerClass = topic.getListenerClass();
    if (ideaMocks.hasMockListener(listenerClass)) {
      return ideaMocks.getMockListener(listenerClass);
    } else {
      return ideaMocks.mockListener(listenerClass);
  Store store = context.getStore(NS);
  ParameterHolder holder = ParameterHolder.getHolder(store);
  holder.register(Project.class, Suppliers.ofInstance(project));
  holder.register(MessageBus.class, Suppliers.ofInstance(messageBus));
  holder.register(IdeaMocks.class, Suppliers.ofInstance(ideaMocks));
源代码4 项目: spring-analysis-note   文件: SpringExtension.java
 * Get the {@link TestContextManager} associated with the supplied {@code ExtensionContext}.
 * @return the {@code TestContextManager} (never {@code null})
private static TestContextManager getTestContextManager(ExtensionContext context) {
	Assert.notNull(context, "ExtensionContext must not be null");
	Class<?> testClass = context.getRequiredTestClass();
	Store store = getStore(context);
	return store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(testClass, TestContextManager::new, TestContextManager.class);
private ExtensionContext buildExtensionContext(String methodName) {
	Class<?> testClass = SpringTestCase.class;
	Method method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(getClass(), methodName);
	Store store = mock(Store.class);
	given(store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(any(), any(), any())).willReturn(new TestContextManager(testClass));

	ExtensionContext extensionContext = mock(ExtensionContext.class);
	return extensionContext;
源代码6 项目: java-technology-stack   文件: SpringExtension.java
 * Get the {@link TestContextManager} associated with the supplied {@code ExtensionContext}.
 * @return the {@code TestContextManager} (never {@code null})
private static TestContextManager getTestContextManager(ExtensionContext context) {
	Assert.notNull(context, "ExtensionContext must not be null");
	Class<?> testClass = context.getRequiredTestClass();
	Store store = getStore(context);
	return store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(testClass, TestContextManager::new, TestContextManager.class);
private ExtensionContext buildExtensionContext(String methodName) {
	Class<?> testClass = SpringTestCase.class;
	Method method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(getClass(), methodName);
	Store store = mock(Store.class);
	when(store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(new TestContextManager(testClass));

	ExtensionContext extensionContext = mock(ExtensionContext.class);
	return extensionContext;
源代码8 项目: hypergraphql   文件: MockitoExtension.java
private Object getMock(Parameter parameter, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    Class<?> mockType = parameter.getType();
    Store mocks = extensionContext.getStore(Namespace.create(MockitoExtension.class, mockType));
    String mockName = getMockName(parameter);

    if (mockName != null) {
        return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockName, key -> mock(mockType, mockName));
    else {
        return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockType.getCanonicalName(), key -> mock(mockType));
private Object getMock(Parameter parameter, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
  Class<?> mockType = parameter.getType();
  Store mocks = extensionContext.getStore(Namespace.create(MockitoExtension.class, mockType));
  String mockName = getMockName(parameter);

  if (mockName != null) {
    return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockName, key -> mock(mockType, mockName));
  } else {
    return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockType.getCanonicalName(), key -> mock(mockType));
源代码10 项目: taskana   文件: JaasExtension.java
public Stream<TestTemplateInvocationContext> provideTestTemplateInvocationContexts(
    ExtensionContext context) {
  List<WithAccessId> accessIds =
      AnnotationSupport.findRepeatableAnnotations(context.getElement(), WithAccessId.class);
  Store store = getStore(context);
  return accessIds.stream()
      .peek(a -> store.put(ACCESS_IDS_STORE_KEY, a))
源代码11 项目: junit5-extensions   文件: GuiceExtension.java
 * Returns an injector for the given context if and only if the given context has an {@link
 * ExtensionContext#getElement() annotated element}.
private static Optional<Injector> getOrCreateInjector(ExtensionContext context)
    throws NoSuchMethodException,
    InvocationTargetException {
  if (!context.getElement().isPresent()) {
    return Optional.empty();
  AnnotatedElement element = context.getElement().get();
  Store store = context.getStore(NAMESPACE);
  Injector injector = store.get(element, Injector.class);
  boolean sharedInjector = isSharedInjector(context);
  Set<Class<? extends Module>> moduleClasses = Collections.emptySet();
  if (injector == null && sharedInjector) {
    moduleClasses = getContextModuleTypes(context);
    injector = INJECTOR_CACHE.get(moduleClasses);
  if (injector == null) {
    injector = createInjector(context);
    store.put(element, injector);
    if (sharedInjector && !moduleClasses.isEmpty()) {
      INJECTOR_CACHE.put(moduleClasses, injector);
  return Optional.of(injector);
private Object getMock(Parameter parameter,
        ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    Class<?> mockType = parameter.getType();
    Store mocks = extensionContext
            .getStore(Namespace.create(MockitoExtension.class, mockType));
    String mockName = getMockName(parameter);

