

源代码1 项目: ReactFX   文件: ListRangeReductionTest.java
 * Tests the case when both list and range have been modified and range
 * change notification arrived first.
public void testLateListNotifications() {
    SuspendableList<Integer> list = new LiveArrayList<Integer>(1, 2, 3).suspendable();
    SuspendableVar<IndexRange> range = Var.newSimpleVar(new IndexRange(0, 3)).suspendable();
    Val<Integer> rangeSum = list.reduceRange(range, (a, b) -> a + b);

    list.suspendWhile(() -> {
        range.suspendWhile(() -> {
            list.addAll(4, 5, 6);
            range.setValue(new IndexRange(3, 6));
    assertEquals(15, rangeSum.getValue().intValue());

    // most importantly, this test tests that no IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown
源代码2 项目: MyBox   文件: TextEditerController.java
protected void setSecondAreaSelection() {
    if (isSettingValues
            || displayArea == null || !contentSplitPane.getItems().contains(displayArea)) {
    isSettingValues = true;
    final String text = mainArea.getText();
    if (!text.isEmpty()) {
        IndexRange hexRange = TextTools.hexIndex(text, sourceInformation.getCharset(),
                sourceInformation.getLineBreakValue(), mainArea.getSelection());
        int bomLen = 0;
        if (sourceInformation.isWithBom()) {
            bomLen = TextTools.bomHex(sourceInformation.getCharset().name()).length() + 1;
        displayArea.selectRange(hexRange.getStart() + bomLen, hexRange.getEnd() + bomLen);
    isSettingValues = false;
源代码3 项目: RichTextFX   文件: ClipboardActions.java
 * Transfers the currently selected text to the clipboard,
 * leaving the current selection.
default void copy() {
    IndexRange selection = getSelection();
    if(selection.getLength() > 0) {
        ClipboardContent content = new ClipboardContent();


        getStyleCodecs().ifPresent(codecs -> {
            Codec<StyledDocument<PS, SEG, S>> codec = ReadOnlyStyledDocument.codec(codecs._1, codecs._2, getSegOps());
            DataFormat format = dataFormat(codec.getName());
            StyledDocument<PS, SEG, S> doc = subDocument(selection.getStart(), selection.getEnd());
            ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(os);
            try {
                codec.encode(dos, doc);
                content.put(format, os.toByteArray());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Codec error: Exception in encoding '" + codec.getName() + "':");

源代码4 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: MarkdownPreviewPane.java
public MarkdownPreviewPane() {

	previewContext = new PreviewContext() {
		@Override public Renderer getRenderer() { return activeRenderer; }
		@Override public String getMarkdownText() { return markdownText.get(); }
		@Override public Node getMarkdownAST() { return markdownAST.get(); }
		@Override public Path getPath() { return path.get(); }
		@Override public IndexRange getEditorSelection() { return editorSelection.get(); }

	path.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> update() );
	markdownText.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> update() );
	markdownAST.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> update() );
	scrollY.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> scrollY());
	editorSelection.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> editorSelectionChanged());

	Options.additionalCSSProperty().addListener(new WeakChangeListener<String>(
		(observable, oldValue, newValue) -> update()));
void replaceText(String text, StyleSpans<? extends Collection<String>> styleSpans) {
	// remember old selection range and scrollY
	IndexRange oldSelection = getSelection();
	double oldScrollY = getEstimatedScrollY();

	// replace text and styles
	if (styleSpans != null)
		setStyleSpans(0, styleSpans);

