

源代码1 项目: java-cloudant   文件: HttpTest.java
public void testCookieRenewOnPost() throws Exception {

    mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(403).setBody
            ("{\"error\":\"credentials_expired\", \"reason\":\"Session expired\"}\r\n"));
    mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse());

    CloudantClient c = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(mockWebServer)

    HttpConnection request = Http.POST(mockWebServer.url("/").url(), "application/json");
    request.setRequestBody("{\"some\": \"json\"}");
    HttpConnection response = c.executeRequest(request);
    String responseStr = response.responseAsString();
    assertTrue(responseStr.isEmpty(), "There should be no response body on the mock response");
源代码2 项目: java-cloudant   文件: HttpTest.java
 * Test that the default maximum number of retries is reached and the backoff is of at least the
 * expected duration.
 * @throws Exception
public void test429BackoffMaxDefault() throws Exception {

    // Always respond 429 for this test

    TestTimer t = TestTimer.startTimer();
    try {
        CloudantClient c = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(mockWebServer)
        String response = c.executeRequest(Http.GET(c.getBaseUri())).responseAsString();
        fail("There should be a TooManyRequestsException instead had response " + response);
    } catch (TooManyRequestsException e) {
        long duration = t.stopTimer(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        // 3 backoff periods for 4 attempts: 250 + 500 + 1000 = 1750 ms
        assertTrue(duration >=
                1750, "The duration should be at least 1750 ms, but was " + duration);
        assertEquals(4, mockWebServer
                .getRequestCount(), "There should be 4 request attempts");
@WithAccessId(user = "user-1-1")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_ThrowException_When_UserIsNotAdminOrBusinessAdmin() {

  final WorkbasketService workbasketService = taskanaEngine.getWorkbasketService();

  WorkbasketAccessItem workbasketAccessItem =
          "WBI:100000000000000000000000000000000008", "newAccessIdForUpdate");


  ThrowingCallable updateWorkbasketAccessItemCall =
      () -> {

源代码4 项目: java-cloudant   文件: SslAuthenticationTest.java
 * Connect to the local simple https server with SSL authentication disabled.
public void localSslAuthenticationDisabled() throws Exception {

    // Build a client that connects to the mock server with SSL authentication disabled
    CloudantClient dbClient = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(server)

    // Queue a 200 OK response
    server.enqueue(new MockResponse());

    // Make an arbitrary connection to the DB.

    // Test is successful if no exception is thrown, so no explicit check is needed.
源代码5 项目: java-cloudant   文件: SslAuthenticationTest.java
 * Repeat the localSSLAuthenticationDisabled, but with the cookie auth enabled.
 * This test validates that the SSL settings also get applied to the cookie interceptor.
public void localSSLAuthenticationDisabledWithCookieAuth() throws Exception {

    // Mock up an OK cookie response then an OK response for the getAllDbs()
    server.enqueue(new MockResponse()); //OK 200

    // Use a username and password to enable the cookie auth interceptor
    CloudantClient dbClient = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(server)

源代码6 项目: taskana   文件: CompleteTaskAccTest.java
@WithAccessId(user = "admin")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_ForceCompleteTask_When_NoExplicitPermissionsButUserIsInAdministrativeRole()
    throws TaskNotFoundException, InvalidStateException, InvalidOwnerException,
        NotAuthorizedException, SQLException {

  Task completedTask = TASK_SERVICE.forceCompleteTask("TKI:000000000000000000000000000000000000");
源代码7 项目: taskana   文件: TerminateTaskAccTest.java
@WithAccessId(user = "admin")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_TerminateTask_When_TaskStateIsClaimed()
    throws NotAuthorizedException, TaskNotFoundException, InvalidStateException {
  List<TaskSummary> taskSummaries =

  long numTasksTerminated = taskService.createTaskQuery().stateIn(TaskState.TERMINATED).count();

  long numTasksClaimed = taskService.createTaskQuery().stateIn(TaskState.CLAIMED).count();
  numTasksTerminated = taskService.createTaskQuery().stateIn(TaskState.TERMINATED).count();
源代码8 项目: java-cloudant   文件: HttpTest.java
public void test429IgnoreRetryAfter() throws Exception {
    mockWebServer.enqueue(MockWebServerResources.get429().addHeader("Retry-After", "1"));
    mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse());

