

private void checkoutAcmHealthIndicator() {
	try {
		Builder builder = new Builder();

		NacosConfigHealthIndicator healthIndicator = new NacosConfigHealthIndicator(

		Builder builder1 = new Builder();

	catch (Exception ignore) {


源代码2 项目: micro-service   文件: CassandraHealthIndicator.java
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	Session session = null;
	try {
		session = cluster.connect();
		ResultSet rs = session.execute("SELECT dateof(now()) FROM system.local");
		Date date = rs.one().getTimestamp(0);
		logger.info("cassandra is working, the time is ", date);
		builder.up().withDetail("description", "cassandra is working, the time is " + date);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		logger.error("cassandra launch has error, {}", e.getMessage());
		builder.outOfService().withDetail("description", "cassandra launch has error, " + e.getMessage());
	} finally {
		if(null != session) {
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	RefreshScope refreshScope = this.scope.getIfAvailable();
	if (refreshScope != null) {
		Map<String, Exception> errors = new HashMap<>(refreshScope.getErrors());
		if (errors.isEmpty()) {
		else {
			if (errors.size() == 1) {
			else {
				for (String name : errors.keySet()) {
					builder.withDetail(name, errors.get(name));
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	PropertySource<?> propertySource = getPropertySource();
	if (propertySource instanceof CompositePropertySource) {
		List<String> sources = new ArrayList<>();
		for (PropertySource<?> ps : ((CompositePropertySource) propertySource)
				.getPropertySources()) {
		builder.withDetail("propertySources", sources);
	else if (propertySource != null) {
		builder.withDetail("propertySources", propertySource.toString());
	else {
		builder.unknown().withDetail("error", "no property sources located");
源代码5 项目: super-cloudops   文件: TimeoutsHealthIndicator.java
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	try {
		// Get the statistical parameter (min/max/avg/latest) etc.
		TimesWrapper wrap = this.getLargestMessage();
		if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
			logger.debug("TimeoutsHealth message={}", objectMapper.writeValueAsString(wrap));
		if (wrap == null) {
			HealthUtil.up(builder, "Healthy");
		} else if (wrap.getMax() < conf.getTimeoutsThreshold()) {
			HealthUtil.up(builder, "Healthy");
		} else {
			HealthUtil.down(builder, "Method " + wrap.getMetricsName() + " executes " + wrap.getLatest()
					+ "ms with a response exceeding the threshold value of `" + conf.getTimeoutsThreshold() + "`ms.");
			// When the timeout exception is detected, the exception record
			// is cleared.
		builder.withDetail("Method", wrap.getMetricsName()).withDetail("Least", wrap.getMin())
				.withDetail("Largest", wrap.getMax()).withDetail("Avg", wrap.getAvg()).withDetail("Latest", wrap.getLatest())
				.withDetail("Samples", wrap.getSamples()).withDetail("Threshold", conf.getTimeoutsThreshold() + "ms");

	} catch (Exception e) {
		logger.error("Analysis timeouts message failed.", e);

源代码6 项目: sample-boot-micro   文件: MicroAppConfig.java
/** 営業日チェック */
HealthIndicator dayIndicator(final Timestamper time, final BusinessDayHandler day) {
    return new AbstractHealthIndicator() {
        protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
            builder.withDetail("day", day.day())
                    .withDetail("dayMinus1", day.day(-1))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus1", day.day(1))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus2", day.day(2))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus3", day.day(3));
源代码7 项目: sample-boot-micro   文件: MicroAssetConfig.java
/** 営業日チェック */
HealthIndicator dayIndicator(final Timestamper time, final BusinessDayHandler day) {
    return new AbstractHealthIndicator() {
        protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
            builder.withDetail("day", day.day())
                    .withDetail("dayMinus1", day.day(-1))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus1", day.day(1))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus2", day.day(2))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus3", day.day(3));
源代码8 项目: lemonaid   文件: LocationHealthIndicator.java
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
   	log.info("Test geolocation service health - start.");
	long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	Mentor mentor = mentorRepository.findAll().iterator().next();
	Point point = mentorUtils.getLocationOfMentor(mentor);
	if (point.getLatitude() != 0) {
		builder.withDetail("handle", point.toString()).up();
	} else {
	log.info("Test geolocation service health - end. Duration: " + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms");
源代码9 项目: lemonaid   文件: TwitterHealthIndicator.java
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	if (twitter.isAuthenticated()) {
		builder.withDetail("handle", twitter.getScreenName()).up();
	} else {
protected Mono<Health> doHealthCheck(Builder builder) {

