

源代码1 项目: netbeans   文件: Utilities.java
static int viewToModel(JTextComponent tc, double x, double y, Position.Bias[] biasReturn) {
int offs = -1;
Document doc = tc.getDocument();
if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) {
try {
    Rectangle alloc = getVisibleEditorRect(tc);
    if (alloc != null) {
               View rootView = tc.getUI().getRootView(tc);
               View documentView = rootView.getView(0);
               if (documentView instanceof EditorView) {
                   documentView.setSize(alloc.width, alloc.height);
                   offs = ((EditorView) documentView).viewToModelChecked(x, y, alloc, biasReturn);
               } else {
                   rootView.setSize(alloc.width, alloc.height);
                   offs = rootView.viewToModel((float) x, (float) y, alloc, biasReturn);
} finally {
    if (doc instanceof AbstractDocument) {
       return offs;
源代码2 项目: netbeans   文件: OffsetRegion.java
 * Return union of this region with the given region.
 * <br>
 * If the given region is empty then return "this" region.
 * @param region region to union with.
 * @param ignoreEmpty if false and "this" region is empty (or region.isEmpty())
 *  then the returned region will "include" bounds of the empty region.
 * @return new region instance which is union of the given bounds
public OffsetRegion union(OffsetRegion region, boolean ignoreEmpty) {
    int thisStartOffset = this.startOffset();
    int thisEndOffset = this.endOffset();
    if (ignoreEmpty) {
        if (region.isEmpty()) {
            return this;
        if (thisStartOffset == thisEndOffset) {
            return region;
    if (region.startOffset() >= thisStartOffset) {
        if (region.endOffset() <= thisEndOffset) {
            return this; // Included
        } else { // endOffset > this.endOffset
            return new OffsetRegion(this.startPos, region.endPos);
    } else { // startOffset < this.startOffset
        Position endP = (region.endOffset() > thisEndOffset) ? region.endPos : this.endPos;
        return new OffsetRegion(region.startPos, endP);
源代码3 项目: netbeans   文件: FormatWriter.java
public synchronized void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len,
int[] saveOffsets, Position.Bias[] saveBiases) throws IOException {
    if (simple) {
        underWriter.write(cbuf, off, len);

    if (saveOffsets != null) {
        ftps.addSaveSet(bufferSize, len, saveOffsets, saveBiases);

    lastFlush = false; // signal write() was the last so flush() can be done

    if (debug) {
        System.err.println("FormatWriter.write(): '" // NOI18N
                + org.netbeans.editor.EditorDebug.debugChars(cbuf, off, len)
                + "', length=" + len + ", bufferSize=" + bufferSize); // NOI18N

    // Add the chars to the buffer for formatting
    addToBuffer(cbuf, off, len);
源代码4 项目: netbeans   文件: PositionsBagTest.java
public void testRemoveAligned2Clip() {
    PositionsBag hs = new PositionsBag(doc);
    SimpleAttributeSet attribsA = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    attribsA.addAttribute("set-name", "attribsA");
    hs.addHighlight(pos(10), pos(40), attribsA);
    hs.removeHighlights(pos(10), pos(20), true);
    GapList<Position> marks = hs.getMarks();
    GapList<AttributeSet> atttributes = hs.getAttributes();
    assertEquals("Wrong number of highlights", 2, marks.size());
    assertEquals("1. highlight - wrong start offset", 20, marks.get(0).getOffset());
    assertEquals("1. highlight - wrong end offset", 40, marks.get(1).getOffset());
    assertEquals("1. highlight - wrong attribs", "attribsA", atttributes.get(0).getAttribute("set-name"));
    assertNull("  1. highlight - wrong end", atttributes.get(1));
    hs.removeHighlights(pos(30), pos(40), true);
    assertEquals("Wrong number of highlights", 2, marks.size());
    assertEquals("1. highlight - wrong start offset", 20, marks.get(0).getOffset());
    assertEquals("1. highlight - wrong end offset", 30, marks.get(1).getOffset());
    assertEquals("1. highlight - wrong attribs", "attribsA", atttributes.get(0).getAttribute("set-name"));
    assertNull("  1. highlight - wrong end", atttributes.get(1));
源代码5 项目: netbeans   文件: FormatTokenPositionSupport.java
/** Add the save-set to the registry and perform the checking
 * whether the offsets are OK.
synchronized void addSaveSet(int baseOffset, int writtenLen,
int[] offsets, Position.Bias[] biases) {
    // Check whether the offsets are OK
    for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
        if (offsets[i] < 0 || offsets[i] > writtenLen) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Invalid save-offset=" + offsets[i] + " at index=" + i // NOI18N
                + ". Written length is " + writtenLen); // NOI18N