    TestTimer t = TestTimer.startTimer();
    CloudantClient c = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(mockWebServer)
            .interceptors(new Replay429Interceptor(1, 1, false))

    String response = c.executeRequest(Http.GET(c.getBaseUri())).responseAsString();
    assertTrue(response.isEmpty(), "There should be no response body on the mock response");

    long duration = t.stopTimer(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    assertTrue(duration <
            1000, "The duration should be less than 1000 ms, but was " + duration);
    assertEquals(2, mockWebServer
            .getRequestCount(), "There should be 2 request attempts");
源代码9 项目: java-cloudant   文件: HttpTest.java
 * Test that cookie authentication throws a CouchDbException if the credentials were bad.
 * @throws Exception
public void badCredsCookieThrows() {
    mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(401));

    CloudantClient c = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(mockWebServer)

    CouchDbException re =
                    () -> c.executeRequest(Http.GET(c.getBaseUri())).responseAsString(),
                    "Bad credentials should throw a CouchDbException.");

    assertTrue(re.getMessage().startsWith("401 Credentials are incorrect for server"), "The " +
            "exception should have been for bad creds.");
源代码10 项目: java-cloudant   文件: SslAuthenticationTest.java
 * Connect to the local simple https server with SSL authentication enabled explicitly.
 * This should throw an exception because the SSL authentication fails.
public void localSslAuthenticationEnabled() throws Exception {

    CouchDbException thrownException = null;
    try {
        CloudantClient dbClient = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(server)

        // Queue a 200 OK response
        server.enqueue(new MockResponse());

        // Make an arbitrary connection to the DB.
    } catch (CouchDbException e) {
        thrownException = e;
源代码11 项目: java-cloudant   文件: HttpTest.java
public void testReadBeforeExecute() throws Exception {
    HttpConnection conn = new HttpConnection("POST", new URL(dbResource.getDbURIWithUserInfo()),
    ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes());

    // nothing read from stream
    assertEquals(data.getBytes().length, bis.available());

    try {
        String response = conn.responseAsString();
        fail("IOException not thrown as expected instead had response " + response);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        ; // "Attempted to read response from server before calling execute()"

    // stream was not read because execute() was not called
    assertEquals(data.getBytes().length, bis.available());
源代码12 项目: java-cloudant   文件: HttpTest.java
 * Test the global number of retries
 * @throws Exception
public void testHttpConnectionRetries() throws Exception {
    // Just return 200 OK
    mockWebServer.setDispatcher(new MockWebServerResources.ConstantResponseDispatcher(200));

    CloudantClient c = CloudantClientHelper.newMockWebServerClientBuilder(mockWebServer)
            .interceptors(new HttpConnectionResponseInterceptor() {
                public HttpConnectionInterceptorContext interceptResponse
                        (HttpConnectionInterceptorContext context) {
                    // At least do something with the connection, otherwise we risk breaking it
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        fail("IOException getting response code");
                    // Set to always replay
                    context.replayRequest = true;
                    return context;

    String response = c.executeRequest(Http.GET(c.getBaseUri()).setNumberOfRetries(5))
    assertTrue(response.isEmpty(), "There should be no response body on the mock response");

    assertEquals(5, mockWebServer
            .getRequestCount(), "There should be 5 request attempts");
源代码13 项目: doma   文件: ExternalDomainProcessorTest.java
void error(Class clazz, Message message, String... options) throws Exception {
  addProcessor(new ExternalDomainProcessor());
源代码14 项目: java-cloudant   文件: DatabaseURIHelperTest.java
public void buildVeryEscapedUri(String path) throws Exception {
    URI expected = new URI(uriBase + "/[email protected]%23%25$%23)KLDfdffdg%C3%A9/%[email protected]%23%25$%23)" +
            "DFGKLDfdffdg%C3%A9%2Fpath2?detail=/[email protected]%23%25$%23)%C3%A9&revs=%5B1-2%5D");

