

源代码1 项目: Bytecoder   文件: Window.java
 * Processes window focus event occurring on this window by
 * dispatching them to any registered WindowFocusListener objects.
 * NOTE: this method will not be called unless window focus events
 * are enabled for this window. This happens when one of the
 * following occurs:
 * <ul>
 * <li>a WindowFocusListener is registered via
 *     {@code addWindowFocusListener}
 * <li>Window focus events are enabled via {@code enableEvents}
 * </ul>
 * <p>Note that if the event parameter is {@code null}
 * the behavior is unspecified and may result in an
 * exception.
 * @param e the window focus event
 * @see Component#enableEvents
 * @since 1.4
protected void processWindowFocusEvent(WindowEvent e) {
    WindowFocusListener listener = windowFocusListener;
    if (listener != null) {
        switch (e.getID()) {
            case WindowEvent.WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS:
            case WindowEvent.WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS:
源代码2 项目: Bytecoder   文件: Window.java
 * Adds the specified window focus listener to receive window events
 * from this window.
 * If l is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
 * <p>Refer to <a href="doc-files/AWTThreadIssues.html#ListenersThreads"
 * >AWT Threading Issues</a> for details on AWT's threading model.
 * @param   l the window focus listener
 * @see #removeWindowFocusListener
 * @see #getWindowFocusListeners
 * @since 1.4
public synchronized void addWindowFocusListener(WindowFocusListener l) {
    if (l == null) {
    windowFocusListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(windowFocusListener, l);
    newEventsOnly = true;
源代码3 项目: Bytecoder   文件: Window.java
 * Removes the specified window focus listener so that it no longer
 * receives window events from this window.
 * If l is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
 * <p>Refer to <a href="doc-files/AWTThreadIssues.html#ListenersThreads"
 * >AWT Threading Issues</a> for details on AWT's threading model.
 * @param   l the window focus listener
 * @see #addWindowFocusListener
 * @see #getWindowFocusListeners
 * @since 1.4
public synchronized void removeWindowFocusListener(WindowFocusListener l) {
    if (l == null) {
    windowFocusListener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(windowFocusListener, l);
源代码4 项目: Bytecoder   文件: Window.java
 * Returns an array of all the objects currently registered
 * as <code><em>Foo</em>Listener</code>s
 * upon this {@code Window}.
 * <code><em>Foo</em>Listener</code>s are registered using the
 * <code>add<em>Foo</em>Listener</code> method.
 * <p>
 * You can specify the {@code listenerType} argument
 * with a class literal, such as
 * <code><em>Foo</em>Listener.class</code>.
 * For example, you can query a
 * {@code Window w}
 * for its window listeners with the following code:
 * <pre>WindowListener[] wls = (WindowListener[])(w.getListeners(WindowListener.class));</pre>
 * If no such listeners exist, this method returns an empty array.
 * @param listenerType the type of listeners requested; this parameter
 *          should specify an interface that descends from
 *          {@code java.util.EventListener}
 * @return an array of all objects registered as
 *          <code><em>Foo</em>Listener</code>s on this window,
 *          or an empty array if no such
 *          listeners have been added
 * @exception ClassCastException if {@code listenerType}
 *          doesn't specify a class or interface that implements
 *          {@code java.util.EventListener}
 * @exception NullPointerException if {@code listenerType} is {@code null}
 * @see #getWindowListeners
 * @since 1.3
public <T extends EventListener> T[] getListeners(Class<T> listenerType) {
    EventListener l = null;
    if (listenerType == WindowFocusListener.class) {
        l = windowFocusListener;
    } else if (listenerType == WindowStateListener.class) {
        l = windowStateListener;
    } else if (listenerType == WindowListener.class) {
        l = windowListener;
    } else {
        return super.getListeners(listenerType);
    return AWTEventMulticaster.getListeners(l, listenerType);
源代码5 项目: seaglass   文件: WindowUtils.java
 * Installs a {@link WindowFocusListener} on the given {@link JComponent}'s
 * parent {@link Window}. If the {@code JComponent} doesn't yet have a
 * parent, then the listener will be installed when the component is added
 * to a container.
 * @param component     the component who's parent frame to listen to focus
 *                      changes on.
 * @param focusListener the {@code WindowFocusListener} to notify when focus
 *                      changes.
public static void installWeakWindowFocusListener(JComponent component, WindowFocusListener focusListener) {
    WindowListener   weakFocusListener = createWeakWindowFocusListener(focusListener);
    AncestorListener ancestorListener  = createAncestorListener(component, weakFocusListener);

源代码6 项目: Bytecoder   文件: Window.java
 * Returns an array of all the window focus listeners
 * registered on this window.
 * @return all of this window's {@code WindowFocusListener}s
 *         or an empty array if no window focus
 *         listeners are currently registered
 * @see #addWindowFocusListener
 * @see #removeWindowFocusListener
 * @since 1.4
public synchronized WindowFocusListener[] getWindowFocusListeners() {
    return getListeners(WindowFocusListener.class);