

源代码1 项目: openrtb   文件: OpenRtbJsonExtComplexReader.java
private void readRepeated(EB msg, JsonParser par) throws IOException {
  JsonToken tokLast = par.getCurrentToken();
  JsonLocation locLast = par.getCurrentLocation();
  for (startArray(par); endArray(par); par.nextToken()) {
    boolean objRead = false;
    XB ext = (XB) key.getMessageDefaultInstance().toBuilder();
    for (startObject(par); endObject(par); par.nextToken()) {
      read(ext, par);
      JsonToken tokNew = par.getCurrentToken();
      JsonLocation locNew = par.getCurrentLocation();
      if (tokNew != tokLast || !locNew.equals(locLast)) {
        objRead = true;
      tokLast = tokNew;
      locLast = locNew;
    if (objRead) {
      msg.addExtension(key, ext.build());
源代码2 项目: lams   文件: BasicDeserializerFactory.java
private ValueInstantiator _findStdValueInstantiator(DeserializationConfig config,
        BeanDescription beanDesc)
    throws JsonMappingException
    Class<?> raw = beanDesc.getBeanClass();
    if (raw == JsonLocation.class) {
        return new JsonLocationInstantiator();
    // [databind#1868]: empty List/Set/Map
    if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) {
        if (Collections.EMPTY_SET.getClass() == raw) {
            return new ConstantValueInstantiator(Collections.EMPTY_SET);
        if (Collections.EMPTY_LIST.getClass() == raw) {
            return new ConstantValueInstantiator(Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
    } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) {
        if (Collections.EMPTY_MAP.getClass() == raw) {
            return new ConstantValueInstantiator(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
    return null;
private Response fromJsonProcessingException(JsonProcessingException e) {
    StringBuilder msgBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    if (e.getOriginalMessage() != null) {
    } else {
        msgBuilder.append("JSON processing error");
    JsonLocation location = e.getLocation();
    if (location != null) {
        msgBuilder.append(" location: [line: ").append(location.getLineNr())
                .append(", column: ").append(location.getColumnNr()).append(']');

    ErrorResponse errorResponse = ErrorResponse.newError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, msgBuilder.toString())
    return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity(errorResponse).build();
源代码4 项目: emodb   文件: PartitionAwareServiceFactoryTest.java
public void testDelegateDeclaredExceptionPropagation() throws Exception {
    doThrow(new JsonParseException("Simulated declared exception", JsonLocation.NA)).when(_delegate).doIt();
    TestInterface service = _serviceFactory.create(_remoteEndPoint);

    try {
        fail("JsonParseException not thrown");
    } catch (JsonParseException e) {
        assertEquals(e.getOriginalMessage(), "Simulated declared exception");

    assertEquals(_metricRegistry.getMeters().get("bv.emodb.web.partition-forwarding.TestInterface.errors").getCount(), 0);
源代码5 项目: herd   文件: TagHelperTest.java
public void testSafeObjectMapperWriteValueAsStringJsonParseException()
    // Create a tag entity.
    final TagEntity tagEntity = tagDaoTestHelper.createTagEntity(TAG_TYPE, TAG_CODE, TAG_DISPLAY_NAME, TAG_DESCRIPTION);

    // Mock the external calls.
        .thenThrow(new IllegalStateException(new JsonParseException("Failed to Parse", new JsonLocation("SRC", 100L, 1, 2))));

    // Call the method being tested.
    String result = tagHelper.safeObjectMapperWriteValueAsString(tagEntity);

    // Verify the external calls.
    verifyNoMoreInteractions(alternateKeyHelper, jsonHelper);

    // Validate the returned object.
    assertEquals("", result);
源代码6 项目: KaiZen-OpenAPI-Editor   文件: NodeDeserializer.java
public AbstractNode deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext context)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