    Map<String, Object> options = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
    options.put("revs", "[1-2]");
    options.put("detail", "/[email protected]#%$#)\u00E9");
    URI actual = helper(path + "/[email protected]#%$#)KLDfdffdg\u00E9").documentId("/[email protected]#%$#)"
            + "DFGKLDfdffdg\u00E9/path2").query(options).build();

    Assertions.assertEquals(expected.toASCIIString(), actual.toASCIIString());
源代码15 项目: doma   文件: DaoProcessorTest.java
void error(Class clazz, Message message) throws Exception {
  addProcessor(new DaoProcessor());
源代码16 项目: java-cloudant   文件: ViewPaginationTests.java
 * Check that we can page through a view where we use start and end keys.
 * Assert that we don't exceed the limits of those keys.
public void startAndEndKeyLimits(CheckPagination.Type type,
                                 boolean descending,
                                 boolean stateless) throws Exception {
    startAndEndKeyLimits(type, descending, stateless, true);
源代码17 项目: java-cloudant   文件: HttpTest.java
public void inputStreamRetryString() throws Exception {
    HttpConnection request = Http.POST(mockWebServer.url("/").url(), "application/json");
    String content = "abcde";
    testInputStreamRetry(request, content.getBytes("UTF-8"));
源代码18 项目: java-cloudant   文件: HttpTest.java
 * Same as {@link #handleNonExpiry403()} but with no reason property in the JSON.
 * @throws Exception
public void handleNonExpiry403NoReason() throws Exception {

    // Test for a non-expiry 403, expect 2 requests
    basic403Test("403_not_expired_test", null, 2);
源代码19 项目: taskana   文件: UpdateWorkbasketAccTest.java
@WithAccessId(user = "user-1-1")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_ThrowException_When_UserRoleIsNotAdminOrBusinessAdmin()
    throws NotAuthorizedException, WorkbasketNotFoundException {
  WorkbasketService workbasketService = taskanaEngine.getWorkbasketService();
  Workbasket workbasket = workbasketService.getWorkbasket("USER-1-1", "DOMAIN_A");

  workbasket.setName("new name");

  assertThatThrownBy(() -> workbasketService.updateWorkbasket(workbasket))
源代码20 项目: taskana   文件: CreateWorkbasketAccTest.java
@WithAccessId(user = "user-1-1")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_ThrowException_When_UserRoleIsNotAdminOrBusinessAdmin() {
  WorkbasketService workbasketService = taskanaEngine.getWorkbasketService();

  Workbasket workbasket = workbasketService.newWorkbasket("key3", "DOMAIN_A");

  ThrowingCallable call = () -> workbasketService.createWorkbasket(workbasket);
源代码21 项目: taskana   文件: GetWorkbasketAccTest.java
@WithAccessId(user = "admin")
@WithAccessId(user = "businessadmin")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_ReturnWorkbasketByKeyAndDomain_When_NoExplicitPermissionButUserHasAdministrativeRole()
    throws NotAuthorizedException, WorkbasketNotFoundException {

  WorkbasketService workbasketService = taskanaEngine.getWorkbasketService();

  Workbasket retrievedWorkbasket =

  assertThat(retrievedWorkbasket.getOwner()).isEqualTo("Peter Maier");
源代码22 项目: taskana   文件: GetWorkbasketAccTest.java
@WithAccessId(user = "admin")
@WithAccessId(user = "businessadmin")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_ReturnWorkbasketById_When_NoExplicitPermissionsButUserIsInAdministrativeRole()
    throws NotAuthorizedException, WorkbasketNotFoundException {

  WorkbasketService workbasketService = taskanaEngine.getWorkbasketService();

  Workbasket retrievedWorkbasket = workbasketService.getWorkbasket("USER-1-2", "DOMAIN_A");
  assertThat(retrievedWorkbasket.getOwner()).isEqualTo("Peter Maier");

@WithAccessId(user = "user-1-1")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_ThrowException_When_UserRoleIsNotAdminOrBusinessAdmin() {

  final WorkbasketService workbasketService = taskanaEngine.getWorkbasketService();

  ThrowingCallable retrieveWorkbasketAccessItemCall =
      () -> {

源代码24 项目: taskana   文件: CreateClassificationAccTest.java
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
@WithAccessId(user = "user-1-1")
void should_ThrowException_When_UserRoleIsNotAdminOrBusinessAdmin() {
  ClassificationImpl classification =
      (ClassificationImpl) classificationService.newClassification("newKey718", "", "TASK");

