

源代码1 项目: hop   文件: HopGui.java
private static void setupConsoleLogging() {
  boolean doConsoleRedirect = !Boolean.getBoolean( "HopUi.Console.Redirect.Disabled" );
  if ( doConsoleRedirect ) {
    try {
      Path parent = Paths.get( Const.HOP_AUDIT_DIRECTORY );
      Files.createDirectories( parent );
      Files.deleteIfExists( Paths.get( parent.toString(), "hopui.log" ) );
      Path path = Files.createFile( Paths.get( parent.toString(), "hopui.log" ) );
      System.setProperty( "LOG_PATH", path.toString() );
      final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( path.toFile() );
      System.setOut( new PrintStream( new TeeOutputStream( originalSystemOut, fos ) ) );
      System.setErr( new PrintStream( new TeeOutputStream( originalSystemErr, fos ) ) );
      HopLogStore.OriginalSystemOut = System.out;
      HopLogStore.OriginalSystemErr = System.err;
    } catch ( Throwable ignored ) {
      // ignored
源代码2 项目: quarkus   文件: ListExtensionsIT.java
private List<String> listExtensions()
        throws MavenInvocationException, IOException {
    InvocationRequest request = new DefaultInvocationRequest();
            getPluginGroupId() + ":" + getPluginArtifactId() + ":" + getPluginVersion() + ":list-extensions"));

    File outputLog = new File(testDir, "output.log");
    InvocationOutputHandler outputHandler = new PrintStreamHandler(
            new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.out, Files.newOutputStream(outputLog.toPath())), true, "UTF-8"),

    File invokerLog = new File(testDir, "invoker.log");
    PrintStreamLogger logger = new PrintStreamLogger(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(invokerLog), false, "UTF-8"),

    return Files.readAllLines(outputLog.toPath());
源代码3 项目: wisp   文件: ResponseWrapper.java
public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
    return new ServletOutputStream() {
        public boolean isReady() {
            return false;

        public void setWriteListener(WriteListener writeListener) {


        private TeeOutputStream tee = new TeeOutputStream(ResponseWrapper.super.getOutputStream(), bos);

        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
源代码4 项目: mycore   文件: MCRWebPagesSynchronizer.java
 * Returns an OuputStream that writes to local webapp and to file inside <code>MCR.WCMS2.DataDir</code>.
public static OutputStream getOutputStream(String path) throws IOException {
    String cleanPath = path.startsWith("/") ? path.substring(1) : path;
    File wcmsDataDir = getWCMSDataDir();
    File webappBaseDir = getWebAppBaseDir();
    File webappTarget = new File(webappBaseDir, cleanPath);
    if (!webappTarget.toPath().startsWith(webappBaseDir.toPath())) {
        throw new IOException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Cannot write %s outside the web application: %s",
            webappTarget, webappBaseDir));
    File wcmsDataDirTarget = new File(wcmsDataDir, cleanPath);
    LOGGER.info(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Writing content to %s and to %s.", webappTarget, wcmsDataDirTarget));
    return new TeeOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(wcmsDataDirTarget), new FileOutputStream(webappTarget));
源代码5 项目: cppcheclipse   文件: AbstractCppcheckCommand.java
public AbstractCppcheckCommand(IConsole console, String[] defaultArguments,
		long timeout, String binaryPath) {

	this.binaryPath = binaryPath;
	this.console = console;
	this.defaultArguments = defaultArguments;
	executor = new DefaultExecutor();

	// all modes of operation returns 0 when no error occured,

	watchdog = new ExecuteWatchdog(timeout);

	out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
	err = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

	processStdOut = new LineFilterOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(out,
			console.getConsoleOutputStream(false)), DEFAULT_CHARSET);
	processStdErr = new LineFilterOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(err,
			console.getConsoleOutputStream(true)), DEFAULT_CHARSET);
private ProcReturn execCommandInContainer(String containerName, Node node, boolean quiet, String... cmd) throws Exception {
    if (containerName != null && ! containerName.isEmpty()) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    Launcher launcher = decorator
            .decorate(new DummyLauncher(new StreamTaskListener(new TeeOutputStream(out, System.out))), node);
    Map<String, String> envs = new HashMap<>(100);
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        envs.put("aaaaaaaa" + i, "bbbbbbbb");
    envs.put("workingDir1", "/home/jenkins/agent");

