

源代码1 项目: lutece-core   文件: PropertiesService.java
 * Add properties from all files found in a given directory
 * @param strRelativePath
 *            Relative path from the root path
public void addPropertiesDirectory( String strRelativePath )
    File directory = new File( _strRootPath + strRelativePath );

    if ( directory.exists( ) )
        File [ ] listFile = directory.listFiles( );

        if ( ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty( listFile ) )
            for ( File file : listFile )
                if ( file.getName( ).endsWith( ".properties" ) )
                    String strFullPath = file.getAbsolutePath( );
                    _mapPropertiesFiles.put( file.getName( ), strFullPath );
                    loadFile( strFullPath );
源代码2 项目: cas-mfa   文件: CasMultiFactorWebflowConfigurer.java
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
    try {

        String[] flowIds = flowDefinitionRegistry.getFlowDefinitionIds();
        flowIds = ArrayUtils.removeElement(flowIds, FLOW_ID_LOGIN);
        flowIds = ArrayUtils.removeElement(flowIds, FLOW_ID_LOGOUT);

        LOGGER.debug("Detected {} flow configurations: [{}]",

        LOGGER.debug("Configuring webflow for multifactor authentication...");
        LOGGER.debug("Configured webflow for multifactor authentication.");

        LOGGER.debug("Registering default credentials-to-principal resolver...");
        LOGGER.debug("Registered default credentials-to-principal resolver.");
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
源代码3 项目: deeplearning4j   文件: TestLayerSpace.java
public void testSimpleConv() {
    ConvolutionLayer conv2d = new Convolution2D.Builder().dilation(1,2).kernelSize(2,2).nIn(2).nOut(3).build();
    ConvolutionLayerSpace conv2dSpace = new ConvolutionLayerSpace.Builder().dilation(1,2).kernelSize(2,2).nIn(2).nOut(3).build();
    assertEquals(conv2d, conv2dSpace.getValue(new double[0]));

    Deconvolution2DLayerSpace deconvd2dls = new Deconvolution2DLayerSpace.Builder().dilation(2,1).nIn(2).nOut(2).hasBias(new BooleanSpace()).build();
    assertEquals(1, deconvd2dls.getNumParameters());
    //Set the parameter numbers...
    List<ParameterSpace> list = deconvd2dls.collectLeaves();
    int k = 0;
            int j = 0; j<list.size();j++)

        if (list.get(j).numParameters() > 0) {
    Deconvolution2D actual = deconvd2dls.getValue(new double[]{0.9});
    assertEquals(ArrayUtils.toString(new int[] {2,1} ),ArrayUtils.toString(actual.getDilation()));
源代码4 项目: gvnix   文件: QuerydslUtilsBeanImpl.java
 * {@inheritDoc}
public <T> Class<?> getFieldType1(String fieldName, PathBuilder<T> entity) {
    Class<?> entityType = entity.getType();
    String fieldNameToFindType = fieldName;

    // Makes the array of classes to find fieldName agains them
    Class<?>[] classArray = ArrayUtils.<Class<?>> toArray(entityType);
    if (fieldName.contains(SEPARATOR_FIELDS)) {
        String[] fieldNameSplitted = StringUtils.split(fieldName,
        for (int i = 0; i < fieldNameSplitted.length - 1; i++) {
            Class<?> fieldType = BeanUtils.findPropertyType(
                    ArrayUtils.<Class<?>> toArray(entityType));
            classArray = ArrayUtils.add(classArray, fieldType);
            entityType = fieldType;
        fieldNameToFindType = fieldNameSplitted[fieldNameSplitted.length - 1];

    return BeanUtils.findPropertyType(fieldNameToFindType, classArray);
源代码5 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件: ContainerKeyPrefixCodec.java
public ContainerKeyPrefix fromPersistedFormat(byte[] rawData)
    throws IOException {

  // First 8 bytes is the containerId.
  long containerIdFromDB = ByteBuffer.wrap(ArrayUtils.subarray(
      rawData, 0, Long.BYTES)).getLong();
  // When reading from byte[], we can always expect to have the containerId,
  // key and version parts in the byte array.
  byte[] keyBytes = ArrayUtils.subarray(rawData,
      Long.BYTES + 1,
      rawData.length - Long.BYTES - 1);
  String keyPrefix = new String(keyBytes, UTF_8);

