类 io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpMessage 源码实例Demo

下面列出了怎么用 io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpMessage 的API类实例代码及写法,或者点击链接到github查看源代码。

源代码1 项目: browserup-proxy   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Replaces the entity body of the message with the specified contents. Encodes the message contents according to charset in the message's
 * Content-Type header, or uses {@link BrowserUpHttpUtil#DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET} if none is specified.
 * <b>Note:</b> If the charset of the message is not supported on this platform, this will throw an {@link java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException}.
 * TODO: Currently this method only works for FullHttpMessages, since it must modify the Content-Length header; determine if this may be applied to chunked messages as well
 * @param message the HTTP message to manipulate
 * @param newContents the new entity body contents
 * @throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException if the charset in the message is not supported on this platform
public static void replaceTextHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage message, String newContents) {
    // get the content type for this message so we can encode the newContents into a byte stream appropriately
    String contentTypeHeader = message.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE);

    Charset messageCharset;
    try {
        messageCharset = BrowserUpHttpUtil.readCharsetInContentTypeHeader(contentTypeHeader);
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException cause = e.getUnsupportedCharsetExceptionCause() ;
        log.error("Found unsupported character set in Content-Type header '{}' while attempting to replace contents of HTTP message.", contentTypeHeader, cause);

        throw cause;

    if (messageCharset == null) {
        messageCharset = BrowserUpHttpUtil.DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET;
        log.warn("No character set declared in HTTP message. Replacing text using default charset {}.", messageCharset);

    byte[] contentBytes = newContents.getBytes(messageCharset);

    replaceBinaryHttpEntityBody(message, contentBytes);
源代码2 项目: browserup-proxy   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Extracts the entity body from a FullHttpMessage, according to the character set in the message's Content-Type header. If the Content-Type
 * header is not present or does not specify a charset, assumes the ISO-8859-1 character set (see {@link BrowserUpHttpUtil#DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET}).
 * @param httpMessage HTTP message to extract entity body from
 * @return String representation of the entity body
 * @throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException if there is a charset specified in the content-type header, but it is not supported
public static String extractHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage httpMessage) {
    Charset charset;
    try {
        charset = getCharsetFromMessage(httpMessage);
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
        // the declared character set is not supported, so it is impossible to decode the contents of the message. log an error and throw an exception
        // to alert the client code.
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException cause = e.getUnsupportedCharsetExceptionCause();

        String contentTypeHeader = HttpHeaders.getHeader(httpMessage, HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE);
        log.error("Cannot retrieve text contents of message because HTTP message declares a character set that is not supported on this platform. Content type header: {}.", contentTypeHeader, cause);

        throw cause;

    return extractHttpEntityBody(httpMessage, charset);

public HttpResponse clientToProxyRequest(HttpObject httpObject) {
    // only filter when the original HttpRequest comes through. the RequestFilterAdapter is not designed to filter
    // any subsequent HttpContents.
    if (httpObject instanceof HttpRequest) {
        HttpRequest httpRequest = (HttpRequest) httpObject;

        HttpMessageContents contents;
        if (httpObject instanceof FullHttpMessage) {
            FullHttpMessage httpContent = (FullHttpMessage) httpObject;
            contents = new HttpMessageContents(httpContent);
        } else {
            // the HTTP object is not a FullHttpMessage, which means that message contents are not available on this request and cannot be modified.
            contents = null;

        HttpMessageInfo messageInfo = new HttpMessageInfo(originalRequest, ctx, isHttps(), getFullUrl(httpRequest), getOriginalUrl());

        HttpResponse response = requestFilter.filterRequest(httpRequest, contents, messageInfo);
        if (response != null) {
            return response;

    return null;

public HttpObject serverToProxyResponse(HttpObject httpObject) {
    // only filter when the original HttpResponse comes through. the ResponseFilterAdapter is not designed to filter
    // any subsequent HttpContents.
    if (httpObject instanceof HttpResponse) {
        HttpResponse httpResponse = (HttpResponse) httpObject;

        HttpMessageContents contents;
        if (httpObject instanceof FullHttpMessage) {
            FullHttpMessage httpContent = (FullHttpMessage) httpObject;
            contents = new HttpMessageContents(httpContent);
        } else {
            // the HTTP object is not a FullHttpMessage, which means that message contents will not be available on this response and cannot be modified.
            contents = null;