    SaveSet newSet = new SaveSet(baseOffset, offsets, biases);

    if (firstSet != null) {
        lastSet.next = newSet;
        lastSet = newSet;

    } else { // first set
        firstSet = lastSet = newSet;
源代码6 项目: netbeans   文件: DefaultIndentEngine.java
public int indentLine(Document doc, int offset) {
    Indent indent = Indent.get(doc);
    try {
        if (doc instanceof BaseDocument) {
            ((BaseDocument) doc).atomicLock();
        try {
            Position pos = doc.createPosition(offset);
            return pos.getOffset();
        } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
            return offset;
        } finally {
            if (doc instanceof BaseDocument) {
                ((BaseDocument) doc).atomicUnlock();
    } finally {
源代码7 项目: netbeans   文件: HintsControllerImpl.java
public static PositionBounds linePart(FileObject file, int start, int end) {
    try {
        DataObject od = DataObject.find(file);
        if (od == null)
            return null;
        EditorCookie ec = od.getCookie(EditorCookie.class);
        if (!(ec instanceof CloneableEditorSupport)) {
            return null;
        final CloneableEditorSupport ces = (CloneableEditorSupport) ec;
        checkOffsetsAndLog(start, end);
        return new PositionBounds(ces.createPositionRef(start, Position.Bias.Forward), ces.createPositionRef(end, Position.Bias.Backward));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.log(Level.INFO, null, e);
        return null;
源代码8 项目: netbeans   文件: EditorDocumentContentTest.java
public void testBackwardBiasPositions() throws Exception {
        RandomTestContainer container = createContainer();
        RandomTestContainer.Context context = container.context();

        DocumentContentTesting.insert(context, 0, "ahoj cau");
        Position bbPos1 = DocumentContentTesting.createPosition(context, 1, true);
//        Position pos2 = DocumentContentTesting.createPosition(context, 2);
        Position bbPos3 = DocumentContentTesting.createPosition(context, 3, true);
        DocumentContentTesting.insert(context, 3, "test");
        DocumentContentTesting.remove(context, 0, 4);
        DocumentContentTesting.undo(context, 1); // checkContent() automatic
        DocumentContentTesting.undo(context, 1); // checkContent() automatic
        DocumentContentTesting.redo(context, 1); // checkContent() automatic
        DocumentContentTesting.redo(context, 1); // checkContent() automatic
源代码9 项目: netbeans   文件: ComputeAnnotations.java
private static Position getPosition(final StyledDocument doc, final int offset) {
    class Impl implements Runnable {
        private Position pos;
        public void run() {
            if (offset < 0 || offset >= doc.getLength())
                return ;

            try {
                pos = doc.createPosition(offset - NbDocument.findLineColumn(doc, offset));
            } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
                //should not happen?
                Logger.getLogger(ComputeAnnotations.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, null, ex);

    Impl i = new Impl();


    return i.pos;
源代码10 项目: netbeans   文件: TabView.java
public Shape modelToViewChecked(int offset, Shape alloc, Position.Bias bias) {
    int startOffset = getStartOffset();
    Rectangle2D.Double mutableBounds = ViewUtils.shape2Bounds(alloc);
    int charIndex = offset - startOffset;
    if (charIndex == 1) {
        mutableBounds.x += firstTabWidth;
    } else if (charIndex > 1) {
        int extraTabCount = getLength() - 1;
        if (extraTabCount > 0) {
            mutableBounds.x += firstTabWidth + (charIndex - 1) * ((width - firstTabWidth) / extraTabCount);
    mutableBounds.width = 1;
    return mutableBounds;
源代码11 项目: netbeans   文件: PositionsBag.java
private int [] addHighlightImpl(Position startPosition, Position endPosition, AttributeSet attributes) {
    if (startPosition.getOffset() == endPosition.getOffset()) {
        return null;
    } else {
        assert startPosition.getOffset() < endPosition.getOffset() : 
            "Start position must be before the end position."; //NOI18N
        assert attributes != null : "Highlight attributes must not be null."; //NOI18N

    if (mergeHighlights) {
        merge(startPosition, endPosition, attributes);
    } else {
        trim(startPosition, endPosition, attributes);

    return new int [] { startPosition.getOffset(), endPosition.getOffset() };
源代码12 项目: netbeans   文件: JPACompletionItem.java
protected void substituteText(JTextComponent c, int offset, int len, String toAdd) {
    BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) c.getDocument();
    CharSequence prefix = getInsertPrefix();
    String text = prefix.toString();
    if (toAdd != null) {
        text += toAdd;

