

源代码1 项目: MooTool   文件: TimeConvertForm.java
public static void init() {
    timeConvertForm = getInstance();

    ThreadUtil.execute(() -> {
        while (true) {
            timeConvertForm.getCurrentTimestampLabel().setText(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));
            timeConvertForm.getCurrentGmtLabel().setText(DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), TIME_FORMAT));

    if ("".equals(timeConvertForm.getTimestampTextField().getText())) {
    if ("".equals(timeConvertForm.getGmtTextField().getText())) {
        timeConvertForm.getGmtTextField().setText(DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), TIME_FORMAT));

源代码2 项目: MooTool   文件: ImageListener.java
 * save for manual
private static void saveImage() {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(selectedName)) {
        selectedName = "未命名_" + DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss");
    String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("名称", selectedName);
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) {
        try {
            if (selectedImage != null) {
                File imageFile = FileUtil.touch(new File(IMAGE_PATH_PRE_FIX + name + ".png"));
                ImageIO.write(ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(selectedImage), "png", imageFile);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(App.mainFrame, "保存失败!\n\n" + ex.getMessage(), "失败", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
public static List<String> getLineChartCategories(String dateVal, int dataSize) throws Exception {
	List<String> categories = new LinkedList<String>();
	if (dataSize < 0) {
		throw new ServiceException("data-size error!");
	Date endDate = DateUtils.parseDate(dateVal, new String[]{"yyyyMMdd"});
	int dateRange = dataSize -1;
	if (dateRange < 0) {
		dateRange = 0;
	if (dateRange == 0) {
		categories.add( DateFormatUtils.format(endDate, "yyyy/MM/dd") );
		return categories;
	Date startDate = DateUtils.addDays(endDate, (dateRange * -1) );
	for (int i=0; i<dataSize; i++) {
		Date currentDate = DateUtils.addDays(startDate, i);
		String currentDateStr = DateFormatUtils.format(currentDate, "yyyy/MM/dd");
	return categories;
源代码4 项目: tools   文件: SpdxDocument.java
 * @param documentContainer
 * @param node
 * @throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException
public SpdxDocument(SpdxDocumentContainer documentContainer, Node node)
		throws InvalidSPDXAnalysisException {
	super(documentContainer, node);
	this.documentContainer = documentContainer;
	if (this.getCreationInfo() == null){
		String licenseListVersion = ListedLicenses.getListedLicenses().getLicenseListVersion();
		String creationDate = DateFormatUtils.format(Calendar.getInstance(), SpdxRdfConstants.SPDX_DATE_FORMAT);
		SPDXCreatorInformation creationInfo = new SPDXCreatorInformation(new String[] {  }, creationDate, null, licenseListVersion);
	else if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.getCreationInfo().getLicenseListVersion())){

源代码5 项目: QuickProject   文件: FilesGenerator.java
public void generate() throws GlobalConfigException {
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
    File tmplDir = globalConfig.getTmplFile();
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new GlobalConfigException("tmplPath", e);
    cfg.setObjectWrapper(new DefaultObjectWrapper());
    for (Module module : modules) {
        logger.debug("module:" + module.getName());
        for (Bean bean : module.getBeans()) {
            logger.debug("bean:" + bean.getName());
            Map dataMap = new HashMap();
            dataMap.put("bean", bean);
            dataMap.put("module", module);
            dataMap.put("generate", generate);
            dataMap.put("config", config);
            dataMap.put("now", DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date()));

            generate(cfg, dataMap);
源代码6 项目: gazpachoquest   文件: JPARealmTest.java
public void loginTest() throws SignatureException {
    Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();

    String date = DateFormatUtils.SMTP_DATETIME_FORMAT.format(new Date());

    String resource = "/questionnaires/58";
    String method = "GET";
    String stringToSign = new StringBuilder().append(method).append(" ").append(resource).append("\n").append(date)
    String apiKey = "B868UOHUTKUDWXM";
    String secret = "IQO27YUZO8NJ7RADIK6SJ9BQZNYP4EMO";
    String signature = HMACSignature.calculateRFC2104HMAC(stringToSign, secret);