        HttpMessageInfo messageInfo = new HttpMessageInfo(originalRequest, ctx, isHttps(), getFullUrl(modifiedHttpRequest), getOriginalUrl());

        responseFilter.filterResponse(httpResponse, contents, messageInfo);

    return super.serverToProxyResponse(httpObject);

 * Provides translation between HTTP/2 and HTTP header objects while ensuring the stream
 * is in a valid state for additional headers.
 * @param ctx The context for which this message has been received.
 * Used to send informational header if detected.
 * @param stream The stream the {@code headers} apply to
 * @param headers The headers to process
 * @param endOfStream {@code true} if the {@code stream} has received the end of stream flag
 * @param allowAppend
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code true} if headers will be appended if the stream already exists.</li>
 * <li>if {@code false} and the stream already exists this method returns {@code null}.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param appendToTrailer
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code true} if a message {@code stream} already exists then the headers
 * should be added to the trailing headers.</li>
 * <li>{@code false} then appends will be done to the initial headers.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @return The object used to track the stream corresponding to {@code stream}. {@code null} if
 *         {@code allowAppend} is {@code false} and the stream already exists.
 * @throws Http2Exception If the stream id is not in the correct state to process the headers request
protected FullHttpMessage processHeadersBegin(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Http2Stream stream, Http2Headers headers,
            boolean endOfStream, boolean allowAppend, boolean appendToTrailer) throws Http2Exception {
    FullHttpMessage msg = getMessage(stream);
    boolean release = true;
    if (msg == null) {
        msg = newMessage(stream, headers, validateHttpHeaders, ctx.alloc());
    } else if (allowAppend) {
        release = false;
        HttpConversionUtil.addHttp2ToHttpHeaders(stream.id(), headers, msg, appendToTrailer);
    } else {
        release = false;
        msg = null;

    if (sendDetector.mustSendImmediately(msg)) {
        // Copy the message (if necessary) before sending. The content is not expected to be copied (or used) in
        // this operation but just in case it is used do the copy before sending and the resource may be released
        final FullHttpMessage copy = endOfStream ? null : sendDetector.copyIfNeeded(msg);
        fireChannelRead(ctx, msg, release, stream);
        return copy;

    return msg;

public int onDataRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, ByteBuf data, int padding, boolean endOfStream)
                throws Http2Exception {
    Http2Stream stream = connection.stream(streamId);
    FullHttpMessage msg = getMessage(stream);
    if (msg == null) {
        throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Data Frame received for unknown stream id %d", streamId);

    ByteBuf content = msg.content();
    final int dataReadableBytes = data.readableBytes();
    if (content.readableBytes() > maxContentLength - dataReadableBytes) {
        throw connectionError(INTERNAL_ERROR,
                        "Content length exceeded max of %d for stream id %d", maxContentLength, streamId);

    content.writeBytes(data, data.readerIndex(), dataReadableBytes);

    if (endOfStream) {
        fireChannelRead(ctx, msg, false, stream);

    // All bytes have been processed.
    return dataReadableBytes + padding;

public void onHeadersRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers, int streamDependency,
                short weight, boolean exclusive, int padding, boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {
    Http2Stream stream = connection.stream(streamId);
    FullHttpMessage msg = processHeadersBegin(ctx, stream, headers, endOfStream, true, true);
    if (msg != null) {
        // Add headers for dependency and weight.
        // See https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/5866
        if (streamDependency != Http2CodecUtil.CONNECTION_STREAM_ID) {
        msg.headers().setShort(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.STREAM_WEIGHT.text(), weight);

        processHeadersEnd(ctx, stream, msg, endOfStream);

public void onPushPromiseRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, int promisedStreamId,
        Http2Headers headers, int padding) throws Http2Exception {
    // A push promise should not be allowed to add headers to an existing stream
    Http2Stream promisedStream = connection.stream(promisedStreamId);
    if (headers.status() == null) {
        // A PUSH_PROMISE frame has no Http response status.
        // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-8.2.1
        // Server push is semantically equivalent to a server responding to a
        // request; however, in this case, that request is also sent by the
        // server, as a PUSH_PROMISE frame.
    FullHttpMessage msg = processHeadersBegin(ctx, promisedStream, headers, false, false, false);
    if (msg == null) {
        throw connectionError(PROTOCOL_ERROR, "Push Promise Frame received for pre-existing stream id %d",