    ContainerExecProc proc = (ContainerExecProc) launcher
            .launch(launcher.new ProcStarter().pwd("/tmp").cmds(cmd).envs(envs).quiet(quiet));
    // wait for proc to finish (shouldn't take long)
    for (int i = 0; proc.isAlive() && i < 200; i++) {
    assertFalse("proc is alive", proc.isAlive());
    int exitCode = proc.join();
    return new ProcReturn(proc, exitCode, out.toString());
private FilePath downloadDocker(DumbSlave slave, FilePath toolDir, String version) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    TeeOutputStream tee = new TeeOutputStream(baos, new PlainTextConsoleOutputStream(System.err));
    TaskListener l = new StreamTaskListener(tee);

    FilePath exe = toolDir.child(version+"/bin/docker");
    // Download for first time:
    assertEquals(exe.getRemote(), DockerTool.getExecutable(version, slave, l, null));
    assertThat(baos.toString(), containsString(Messages.DockerToolInstaller_downloading_docker_client_(version)));
    // Next time we do not need to download:
    assertEquals(exe.getRemote(), DockerTool.getExecutable(version, slave, l, null));
    assertThat(baos.toString(), not(containsString(Messages.DockerToolInstaller_downloading_docker_client_(version))));
    // Version check:
    assertEquals(0, slave.createLauncher(l).launch().cmds(exe.getRemote(), "version", "--format", "{{.Client.Version}}").quiet(true).stdout(tee).stderr(System.err).join());
    if (!version.equals("latest")) {
        assertEquals(version, baos.toString().trim());
    return exe;
源代码8 项目: app-engine   文件: ResponseWrapper.java
public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException {
    return new ServletOutputStream() {
        private TeeOutputStream tee = new TeeOutputStream(ResponseWrapper.super.getOutputStream(), bos);

        public boolean isReady() {
            return true;

        public void setWriteListener(WriteListener writeListener) {

        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
public static void startPlatformLogging(Path fileName) {
	defaultSysOut = System.out;
	deafultSysErr = System.err;
	try {
		File file = fileName.toFile();
		FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
		TeeOutputStream bothStream = new TeeOutputStream(System.out, fos);
		PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(bothStream);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		LOG.error("Failed to redirect to log file %s", fileName);
		throw new GraphalyticsExecutionException("Failed to log the benchmark run. Benchmark run aborted.");
源代码10 项目: synopsys-detect   文件: DiagnosticSysOutCapture.java
private void captureStdOut() {
    try {
        stdOutStream = new FileOutputStream(stdOutFile);
        final TeeOutputStream myOut = new TeeOutputStream(System.out, stdOutStream);
        final PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(myOut, true); // true - auto-flush after println

        logger.info("Writing sysout to file: " + stdOutFile.getCanonicalPath());

    } catch (final Exception e) {
        logger.info("Failed to capture sysout.", e);
源代码11 项目: pushfish-android   文件: ForkingGradleHandle.java
public GradleHandle start() {
    if (execHandle != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("you have already called start() on this handle");

    AbstractExecHandleBuilder execBuilder = execHandleFactory.create();
    execBuilder.setStandardOutput(new CloseShieldOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.out, standardOutput)));
    execBuilder.setErrorOutput(new CloseShieldOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.err, errorOutput)));
    execHandle = execBuilder.build();


    return this;
源代码12 项目: pushfish-android   文件: ForkingGradleHandle.java
public GradleHandle start() {
    if (execHandle != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("you have already called start() on this handle");

    AbstractExecHandleBuilder execBuilder = execHandleFactory.create();
    execBuilder.setStandardOutput(new CloseShieldOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.out, standardOutput)));
    execBuilder.setErrorOutput(new CloseShieldOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.err, errorOutput)));
    execHandle = execBuilder.build();


    return this;
源代码13 项目: hub-detect   文件: DiagnosticLogger.java
private void captureStdOut() {
    try {
        stdOutFile = new File(logDirectory, stdOutFilePath);
        stdOutStream = new FileOutputStream(stdOutFile);
        final TeeOutputStream myOut = new TeeOutputStream(System.out, stdOutStream);
        final PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(myOut, true); // true - auto-flush after println

        logger.info("Writing sysout to file: " + stdOutFile.getCanonicalPath());

    } catch (final Exception e) {
        logger.info("Failed to capture sysout.", e);
源代码14 项目: Pushjet-Android   文件: ForkingGradleHandle.java
public GradleHandle start() {
    if (execHandle != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("you have already called start() on this handle");

    AbstractExecHandleBuilder execBuilder = execHandleFactory.create();
    execBuilder.setStandardOutput(new CloseShieldOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.out, standardOutput)));
    execBuilder.setErrorOutput(new CloseShieldOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.err, errorOutput)));
    execHandle = execBuilder.build();


    return this;
源代码15 项目: Pushjet-Android   文件: ForkingGradleHandle.java
public GradleHandle start() {
    if (execHandle != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("you have already called start() on this handle");