    if (mockName != null) {
        return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockName,
                key -> mock(mockType, mockName));
    } else {
        return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockType.getCanonicalName(),
                key -> mock(mockType));
private Object getMock(Parameter parameter,
        ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    Class<?> mockType = parameter.getType();
    Store mocks = extensionContext
            .getStore(Namespace.create(MockitoExtension.class, mockType));
    String mockName = getMockName(parameter);

    if (mockName != null) {
        return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockName,
                key -> mock(mockType, mockName));
    } else {
        return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockType.getCanonicalName(),
                key -> mock(mockType));
源代码14 项目: hypergraphql   文件: MockitoExtension.java
private Object getMock(Parameter parameter, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    Class<?> mockType = parameter.getType();
    Store mocks = extensionContext.getStore(Namespace.create(MockitoExtension.class, mockType));
    String mockName = getMockName(parameter);

    if (mockName != null) {
        return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockName, key -> mock(mockType, mockName));
    else {
        return mocks.getOrComputeIfAbsent(mockType.getCanonicalName(), key -> mock(mockType));
源代码15 项目: database-rider   文件: DBUnitExtension.java
private boolean isSpringTestContextEnabled(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    if (!extensionContext.getTestClass().isPresent()) {
        return false;
    Store springStore = extensionContext.getRoot().getStore(Namespace.create(SpringExtension.class));
    return springStore != null && springStore.get(extensionContext.getTestClass().get()) != null;
源代码16 项目: database-rider   文件: DBUnitExtension.java
private static Optional<io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext> getMicronautApplicationContext(ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
    Store micronautStore = extensionContext.getRoot().getStore(Namespace.create(MicronautJunit5Extension.class));
    if (micronautStore != null) {
        try {
            io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext appContext = (io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext) micronautStore.get(io.micronaut.context.ApplicationContext.class);
            if (appContext != null) {
                return Optional.of(appContext);
        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
    return Optional.empty();
public void beforeEach(final ExtensionContext context) {
    Store store = context.getStore(NAMESPACE);

    List<TestLifecycleAware> lifecycleAwareContainers = collectParentTestInstances(context).parallelStream()
        .peek(adapter -> store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(adapter.getKey(), k -> adapter.start()))
        .map(lifecycleAwareAdapter -> (TestLifecycleAware) lifecycleAwareAdapter.container)

    store.put(LOCAL_LIFECYCLE_AWARE_CONTAINERS, lifecycleAwareContainers);
    signalBeforeTestToContainers(lifecycleAwareContainers, testDescriptionFrom(context));
源代码18 项目: spring-test-junit5   文件: SpringExtension.java
 * Get the {@link TestContextManager} associated with the supplied {@code ExtensionContext}.
 * @return the {@code TestContextManager} (never {@code null})
private static TestContextManager getTestContextManager(ExtensionContext context) {
	Assert.notNull(context, "ExtensionContext must not be null");
	Class<?> testClass = context.getRequiredTestClass();
	Store store = getStore(context);
	return store.getOrComputeIfAbsent(testClass, TestContextManager::new, TestContextManager.class);
源代码19 项目: junit-servers   文件: CaptureSystemOutExtension.java
public void afterEach(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
	Store store = getStore(context);