    AuthenticationToken token = new HmacAuthToken.Builder().apiKey(apiKey).signature(signature).dateUTC(date)


    boolean isPermitted = subject.isPermitted("questionnaire:read:58");
源代码7 项目: datacollector   文件: BaseTableJdbcSourceIT.java
protected static String getStringRepOfFieldValueForInsert(Field field) {
  switch (field.getType()) {
    case BYTE_ARRAY:
      //Do a hex encode.
      return Hex.encodeHexString(field.getValueAsByteArray());
    case BYTE:
      return String.valueOf(field.getValueAsInteger());
    case TIME:
      return DateFormatUtils.format(field.getValueAsDate(), "HH:mm:ss.SSS");
    case DATE:
      return DateFormatUtils.format(field.getValueAsDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
    case DATETIME:
      return DateFormatUtils.format(field.getValueAsDate(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS");
      return DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATETIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT.format(
      return String.valueOf(field.getValue());
源代码8 项目: seed   文件: OpenTest.java
 * 文件上传接口测试
public void fileuploadTest() throws IOException {
    String appid = "670";
    String appsecret = "cPs6euPuvtsru2I3vmYb2Q";
    String partnerApplyNo = JadyerUtil.randomNumeric(16);
    String filepath = "D:\\JavaSE\\Picture\\Wallpaper\\观海云远.jpg";
    String reqURL = "";
    Map<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
    dataMap.put("partnerApplyNo", partnerApplyNo);
    Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<>();
    paramMap.put("appid", appid);
    paramMap.put("version", SeedConstants.OPEN_VERSION_21);
    paramMap.put("method", SeedConstants.OPEN_METHOD_boot_file_upload);
    paramMap.put("timestamp", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
    paramMap.put("data", CodecUtil.buildAESEncrypt(JSON.toJSONString(dataMap), appsecret));
    HTTPUtil.upload(reqURL, "观海云远.jpg", FileUtils.openInputStream(new File(filepath)), "fileData", paramMap);
源代码9 项目: seed   文件: OpenTest.java
 * 申请单查询接口
public void loanGetViaAES(){
    String appid = "770";
    String appsecret = "PDlTxZ8Vql5Y8owPSU6hzw";
    String applyNo = JadyerUtil.randomNumeric(16);
    String partnerApplyNo = JadyerUtil.randomNumeric(16);
    String reqURL = "";
    Map<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
    dataMap.put("applyNo", applyNo);
    dataMap.put("partnerApplyNo", partnerApplyNo);
    Map<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<>();
    paramMap.put("appid", appid);
    paramMap.put("version", SeedConstants.OPEN_VERSION_21);
    paramMap.put("method", SeedConstants.OPEN_METHOD_boot_loan_get);
    paramMap.put("timestamp", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
    paramMap.put("data", CodecUtil.buildAESEncrypt(JSON.toJSONString(dataMap), appsecret));
    String respData = HTTPUtil.post(reqURL, JSON.toJSONString(paramMap), "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
    Map<String, String> respMap = JSON.parseObject(respData, new TypeReference<Map<String, String>>(){});
        System.out.println("解密后的明文为-->" + CodecUtil.buildAESDecrypt(respMap.get("data"), appsecret));
源代码10 项目: seed   文件: UtilTest.java
 * FTP上传测试
public void FTPUtilForUploadTest() throws IOException {
    //InputStream is = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File("E:\\Wallpaper\\三大名迹.jpg"));
    //String remoteURL = "/mytest/02/03/" + DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".jpg";
    //Assert.assertTrue(FTPUtil.upload("", "ftpupload", "HUvueMGWg92y8SSN", remoteURL, is));
    //is = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File("E:\\Wallpaper\\Wentworth.Miller.jpg"));
    //remoteURL = "/mytest/02/03/" + DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss_2") + ".jpg";
    //Assert.assertTrue(FTPUtil.upload("", "ftpupload", "HUvueMGWg92y8SSN", remoteURL, is));
    InputStream is = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File("F:\\Tool\\Enterprise_Architect_8.0.858.zip"));
    String remoteURL = "/mytest/02/03/" + DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".jpg";
    Assert.assertTrue(FTPUtil.uploadAndLogout("", "ftpupload", "HUvueMGWg92y8SSN", remoteURL, is));
源代码11 项目: bird-java   文件: DateHelper.java
 * 获取一天开始时间
 * @param date
 * @return
public static Date getDayBegin(Date date) {
    String format = DateFormatUtils.format(date, DATE_PATTERN);
    try {
        return parseDate(format.concat(" 00:00:00"), TIMESTAMP_PATTERN);
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
        return null;
源代码12 项目: bird-java   文件: DateHelper.java
 * 获取一天结束时间
 * @param date
 * @return
public static Date getDayEnd(Date date) {
    String format = DateFormatUtils.format(date, DATE_PATTERN);
    try {
        return parseDate(format.concat(" 23:59:59"), TIMESTAMP_PATTERN);
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
        return null;
源代码13 项目: jeesuite-libs   文件: DateUtils.java
 * 格式化日期为日期字符串<br>
 * generate by: vakin jiang at 2012-3-7
 * @param orig
 * @param patterns
 * @return
public static String format(Date date, String... patterns) {
    if (date == null)
        return "";
    String pattern = TIMESTAMP_PATTERN;
    if (patterns != null && patterns.length > 0
            && StringUtils.isNotBlank(patterns[0])) {
        pattern = patterns[0];
    return DateFormatUtils.format(date, pattern);
源代码14 项目: Moss   文件: AppServiceImpl.java
private static Duration durationBuilder() {
    Date endDate = new Date();
    String end = DateFormatUtils.format(endDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HHmm");
    Date StartDate = DateUtils.addMinutes(endDate, -15);
    String start = DateFormatUtils.format(StartDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HHmm");