  // Last 8 bytes is the key version.
  byte[] versionBytes = ArrayUtils.subarray(rawData,
      rawData.length - Long.BYTES,
  long version = ByteBuffer.wrap(versionBytes).getLong();
  return new ContainerKeyPrefix(containerIdFromDB, keyPrefix, version);
源代码6 项目: deeplearning4j   文件: NumpyArray.java
public NumpyArray(INDArray nd4jArray) {
    Nd4j.getAffinityManager().ensureLocation(nd4jArray, AffinityManager.Location.HOST);
    DataBuffer buff = nd4jArray.data();
    address = buff.pointer().address();
    shape = nd4jArray.shape();
    long[] nd4jStrides = nd4jArray.stride();
    strides = new long[nd4jStrides.length];
    int elemSize = buff.getElementSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < strides.length; i++) {
        strides[i] = nd4jStrides[i] * elemSize;
    dtype = nd4jArray.dataType();
    this.nd4jArray = nd4jArray;
    String cacheKey = address + "_" + nd4jArray.length() + "_" + dtype + "_" + ArrayUtils.toString(strides);
    arrayCache.put(cacheKey, nd4jArray);
源代码7 项目: openemm   文件: TopDomainsDataSet.java
private void updateRates(int tempTableID, int targetGroupIndex, int base, int... categories) throws Exception {
	if (categories.length == 0) {
	} else {
		StringBuilder sqlUpdateRatesBuilder = new StringBuilder();

		sqlUpdateRatesBuilder.append("UPDATE ").append(getTemporaryTableName(tempTableID)).append(" SET rate = ");

		if (base <= 0) {
			// Negative value tells that rate isn't available
			sqlUpdateRatesBuilder.append(base < 0 ? -1 : 0);
		} else {
			sqlUpdateRatesBuilder.append("(value * 1.0) / ").append(base);

		sqlUpdateRatesBuilder.append(" WHERE category_index IN (" + StringUtils.join(ArrayUtils.toObject(categories), ", ") + ") AND targetgroup_index = ?");

		updateEmbedded(logger, sqlUpdateRatesBuilder.toString(), targetGroupIndex);
源代码8 项目: bird-java   文件: PagedQueryParam.java
public PagedQueryParam withDataRule(String... tables) {
    if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(tables)) return this;
    try {
        IDataRuleStore store = SpringContextHolder.getBean(IDataRuleStore.class);

        Long userId = SessionContext.getUserId();
        if (NumberHelper.isPositive(userId)) {
            this.filterGroup = store.get(userId, tables);
        } else {
    } catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exception) {
        logger.error("IDataRuleStore未注入,数据权限规则无效", exception);
    } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
        logger.error("当前用户未登录", ex);
    return this;
源代码9 项目: joyqueue   文件: ExtensionMessageFactoryImpl.java
public Message createMessage(String queueName, byte[] body) {
    try {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(StringUtils.isNotBlank(queueName), "queueName can not be null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(body), "body can not be null");
    } catch (Throwable cause) {
        throw ExceptionConverter.convertProduceException(cause);

    OMSProduceMessage omsProduceMessage = new OMSProduceMessage();

    MessageAdapter messageAdapter = new MessageAdapter(omsProduceMessage);
    return messageAdapter;
源代码10 项目: gsc-core   文件: Wallet.java
public Transaction triggerConstantContract(TriggerSmartContract triggerSmartContract,
                                           TransactionWrapper trxCap, Builder builder,
                                           Return.Builder retBuilder)
        throws ContractValidateException, ContractExeException, HeaderNotFound, VMIllegalException {

