

源代码1 项目: tangyuan2   文件: XmlMqBuilder.java
private void buildHostNodes(List<XmlNodeWrapper> contexts) throws Throwable {

		if (0 == contexts.size()) {
			throw new XmlParseException("Missing <mqSource> node.");

		for (XmlNodeWrapper xNode : contexts) {
			String id = StringUtils.trim(xNode.getStringAttribute("id"));
			if (context.getMqSourceMap().containsKey(id)) {
				throw new XmlParseException("Duplicate <mqSource> id: " + id);

			MqSourceType type = null;
			String _type = StringUtils.trim(xNode.getStringAttribute("type"));
			type = getMqSourceType(_type);
			if (null == type) {
				throw new XmlParseException("Unsupported MQ types in <mqSource>: " + id);

			boolean defaultMs = false;
			String _isDefault = StringUtils.trim(xNode.getStringAttribute("isDefault"));
			if (null != _isDefault) {
				defaultMs = Boolean.parseBoolean(_isDefault);
				if (defaultMs) {
					if (null != this.defaultMqSource) {
						throw new XMLParseException("The default mqSource can only have one");
					this.defaultMqSource = id;

			Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
			List<XmlNodeWrapper> properties = xNode.evalNodes("property");
			for (XmlNodeWrapper propertyNode : properties) {
			MqSourceVo hostVo = new MqSourceVo(id, type, data);
			context.getMqSourceMap().put(id, hostVo);
			log.info("add mq source: " + id);


		MqSourceManager manager = new MqManagerCreater().create(defaultMqSource, context.getMqSourceMap());
源代码2 项目: tangyuan2   文件: XMLMqNodeBuilder.java
private void buildListenerNodes(List<XmlNodeWrapper> contexts) throws Throwable {
	for (XmlNodeWrapper xNode : contexts) {
		String service = StringUtils.trim(xNode.getStringAttribute("service"));
		String channel = StringUtils.trim(xNode.getStringAttribute("channel"));
		// check id

		if (!context.getChannelVoMap().containsKey(channel)) {
			throw new XmlParseException("Invalid attribute channel: " + channel);

		BindingVo binding = null;

		List<XmlNodeWrapper> innerNodeList = xNode.evalNodes("binding");

		if (innerNodeList.size() > 1) {
			throw new XMLParseException("the <binding> node can have at most one.");

		if (1 == innerNodeList.size()) {
			XmlNodeWrapper innerNode = innerNodeList.get(0);

			String bindingKey = StringUtils.trim(innerNode.getStringAttribute("key"));
			String bindingPattern = StringUtils.trim(innerNode.getStringAttribute("pattern"));
			String bindingSeparator = StringUtils.trim(innerNode.getStringAttribute("separator"));

			if ("".equals(bindingKey)) {
				bindingKey = null;
			if ("".equals(bindingPattern)) {
				bindingPattern = null;
			if ("".equals(bindingSeparator)) {
				bindingSeparator = null;
			if (null == bindingSeparator) {
				bindingSeparator = ",";

			if (null == bindingKey && null == bindingPattern) {
				throw new XmlParseException("<binding> node key and pattern is empty. mq-listener: " + service);

			// <binding key="{x}" pattern="abc,ef,g" separator=","/>

			Object vKey = null;
			if (null != bindingKey) {
				if (!checkVar(bindingKey)) {
					throw new XMLParseException("If key attribute exists, it must be a variable, such as {x}. mq-listener: " + service);
				vKey = new NormalParser().parse(getRealVal(bindingKey));

			List<BindingPattern> bindingPatternList = null;
			String[] patterns = split(bindingPattern, bindingSeparator);
			if (null != patterns) {
				bindingPatternList = new ArrayList<BindingPattern>();
				for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
					boolean patternValueMatch = false;
					if (patterns[i].indexOf("*") > -1) {
						patternValueMatch = true;
					bindingPatternList.add(new BindingPattern(patterns[i], patternValueMatch));

			boolean keyAndPattern = true;
			if (null == vKey || null == bindingPatternList) {
				keyAndPattern = false;

			boolean exchange = false;
			ChannelVo qVo = context.getChannelVoMap().get(channel);
			if (ChannelType.Topic == qVo.getType() && MqSourceType.RabbitMQ == context.getMqSourceMap().get(qVo.getMsKey()).getType()) {
				exchange = true;