    JsonLocation startLocation = p.getTokenLocation();
    if (p.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {

    switch (p.getCurrentToken()) {
    case START_OBJECT:
        return deserializeObjectNode(p, context, startLocation);
    case START_ARRAY:
        return deserializeArrayNode(p, context, startLocation);
        return deserializeValueNode(p, context, startLocation);
源代码7 项目: Bats   文件: BaseJsonProcessor.java
public String toString() {
  JsonLocation location = parser.getCurrentLocation();
  return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[Line=" + location.getLineNr()
      + ", Column=" + (location.getColumnNr() + 1)
      + ", Field=" + getCurrentField()
      + "]";
源代码8 项目: Bats   文件: BaseJsonProcessor.java
public UserException.Builder getExceptionWithContext(UserException.Builder builder, String message) {
  JsonLocation location = parser.getCurrentLocation();
  builder.addContext("Line", location.getLineNr())
      .addContext("Column", location.getColumnNr() + 1);
  String fieldName = getCurrentField();
  if (fieldName != null) {
    builder.addContext("Field", fieldName);
  return builder;
源代码9 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: DbxOAuthError.java
public final DbxOAuthError read(JsonParser parser)
    throws IOException, JsonReadException
    JsonLocation top = JsonReader.expectObjectStart(parser);

    String error = null;
    String errorDescription = null;

    while (parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
        String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName();

        try {
            if (fieldName.equals("error")) {
                error = StringReader.readField(parser, fieldName, error);
            else if (fieldName.equals("error_description")) {
                errorDescription = StringReader.readField(parser, fieldName, errorDescription);
            else {
                // Unknown field.  Skip over it.
        catch (JsonReadException ex) {
            throw ex.addFieldContext(fieldName);


    if (error == null) {
        throw new JsonReadException("missing field \"error\"", top);

    return new DbxOAuthError(error, errorDescription);
源代码10 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: DbxAccountInfo.java
public final Quota read(JsonParser parser)
    throws IOException, JsonReadException
    JsonLocation top = JsonReader.expectObjectStart(parser);

    long quota = -1;
    long normal = -1;
    long shared = -1;

    while (parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
        String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName();

        int fi = FM.get(fieldName);
        try {
            switch (fi) {
                case -1: JsonReader.skipValue(parser); break;
                case FM_quota: quota = JsonReader.readUnsignedLongField(parser, fieldName, quota); break;
                case FM_normal: normal = JsonReader.readUnsignedLongField(parser, fieldName, normal); break;
                case FM_shared: shared = JsonReader.readUnsignedLongField(parser, fieldName, shared); break;
                    throw new AssertionError("bad index: " + fi + ", field = \"" + fieldName + "\"");
        catch (JsonReadException ex) {
            throw ex.addFieldContext(fieldName);


    if (quota < 0) throw new JsonReadException("missing field \"quota\"", top);
    if (normal < 0) throw new JsonReadException("missing field \"normal\"", top);
    if (shared < 0) throw new JsonReadException("missing field \"shared\"", top);

    return new Quota(quota, normal, shared);
源代码11 项目: AndroidWallet   文件: BitlibJsonModule.java
public Sha256Hash deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
   ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();
   JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jp);
   Sha256Hash hash = Sha256Hash.fromString(node.asText());
   if (hash == null) {
      throw new JsonParseException("Failed to convert string '" + node.asText() + "' into a Sha256 hash",
   return hash;
源代码12 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: DbxLongpollDeltaResult.java
public DbxLongpollDeltaResult read(JsonParser parser) throws IOException, JsonReadException
    JsonLocation top = JsonReader.expectObjectStart(parser);