  ThrowingCallable createClassificationCall =
      () -> {

源代码25 项目: java-cloudant   文件: DatabaseURIHelperTest.java
public void _localDocumentURI(String path) throws Exception {
    final String expected = uriBase + "/db_name/_local/mylocaldoc";

    DatabaseURIHelper helper = helper(path + "/db_name");
    URI localDoc = helper.documentUri("_local/mylocaldoc");

    Assertions.assertEquals(expected, localDoc.toString());
 * Test that if a cookie is expired it does not cause a replay cycle. That is we should not
 * retrieve an expired cookie from the store, so a new session request should be made before
 * any subsequent request.
 * @throws Exception
public void testNewCookieRequestMadeAfterExpiry(boolean okUsable, String sessionPath) throws
        Exception {

    // Cookie lifetime in seconds
    // As per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265#section-5.1.1 cookie-date uses an hms time
    // This means the granularity of an expires time is 1 second. Assuming a system time of
    // hh:mm:00.998, a cookie lifetime of 1 second gives hh:mm:01.998, but if this is truncated
    // to hh:mm:01 then the actual lifetime of the cookie is a mere 2 ms.
    // Further the calculation of expiry is subject to similar 1 second granularity truncations.
    // As such the two rounding effects each could cost up to ~1 second of time. In practice
    // this means that a lifetime of less than 3 seconds, whilst desirable for a shorter test
    // could result in an impractical amount of time for the two requests
    // (_session and subsequent GET) to take place before the cookie expires.
    // Effectively we need to allow at least 1 second for each possible truncation, plus 1
    // second for the test to take place.
    long cookieLifetime = 3L; // TLDR >= 3

    // Make a GET request and get a cookie valid for the lifetime declared above
    executeTest(okUsable, sessionPath, cookieLifetime,

    // Sleep for the cookie lifetime, we don't need to add any extra time because the execution
    // time of the first request and its preceding session request will have elapsed extra time
    // already.

    // Since the Cookie is expired it should follow the same sequence of POST /_session GET /
    // If the expired Cookie was retrieved it would only do GET / and the test would fail.
    executeTest(okUsable, sessionPath, null, MockWebServerResources.EXPECTED_OK_COOKIE_2);
源代码27 项目: java-cloudant   文件: DatabaseURIHelperTest.java
public void buildDocumentUri_options_hasPlus(String path) throws Exception {
    URI expected = new URI(uriBase + "/test/path1%2Fpath2?q=class:mammal%2Bwith%2Bplusses");

    TreeMap<String, Object> options = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
    options.put("q", "class:mammal+with+plusses");
    URI actual = helper(path + "/test").documentId("path1/path2").query(options).build();
    Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual);
源代码28 项目: taskana   文件: GetTaskAccTest.java
@WithAccessId(user = "admin")
@WithAccessId(user = "taskadmin")
void should_ReturnTask_When_NoExplicitPermissionsButUserIsInAdministrativeRole()
    throws NotAuthorizedException, TaskNotFoundException {

  TaskService taskService = taskanaEngine.getTaskService();

  Task task = taskService.getTask("TKI:000000000000000000000000000000000000");
源代码29 项目: java-cloudant   文件: DatabaseURIHelperTest.java
public void buildDocumentUri_options_encodeSeparators(String path) throws Exception {
    URI expected = new URI(uriBase +

    TreeMap<String, Object> options = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
    options.put("revs", "[1-2]");
    options.put("d&etail=", "&==ds&");
    URI actual = helper(path + "/test").documentId("path1/path2").query(options).build();
    Assertions.assertEquals(expected, actual);
源代码30 项目: java-cloudant   文件: ViewPaginationTests.java
 * Check that we can page through a view where the number of results
 * is an exact multiple of the number of pages. Check each page contains the documents
 * we expect.
 * Page part way forward, and part way back a few times before paging to the last page.
public void partWayInEachDirection(CheckPagination.Type type,
                                   boolean descending,
                                   boolean stateless) throws Exception {
            .pageToPages(4, 2, 5, 3, 4, 2, 6)