			// 对于RabbitMQ.exchange: key和pattern,只能存在一个
			if (exchange && null == bindingPatternList) {
				throw new XMLParseException("for exchange, pattern can not be empty. mq-listener: " + service);

			// 对于其他:key和pattern必须都存在,key必须为变量
			if (!exchange && !keyAndPattern) {
				throw new XMLParseException("for non-exchange, key and pattern must exist, and key must be a variable. mq-listener: " + service);

			binding = new BindingVo(channel, vKey, bindingPatternList);

		ListenerVo lVo = new ListenerVo(service, channel, binding);
源代码3 项目: tangyuan2   文件: ActiveMqReceiver.java
public void start() throws Throwable {

	boolean durableSubscribers = false;// 持久化订阅
	String clientID = null;
	if (ChannelType.Topic == queue.getType()) {
		// durableSubscribers = (Boolean) queue.getProperties().get(ActiveMqVo.ACTIVEMQ_C_DURABLESUBSCRIBERS);
		durableSubscribers = queue.isDurableSubscribers();
		if (durableSubscribers) {
			// clientID = (String) queue.getProperties().get(ActiveMqVo.ACTIVEMQ_C_CLIENTID);
			clientID = queue.getClientID();
			if (null == clientID) {
				throw new XMLParseException("durable subscribers is missing a clientID: " + queue.getName());

	ActiveMqSource mqSource = (ActiveMqSource) MqContainer.getInstance().getMqSourceManager().getMqSource(queue.getMsKey());

	Connection connection = null;
	if (!durableSubscribers) {
		connection = mqSource.getConnection();
	} else {
		connection = mqSource.getConnection(clientID);
		this.durableSubscriberConn = connection;

	// boolean transacted = (Boolean) queue.getProperties().get(ActiveMqVo.ACTIVEMQ_C_TRANSACTED);
	// int acknowledgeMode = (Integer) queue.getProperties().get(ActiveMqVo.ACTIVEMQ_C_ACKNOWLEDGEMODE);
	boolean transacted = queue.isTransacted();
	int acknowledgeMode = queue.getAcknowledgeMode();
	session = connection.createSession(transacted, acknowledgeMode);

	Destination destination = null;
	if (ChannelType.Queue == queue.getType()) {
		destination = session.createQueue(queue.getName());
		typeStr = "queue";
	} else if (ChannelType.Topic == queue.getType()) {
		destination = session.createTopic(queue.getName());
		typeStr = "topic";

	MessageConsumer messageConsumer = null;
	if (!durableSubscribers) {
		messageConsumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
	} else {
		messageConsumer = session.createDurableSubscriber((Topic) destination, clientID);

	running = true;

	// boolean asynReceiveMessages = (Boolean) queue.getProperties().get(ActiveMqVo.ACTIVEMQ_C_ASYNRECEIVEMESSAGES);
	boolean asynReceiveMessages = queue.isAsynReceive();
	if (asynReceiveMessages) {
		messageConsumer.setMessageListener(new MessageListener() {
			public void onMessage(Message message) {
				try {
					// TODO 如果是session.commit();, 是否需要使用同步关键字, 防止提交别的线程的东西
					// System.out.println("####################:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
				} catch (Throwable e) {
					log.error("listen to the [" + queue.getName() + "] error.", e);
	} else {
		// long receiveTimeout = (Long) queue.getProperties().get(ActiveMqVo.ACTIVEMQ_C_RECEIVETIMEOUT);
		long receiveTimeout = queue.getReceiveTimeout();
		startSyncReceiveThread(messageConsumer, receiveTimeout);