	// restore old selection range and scrollY
	int newLength = getLength();
	selectRange(Math.min(oldSelection.getStart(), newLength), Math.min(oldSelection.getEnd(), newLength));
	Platform.runLater(() -> {
源代码6 项目: RichTextFX   文件: EditActions.java
 * If something is currently selected and the given position is outside of the selection, moves the selected
 * rich-text document to the given position by deleting it from the area and re-inserting it at the given position.
 * If nothing is selected, moves the caret ot that position.
default void moveSelectedText(int position) {
    IndexRange sel = getSelection();

    if((position >= sel.getStart() && position <= sel.getEnd()) || sel.equals(GenericStyledArea.EMPTY_RANGE)) {
        // no move, just position the caret
        selectRange(position, position);
    } else {
        StyledDocument<PS, SEG, S> text = this.subDocument(sel.getStart(), sel.getEnd());
        if(position > sel.getEnd())
            position -= sel.getLength();

                .insertAbsolutely(position, text)

        // select moved text
        selectRange(position, position + text.length());
源代码7 项目: RichTextFX   文件: GenericStyledAreaBehavior.java
private void handleFirstPrimaryPress(MouseEvent e) {
    // ensure focus

    CharacterHit hit = view.hit(e.getX(), e.getY());

    IndexRange selection = view.getSelection();
    if(view.isEditable() &&
            selection.getLength() != 0 &&
            hit.getCharacterIndex().isPresent() &&
            hit.getCharacterIndex().getAsInt() >= selection.getStart() &&
            hit.getCharacterIndex().getAsInt() < selection.getEnd()) {
        // press inside selection
        dragSelection = DragState.POTENTIAL_DRAG;
        dragNewSelection = DragState.NO_DRAG;
    } else {
        dragSelection = DragState.NO_DRAG;
        dragNewSelection = DragState.NO_DRAG;
源代码8 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: SmartEdit.java
private void moveLinesUp(KeyEvent e) {
	IndexRange selRange = getSelectedLinesRange(true);
	int selStart = selRange.getStart();
	int selEnd = selRange.getEnd();
	if (selStart == 0)

	int before = offsetToLine(selStart - 1);
	IndexRange beforeRange = linesToRange(before, before, true);
	int beforeStart = beforeRange.getStart();
	int beforeEnd = beforeRange.getEnd();

	String beforeText = textArea.getText(beforeStart, beforeEnd);
	String selText = textArea.getText(selStart, selEnd);
	if (!selText.endsWith("\n")) {
		selText += "\n";
		if (beforeText.endsWith("\n"))
			beforeText = beforeText.substring(0, beforeText.length() - 1);

	// Note: using single textArea.replaceText() to avoid multiple changes in undo history
	replaceText(textArea, beforeStart, selEnd, selText + beforeText);
	selectRange(textArea, beforeStart, beforeStart + selText.length());
源代码9 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: SmartEdit.java
private void duplicateLines(boolean up) {
	IndexRange selRange = getSelectedLinesRange(true);
	int selStart = selRange.getStart();
	int selEnd = selRange.getEnd();

	String selText = textArea.getText(selStart, selEnd);
	if (!selText.endsWith("\n"))
		selText += "\n";

	replaceText(textArea, selStart, selStart, selText);

	if (up)
		selectRange(textArea, selStart, selStart + selText.length() - 1);
	else {
		int newSelStart = selStart + selText.length();
		int newSelEnd = newSelStart + selText.length();
		if (selText.endsWith("\n"))
		selectRange(textArea, newSelStart, newSelEnd);
源代码10 项目: ReactFX   文件: ListRangeReductionTest.java
public void test() {
    LiveList<Integer> list = new LiveArrayList<>(1, 2, 4);
    Var<IndexRange> range = Var.newSimpleVar(new IndexRange(0, 0));
    Val<Integer> rangeSum = list.reduceRange(range, (a, b) -> a + b);