    AbstractExecHandleBuilder execBuilder = execHandleFactory.create();
    execBuilder.setStandardOutput(new CloseShieldOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.out, standardOutput)));
    execBuilder.setErrorOutput(new CloseShieldOutputStream(new TeeOutputStream(System.err, errorOutput)));
    execHandle = execBuilder.build();


    return this;
源代码16 项目: sequence-mining   文件: ExclusiveSequences.java
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {

		final int topN = 20;
		final String baseDir = "/afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/j/jfowkes/Code/Sequences/";
		// final String dataset = "jmlr";
		// final String seqLabels = baseDir + "Datasets/JMLR/jmlr.lab";
		final String dataset = "alice_punc";
		final String seqLabels = baseDir + "Datasets/Alice/WithPunctuation/alice_punc.lab";

		// Set up logging
		final FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(baseDir + dataset + "_exclusive.txt");
		final TeeOutputStream out = new TeeOutputStream(System.out, outFile);
		final PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(out);

		final Map<Sequence, Double> ismSeqs = SequenceMiningCore
				.readISMSequences(new File(baseDir + "Logs/" + dataset + ".log"));
		final Map<Sequence, Double> sqsSeqs = StatisticalSequenceMining
				.readSQSSequences(new File(baseDir + "SQS/" + dataset + ".txt"));
		final Map<Sequence, Double> gokrimpSeqs = StatisticalSequenceMining
				.readGoKrimpSequences(new File(baseDir + "GoKrimp/" + dataset + ".txt"));

		final Set<Sequence> ISMnotSQSorGoKrimp = getExclusiveSequences(ismSeqs.keySet(), sqsSeqs.keySet(),
		final Set<Sequence> SQSnotISMorGoKrimp = getExclusiveSequences(sqsSeqs.keySet(), ismSeqs.keySet(),
		final Set<Sequence> GoKrimpnotISMorSQS = getExclusiveSequences(gokrimpSeqs.keySet(), ismSeqs.keySet(),

		final List<String> dict = FileUtils.readLines(new File(seqLabels));

		// Print top ten
		System.out.print("\n============= ISM not SQS/GoKrimp =============\n");
		printTopExclusiveSequences(topN, ismSeqs, ISMnotSQSorGoKrimp, dict);
		System.out.print("\n============= SQS not ISM/GoKrimp =============\n");
		printTopExclusiveSequences(topN, sqsSeqs, SQSnotISMorGoKrimp, dict);
		System.out.print("\n============= GoKrimp not ISM/SQS =============\n");
		printTopExclusiveSequences(topN, gokrimpSeqs, GoKrimpnotISMorSQS, dict);

源代码17 项目: sequence-mining   文件: PrecisionRecallParallel.java
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

		final String baseFolder = "/afs/inf.ed.ac.uk/user/j/jfowkes/Code/Sequences/";
		// final File dbFile = new File(baseFolder + "Datasets/parallel",
		// ".dat");
		// generateParallelDataset(dbFile);

		// Set up logging
		final FileOutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(baseFolder + "PrecisionRecall/parallel_pr.txt");
		final TeeOutputStream out = new TeeOutputStream(System.out, outFile);
		final PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(out);

		// Read SQS sequences
		final File outSQS = new File(baseFolder + "SQS/parallel_partial.txt");
		final Map<Sequence, Double> seqsSQS = StatisticalSequenceMining.readSQSSequences(outSQS);

		// Read GoKrimp sequences
		final File outGOKRIMP = new File(baseFolder + "GoKrimp/parallel.txt");
		final Map<Sequence, Double> seqsGORKIMP = StatisticalSequenceMining.readGoKrimpSequences(outGOKRIMP);

		// Read ISM sequences
		final File outISM = new File(baseFolder + "Logs/parallel.log");
		final Map<Sequence, Double> seqsISM = SequenceMining.readISMSequences(outISM);

		// Precision-recall
		precisionRecall(seqsSQS, "SQS");
		precisionRecall(seqsGORKIMP, "GoKrimp");
		precisionRecall(seqsISM, "ISM");

