

源代码1 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: DatabaseUtils.java
private static final void readExceptionFromParcel(Parcel reply, String msg, int code) {
    switch (code) {
        case 2:
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        case 3:
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);
        case 4:
            throw new SQLiteAbortException(msg);
        case 5:
            throw new SQLiteConstraintException(msg);
        case 6:
            throw new SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException(msg);
        case 7:
            throw new SQLiteFullException(msg);
        case 8:
            throw new SQLiteDiskIOException(msg);
        case 9:
            throw new SQLiteException(msg);
        case 11:
            throw new OperationCanceledException(msg);
            reply.readException(code, msg);
private void processLocations(List<Location> locations, Context context,
                              OpenLocate.Configuration configuration,
                              AdvertisingIdClient.Info advertisingIdInfo) {

    LocationDatabase locationsDatabase = new LocationDatabase(DatabaseHelper.getInstance(context));
    try {
        for (Location location : locations) {

            Log.v(TAG, location.toString());

            OpenLocateLocation olLocation = OpenLocateLocation.from(
                    InformationFieldsFactory.collectInformationFields(context, configuration)

    } catch (SQLiteFullException exception) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Database is full. Cannot add data.");
    } finally {
源代码3 项目: FileDownloader   文件: DownloadStatusCallback.java
private void handleError(Exception exception) {
    Exception errProcessEx = exFiltrate(exception);

    if (errProcessEx instanceof SQLiteFullException) {
        // If the error is sqLite full exception already, no need to  update it to the database
        // again.
        handleSQLiteFullException((SQLiteFullException) errProcessEx);
    } else {
        // Normal case.
        try {


            database.updateError(model.getId(), errProcessEx, model.getSoFar());
        } catch (SQLiteFullException fullException) {
            errProcessEx = fullException;
            handleSQLiteFullException((SQLiteFullException) errProcessEx);

源代码4 项目: android_maplib   文件: VectorLayer.java
public boolean delete()
        throws SQLiteException
    try {
        //drop table
        MapContentProviderHelper map = (MapContentProviderHelper) MapBase.getInstance();
        SQLiteDatabase db = map.getDatabase(false);
        String tableDrop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + mPath.getName();
    } catch (SQLiteFullException e) {

    return super.delete();
源代码5 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: DatabaseUtils.java
 * Special function for writing an exception result at the header of
 * a parcel, to be used when returning an exception from a transaction.
 * exception will be re-thrown by the function in another process
 * @param reply Parcel to write to
 * @param e The Exception to be written.
 * @see Parcel#writeNoException
 * @see Parcel#writeException
public static final void writeExceptionToParcel(Parcel reply, Exception e) {
    int code = 0;
    boolean logException = true;
    if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
        code = 1;
        logException = false;
    } else if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
        code = 2;
    } else if (e instanceof UnsupportedOperationException) {
        code = 3;
    } else if (e instanceof SQLiteAbortException) {
        code = 4;
    } else if (e instanceof SQLiteConstraintException) {
        code = 5;
    } else if (e instanceof SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException) {
        code = 6;
    } else if (e instanceof SQLiteFullException) {
        code = 7;
    } else if (e instanceof SQLiteDiskIOException) {
        code = 8;
    } else if (e instanceof SQLiteException) {
        code = 9;
    } else if (e instanceof OperationApplicationException) {
        code = 10;
    } else if (e instanceof OperationCanceledException) {
        code = 11;
        logException = false;
    } else {
        Log.e(TAG, "Writing exception to parcel", e);

    if (logException) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Writing exception to parcel", e);
源代码6 项目: ucar-weex-core   文件: DefaultWXStorage.java
private boolean performSetItem(String key, String value, boolean isPersistent, boolean allowRetryWhenFull) {
    SQLiteDatabase database = mDatabaseSupplier.getDatabase();
    if (database == null) {
        return false;

    WXLogUtils.d(WXSQLiteOpenHelper.TAG_STORAGE, "set k-v to storage(key:" + key + ",value:" + value + ",isPersistent:" + isPersistent + ",allowRetry:" + allowRetryWhenFull + ")");
    String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + WXSQLiteOpenHelper.TABLE_STORAGE + " VALUES (?,?,?,?);";
    SQLiteStatement statement = null;
    String timeStamp = WXSQLiteOpenHelper.sDateFormatter.format(new Date());
    try {
        statement = database.compileStatement(sql);
        statement.bindString(1, key);
        statement.bindString(2, value);
        statement.bindString(3, timeStamp);
        statement.bindLong(4, isPersistent ? 1 : 0);
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        WXLogUtils.e(WXSQLiteOpenHelper.TAG_STORAGE, "DefaultWXStorage occurred an exception when execute setItem :" + e.getMessage());
        if (e instanceof SQLiteFullException) {
            if (allowRetryWhenFull && trimToSize()) {
                //try again
                //setItem/setItemPersistent method only allow try once when occurred a sqliteFullException.
                WXLogUtils.d(WXSQLiteOpenHelper.TAG_STORAGE, "retry set k-v to storage(key:" + key + ",value:" + value + ")");
                return performSetItem(key, value, isPersistent, false);

        return false;
    } finally {
        if(statement != null) {
源代码7 项目: weex-uikit   文件: DefaultWXStorage.java
private boolean performSetItem(String key, String value, boolean isPersistent, boolean allowRetryWhenFull) {
    SQLiteDatabase database = mDatabaseSupplier.getDatabase();
    if (database == null) {
        return false;