	try {
	finally {
源代码20 项目: junit-servers   文件: CaptureSystemOutExtension.java
 * Override {@code System.out} stream with custom out stream.
 * @param store The extension store.
private static void overrideSystemOut(Store store) {
	ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
	PrintStream outStream = new PrintStream(out);
	store.put(TEMPORARY_OUT_STORE_KEY, out);
源代码21 项目: junit-servers   文件: CaptureSystemOutExtension.java
 * Restore {@code System.out} stream and clear extension store (even if an error
 * occurred while restoring stream).
 * @param store The extension store.
private static void restoreSystemOutAndClearStore(Store store) {
	try {
	finally {
源代码22 项目: junit-servers   文件: WireMockExtension.java
public void afterEach(ExtensionContext context) {
	Store store = getStore(context);
	WireMockServer wireMockServer = store.get(STORE_KEY, WireMockServer.class);

	try {
	finally {
 * Retrieves the test data from given dataprovider method.
 * @param dataProviderMethod the dataprovider method that gives the parameters; never {@code null}
 * @param cacheDataProviderResult determines if the dataprovider result should be cached using
 *            {@code dataProviderMethod} as key
 * @param context the execution context to use to create a {@link TestInfo} if required; never {@code null}
 * @return a list of methods, each method bound to a parameter combination returned by the dataprovider
 * @throws NullPointerException if and only if one of the given arguments is {@code null}
protected Object invokeDataProviderMethodToRetrieveData(Method dataProviderMethod, boolean cacheDataProviderResult,
        ExtensionContext context) {
    checkNotNull(dataProviderMethod, "'dataProviderMethod' must not be null");
    checkNotNull(context, "'context' must not be null");

    Store store = context.getRoot().getStore(NAMESPACE_USE_DATAPROVIDER);

    Object cached = store.get(dataProviderMethod);
    if (cached != null) {
        return cached;
    try {
        // TODO how to not require junit-jupiter-engine dependency and reuse already existing ExtensionRegistry?
        ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = createRegistryWithDefaultExtensions(
                new DefaultJupiterConfiguration(emptyConfigurationParameters()));
        Object data = executableInvoker.invoke(dataProviderMethod, context.getTestInstance().orElse(null), context,
                extensionRegistry, InvocationInterceptor::interceptTestFactoryMethod);
        if (cacheDataProviderResult) {
            store.put(dataProviderMethod, data);
        return data;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParameterResolutionException(
                String.format("Exception while invoking dataprovider method '%s': %s", dataProviderMethod.getName(),
 * Retrieves the test data from given dataprovider method.
 * @param dataProviderMethod the dataprovider method that gives the parameters; never {@code null}
 * @param cacheDataProviderResult determines if the dataprovider result should be cached using
 *            {@code dataProviderMethod} as key
 * @param context the execution context to use to create a {@link TestInfo} if required; never {@code null}
 * @return a list of methods, each method bound to a parameter combination returned by the dataprovider
 * @throws NullPointerException if and only if one of the given arguments is {@code null}
protected Object invokeDataProviderMethodToRetrieveData(Method dataProviderMethod, boolean cacheDataProviderResult,
        ExtensionContext context) {
    checkNotNull(dataProviderMethod, "'dataProviderMethod' must not be null");
    checkNotNull(context, "'context' must not be null");

    Store store = context.getRoot().getStore(NAMESPACE_USE_DATAPROVIDER);