    msg.headers().setInt(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.STREAM_PROMISE_ID.text(), streamId);

    processHeadersEnd(ctx, promisedStream, msg, false);
源代码9 项目: CapturePacket   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Replaces the entity body of the message with the specified contents. Encodes the message contents according to charset in the message's
 * Content-Type header, or uses {@link BrowserMobHttpUtil#DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET} if none is specified.
 * <b>Note:</b> If the charset of the message is not supported on this platform, this will throw an {@link java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException}.
 * TODO: Currently this method only works for FullHttpMessages, since it must modify the Content-Length header; determine if this may be applied to chunked messages as well
 * @param message the HTTP message to manipulate
 * @param newContents the new entity body contents
 * @throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException if the charset in the message is not supported on this platform
public static void replaceTextHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage message, String newContents) {
    // get the content type for this message so we can encode the newContents into a byte stream appropriately
    String contentTypeHeader = message.headers().get(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE);

    Charset messageCharset;
    try {
        messageCharset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.readCharsetInContentTypeHeader(contentTypeHeader);
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException cause = e.getUnsupportedCharsetExceptionCause() ;
        log.error("Found unsupported character set in Content-Type header '{}' while attempting to replace contents of HTTP message.", contentTypeHeader, cause);

        throw cause;

    if (messageCharset == null) {
        messageCharset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET;
        log.warn("No character set declared in HTTP message. Replacing text using default charset {}.", messageCharset);

    byte[] contentBytes = newContents.getBytes(messageCharset);

    replaceBinaryHttpEntityBody(message, contentBytes);
源代码10 项目: CapturePacket   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Extracts the entity body from a FullHttpMessage, according to the character set in the message's Content-Type header. If the Content-Type
 * header is not present or does not specify a charset, assumes the ISO-8859-1 character set (see {@link BrowserMobHttpUtil#DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET}).
 * @param httpMessage HTTP message to extract entity body from
 * @return String representation of the entity body
 * @throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException if there is a charset specified in the content-type header, but it is not supported
public static String extractHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage httpMessage) {
    Charset charset;
    try {
        charset = getCharsetFromMessage(httpMessage);
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
        // the declared character set is not supported, so it is impossible to decode the contents of the message. log an error and throw an exception
        // to alert the client code.
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException cause = e.getUnsupportedCharsetExceptionCause();

        String contentTypeHeader = HttpHeaders.getHeader(httpMessage, HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE);
        log.error("Cannot retrieve text contents of message because HTTP message declares a character set that is not supported on this platform. Content type header: {}.", contentTypeHeader, cause);

        throw cause;

    return extractHttpEntityBody(httpMessage, charset);
源代码11 项目: Dream-Catcher   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Replaces the entity body of the message with the specified contents. Encodes the message contents according to charset in the message's
 * Content-Type header, or uses {@link BrowserMobHttpUtil#DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET} if none is specified.
 * <b>Note:</b> If the charset of the message is not supported on this platform, this will throw an {@link java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException}.
 * TODO: Currently this method only works for FullHttpMessages, since it must modify the Content-Length header; determine if this may be applied to chunked messages as well
 * @param message the HTTP message to manipulate
 * @param newContents the new entity body contents
 * @throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException if the charset in the message is not supported on this platform
public static void replaceTextHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage message, String newContents) {
    // get the content type for this message so we can encode the newContents into a byte stream appropriately
    String contentTypeHeader = message.headers().get(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE);

    Charset messageCharset;
    try {
        messageCharset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.readCharsetInContentTypeHeader(contentTypeHeader);
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException cause = e.getUnsupportedCharsetExceptionCause() ;
        log.error("Found unsupported character set in Content-Type header '{}' while attempting to replace contents of HTTP message.", contentTypeHeader, cause);

        throw cause;

    if (messageCharset == null) {
        messageCharset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET;
        log.warn("No character set declared in HTTP message. Replacing text using default charset {}.", messageCharset);

    byte[] contentBytes = newContents.getBytes(messageCharset);

