

源代码1 项目: buck   文件: BuckBlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java
 * @return {@code true} if the test class has any fields annotated with {@code Rule} whose type is
 *     {@link Timeout}.
static boolean hasTimeoutRule(TestClass testClass) {
  // Many protected convenience methods in BlockJUnit4ClassRunner that are available in JUnit 4.11
  // such as getTestRules(Object) were not public until
  // https://github.com/junit-team/junit/commit/8782efa08abf5d47afdc16740678661443706740,
  // which appears to be JUnit 4.9. Because we allow users to use JUnit 4.7, we need to include a
  // custom implementation that is backwards compatible to JUnit 4.7.
  List<FrameworkField> fields = testClass.getAnnotatedFields(Rule.class);
  for (FrameworkField field : fields) {
    if (field.getField().getType().equals(Timeout.class)) {
      return true;

  return false;
源代码2 项目: buck   文件: DelegateRunNotifier.java
boolean hasJunitTimeout(Description description) {
  // Do not do apply the default timeout if the test has its own @Test(timeout).
  Test testAnnotation = description.getAnnotation(Test.class);
  if (testAnnotation != null && testAnnotation.timeout() > 0) {
    return true;

  // Do not do apply the default timeout if the test has its own @Rule Timeout.
  if (runner instanceof ParentRunner) {
    return BuckBlockJUnit4ClassRunner.hasTimeoutRule(((ParentRunner) runner).getTestClass());

  Class<?> clazz = description.getTestClass();
  while (clazz != null) {
    for (Field field : clazz.getFields()) {
      if (field.getAnnotationsByType(Rule.class).length > 0
          && field.getType().equals(Timeout.class)) {
        return true;

    clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
  return false;
源代码3 项目: servicetalk   文件: ServiceTalkTestTimeout.java
public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {
    // Check if multiple Timeout are present and annotated with @Rule.
    Class<?> clazz = description.getTestClass();
    List<Class<?>> timeoutRuleClasses = new ArrayList<>(2);
    do {
        for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) {
            if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Rule.class) && Timeout.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
    } while ((clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) != Object.class);
    if (timeoutRuleClasses.size() > 1) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256)
                .append("Only one @Rule for a Timeout is allowed, but ")
                .append(" were detected in types: ");
        for (Class<?> clazz2 : timeoutRuleClasses) {
            sb.append(clazz2.getName()).append(", ");
        sb.setLength(sb.length() - 2);
        throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString());
    // If timeout is specified in @Test, let that have precedence over the global timeout.
    Test testAnnotation = description.getAnnotation(Test.class);
    if (testAnnotation != null) {
        long timeout = testAnnotation.timeout();
        if (timeout > 0) {
            return new TimeoutStatement(base, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, onTimeout);
    return new TimeoutStatement(base, getTimeout(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, onTimeout);
public void onChannelClose(Stream stream, int channel, CloseReason reason) {
	Log.d(TAG, String.format("Channel %d closeing with %s.", channel, reason.toString()));
	LocalData data = (LocalData)context.getExtra().getExtraData();
	if (reason == CloseReason.Error || reason == CloseReason.Timeout) {
		data.mChannelErrorStates[channel - 1] = 1;

	synchronized (this) {
源代码5 项目: terracotta-platform   文件: DynamicConfigIT.java
public DynamicConfigIT(Duration testTimeout, Path parentTmpDir) {
  ClusterDefinition clusterDef = getClass().getAnnotation(ClusterDefinition.class);
  this.timeout = testTimeout.toMillis();
  this.rules = RuleChain.emptyRuleChain()
      .around(tmpDir = new TmpDir(parentTmpDir, false))
      .around(angela = new AngelaRule(createConfigurationContext(clusterDef.stripes(), clusterDef.nodesPerStripe()), clusterDef.autoStart(), clusterDef.autoActivate()) {
        public void startNode(int stripeId, int nodeId) {
          // let the subclasses control the node startup
          DynamicConfigIT.this.startNode(stripeId, nodeId);
      .around(new ExtendedTestRule() {
        protected void before(Description description) throws Throwable {
          // upload tc logging config, but ONLY IF EXISTS !
          URL tcLoggingConfig = this.getClass().getResource("/tc-logback.xml");
          if (tcLoggingConfig != null) {
            List<TerracottaServer> servers = angela.tsa().getTsaConfigurationContext().getTopology().getServers();
            for (TerracottaServer s : servers) {
              try {
                RemoteFolder folder = angela.tsa().browse(s, "");
                folder.upload("logback-test.xml", tcLoggingConfig);
              } catch (IOException exp) {
                LOGGER.warn("unable to upload logback configuration", exp);
          // wait for server startup if auto-activated
          if (clusterDef.autoStart() && clusterDef.autoActivate()) {
            for (int stripeId = 1; stripeId <= clusterDef.stripes(); stripeId++) {
源代码6 项目: dremio-oss   文件: TestTools.java
public static TestRule getTimeoutRule(int timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
  return IS_DEBUG ? new TestName() : Timeout.builder().withTimeout(timeout, unit).build();
源代码7 项目: flutter-intellij   文件: FlutterGuiTestRule.java
public FlutterGuiTestRule withTimeout(long timeout, @NotNull TimeUnit timeUnits) {
  myInnerTimeout = new Timeout(timeout, timeUnits);
  myOuterTimeout = new Timeout(timeUnits.toSeconds(timeout) + 120, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  return this;
源代码8 项目: jenkins-test-harness   文件: JenkinsRule.java
public Statement apply(final Statement base, final Description description) {
    if (description.getAnnotation(WithoutJenkins.class) != null) {
        // request has been made to not create the instance for this test method
        return base;
    Statement wrapped = new Statement() {
        public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
            testDescription = description;
            Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
            String o = t.getName();
            t.setName("Executing "+ testDescription.getDisplayName());
            System.out.println("=== Starting " + testDescription.getDisplayName());
            try {
                // so that test code has all the access to the system
                try {
                } catch (Throwable th) {
                    // allow the late attachment of a debugger in case of a failure. Useful
                    // for diagnosing a rare failure
                    try {
                        throw new BreakException();
                    } catch (BreakException e) {}

                    RandomlyFails rf = testDescription.getAnnotation(RandomlyFails.class);
                    if (rf != null) {
                        System.err.println("Note: known to randomly fail: " + rf.value());

                    throw th;
            } finally {
                testDescription = null;
    final int testTimeout = getTestTimeoutOverride(description);
    if (testTimeout <= 0) {
        System.out.println("Test timeout disabled.");
        return wrapped;
    } else {
        final Statement timeoutStatement = Timeout.seconds(testTimeout).apply(wrapped, description);
        return new Statement() {
            public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
                try {
                } catch (TestTimedOutException x) {
                    // withLookingForStuckThread does not work well; better to just have a full thread dump.
                    LOGGER.warning(String.format("Test timed out (after %d seconds).", testTimeout));
                    throw x;
源代码9 项目: hbase   文件: HBaseClassTestRule.java
private HBaseClassTestRule(Class<?> clazz, Timeout timeout) {
  this.clazz = clazz;
  this.timeout = timeout;
源代码10 项目: hbase   文件: HBaseClassTestRule.java
public static HBaseClassTestRule forClass(Class<?> clazz) {
  return new HBaseClassTestRule(clazz, Timeout.builder().withLookingForStuckThread(true)
      .withTimeout(getTimeoutInSeconds(clazz), TimeUnit.SECONDS).build());
源代码11 项目: attic-aurora   文件: CuratorSingletonServiceTest.java
public Timeout getTimeout() {
  return timeout;