    List<Integer> observed = new ArrayList<>();
    rangeSum.values().subscribe(sum -> {
        if(sum == null) {
            range.setValue(new IndexRange(0, 2));
        } else if(sum == 3) {
            list.addAll(1, Arrays.asList(8, 16));
        } else if(sum == 9) {
            range.setValue(new IndexRange(2, 4));

    assertEquals(Arrays.asList(null, 3, 9, 18), observed);
源代码11 项目: RichTextFX   文件: SelectionImpl.java
private void moveBoundary(Direction direction, int amount, int oldBoundaryPosition,
                          Function<Integer, IndexRange> updatedRange) {
    switch (direction) {
        case LEFT:
                    () -> oldBoundaryPosition - amount,
                    (pos) -> 0 <= pos,
        default: case RIGHT:
                    () -> oldBoundaryPosition + amount,
                    (pos) -> pos <= area.getLength(),
源代码12 项目: RichTextFX   文件: SelectionPath.java
SelectionPath(Val<IndexRange> range) {
    this.range = range;
    highlightFill.addListener( (ob,ov,nv) -> setFill( nv ) );
    setFill( getHighlightFill() );
    setStrokeWidth( 0.0 );
源代码13 项目: MyBox   文件: MarkdownEditerController.java
protected void addTextAround(String prefix, String suffix) {
    IndexRange range = mainArea.getSelection();
    if (range.getLength() == 0) {
        String s = prefix + message("Text") + suffix;
        mainArea.insertText(range.getStart(), s);
        mainArea.selectRange(range.getStart() + prefix.length(),
                range.getStart() + prefix.length() + message("Text").length());
    } else {
        mainArea.insertText(range.getStart(), prefix);
        mainArea.insertText(range.getEnd() + prefix.length(), suffix);
源代码14 项目: MyBox   文件: MarkdownEditerController.java
protected void numberedList() {
    IndexRange range = mainArea.getSelection();
    int start = range.getStart();
    int end = range.getEnd();
    addTextInFrontOfCurrentLine("1. ");
    if (start == end) {
    start += 3;
    end += 3;
    int pos;
    int count = 1;
    while (true) {
        pos = mainArea.getText(start, end).indexOf('\n');
        if (pos < 0) {
        mainArea.insertText(start + pos + 1, count + ". ");
        int nlen = 2 + (count + "").length();
        start += pos + 1 + nlen;
        end += nlen;
        int len = mainArea.getLength();
        if (start >= end || start >= len || end >= len) {
源代码15 项目: RichTextFX   文件: Paragraph.java
 * Returns the range of homogeneous style that includes the given position.
 * If {@code position} points to a boundary between two styled ranges,
 * then the range preceding {@code position} is returned.
public IndexRange getStyleRangeAtPosition(int position) {
    Position pos = styles.offsetToPosition(position, Backward);
    int start = position - pos.getMinor();
    int end = start + styles.getStyleSpan(pos.getMajor()).getLength();
    return new IndexRange(start, end);
源代码16 项目: MyBox   文件: IntTools.java
public static int mapInt(int value, IndexRange originalRange, IndexRange newlRange) {
    if (originalRange == null || newlRange == null || originalRange.getStart() > value || originalRange.getEnd() < value) {
        return value;
    int len = value - originalRange.getStart() + 1;
    double ratio = newlRange.getLength() * 1.0 / originalRange.getLength();
    return newlRange.getStart() + (int) Math.round(len * ratio);
源代码17 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: WebViewPreview.java
public void editorSelectionChanged(PreviewContext context, IndexRange range) {
	if (range.equals(lastEditorSelection))
	lastEditorSelection = range;

	runWhenLoaded(() -> {
源代码18 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: ASTPreview.java
public void editorSelectionChanged(PreviewContext context, IndexRange range) {
	if (range.equals(lastEditorSelection))
	lastEditorSelection = range;

	List<Range> sequences = context.getRenderer().findSequences(range.getStart(), range.getEnd());

	// restore old styles
	for (Map.Entry<Integer, StyleSpans<Collection<String>>> e : oldSelectionStylesMap.entrySet())
		textArea.setStyleSpans(e.getKey(), e.getValue());