    replaceBinaryHttpEntityBody(message, contentBytes);
源代码12 项目: Dream-Catcher   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Extracts the entity body from a FullHttpMessage, according to the character set in the message's Content-Type header. If the Content-Type
 * header is not present or does not specify a charset, assumes the ISO-8859-1 character set (see {@link BrowserMobHttpUtil#DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET}).
 * @param httpMessage HTTP message to extract entity body from
 * @return String representation of the entity body
 * @throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException if there is a charset specified in the content-type header, but it is not supported
public static String extractHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage httpMessage) {
    Charset charset;
    try {
        charset = getCharsetFromMessage(httpMessage);
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
        // the declared character set is not supported, so it is impossible to decode the contents of the message. log an error and throw an exception
        // to alert the client code.
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException cause = e.getUnsupportedCharsetExceptionCause();

        String contentTypeHeader = HttpHeaders.getHeader(httpMessage, HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE);
        log.error("Cannot retrieve text contents of message because HTTP message declares a character set that is not supported on this platform. Content type header: {}.", contentTypeHeader, cause);

        throw cause;

    return extractHttpEntityBody(httpMessage, charset);
源代码13 项目: AndroidHttpCapture   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Replaces the entity body of the message with the specified contents. Encodes the message contents according to charset in the message's
 * Content-Type header, or uses {@link BrowserMobHttpUtil#DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET} if none is specified.
 * <b>Note:</b> If the charset of the message is not supported on this platform, this will throw an {@link java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException}.
 * TODO: Currently this method only works for FullHttpMessages, since it must modify the Content-Length header; determine if this may be applied to chunked messages as well
 * @param message the HTTP message to manipulate
 * @param newContents the new entity body contents
 * @throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException if the charset in the message is not supported on this platform
public static void replaceTextHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage message, String newContents) {
    // get the content type for this message so we can encode the newContents into a byte stream appropriately
    String contentTypeHeader = message.headers().get(HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE);

    Charset messageCharset;
    try {
        messageCharset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.readCharsetInContentTypeHeader(contentTypeHeader);
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException cause = e.getUnsupportedCharsetExceptionCause() ;
        log.error("Found unsupported character set in Content-Type header '{}' while attempting to replace contents of HTTP message.", contentTypeHeader, cause);

        throw cause;

    if (messageCharset == null) {
        messageCharset = BrowserMobHttpUtil.DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET;
        log.warn("No character set declared in HTTP message. Replacing text using default charset {}.", messageCharset);

    byte[] contentBytes = newContents.getBytes(messageCharset);

    replaceBinaryHttpEntityBody(message, contentBytes);
源代码14 项目: AndroidHttpCapture   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Extracts the entity body from a FullHttpMessage, according to the character set in the message's Content-Type header. If the Content-Type
 * header is not present or does not specify a charset, assumes the ISO-8859-1 character set (see {@link BrowserMobHttpUtil#DEFAULT_HTTP_CHARSET}).
 * @param httpMessage HTTP message to extract entity body from
 * @return String representation of the entity body
 * @throws java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException if there is a charset specified in the content-type header, but it is not supported
public static String extractHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage httpMessage) {
    Charset charset;
    try {
        charset = getCharsetFromMessage(httpMessage);
    } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
        // the declared character set is not supported, so it is impossible to decode the contents of the message. log an error and throw an exception
        // to alert the client code.
        java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException cause = e.getUnsupportedCharsetExceptionCause();

        String contentTypeHeader = HttpHeaders.getHeader(httpMessage, HttpHeaders.Names.CONTENT_TYPE);
        log.error("Cannot retrieve text contents of message because HTTP message declares a character set that is not supported on this platform. Content type header: {}.", contentTypeHeader, cause);

        throw cause;

    return extractHttpEntityBody(httpMessage, charset);
源代码15 项目: browserup-proxy   文件: HttpObjectUtil.java

 * Replaces an HTTP entity body with the specified binary contents.
 * TODO: Currently this method only works for FullHttpMessages, since it must modify the Content-Length header; determine if this may be applied to chunked messages as well
 * @param message the HTTP message to manipulate
 * @param newBinaryContents the new entity body contents
public static void replaceBinaryHttpEntityBody(FullHttpMessage message, byte[] newBinaryContents) {
    // resize the buffer if needed, since the new message may be longer than the old one
    message.content().ensureWritable(newBinaryContents.length, true);