    Duration duration = new Duration();
    return duration;
源代码15 项目: cerberus   文件: EncryptionService.java
 * Generate an encryption context (additional information about the payload). This context is not
 * encrypted and should not contain secrets.
protected Map<String, String> buildEncryptionContext(String sdbPath) {
  Map<String, String> context = new HashMap<>();
  context.put("created_on", DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd"));
  context.put(SDB_PATH_PROPERTY_NAME, sdbPath);
  return context;
源代码16 项目: gazpachoquest   文件: LoginShiroFilterTest.java
public void handleRequestTest() throws SignatureException, IOException {
    ContainerRequestContext requestContext = createMock(ContainerRequestContext.class);
    ClassResourceInfo resourceClass = createMock(ClassResourceInfo.class);
    HttpHeaders headers = createMock(HttpHeaders.class);
    UriInfo uriInfo = createMock(UriInfo.class);

    String date = DateFormatUtils.SMTP_DATETIME_FORMAT.format(new Date());

    String resource = "/questionnaires/61";
    String method = "GET";
    String stringToSign = new StringBuilder().append(method).append(" ").append(resource).append("\n").append(date)
    String apiKey = "B868UOHUTKUDWXM";
    String secret = "IQO27YUZO8NJ7RADIK6SJ9BQZNYP4EMO";
    String signature = HMACSignature.calculateRFC2104HMAC(stringToSign, secret);
    String authToken = generateAuth(apiKey, signature);

    expect(uriInfo.getRequestUri()).andReturn(URI.create("http://localhost:8080/gazpachoquest-rest-web/api/" + resource));


    replay(requestContext,resourceClass, uriInfo, headers);


源代码17 项目: WeEvent   文件: TopicHistoricalService.java
private List<String> listDate(Date beginDate, Date endDate) {
    List<String> dateList = new ArrayList<>();
    dateList.add(DateFormatUtils.format(beginDate, simpleDateFormat));
    Calendar calBegin = Calendar.getInstance();
    Calendar calEnd = Calendar.getInstance();
    while (endDate.after(calBegin.getTime())) {
        calBegin.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        dateList.add(DateFormatUtils.format(calBegin.getTime(), simpleDateFormat));
    return dateList;
源代码18 项目: tus-java-server   文件: ExpiredUploadFilterTest.java
private UploadInfo createExpiredUploadInfo() throws ParseException {
    final long time = DateFormatUtils.ISO_8601_EXTENDED_DATETIME_FORMAT.parse("2018-01-20T10:43:11").getTime();