	// set new selection styles
	String text = textArea.getText();
	for (Range sequence : sequences) {
		String rangeStr = "[" + sequence.start + ", " + sequence.end;
		int index = 0;
		while ((index = text.indexOf(rangeStr, index)) >= 0) {
			int endIndex = index + rangeStr.length() + 1;
			char after = text.charAt(endIndex - 1);
			if ((after == ']' || after == ',') && !oldSelectionStylesMap.containsKey(index)) {
				oldSelectionStylesMap.put(index, textArea.getStyleSpans(index, endIndex));
				textArea.setStyle(index, endIndex, STYLE_SELECTION);
			index = endIndex;
源代码19 项目: RichTextFX   文件: GenericStyledAreaBehavior.java
private void right(KeyEvent ignore) {
    IndexRange sel = view.getSelection();
    if(sel.getLength() == 0) {
    } else {
        view.moveTo(sel.getEnd(), SelectionPolicy.CLEAR);
源代码20 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: MarkdownEditorPane.java
public void setMarkdown(String markdown) {
	// remember old selection range
	IndexRange oldSelection = textArea.getSelection();

	// replace text
	lineSeparator = determineLineSeparator(markdown);

	// restore old selection range
       int newLength = textArea.getLength();
       textArea.selectRange(Math.min(oldSelection.getStart(), newLength), Math.min(oldSelection.getEnd(), newLength));
源代码21 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: SmartFormat.java
List<Pair<Block, String>> formatParagraphs(Node markdownAST, int wrapLength, IndexRange selection, HashSet<BasedSequence> oldParagraphs) {
	ArrayList<Pair<Block, String>> formattedParagraphs = new ArrayList<>();
	NodeVisitor visitor = new NodeVisitor(Collections.emptyList()) {
		public void visit(Node node) {
			if (node instanceof Paragraph || node instanceof HtmlBlock) {
				if (selection != null && !isNodeSelected(node, selection))

				if (oldParagraphs != null && oldParagraphs.contains(node.getChars()))
					return; // ignore unmodified paragraphs

				String newText = (node instanceof Paragraph)
					? formatParagraph((Paragraph) node, wrapLength)
					: formatHtmlBlock((HtmlBlock) node, wrapLength);

				// append trailing line separator (if necessary)
				if (node.getChars().endsWith("\n"))
					newText += "\n";

				if (!node.getChars().equals(newText, false))
					formattedParagraphs.add(new Pair<>((Block) node, newText));
			} else
	return formattedParagraphs;
源代码22 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: MarkdownTextArea.java
public void copy() {
	IndexRange oldSelection = selectLineIfEmpty();
	if (oldSelection != null)
		selectRange(oldSelection.getStart(), oldSelection.getEnd());
源代码23 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: MarkdownTextArea.java
private IndexRange selectLineIfEmpty() {
	IndexRange oldSelection = null;
	if (getSelectedText().isEmpty()) {
		oldSelection = getSelection();
	return oldSelection;
源代码24 项目: ReactFX   文件: LiveList.java
static <E> Val<E> reduceRange(
        ObservableList<E> list,
        ObservableValue<IndexRange> range,
        BinaryOperator<E> reduction) {
    return new ListRangeReduction<>(list, range, reduction);
源代码25 项目: ReactFX   文件: SparseList.java
public IndexRange getPresentItemsRange() {
    if(getPresentCount() == 0) {
        return new IndexRange(0, 0);
    } else {
        int lowerBound = tree.locateProgressively(Stats::getPresentCount, 0)
        int upperBound = tree.locateRegressively(Stats::getPresentCount, getPresentCount())
        return new IndexRange(lowerBound, upperBound);
源代码26 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: SmartEdit.java
private IndentSelection rememberIndentSelection() {
	IndentSelection isel = new IndentSelection();