    // update the Content-Length header, since the size may have changed
    message.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, newBinaryContents.length);
源代码16 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件: SpdyHttpDecoder.java

 * Creates a new instance with the specified parameters.
 * @param version the protocol version
 * @param maxContentLength the maximum length of the message content.
 *        If the length of the message content exceeds this value,
 *        a {@link TooLongFrameException} will be raised.
 * @param messageMap the {@link Map} used to hold partially received messages.
 * @param validateHeaders {@code true} if http headers should be validated
protected SpdyHttpDecoder(SpdyVersion version, int maxContentLength, Map<Integer,
        FullHttpMessage> messageMap, boolean validateHeaders) {
    if (version == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("version");
    if (maxContentLength <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "maxContentLength must be a positive integer: " + maxContentLength);
    spdyVersion = version.getVersion();
    this.maxContentLength = maxContentLength;
    this.messageMap = messageMap;
    this.validateHeaders = validateHeaders;
源代码17 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件: SpdyHttpDecoder.java

public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
    // Release any outstanding messages from the map
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, FullHttpMessage> entry : messageMap.entrySet()) {
源代码18 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件: SpdyHttpEncoder.java

 * Checks if the given HTTP message should be considered as a last SPDY frame.
 * @param httpMessage check this HTTP message
 * @return whether the given HTTP message should generate a <em>last</em> SPDY frame.
private static boolean isLast(HttpMessage httpMessage) {
    if (httpMessage instanceof FullHttpMessage) {
        FullHttpMessage fullMessage = (FullHttpMessage) httpMessage;
        if (fullMessage.trailingHeaders().isEmpty() && !fullMessage.content().isReadable()) {
            return true;

    return false;

public boolean mustSendImmediately(FullHttpMessage msg) {
    if (msg instanceof FullHttpResponse) {
        return ((FullHttpResponse) msg).status().codeClass() == HttpStatusClass.INFORMATIONAL;
    if (msg instanceof FullHttpRequest) {
        return msg.headers().contains(HttpHeaderNames.EXPECT);
    return false;

public FullHttpMessage copyIfNeeded(FullHttpMessage msg) {
    if (msg instanceof FullHttpRequest) {
        FullHttpRequest copy = ((FullHttpRequest) msg).replace(Unpooled.buffer(0));
        return copy;
    return null;

 * The stream is out of scope for the HTTP message flow and will no longer be tracked
 * @param stream The stream to remove associated state with
 * @param release {@code true} to call release on the value if it is present. {@code false} to not call release.
protected final void removeMessage(Http2Stream stream, boolean release) {
    FullHttpMessage msg = stream.removeProperty(messageKey);
    if (release && msg != null) {

 * Make {@code message} be the state associated with {@code stream}.
 * @param stream The stream which {@code message} is associated with.
 * @param message The message which contains the HTTP semantics.
protected final void putMessage(Http2Stream stream, FullHttpMessage message) {
    FullHttpMessage previous = stream.setProperty(messageKey, message);
    if (previous != message && previous != null) {

 * After HTTP/2 headers have been processed by {@link #processHeadersBegin} this method either
 * sends the result up the pipeline or retains the message for future processing.
 * @param ctx The context for which this message has been received
 * @param stream The stream the {@code objAccumulator} corresponds to
 * @param msg The object which represents all headers/data for corresponding to {@code stream}
 * @param endOfStream {@code true} if this is the last event for the stream
private void processHeadersEnd(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Http2Stream stream, FullHttpMessage msg,
                               boolean endOfStream) {
    if (endOfStream) {
        // Release if the msg from the map is different from the object being forwarded up the pipeline.
        fireChannelRead(ctx, msg, getMessage(stream) != msg, stream);
    } else {
        putMessage(stream, msg);

public void onHeadersRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, Http2Headers headers, int padding,
                boolean endOfStream) throws Http2Exception {
    Http2Stream stream = connection.stream(streamId);
    FullHttpMessage msg = processHeadersBegin(ctx, stream, headers, endOfStream, true, true);
    if (msg != null) {
        processHeadersEnd(ctx, stream, msg, endOfStream);