    return new UploadInfo() {
        protected long getCurrentTime() {
            return getExpirationTimestamp() == null ? time : time + 10000L;
源代码19 项目: o2oa   文件: BaseWorkTime.java
private boolean inDefinedHoliday(Calendar c) {
	if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(this.definedHolidays)) {
		if (ArrayUtils.indexOf(this.definedHolidays,
				DateFormatUtils.format(c, DATEPARTFORMATPATTERN[0])) > ArrayUtils.INDEX_NOT_FOUND) {
			return true;
	return false;
源代码20 项目: jeesuite-libs   文件: DateUtils.java
 * 格式化日期为指定格式<br>
 * generate by: vakin jiang at 2012-3-7
 * @param orig
 * @param patterns
 * @return
public static Date formatDate(Date orig, String... patterns) {
    String pattern = TIMESTAMP_PATTERN;
    if (patterns != null && patterns.length > 0
            && StringUtils.isNotBlank(patterns[0])) {
        pattern = patterns[0];
    return parseDate(DateFormatUtils.format(orig, pattern));
源代码21 项目: markdown-image-kit   文件: ImageRenameHandler.java
 * 根据配置重新设置 imageName
 * @param data          the data
 * @param imageIterator the image iterator
 * @param markdownImage the markdown image
 * @return the boolean
public void invoke(EventData data, Iterator<MarkdownImage> imageIterator, MarkdownImage markdownImage) {

    String imageName = markdownImage.getImageName();
    MikState state = MikPersistenComponent.getInstance().getState();
    // 处理文件名有空格导致上传 gif 变为静态图的问题
    imageName = imageName.replaceAll("\\s*", "");
    int sufixIndex = state.getSuffixIndex();
    Optional<SuffixEnum> sufix = EnumsUtils.getEnumObject(SuffixEnum.class, e -> e.getIndex() == sufixIndex);
    SuffixEnum suffixEnum = sufix.orElse(SuffixEnum.FILE_NAME);
    switch (suffixEnum) {
        case FILE_NAME:
        case DATE_FILE_NAME:
            // 删除原来的时间前缀
            imageName = imageName.replace(DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd-"), "");
            imageName =  DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd-") + imageName;
        case RANDOM:
                imageName = PREFIX + CharacterUtils.getRandomString(6) + ImageUtils.getFileExtension(imageName);

源代码22 项目: sophia_scaffolding   文件: DateTimeUtil.java
 * 动态表示方式的时间差函数
 * @param startDate
 *            指定时间
 * @param endDate
 *            结束时间
 * @return 时间差指定格式字符串
public static String dynDiff(Date startDate, Date endDate) {

    String startDay = DateFormatUtils.format(startDate, "dd");
    String endtDay = DateFormatUtils.format(endDate, "dd");
    String value = "";
    if (startDay.equals(endtDay)) {
        value = DateFormatUtils.format(startDate, " HH:mm");
    } else {
        value = otherDiff(startDate, endDate);
    return value;
源代码23 项目: sophia_scaffolding   文件: DateTimeUtil.java
 * 资源表示方式的时间差函数
 * @param startDate
 *            指定时间
 * @param endDate
 *            结束时间
 * @return 时间差指定格式字符串
public static String resDiff(Date startDate, Date endDate) {
    Object[] obj = timeDifference(startDate, endDate);
    String value = "";
    if (Long.parseLong(obj[3].toString()) > 7) {
        value = DateFormatUtils.format(startDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
    } else {
        value = otherDiff(startDate, endDate);
    return value;
private void initReceiverTimes(){
    todayStartTime = DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00");
    todayEndTime = DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59");
    allStartTime = DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "10000-01-01  00:00:00");
    allEndTime = DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "9999-12-31  23:59:59");
    nowStartTime = DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
源代码25 项目: DataSphereStudio   文件: EventCheckSender.java
public boolean sendMsg(int jobId, Properties props, Logger log) {
        boolean result = false;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        Connection msgConn = null;
        String sendTime = DateFormatUtils.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        String sqlForSendMsg = "INSERT INTO event_queue (sender,send_time,topic,msg_name,msg,send_ip) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
        try {
            String vIP = getLinuxLocalIp(log);
            msgConn = getEventCheckerConnection(props,log);
            if(msgConn==null) return false;
            pstmt = msgConn.prepareCall(sqlForSendMsg);
            pstmt.setString(1, sender);
            pstmt.setString(2, sendTime);
            pstmt.setString(3, topic);
            pstmt.setString(4, msgName);
            pstmt.setString(5, msg);
            pstmt.setString(6, vIP);
            int rs = pstmt.executeUpdate();
            if (rs == 1) {
                result = true;
                log.info("Send msg success!");
            } else {
                log.error("Send msg failed for update database!");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Send EventChecker msg failed!" + e);
        } finally {
            closeQueryStmt(pstmt, log);
            closeConnection(msgConn, log);
        return result;
源代码26 项目: o2oa   文件: ClockStamp.java
private Date stamp(String memo) {
	Date date = new Date();
	long total = date.getTime() - start.getTime();
	Log pre = logs.get(logs.size() - 1);
	long elapsed = date.getTime() - pre.getDate().getTime();
			"ClockStamp(" + this.name + ") start at(" + DateFormatUtils.format(date, FORMAT) + "), arrived(" + memo
					+ ") total(" + total + ")ms, form(" + pre.getMemo() + ") elapsed(" + elapsed + ")ms.");
	Log log = new Log(memo, date, elapsed);
	return date;
源代码27 项目: es   文件: EhcacheMonitorController.java
public Object keyDetail(
        @PathVariable("cacheName") String cacheName,
        @PathVariable("key") String key,
        Model model
) {