    ContractStore contractStore = dbManager.getContractStore();
    byte[] contractAddress = triggerSmartContract.getContractAddress().toByteArray();
    byte[] isContractExiste = contractStore.findContractByHash(contractAddress);

    if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(isContractExiste)) {
        throw new ContractValidateException("No contract or not a smart contract");

    if (!Args.getInstance().isSupportConstant()) {
        throw new ContractValidateException("this node don't support constant");

    return callConstantContract(trxCap, builder, retBuilder);
源代码11 项目: astor   文件: StrTokenizerTest.java
public void test1() {

    final String input = "a;b;c;\"d;\"\"e\";f; ; ;  ";
    final StrTokenizer tok = new StrTokenizer(input);
    final String tokens[] = tok.getTokenArray();

    final String expected[] = new String[]{"a", "b", "c", "d;\"e", "f", "", "", "",};

    assertEquals(ArrayUtils.toString(tokens), expected.length, tokens.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
        assertTrue("token[" + i + "] was '" + tokens[i] + "' but was expected to be '" + expected[i] + "'",
                ObjectUtils.equals(expected[i], tokens[i]));

源代码12 项目: sakai   文件: DBLTIService.java
 * {@inheritDoc}
 * @see org.sakaiproject.lti.api.LTIService#countContentsDao(java.lang.String,
 *      java.lang.String, boolean)
public int countContentsDao(String search, String siteId, boolean isAdminRole) {
	// It is important that any tables/columns added for the purposes of display or searching be
	// LEFT JOIN - *any* INNER JOIN will function as a WHERE clause and will hide content
	// items from the admin UI - so they will not be seen and cannot be repaired
       String joinClause = "LEFT JOIN SAKAI_SITE ON lti_content.SITE_ID = SAKAI_SITE.SITE_ID"
       		+ " LEFT JOIN SAKAI_SITE_PROPERTY ssp1 ON (lti_content.SITE_ID = ssp1.SITE_ID AND ssp1.name = 'contact-name')"
       		+ " LEFT JOIN SAKAI_SITE_PROPERTY ssp2 ON (lti_content.SITE_ID = ssp2.SITE_ID AND ssp2.name = 'contact-email')"
		+ " LEFT JOIN lti_tools ON (lti_content.tool_id = lti_tools.id)";
       final String propertyKey = serverConfigurationService.getString(LTI_SITE_ATTRIBUTION_PROPERTY_KEY, LTI_SITE_ATTRIBUTION_PROPERTY_KEY_DEFAULT);
       if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(propertyKey)) {
           joinClause = joinClause + " LEFT JOIN SAKAI_SITE_PROPERTY ssp3 ON (lti_content.SITE_ID = ssp3.SITE_ID AND ssp3.name = '" + propertyKey + "')";
       String[] fields = (String[])ArrayUtils.addAll(LTIService.CONTENT_MODEL, LTIService.CONTENT_EXTRA_FIELDS);
       search = foorm.searchCheck(search, "lti_content", fields);
       return countThingsDao("lti_content", LTIService.CONTENT_MODEL, joinClause, search, null, siteId, isAdminRole);
源代码13 项目: gatk-protected   文件: BaseGraph.java
 * Walk along the reference path in the graph and pull out the corresponding bases
 * @param fromVertex    starting vertex
 * @param toVertex      ending vertex
 * @param includeStart  should the starting vertex be included in the path
 * @param includeStop   should the ending vertex be included in the path
 * @return              byte[] array holding the reference bases, this can be null if there are no nodes between the starting and ending vertex (insertions for example)
public final byte[] getReferenceBytes( final V fromVertex, final V toVertex, final boolean includeStart, final boolean includeStop ) {
    Utils.nonNull(fromVertex, "Starting vertex in requested path cannot be null.");
    Utils.nonNull(toVertex, "From vertex in requested path cannot be null.");