    Boolean changes = null;
    long backoff = -1;

    while (parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
        String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName();

        try {
            if (fieldName.equals("changes")) {
                changes = JsonReader.BooleanReader.readField(parser, fieldName, changes);
            } else if (fieldName.equals("backoff")) {
                backoff = JsonReader.readUnsignedLongField(parser, fieldName, backoff);
            } else {
        } catch (JsonReadException ex) {
            throw ex.addFieldContext(fieldName);

    if (changes == null) throw new JsonReadException("missing field \"changes\"", top);

    return new DbxLongpollDeltaResult(changes, backoff);
源代码13 项目: guarda-android-wallets   文件: BitlibJsonModule.java
public Sha256Hash deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
   ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();
   JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jp);
   Sha256Hash hash = Sha256Hash.fromString(node.asText());
   if (hash == null) {
      throw new JsonParseException("Failed to convert string '" + node.asText() + "' into a Sha256 hash",
   return hash;
源代码14 项目: sailfish-core   文件: JSONMatrixParser.java
public CustomValue getNullValue(DeserializationContext ctxt){
    JsonLocation currentLocation = ctxt.getParser().getCurrentLocation();
    int lineNr = currentLocation.getLineNr();
    int column = currentLocation.getColumnNr();
    return new NullValue(lineNr, column);
源代码15 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: DbxClientV1.java
public String read(JsonParser parser) throws IOException, JsonReadException {
    JsonLocation top = JsonReader.expectObjectStart(parser);

    String cursorId = null;

    while (parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
        String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName();

        try {
            if (fieldName.equals("cursor")) {
                cursorId = JsonReader.StringReader.readField(parser, fieldName, cursorId);
            } else {
        } catch (JsonReadException ex) {
            throw ex.addFieldContext(fieldName);


    if (cursorId == null) throw new JsonReadException("missing field \"cursor\"", top);

    return cursorId;
源代码16 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: DbxEntry.java
public final DbxEntry.Folder read(JsonParser parser)
    throws IOException, JsonReadException
    JsonLocation top = parser.getCurrentLocation();
    DbxEntry e = DbxEntry.read(parser, null).entry;
    if (!(e instanceof DbxEntry.Folder)) {
        throw new JsonReadException("Expecting a file entry, got a folder entry", top);
    return (DbxEntry.Folder) e;
源代码17 项目: lams   文件: UnrecognizedPropertyException.java
 * @deprecated Since 2.7
@Deprecated // since 2.7
public UnrecognizedPropertyException(String msg, JsonLocation loc,
        Class<?> referringClass, String propName,
        Collection<Object> propertyIds)
    super(msg, loc, referringClass, propName, propertyIds);
源代码18 项目: lams   文件: InvalidFormatException.java
 * @deprecated Since 2.7 Use variant that takes {@link JsonParser}
@Deprecated // since 2.7
public InvalidFormatException(String msg, JsonLocation loc,
        Object value, Class<?> targetType)
    super(null, msg, loc);
    _value = value;
    _targetType = targetType;
源代码19 项目: lams   文件: PropertyBindingException.java
 * @since 2.7
protected PropertyBindingException(JsonParser p, String msg, JsonLocation loc,
        Class<?> referringClass, String propName,
        Collection<Object> propertyIds)
    super(p, msg, loc);
    _referringClass = referringClass;
    _propertyName = propName;
    _propertyIds = propertyIds;
源代码20 项目: immutables   文件: JsonParserReader.java
private String getLocationString() {
  JsonLocation l = parser.getCurrentLocation();
  List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>(4);
  parts.add("line: " + l.getLineNr());
  parts.add("column: " + l.getColumnNr());
  if (l.getByteOffset() >= 0) {
    parts.add("byte offset: " + l.getByteOffset());
  return parts.toString();
源代码21 项目: lams   文件: IgnoredPropertyException.java
 * @since 2.7
public IgnoredPropertyException(JsonParser p, String msg, JsonLocation loc,
        Class<?> referringClass, String propName,
        Collection<Object> propertyIds)
    super(p, msg, loc, referringClass, propName, propertyIds);
源代码22 项目: lams   文件: IgnoredPropertyException.java
 * @deprecated Since 2.7
public IgnoredPropertyException(String msg, JsonLocation loc,
        Class<?> referringClass, String propName,
        Collection<Object> propertyIds)
    super(msg, loc, referringClass, propName, propertyIds);
源代码23 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: JsonReader.java
public static JsonLocation expectObjectStart(JsonParser parser)
    throws IOException, JsonReadException
    if (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
        throw new JsonReadException("expecting the start of an object (\"{\")", parser.getTokenLocation());
    JsonLocation loc = parser.getTokenLocation();
    return loc;
源代码24 项目: json-schema-validator-demo   文件: ParseError.java
public static JsonNode build(final JsonProcessingException e,
    final boolean crlf)
    final JsonLocation location = e.getLocation();
    final ObjectNode ret = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();

