

源代码1 项目: datawave   文件: SafeFileOutputCommitter.java
 * Cleanup the job. Note that this is deprecated in the super class but is still being used for this work. When the method has been removed from the super
 * class then this class will need to be reworked.
public void cleanupJob(JobContext context) throws IOException {
    if (checkForEmptyDir) {
        if (this.outputPath != null) {
            Path pendingJobAttemptsPath = getPendingJobAttemptsPath();
            FileSystem fs = pendingJobAttemptsPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration());
            // now verify we do not have any files left in the temporary directory structure
            List<Path> fileList = new ArrayList<>();
            if (containsFiles(fs, pendingJobAttemptsPath, fileList)) {
                throw new FileExistsException("Found files still left in the temporary job attempts path: " + fileList);
源代码2 项目: lucene-solr   文件: FileUtils.java
public static Path createDirectories(Path path) throws IOException {
  if (Files.exists(path) && Files.isSymbolicLink(path)) {
    Path real = path.toRealPath();
    if (Files.isDirectory(real)) return real;
    throw new FileExistsException("Tried to create a directory at to an existing non-directory symlink: " + path.toString());
  return Files.createDirectories(path);
源代码3 项目: TranskribusCore   文件: CoreUtils.java
public static File createDirectory(String path, boolean overwrite) throws FileExistsException, IOException {
	File dir = new File(path);
	if (dir.exists()) {
		if (overwrite) {
		} else {
			throw new FileExistsException("Output path already exists: " + path);

	if (!dir.mkdirs())
		throw new IOException("Could not create directory: " + path);

	return dir;
源代码4 项目: abixen-platform   文件: LayoutManagementService.java
@PreAuthorize("hasPermission(#id, '" + AclClassName.Values.LAYOUT + "', '" + PermissionName.Values.LAYOUT_EDIT + "')")
public LayoutDto changeLayoutIcon(final Long id, final MultipartFile iconFile) throws IOException {
    log.debug("changeLayoutIcon() - id: {}, iconFile: {}", id, iconFile);

    final Layout layout = layoutService.find(id);
    //FIXME - rename to thumbnail
    final File currentThumbnailFile = new File(platformResourceConfigurationProperties.getImageLibraryDirectory() + "/layout-miniature/" + layout.getIconFileName());

    if (currentThumbnailFile.exists()) {
        if (!currentThumbnailFile.delete()) {
            throw new FileExistsException();

    final PasswordEncoder encoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
    final String newIconFileName = encoder.encode(iconFile.getName() + new Date().getTime()).replaceAll("\"", "s").replaceAll("/", "a").replace(".", "sde");
    final File newIconFile = new File(platformResourceConfigurationProperties.getImageLibraryDirectory() + "/layout-miniature/" + newIconFileName);

    final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(newIconFile);

    final Layout updatedLayout = layoutService.update(layout);

    return layoutToLayoutDtoConverter.convert(updatedLayout);
源代码5 项目: abixen-platform   文件: User.java
public void changeAvatar(String imageLibraryDirectory, MultipartFile avatarFile) throws IOException {
    final File currentAvatarFile = new File(imageLibraryDirectory + "/user-avatar/" + getAvatarFileName());
    if (currentAvatarFile.exists()) {
        if (!currentAvatarFile.delete()) {
            throw new FileExistsException();
    final PasswordEncoder encoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
    final String newAvatarFileName = encoder.encode(avatarFile.getName() + new Date().getTime()).replaceAll("\"", "s").replaceAll("/", "a").replace(".", "sde");
    final File newAvatarFile = new File(imageLibraryDirectory + "/user-avatar/" + newAvatarFileName);
    final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(newAvatarFile);
源代码6 项目: wow-auctions   文件: MoveFileBatchlet.java
public String process() throws Exception {
    File file = getContext().getFileToProcess(FolderType.valueOf(from));
    File destinationFolder = getContext().getFolder(FolderType.valueOf(to));

    try {
        getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Moving file " + file + " to " + destinationFolder);
        moveFileToDirectory(file, destinationFolder, false);
    } catch (FileExistsException e) {
                                                 "File " + file + " already exists at " + destinationFolder);

    return "COMPLETED";
源代码7 项目: DataHubSystem   文件: ProcessingManager.java
private void moveFile (File src_file, File dest_file) 
   throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException
   if (src_file == null)
      throw new NullPointerException ("Source must not be null");
   if (dest_file == null)
      throw new NullPointerException ("Destination must not be null");
   if ( !src_file.exists ())
      throw new FileNotFoundException ("Source '" + src_file +
         "' does not exist");
   if (src_file.isDirectory ())
      throw new IOException ("Source '" + src_file + "' is a directory");
   if (dest_file.exists ())
      throw new FileExistsException ("Destination '" + dest_file +
         "' already exists");
   if (dest_file.isDirectory ())
      throw new IOException ("Destination '" + dest_file +
         "' is a directory");

   boolean rename = src_file.renameTo (dest_file);
   if ( !rename)
      copyFile (src_file, dest_file);
      if ( !src_file.delete ())
         FileUtils.deleteQuietly (dest_file);
         throw new IOException ("Failed to delete original file '" +
            src_file + "' after copy to '" + dest_file + "'");
源代码8 项目: jstorm   文件: BlobStoreUtils.java
public static void downloadLocalStormCode(Map conf, String topologyId, String masterCodeDir) throws IOException,
        TException {
    // STORM_LOCAL_DIR/supervisor/tmp/(UUID)
    String tmpRoot = StormConfig.supervisorTmpDir(conf) + File.separator + UUID.randomUUID().toString();

    // STORM-LOCAL-DIR/supervisor/stormdist/storm-id
    String stormRoot = StormConfig.supervisor_stormdist_root(conf, topologyId);

    BlobStore blobStore = null;
    try {
        blobStore = BlobStoreUtils.getNimbusBlobStore(conf, masterCodeDir, null);
        FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(tmpRoot));
                new FileOutputStream(StormConfig.stormcode_path(tmpRoot)));
                new FileOutputStream(StormConfig.stormconf_path(tmpRoot)));
    } finally {
        if (blobStore != null)

    File srcDir = new File(tmpRoot);
    File destDir = new File(stormRoot);
    try {
        FileUtils.moveDirectory(srcDir, destDir);
    } catch (FileExistsException e) {
        FileUtils.copyDirectory(srcDir, destDir);

    ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    String resourcesJar = resourcesJar();
    URL url = classloader.getResource(StormConfig.RESOURCES_SUBDIR);
    String targetDir = stormRoot + '/' + StormConfig.RESOURCES_SUBDIR;
    if (resourcesJar != null) {
        LOG.info("Extracting resources from jar at " + resourcesJar + " to " + targetDir);
        JStormUtils.extractDirFromJar(resourcesJar, StormConfig.RESOURCES_SUBDIR, stormRoot);
    } else if (url != null) {
        LOG.info("Copying resources at " + url.toString() + " to " + targetDir);
        FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(url.getFile()), (new File(targetDir)));