    WXLogUtils.d(WXSQLiteOpenHelper.TAG_STORAGE, "set k-v to storage(key:" + key + ",value:" + value + ",isPersistent:" + isPersistent + ",allowRetry:" + allowRetryWhenFull + ")");
    String sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO " + WXSQLiteOpenHelper.TABLE_STORAGE + " VALUES (?,?,?,?);";
    SQLiteStatement statement = null;
    String timeStamp = WXSQLiteOpenHelper.sDateFormatter.format(new Date());
    try {
        statement = database.compileStatement(sql);
        statement.bindString(1, key);
        statement.bindString(2, value);
        statement.bindString(3, timeStamp);
        statement.bindLong(4, isPersistent ? 1 : 0);
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        WXLogUtils.e(WXSQLiteOpenHelper.TAG_STORAGE, "DefaultWXStorage occurred an exception when execute setItem :" + e.getMessage());
        if (e instanceof SQLiteFullException) {
            if (allowRetryWhenFull && trimToSize()) {
                //try again
                //setItem/setItemPersistent method only allow try once when occurred a sqliteFullException.
                WXLogUtils.d(WXSQLiteOpenHelper.TAG_STORAGE, "retry set k-v to storage(key:" + key + ",value:" + value + ")");
                return performSetItem(key, value, isPersistent, false);

        return false;
    } finally {
        if(statement != null) {
源代码8 项目: VideoRecord   文件: Logger.java
 * 数据库文件已达到最大空间(数据库已满)
 * @param e
public static void printStackTrace(String TAG, SQLiteFullException e) {
	if (IsDebug) {
	} else {
		logException(TAG, e);
源代码9 项目: medic-gateway   文件: GatewayLog.java
public static void logException(Context ctx, Exception ex, String message, Object... extras) {
	message = forException(ex, message, extras);

	i(LOG_TAG, message, ex);

	// Do not try to save SQLiteFullException to the database - this
	// will (unsurprisingly) fail if the database is full
	if(!(ex instanceof SQLiteFullException)) {
		eventLogEntry(ctx, message);
源代码10 项目: VCL-Android   文件: MediaDatabase.java
public static void setPicture(MediaWrapper m, Bitmap p) {
    Log.d(TAG, "Setting new picture for " + m.getTitle());
    try {
    } catch (SQLiteFullException e) {
        Log.d(TAG, "SQLiteFullException while setting picture");
源代码11 项目: FileDownloader   文件: DownloadStatusCallback.java
private void handleSQLiteFullException(final SQLiteFullException sqLiteFullException) {
    final int id = model.getId();
    if (FileDownloadLog.NEED_LOG) {
        FileDownloadLog.d(this, "the data of the task[%d] is dirty, because the SQLite "
                        + "full exception[%s], so remove it from the database directly.",
                id, sqLiteFullException.toString());


源代码12 项目: android_maplib   文件: FeatureChanges.java
public static void delete(String tableName)
    try {
        MapContentProviderHelper map = (MapContentProviderHelper) MapBase.getInstance();
        SQLiteDatabase db = map.getDatabase(true);
        String tableDrop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName;
    } catch (SQLiteFullException | SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException e) {
源代码13 项目: LaunchEnr   文件: SQLiteCacheHelper.java
private void onDiskFull(SQLiteFullException e) {
    mIgnoreWrites = true;
public static boolean sendLocations(Context context, List<OpenLocate.Endpoint> endpoints) {

        boolean isSuccess = true;

        SQLiteOpenHelper helper = DatabaseHelper.getInstance(context);
        LocationDataSource dataSource = new LocationDatabase(helper);
        HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClientImpl();

        LocationDispatcher dispatcher = new LocationDispatcher();
        String userAgent = getUserAgent(context);
        List<Long> timestamps = new ArrayList<>(endpoints.size());
        for (OpenLocate.Endpoint endpoint : endpoints) {

            String key = md5(endpoint.getUrl().toLowerCase());

            try {
                long timestamp = SharedPreferenceUtils.getInstance(context).getLongValue(key, 0);
                List<OpenLocateLocation> sentLocations = dispatcher.postLocations(httpClient, endpoint, userAgent, timestamp, dataSource);

                if (sentLocations != null && sentLocations.isEmpty() == false) {
                    long latestCreatedLocationDate =
                            sentLocations.get(sentLocations.size() - 1).getCreated().getTime();
                    SharedPreferenceUtils.getInstance(context).setValue(key, latestCreatedLocationDate);
                } else if (sentLocations != null && sentLocations.isEmpty()) {
                    isSuccess = false;
            } catch (Exception e) {

            timestamps.add(SharedPreferenceUtils.getInstance(context).getLongValue(key, 0));

        Long min = Collections.min(timestamps);
        if (min != null) {
            long expired = System.currentTimeMillis() - EXPIRED_PERIOD;

            if (min < expired) {
                min = expired;

            try {
            } catch (SQLiteFullException exception) {
                Log.w(TAG, "Database is full. Cannot purge data.");
            } finally {

        return isSuccess;