public void onRstStreamRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, int streamId, long errorCode) throws Http2Exception {
    Http2Stream stream = connection.stream(streamId);
    FullHttpMessage msg = getMessage(stream);
    if (msg != null) {
        onRstStreamRead(stream, msg);
    ctx.fireExceptionCaught(Http2Exception.streamError(streamId, Http2Error.valueOf(errorCode),
            "HTTP/2 to HTTP layer caught stream reset"));

private void encodeLastContent(LastHttpContent last, List<Object> out) {
    boolean needFiller = !(last instanceof FullHttpMessage) && last.trailingHeaders().isEmpty();
    if (last.content().isReadable() || needFiller) {
        out.add(new DefaultHttp2DataFrame(last.content().retain(), last.trailingHeaders().isEmpty()));
    if (!last.trailingHeaders().isEmpty()) {
        Http2Headers headers = HttpConversionUtil.toHttp2Headers(last.trailingHeaders(), validateHeaders);
        out.add(new DefaultHttp2HeadersFrame(headers, true));

private FullHttpMessage newFullMessage(final int id,
                                       final Http2Headers headers,
                                       final ByteBufAllocator alloc) throws Http2Exception {
    return isServer ?
            HttpConversionUtil.toFullHttpRequest(id, headers, alloc, validateHeaders) :
            HttpConversionUtil.toFullHttpResponse(id, headers, alloc, validateHeaders);

public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
    if (msg instanceof FullHttpMessage) {
        handle(ctx, connection, listener, (FullHttpMessage) msg);
    } else {
        super.channelRead(ctx, msg);

public void clientRequestSingleHeaderNoDataFrames() throws Exception {
    boostrapEnv(1, 1, 1);
    final FullHttpRequest request = new DefaultFullHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET,
            "/some/path/resource2", true);
    try {
        HttpHeaders httpHeaders = request.headers();
        httpHeaders.set(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.SCHEME.text(), "https");
        httpHeaders.set(HttpHeaderNames.HOST, "example.org");
        httpHeaders.setInt(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.STREAM_ID.text(), 3);
        httpHeaders.setInt(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
        httpHeaders.setShort(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.STREAM_WEIGHT.text(), (short) 16);
        final Http2Headers http2Headers = new DefaultHttp2Headers().method(new AsciiString("GET")).
                scheme(new AsciiString("https")).authority(new AsciiString("example.org"))
                .path(new AsciiString("/some/path/resource2"));
        runInChannel(clientChannel, new Http2Runnable() {
            public void run() throws Http2Exception {
                clientHandler.encoder().writeHeaders(ctxClient(), 3, http2Headers, 0, true, newPromiseClient());
        ArgumentCaptor<FullHttpMessage> requestCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(FullHttpMessage.class);
        capturedRequests = requestCaptor.getAllValues();
        assertEquals(request, capturedRequests.get(0));
    } finally {

public void clientRequestSingleHeaderCookieSplitIntoMultipleEntries() throws Exception {
    boostrapEnv(1, 1, 1);
    final FullHttpRequest request = new DefaultFullHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET,
            "/some/path/resource2", true);
    try {
        HttpHeaders httpHeaders = request.headers();
        httpHeaders.set(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.SCHEME.text(), "https");
        httpHeaders.set(HttpHeaderNames.HOST, "example.org");
        httpHeaders.setInt(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.STREAM_ID.text(), 3);
        httpHeaders.setInt(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, 0);
        httpHeaders.set(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, "a=b; c=d; e=f");
        httpHeaders.setShort(HttpConversionUtil.ExtensionHeaderNames.STREAM_WEIGHT.text(), (short) 16);
        final Http2Headers http2Headers = new DefaultHttp2Headers().method(new AsciiString("GET")).
                scheme(new AsciiString("https")).authority(new AsciiString("example.org"))
                .path(new AsciiString("/some/path/resource2"))
                .add(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, "a=b")
                .add(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, "c=d")
                .add(HttpHeaderNames.COOKIE, "e=f");
        runInChannel(clientChannel, new Http2Runnable() {
            public void run() throws Http2Exception {
                clientHandler.encoder().writeHeaders(ctxClient(), 3, http2Headers, 0, true, newPromiseClient());
        ArgumentCaptor<FullHttpMessage> requestCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(FullHttpMessage.class);
        capturedRequests = requestCaptor.getAllValues();
        assertEquals(request, capturedRequests.get(0));
    } finally {