源代码18 项目: data-prep   文件: ApplyPreparationExportStrategy.java
 * Return the dataset sample.
 * @param parameters the export parameters
 * @param dataSet the sample
 * @param preparationId the id of the corresponding preparation
private void executePipeline(ExportParameters parameters, OutputStream outputStream, TransformationCacheKey key,
        String preparationId, String version, DataSet dataSet) {

    final ExportFormat format = getFormat(parameters.getExportType());
    // get the actions to apply (no preparation ==> dataset export ==> no actions)
    final String actions = getActions(preparationId, version);

    try (final TeeOutputStream tee =
            new TeeOutputStream(outputStream, contentCache.put(key, ContentCache.TimeToLive.DEFAULT))) {
        final Configuration.Builder configurationBuilder = Configuration
                .builder() //
                .args(parameters.getArguments()) //
                .outFilter(rm -> filterService.build(parameters.getFilter(), rm)) //
                .format(format.getName()) //
                .actions(actions) //
                .preparation(getPreparation(preparationId)) //
                .stepId(version) //
                .volume(SMALL) //
                .output(tee) //

        // no need for statistics if it's not JSON output
        if (!Objects.equals(format.getName(), JSON)) {

        final Configuration configuration = configurationBuilder.build();

        factory.get(configuration).buildExecutable(dataSet, configuration).execute();


    } catch (IOException e1) { // NOSONAR
        LOGGER.debug("evicting cache {}", key.getKey());
        throw new TDPException(TransformationErrorCodes.UNABLE_TO_TRANSFORM_DATASET, e1);
源代码19 项目: tutorials   文件: CommonsIOUnitTest.java
public void whenUsingTeeInputOutputStream_thenWriteto2OutputStreams() throws IOException {

    final String str = "Hello World.";
    ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes());
    ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    FilterOutputStream teeOutputStream = new TeeOutputStream(outputStream1, outputStream2);
    new TeeInputStream(inputStream, teeOutputStream, true).read(new byte[str.length()]);

    Assert.assertEquals(str, String.valueOf(outputStream1));
    Assert.assertEquals(str, String.valueOf(outputStream2));
源代码20 项目: windup   文件: AbstractBootstrapTest.java
public final void captureStdout() {
    originalStdout = System.out;
    originalStderr = System.err;

    capturedOutputBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    System.setOut(new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(originalStdout, capturedOutputBytes)));
    System.setErr(new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(originalStderr, capturedOutputBytes)));
源代码21 项目: openemm   文件: RequestLoggingFilter.java
public TeeServletOutputStream(OutputStream one, OutputStream two) {
	targetStream = new TeeOutputStream(one, two);
源代码22 项目: openapi-generator   文件: HttpLoggingFilter.java
public TeeServletOutputStream(OutputStream one, OutputStream two) {
  targetStream = new TeeOutputStream(one, two);
源代码23 项目: swaggy-jenkins   文件: HttpLoggingFilter.java
public TeeServletOutputStream(OutputStream one, OutputStream two) {
  targetStream = new TeeOutputStream(one, two);
DelegatedServletOutputStream(ServletOutputStream servletStream) {
    this.servletStream = servletStream;
    teeStream = new TeeOutputStream(servletStream, contentStream);
源代码25 项目: gradle-golang-plugin   文件: IOUtils.java
public static StdStreams tee(@Nonnull StdStreams a, @Nonnull StdStreams b) {
    final OutputStream out = new TeeOutputStream(a.out(), b.out());
    final OutputStream err = new TeeOutputStream(a.err(), b.err());
    return new Impl(out, err);
源代码26 项目: pygradle   文件: TeeOutputContainer.java
public TeeOutputContainer(OutputStream stdOut, OutputStream errOut) {
    teeStdOut = new TeeOutputStream(stdOut, mergedStream);
    teeErrOut = new TeeOutputStream(errOut, mergedStream);
源代码27 项目: pipeline-utility-steps-plugin   文件: TeeStep.java
public OutputStream decorateLogger(Run build, final OutputStream logger) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    return new TeeOutputStream(logger, stream = append(f, stream));
源代码28 项目: swagger-aem   文件: HttpLoggingFilter.java
public TeeServletOutputStream(OutputStream one, OutputStream two) {
  targetStream = new TeeOutputStream(one, two);
源代码29 项目: training   文件: HttpSnifferFilter.java
public TeeServletOutputStream( OutputStream one, OutputStream two ) {
	targetStream = new TeeOutputStream( one, two);
源代码30 项目: brooklyn-server   文件: ThreadLocalPrintStream.java
/** creates a capturing context which sees the output to this stream, without interrupting the original target */
public OutputCapturingContext captureTee() {
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    PrintStream toRestore = setThreadLocalPrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(getDelegate(), out));
    return new OutputCapturingContext(this, out, toRestore);