    byte[] bytes = null;
    V v = fromVertex;
    if( includeStart ) {
        bytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(bytes, getAdditionalSequence(v));
    v = getNextReferenceVertex(v); // advance along the reference path
    while( v != null && !v.equals(toVertex) ) {
        bytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(bytes, getAdditionalSequence(v));
        v = getNextReferenceVertex(v); // advance along the reference path
    if( includeStop && v != null && v.equals(toVertex)) {
        bytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(bytes, getAdditionalSequence(v));
    return bytes;
源代码14 项目: PacketProxy   文件: HttpHeader.java
static public boolean isHTTPHeader(byte[] data) {
	// Headerサイズは正
	if (calcHeaderSize(data) == -1) { return false; }
	// first line取得
	int index = ArrayUtils.indexOf(data, (byte)'\n');
	if (index < 0) { return false; }
	if (index > 0 && data[index - 1] == '\r') { index--; }
	byte[] line = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 0, index);
	// first lineに制御文字は無い
	for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) {
		if (line[i] < 0x20 || 0x7f <= line[i]) { return false; }
	// first lineはスペース区切りでmethod pas, HTTP/?.?になってる
	String[] strs = new String(line).split(" ");
	if (strs.length != 3) { return false; }
	if (!strs[2].matches("HTTP/[0-9.]+")) { return false; }
	return true;
源代码15 项目: hbase   文件: Export.java
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
  if (!ExportUtils.isValidArguements(args)) {
    ExportUtils.usage("Wrong number of arguments: " + ArrayUtils.getLength(args));
    System.err.println("   -D " + JOB_NAME_CONF_KEY
            + "=jobName - use the specified mapreduce job name for the export");
    System.err.println("For MR performance consider the following properties:");
    System.err.println("   -D mapreduce.map.speculative=false");
    System.err.println("   -D mapreduce.reduce.speculative=false");
    return -1;
  Job job = createSubmittableJob(getConf(), args);
  return (job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1);
源代码16 项目: plugins   文件: HerbiboarPlugin.java
private boolean checkArea()
	final int[] mapRegions = client.getMapRegions();
	for (int region : HERBIBOAR_REGIONS)
		if (ArrayUtils.contains(mapRegions, region))
			return true;
	return false;
private void checkIfFieldContainsAnnotation(boolean expected, JDefinedClass classToCheck, Class<?> annotationClass, String... fields) {
	for (JFieldVar field : classToCheck.fields().values()) {
		if ((fields == null || fields.length == 0 || ArrayUtils.contains(fields, field.name()))
				&& !field.name().equals("serialVersionUID")) {
			boolean found = false;
			for (JAnnotationUse annotation : field.annotations()) {
				if (annotation.getAnnotationClass().name().equals(annotationClass.getSimpleName())) {
					found = true;
			assertThat(found, is(expected));
源代码18 项目: Walrus   文件: CardActivity.java
private void startWriteOrEmulateCardSetup(boolean write) {
    if (card.cardData == null) {
        Toast.makeText(this, R.string.no_card_data, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    if (CardDeviceManager.INSTANCE.getCardDevices().isEmpty()) {
        Toast.makeText(this, R.string.no_card_devices, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    final List<CardDevice> cardDevices = new ArrayList<>();
    for (CardDevice cardDevice : CardDeviceManager.INSTANCE.getCardDevices().values()) {
        CardDevice.Metadata metadata = cardDevice.getClass().getAnnotation(
        if (ArrayUtils.contains(write ? metadata.supportsWrite() : metadata.supportsEmulate(),
                card.cardData.getClass())) {

    if (cardDevices.isEmpty()) {
                write ? R.string.no_device_can_write : R.string.no_device_can_emulate,

            write ? CardDeviceAdapter.CardDataFilterMode.WRITABLE :
            write ? 1 : 2)
            .show(getSupportFragmentManager(), PICK_CARD_DEVICE_DIALOG_FRAGMENT_TAG);
源代码19 项目: jhdf   文件: Utils.java
 * This method is used when the length required is awkward i.e. no support
 * directly from {@link ByteBuffer}
 * @param buffer to read from
 * @param length the number of bytes to read
 * @return the long value read from the buffer
 * @throws ArithmeticException if the data cannot be safely converted to an
 *                             unsigned long
private static int readArbitraryLengthBytesAsUnsignedInt(ByteBuffer buffer, int length) {
	// Here we will use BigInteger to convert a byte array
	byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
	// BigInteger needs big endian so flip the order if needed
	if (buffer.order() == LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
	// Convert to a unsigned long throws if it overflows
	return new BigInteger(1, bytes).intValueExact();
源代码20 项目: base-framework   文件: BasicHibernateDao.java
 * 获取全部对象
 * @param orders 排序对象,不需要排序,可以不传
 * @return List
public List<T> getAll(Order ...orders) {
	Criteria c = createCriteria();
	if(ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(orders)) {
		setOrderToCriteria(c, orders);
	return c.list();
 * 设置候选启动人、组
 * @param processDefinitionId
 * @param userArray
 * @param groupArray
public void setStartables(String processDefinitionId, String[] userArray, String[] groupArray) {