    Element element = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName).get(key);

    String dataPattern = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss";
    Map<String, Object> data = Maps.newHashMap();
    data.put("objectValue", element.getObjectValue().toString());
    data.put("size", PrettyMemoryUtils.prettyByteSize(element.getSerializedSize()));
    data.put("hitCount", element.getHitCount());

    Date latestOfCreationAndUpdateTime = new Date(element.getLatestOfCreationAndUpdateTime());
    data.put("latestOfCreationAndUpdateTime", DateFormatUtils.format(latestOfCreationAndUpdateTime, dataPattern));
    Date lastAccessTime = new Date(element.getLastAccessTime());
    data.put("lastAccessTime", DateFormatUtils.format(lastAccessTime, dataPattern));
    if(element.getExpirationTime() == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
        data.put("expirationTime", "不过期");
    } else {
        Date expirationTime = new Date(element.getExpirationTime());
        data.put("expirationTime", DateFormatUtils.format(expirationTime, dataPattern));

    data.put("timeToIdle", element.getTimeToIdle());
    data.put("timeToLive", element.getTimeToLive());
    data.put("version", element.getVersion());

    return data;

public void testGetVisitDistribution() throws Exception {
  final WxMaAnalysisService service = wxMaService.getAnalysisService();
  Date twoDaysAgo = DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), -2);
  WxMaVisitDistribution distribution = service.getVisitDistribution(twoDaysAgo, twoDaysAgo);
  String date = DateFormatUtils.format(twoDaysAgo, "yyyyMMdd");
  assertEquals(date, distribution.getRefDate());
源代码29 项目: DBus   文件: JarManagerService.java
private void uploadStormJars(String user, String host, String port, String homePath, String category, String type, String jarName) {
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    String minorVersion = StringUtils.join(new String[]{DateFormatUtils.format(time, "yyyyMMdd"), DateFormatUtils.format(time, "HHmmss")}, "_");
    String savePath = StringUtils.join(new String[]{homePath, KeeperConstants.RELEASE_VERSION, type, minorVersion}, "/");
    String cmd = MessageFormat.format("ssh -p {0} {1}@{2} mkdir -pv {3}", port, user, host, savePath);
    logger.info("mdkir command: {}", cmd);
    int retVal = execCmd(cmd, null);
    if (retVal == 0) {
        logger.info("mkdir success.");
        File file = new File(SystemUtils.getUserDir() + "/../extlib/" + jarName);
        cmd = MessageFormat.format("scp -P {0} {1} {2}@{3}:{4}", port, file.getPath(), user, host, savePath + "/" + jarName);
        logger.info("scp command: {}", cmd);
        retVal = execCmd(cmd, null);
        if (retVal == 0) {
            logger.info("scp success.");
    TopologyJar topologyJar = new TopologyJar();
    topologyJar.setPath(savePath + "/" + jarName);
    topologyJar.setCreateTime(new Date());
    topologyJar.setUpdateTime(new Date());
源代码30 项目: sofa-lookout   文件: LookoutMeasurement.java
private StringBuilder map2json(StringBuilder stringBuilder, Map<String, Object> map) {
    if (!map.isEmpty()) {
        int size = map.size();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            //key print
            if (entry.getValue() instanceof Map) {
                map2json(stringBuilder, (Map<String, Object>) entry.getValue());
            else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Date) {
                String timestamp = DateFormatUtils.ISO_DATETIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT
                    .format((Date) (entry.getValue()));
            else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Number) {
            } else {
            if (--size > 0) {
    return stringBuilder;