     * Unfortunately, for some reason, Jackson botches the column number in
     * its JsonPosition -- I cannot figure out why exactly. However, it does
     * have a correct offset into the buffer.
     * The problem is that if the input has CR/LF line terminators, its
     * offset will be "off" by the number of lines minus 1 with regards to
     * what JavaScript sees as positions in text areas. Make the necessary
     * adjustments so that the caret jumps at the correct position in this
     * case.
    final int lineNr = location.getLineNr();
    int offset = (int) location.getCharOffset();
    if (crlf)
        offset = offset - lineNr + 1;
    ret.put(LINE, lineNr);
    ret.put(OFFSET, offset);

    // Finally, put the message
    ret.put(MESSAGE, e.getOriginalMessage());
    return ret;
源代码25 项目: bitshares_wallet   文件: BitlibJsonModule.java
public Address deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
   ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();
   JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jp);
   Address address = Address.fromString(node.asText());
   if (address == null) {
      throw new JsonParseException("Failed to convert string '" + node.asText() + "' into an address",
   return address;
源代码26 项目: business   文件: DataManagerImpl.java
private void throwParsingError(JsonLocation jsonLocation, String message) {
    throw BusinessException.createNew(DataErrorCode.FAILED_TO_PARSE_DATA_STREAM)
            .put("parsingError", message)
            .put("line", jsonLocation.getLineNr())
            .put("col", jsonLocation.getColumnNr())
            .put("offset", jsonLocation.getCharOffset());
源代码27 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: JsonReader.java
public static JsonLocation expectArrayEnd(JsonParser parser)
    throws IOException, JsonReadException
    if (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
        throw new JsonReadException("expecting the end of an array (\"[\")", parser.getTokenLocation());
    JsonLocation loc = parser.getTokenLocation();
    return loc;
源代码28 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: JsonReader.java
public static JsonLocation expectArrayStart(JsonParser parser)
    throws IOException, JsonReadException
    if (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
        throw new JsonReadException("expecting the start of an array (\"[\")", parser.getTokenLocation());
    JsonLocation loc = parser.getTokenLocation();
    return loc;
源代码29 项目: caravan   文件: CustomProtobufParser.java
 * Overridden since we do not really have character-based locations,
 * but we do have byte offset to specify.
public JsonLocation getCurrentLocation()
  final long offset = _currInputProcessed + _inputPtr;
  return new JsonLocation(_ioContext.getSourceReference(),
      offset, // bytes
      -1, -1, (int) offset); // char offset, line, column
源代码30 项目: dropbox-sdk-java   文件: DbxClientV1.java
public CopyRef read(JsonParser parser)
    throws IOException, JsonReadException
    JsonLocation top = JsonReader.expectObjectStart(parser);

    String id = null;
    Date expires = null;

    while (parser.getCurrentToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
        String fieldName = parser.getCurrentName();

        try {
            if (fieldName.equals("copy_ref")) {
                id = JsonReader.StringReader.readField(parser, fieldName, id);
            else if (fieldName.equals("expires")) {
                expires = JsonDateReader.Dropbox.readField(parser, fieldName, expires);
            else {
        catch (JsonReadException ex) {
            throw ex.addFieldContext(fieldName);


    if (id == null) throw new JsonReadException("missing field \"copy_ref\"", top);
    if (expires == null) throw new JsonReadException("missing field \"expires\"", top);

    return new CopyRef(id, expires);