    // 1、清理现有的设置
    List<IdentityLink> links = repositoryService.getIdentityLinksForProcessDefinition(processDefinitionId);
    for (IdentityLink link : links) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(link.getUserId())) {
            repositoryService.deleteCandidateStarterUser(processDefinitionId, link.getUserId());
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(link.getGroupId())) {
            repositoryService.deleteCandidateStarterGroup(processDefinitionId, link.getGroupId());

    // 2.1、循环添加候选人
    if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(userArray)) {
        for (String user : userArray) {
            repositoryService.addCandidateStarterUser(processDefinitionId, user);

    // 2.2、循环添加候选组
    if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(groupArray)) {
        for (String group : groupArray) {
            repositoryService.addCandidateStarterGroup(processDefinitionId, group);
源代码22 项目: coming   文件: Lang_32_HashCodeBuilder_t.java
 * <p>
 * Appends the fields and values defined by the given object of the given <code>Class</code>.
 * </p>
 * @param object
 *            the object to append details of
 * @param clazz
 *            the class to append details of
 * @param builder
 *            the builder to append to
 * @param useTransients
 *            whether to use transient fields
 * @param excludeFields
 *            Collection of String field names to exclude from use in calculation of hash code
private static void reflectionAppend(Object object, Class<?> clazz, HashCodeBuilder builder, boolean useTransients,
        String[] excludeFields) {
    if (isRegistered(object)) {
    try {
        Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
        AccessibleObject.setAccessible(fields, true);
        for (Field field : fields) {
            if (!ArrayUtils.contains(excludeFields, field.getName())
                && (field.getName().indexOf('$') == -1)
                && (useTransients || !Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers()))
                && (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()))) {
                try {
                    Object fieldValue = field.get(object);
                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    // this can't happen. Would get a Security exception instead
                    // throw a runtime exception in case the impossible happens.
                    throw new InternalError("Unexpected IllegalAccessException");
    } finally {
源代码23 项目: zuihou-admin-cloud   文件: AttachmentController.java
@ApiOperation(value = "查询附件", notes = "查询附件")
        @ApiResponse(code = 60103, message = "文件id为空")
public R<List<AttachmentResultDTO>> findAttachment(@RequestParam(value = "bizTypes", required = false) String[] bizTypes,
                                                   @RequestParam(value = "bizIds", required = false) String[] bizIds) {
    BizAssert.isTrue(!(ArrayUtils.isEmpty(bizTypes) && ArrayUtils.isEmpty(bizIds)), BASE_VALID_PARAM.build("业务类型不能为空"));
    return R.success(baseService.find(bizTypes, bizIds));
源代码24 项目: timely   文件: TabletRowAdapter.java
public static OptionalLong decodeRowOffset(Text row) {
    OptionalLong offset = OptionalLong.empty();
    byte[] bytes = row.getBytes();
    int delimidx = findRowDelimiterIndex(bytes);
    if (delimidx > 0) {
        try {
            byte[] buffer = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, delimidx + 1, bytes.length);
            buffer = ByteUtils.unescape(buffer);

            // key might not have all bytes for long decoding
            // ensure of sufficient length
            int extendBy = (MIN_OFFSET_LEN - (buffer.length));
            if (extendBy > 0) {
                buffer = ArrayUtils.addAll(buffer, new byte[extendBy]);