	IndexRange selection = textArea.getSelection();
	int start = selection.getStart();
	int end = selection.getEnd();
	isel.startLine = offsetToLine(start);
	isel.endLine = offsetToLine(end);
	isel.startOffsetFromEnd = (start == end || start - lineToStartOffset(isel.startLine) > 0)
			? lineToEndOffset(isel.startLine) - start
			: -1; // beginning of line
	isel.endOffsetFromEnd = lineToEndOffset(isel.endLine) - end;

	return isel;
源代码27 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: SmartEdit.java
private void moveLinesDown(KeyEvent e) {
	IndexRange selRange = getSelectedLinesRange(true);
	int selStart = selRange.getStart();
	int selEnd = selRange.getEnd();
	if (selEnd == textArea.getLength())

	int after = offsetToLine(selEnd);
	IndexRange afterRange = linesToRange(after, after, true);
	int afterStart = afterRange.getStart();
	int afterEnd = afterRange.getEnd();

	String selText = textArea.getText(selStart, selEnd);
	String afterText = textArea.getText(afterStart, afterEnd);
	if (!afterText.endsWith("\n")) {
		afterText += "\n";
		if (selText.endsWith("\n"))
			selText = selText.substring(0, selText.length() - 1);

	// Note: using single textArea.replaceText() to avoid multiple changes in undo history
	replaceText(textArea, selStart, afterEnd, afterText + selText);

	int newSelStart = selStart + afterText.length();
	int newSelEnd = newSelStart + selText.length();
	selectRange(textArea, newSelStart, newSelEnd);
源代码28 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: SmartEdit.java
private void surroundSelectionAndReplaceMarker(String leading, String trailing, String hint,
		DelimitedNode node, String newOpeningMarker, String newClosingMarker)
	IndexRange selection = textArea.getSelection();
	int start = selection.getStart();
	int end = selection.getEnd();

	String selectedText = textArea.getSelectedText();

	// remove leading and trailing whitespaces from selected text
	String trimmedSelectedText = selectedText.trim();
	if (trimmedSelectedText.length() < selectedText.length()) {
		start += selectedText.indexOf(trimmedSelectedText);
		end = start + trimmedSelectedText.length();

	BasedSequence openingMarker = node.getOpeningMarker();
	BasedSequence closingMarker = node.getClosingMarker();

	int selStart = start + leading.length() + (newOpeningMarker.length() - openingMarker.length());
	int selEnd = selStart + trimmedSelectedText.length();

	// insert hint text if selection is empty
	if (hint != null && trimmedSelectedText.isEmpty()) {
		trimmedSelectedText = hint;
		selEnd = selStart + hint.length();

	// replace text and update selection
	// Note: using single textArea.replaceText() to avoid multiple changes in undo history
	String before = textArea.getText(openingMarker.getEndOffset(), start);
	String after = textArea.getText(end, closingMarker.getStartOffset());
	replaceText(textArea, openingMarker.getStartOffset(), closingMarker.getEndOffset(),
			newOpeningMarker + before + leading + trimmedSelectedText + trailing + after + newClosingMarker );
	selectRange(textArea, selStart, selEnd);
源代码29 项目: ReactFX   文件: ListReduction.java
        ObservableList<T> input,
        ObservableValue<IndexRange> range,
        BinaryOperator<T> reduction) {
    super(input, reduction);
    this.range = range;
源代码30 项目: markdown-writer-fx   文件: SmartEdit.java
 * Find single node that completely encloses the current selection and match a predicate.
private <T extends Node> T findNodeAtSelection(FindNodePredicate predicate) {
	IndexRange selection = textArea.getSelection();
	int start = selection.getStart();
	int end = selection.getEnd();
	List<T> nodes = findNodes(start, end, predicate, false, false);
	if (nodes.size() != 1)
		return null;

	T node = nodes.get(0);
	BasedSequence text = (node instanceof DelimitedNode) ? ((DelimitedNode)node).getText() : node.getChars();
	return (start >= text.getStartOffset() && end <= text.getEndOffset()) ? node : null;