	return this.vaultOperations
			.doWithSession((it) -> it.get().uri("sys/health")
					.header(VaultHttpHeaders.VAULT_NAMESPACE, "").exchange())
			.flatMap((it) -> it.bodyToMono(VaultHealthImpl.class))
			.map((vaultHealthResponse) -> getHealth(builder, vaultHealthResponse));
源代码11 项目: sample-boot-hibernate   文件: ApplicationConfig.java
/** 営業日チェック */
HealthIndicator dayIndicator(Timestamper time, BusinessDayHandler day) {
    return new AbstractHealthIndicator() {
        protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
            builder.withDetail("day", day.day())
                    .withDetail("dayMinus1", day.day(-1))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus1", day.day(1))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus2", day.day(2))
                    .withDetail("dayPlus3", day.day(3));
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
  boolean active = jobExecutor.isActive();
  if (active) {
    builder = builder.up();
  } else {
    builder = builder.down();
  builder.withDetail("jobExecutor", Details.from(jobExecutor));
源代码13 项目: micro-service   文件: RedisHealthIndicator.java
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	try {
		logger.info("redis is working");
		builder.up().withDetail("description", "redis is working");
	} catch (Exception e) {
		logger.error("redis launch has error, {}", e.getMessage());
		builder.outOfService().withDetail("description", "redis launch has error, " + e.getMessage());
public Health health() {
	Builder builder = Health.unknown();
	Status status = getStatus(builder);
	return builder.status(status).withDetail("applications", getApplications())
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
  boolean active = jobExecutor.isActive();
  if (active) {
    builder = builder.up();
  } else {
    builder = builder.down();
  builder.withDetail("jobExecutor", Details.from(jobExecutor));
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	int index = 0;
	StringBuffer desc = new StringBuffer();
	for (String name : this.eventStores.keySet()) {
		try {
			EventStore<Partition> store = this.eventStores.get(name);
			Partition latestPart = store.latest();
			if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
				logger.debug("Health performance:{}", mapper.writeValueAsString(latestPart));

			if (latestPart == null) {

			// Get partition configuration by current partition.
			Partition confPart = this.conf.getPartitions().get(name);
			if (confPart == null)
				throw new Error("It should not come here. " + name);

			// Check threshold.
			long threshold = confPart.getValue();
			long curVal = latestPart.getValue();
			if (this.compare(curVal, threshold) < 0) { // Trigger event.
				if (desc.length() > 0) {
				desc.append(name).append(":").append(formatValue(curVal)).append(" exceed the threshold:")
			// Meaningful field name prefix.
			String p = this.compareFieldName();
			builder.withDetail("AcqPosition_" + index, name).withDetail("AcqSamples_" + index, latestPart.getSamples())
					.withDetail("AcqTime_" + index, latestPart.getFormatTimestamp())
					.withDetail(p + "Avg_" + index, formatValue(store.average()))
					.withDetail(p + "Lgt_" + index, formatValue(store.largest().getValue()))
					.withDetail(p + "Let_" + index, formatValue(store.least().getValue()))
					.withDetail(p + "Lat_" + index, formatValue(store.latest().getValue()))
					.withDetail(p + "Threshold_" + index, formatValue(threshold));
			// All the checks are normal.
			if (desc.length() > 0) {
				HealthUtil.down(builder, desc.toString());
				desc.setLength(0); // Reset.
			} else {
			if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
				logger.debug("Acquisition unhealthy description:{}", desc);

		} catch (Exception e) {
			logger.error("Advanced health check failed.", e);
		} finally {
			// Increase by 1

源代码17 项目: super-cloudops   文件: HealthUtil.java
public static Builder up(Builder builder, String desc) {
	return build(builder, Status.UP.getCode(), desc);
源代码18 项目: super-cloudops   文件: HealthUtil.java
public static Builder down(Builder builder, String desc) {
	return build(builder, Status.DOWN.getCode(), desc);
源代码19 项目: super-cloudops   文件: HealthUtil.java
public static Builder build(Builder builder, String statusCode, String desc) {
	return builder.status(new Status(statusCode, desc));
源代码20 项目: spring-boot-inside   文件: MyHealthIndicator.java
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	builder.withDetail("hello", "world");
private static Health getHealth(Builder builder,
		VaultHealthImpl vaultHealthResponse) {

	HealthBuilderDelegate.contributeToHealth(vaultHealthResponse, builder);
	return builder.build();
源代码22 项目: spring-cloud-vault   文件: VaultHealthIndicator.java
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) {

	VaultHealth vaultHealthResponse = this.vaultOperations.opsForSys().health();
	HealthBuilderDelegate.contributeToHealth(vaultHealthResponse, builder);
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
	builder.status(this.up ? Status.UP : Status.DOWN);
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
  builder.up().withDetail("name", processEngine.getName());
protected void doHealthCheck(Builder builder) throws Exception {
  builder.up().withDetail("name", processEngine.getName());