    Object cached = store.get(dataProviderMethod);
    if (cached != null) {
        return cached;
    try {
        // TODO how to not require junit-jupiter-engine dependency and reuse already existing ExtensionRegistry?
        ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = createRegistryWithDefaultExtensions(
                new DefaultJupiterConfiguration(emptyConfigurationParameters()));
        Object data = executableInvoker.invoke(dataProviderMethod, context.getTestInstance().orElse(null), context,
                extensionRegistry, InvocationInterceptor::interceptTestFactoryMethod);
        if (cacheDataProviderResult) {
            store.put(dataProviderMethod, data);
        return data;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ParameterResolutionException(
                String.format("Exception while invoking dataprovider method '%s': %s", dataProviderMethod.getName(),
源代码25 项目: spring-analysis-note   文件: SpringExtension.java
private static Store getStore(ExtensionContext context) {
	return context.getRoot().getStore(NAMESPACE);
源代码26 项目: java-technology-stack   文件: SpringExtension.java
private static Store getStore(ExtensionContext context) {
	return context.getRoot().getStore(NAMESPACE);
源代码27 项目: judgels   文件: HibernateSessionExtension.java
private Store getStore(ExtensionContext context) {
    return context.getStore(Namespace.create(getClass(), context));
源代码28 项目: mastering-junit5   文件: TimingExtension.java
private Store getStore(ExtensionContext context) {
    return context.getStore(Namespace.create(getClass(), context));
源代码29 项目: taskana   文件: JaasExtension.java
public <T> T interceptTestFactoryMethod(
    Invocation<T> invocation,
    ReflectiveInvocationContext<Method> invocationContext,
    ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
  WithAccessIds annotation = invocationContext.getExecutable().getAnnotation(WithAccessIds.class);
  if (annotation != null) {
    // our goal is to run each test returned from the test factory X times. X is the amount of
    // WithAccessId annotations. In order to achieve this we are wrapping the result from the
    // factory (the returning tests) in a dynamicContainer for each accessId. Since we don't know
    // what the factory will return we have to check for every possible return type. All possible
    // return types can be found here:
    // https://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide/#writing-tests-dynamic-tests
    // After checking each return type we abuse the return type of T and hardly change it to
    // Stream<DynamicContainer> no matter what the factory returns. This return type is allowed
    // per definition (See link above), but is not the type T. Hence we have an unchecked cast at
    // the end to keep the compiler happy...

    // we are using the first annotation to run the factory method with.
    T factoryResult = performInvocationWithAccessId(invocation, annotation.value()[0]);

    Iterable<DynamicNode> newChildrenForDynamicContainer;
    // TestFactory must have one of the following return types. See link above for further details
    if (factoryResult instanceof DynamicNode) {
      newChildrenForDynamicContainer = Collections.singleton((DynamicNode) factoryResult);
    } else if (factoryResult instanceof Stream) {
      Stream<DynamicNode> nodes = (Stream<DynamicNode>) factoryResult;
      newChildrenForDynamicContainer = nodes.collect(Collectors.toList());
    } else if (factoryResult instanceof Iterable) {
      newChildrenForDynamicContainer = (Iterable<DynamicNode>) factoryResult;
    } else if (factoryResult instanceof Iterator) {
      newChildrenForDynamicContainer = () -> (Iterator<DynamicNode>) factoryResult;
    } else if (factoryResult instanceof DynamicNode[]) {
      newChildrenForDynamicContainer = Arrays.asList((DynamicNode[]) factoryResult);
    } else {
      throw new SystemException(
              "Testfactory '%s' did not return a proper type",

    // Currently a DynamicContainer has children from this type: Stream<DynamicNode>
    // Because of this the children can only be extracted once (Streams can only be operated
    // once). This is obviously not ok since we want to execute each node X times. So we have to
    // manually persist all children recursively to extract them X times...
    Map<String, List<DynamicNode>> childrenMap = new HashMap<>();
    persistDynamicContainerChildren(newChildrenForDynamicContainer, childrenMap);

    Function<WithAccessId, DynamicContainer> wrapTestsInDynamicContainer =
        accessId ->
                StreamSupport.stream(newChildrenForDynamicContainer.spliterator(), false)
                    .map(x -> duplicateDynamicNode(x, childrenMap)));

    Store store = getStore(extensionContext);
    return (T)
            .peek(a -> store.put(ACCESS_IDS_STORE_KEY, a))

  return extractAccessIdAndPerformInvocation(invocation, invocationContext.getExecutable());
private Store getStore(ExtensionContext context) {
    return context.getStore(Namespace.create(getClass(), context));