            long decodedOffset = OFFSET_DECODER.decode(buffer);
            if (decodedOffset > 0) {
                offset = OptionalLong.of(decodedOffset);
            } else if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                Optional<String> prefix = decodeRowPrefix(row);
                        "Delimiter identified but offset could not parse { prefix: {}, byte-len: {}, "
                                + "offset-len: {}, offset-bytes: {}, row-bytes: {} }",
                        prefix, bytes.length, buffer.length, Hex.encodeHex(buffer), Hex.encodeHex(bytes));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
                LOG.trace("Unable to parse offset: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    return offset;
源代码25 项目: cyberduck   文件: TripleCryptInputStream.java
private int readNextChunk() throws IOException {
    final ByteBuffer ciphertextBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(SDSSession.DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE);
    final int read = IOUtils.read(proxy, ciphertextBuf.array());
    if(lastread == 0) {
        return IOUtils.EOF;
    try {
        final PlainDataContainer pDataContainer;
        if(read == 0) {
            final PlainDataContainer c1 = cipher.processBytes(createEncryptedDataContainer(ciphertextBuf.array(), read, null));
            final PlainDataContainer c2 = cipher.doFinal(new EncryptedDataContainer(null, tag));
            pDataContainer = new PlainDataContainer(ArrayUtils.addAll(c1.getContent(), c2.getContent()));
        else {
            pDataContainer = cipher.processBytes(createEncryptedDataContainer(ciphertextBuf.array(), read, null));
        final byte[] content = pDataContainer.getContent();
        buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(content.length);
        lastread = read;
        return content.length;
    catch(CryptoException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);
源代码26 项目: julongchain   文件: Identity.java
public OUIdentifier[] getOrganizationalUnits() throws MspException {
    if (certificate == null) {
        throw new MspException("certificate is null");
    byte[] cid = this.msp.getCertChainIdentifier(this);
    OUIdentifier[] res = null;
    Map<String, String> subject = MspUtil.parseFromString(certificate.getSubject().toString());
    OUIdentifier ouIdentifier = new OUIdentifier();

    res = (OUIdentifier[]) ArrayUtils.add(res, ouIdentifier);
    return res;
源代码27 项目: astor   文件: ConstructorUtilsTest.java
public void testGetAccessibleConstructor() throws Exception {
源代码28 项目: vertexium   文件: GeoUtils.java
private static LinearRing toJtsLinearRing(List<GeoPoint> geoPoints, boolean counterClockwise, boolean lenient) {
    if (geoPoints.size() < 4) {
        throw new VertexiumInvalidShapeException("A polygon must specify at least 4 points for each boundary and hole.");

    Coordinate[] shellCoordinates = geoPoints.stream()
        .map(geoPoint -> new Coordinate(geoPoint.getLongitude(), geoPoint.getLatitude()))

    if (!shellCoordinates[0].equals(shellCoordinates[shellCoordinates.length - 1])) {
        if (lenient) {
            LOGGER.info("Closing an unclosed GeoShape by appending the beginning coordinate");
            shellCoordinates = org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.add(shellCoordinates, shellCoordinates[0].copy());
        } else {
            throw new VertexiumInvalidShapeException("All polygon boundaries and holes must begin and end at the same point.");
    if (Orientation.isCCW(shellCoordinates) != counterClockwise) {
        if (lenient) {
            LOGGER.info("Reversing the coordinates of a ring that has a backwards orientation");
        } else {
            throw new VertexiumInvalidShapeException("The outer shell of a polygon must be specified in counter-clockwise " +
                "orientation and all holes must be specified in the clockwise direction.");
    return GEOMETRY_FACTORY.createLinearRing(shellCoordinates);
源代码29 项目: tutorials   文件: ArrayUtilsUnitTest.java
public void givenArray_whenAddingAllElementsAtTheEnd_thenCorrect() {
    int[] oldArray = { 0, 1, 2 };
    int[] newArray = ArrayUtils.addAll(oldArray, 3, 4, 5);
    int[] expectedArray = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    assertArrayEquals(expectedArray, newArray);
源代码30 项目: astor   文件: MethodUtilsTest.java
public void testGetAccessibleInterfaceMethod() throws Exception {
    Class<?>[][] p = { ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY, null };
    for (Class<?>[] element : p) {
        Method method = TestMutable.class.getMethod("getValue", element);
        Method accessibleMethod = MethodUtils.getAccessibleMethod(method);
        assertNotSame(accessibleMethod, method);
        assertSame(Mutable.class, accessibleMethod.getDeclaringClass());