    try {
        Position position = doc.createPosition(offset);
        doc.remove(offset, len);
        doc.insertString(position.getOffset(), text.toString(), null);
    } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
        // nothing can be done to update
    } finally {
源代码13 项目: netbeans   文件: AbstractRefactoringElement.java
public PositionBounds getPosition() {
    try {
        DataObject dobj = DataObject.find(getParentFile());
        if (dobj != null) {
            EditorCookie.Observable obs = (EditorCookie.Observable)dobj.getCookie(EditorCookie.Observable.class);
            if (obs != null && obs instanceof CloneableEditorSupport) {
                CloneableEditorSupport supp = (CloneableEditorSupport)obs;

                if (loc == null) {
                    loc = location();
            PositionBounds bounds = new PositionBounds(
                    supp.createPositionRef(loc[0], Position.Bias.Forward),
                    supp.createPositionRef(Math.max(loc[0], loc[1]), Position.Bias.Forward)
            return bounds;
    } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) {
    return null;
源代码14 项目: netbeans   文件: GrammarManager.java
     * Notification from invalidator thread, the grammar need to be reloaded.
    public synchronized void invalidateGrammar() {
        // make current loader a zombie
        if (state == VALID) {
            String msg = NbBundle.getMessage(GrammarManager.class, "MSG_loading_cancel");
        //remove FileChangeListeners from the external DTD files
        for(FileObject fo : externalDTDs) {
//            System.out.println("[GrammarManager] removed FileObjectListener from " + fo.getPath());
        guarded = new Position[0];
        state = INVALID;
源代码15 项目: netbeans   文件: DoubleFoldManagerTest.java
public boolean reject(Object o) {
    return (o == fold.getType())
        || (o == fold.getDescription()) // requires non-null description during construction
        || (o == fold.getParent())
        || (o instanceof FoldOperationImpl)
        || (o instanceof Position);
    // Will count possible FoldChildren and ExtraInfo
源代码16 项目: netbeans   文件: EditorDocumentContentTest.java
public void testSimpleUndo() throws Exception {
    RandomTestContainer container = createContainer();
    RandomTestContainer.Context context = container.context();

    DocumentContentTesting.insert(context, 0, "ahoj cau");
    Position pos4 = DocumentContentTesting.createPosition(context, 4);
    DocumentContentTesting.remove(context, 3, 4);
    DocumentContentTesting.undo(context, 1);
    assertEquals(pos4.getOffset(), 4);
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件: MultiTextUI.java
 * Invokes the <code>getNextVisualPositionFrom</code> method on each UI handled by this object.
 * @return the value obtained from the first UI, which is
 * the UI obtained from the default <code>LookAndFeel</code>
public int getNextVisualPositionFrom(JTextComponent a, int b, Position.Bias c, int d, Position.Bias[] e)
        throws BadLocationException {
    int returnValue =
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(0))).getNextVisualPositionFrom(a,b,c,d,e);
    for (int i = 1; i < uis.size(); i++) {
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(i))).getNextVisualPositionFrom(a,b,c,d,e);
    return returnValue;
源代码18 项目: netbeans   文件: EditorCaret.java
 * Sets navigation filter for a certain operation type, defined by {@link MoveCaretsOrigin}.
 * <p>
 * The registered filter will receive <b>only those caret movements</b>, which correspond to the
 * passed {@link MoveCaretsOrigin}. To receive all caret movements, register for {@link MoveCaretsOrigin#DEFAULT} 
 * or use {@link JTextComponent#setNavigationFilter}.
 * </p><p>
 * All the key part(s) of MoveCaretOrigin of a caret operation and `origin' parameter in this function must
 * match in order for the filter to be invoked.
 * </p><p>
 * The NavigationFilter implementation <b>may downcast</b> the passed {@link NavigationFilter.FilterBypass FilterBypass}
 * parameter to {@link NavigationFilterBypass} to get full infomration about the movement. 
 * </p>
 * @param component the component which will use the filter
 * @param origin the origin
 * @param naviFilter the installed filter
 * @see JTextComponent#setNavigationFilter
 * @see NavigationFilterBypass
 * @since 2.10
public static void setNavigationFilter(JTextComponent component, MoveCaretsOrigin origin, @NullAllowed NavigationFilter naviFilter) {
    if (origin == null) {
        origin = MoveCaretsOrigin.DEFAULT;
    final NavigationFilter prev = getNavigationFilter(component, origin);
    if (naviFilter != null) {
        // Note:
        // if the caller passes in a non-cascading filter, we would loose the filter chain information.
        // the alien filter is wrapped by CascadingNavigationFilter delegator, so the previous filter
        // link is preserved.
        if (!(naviFilter instanceof CascadingNavigationFilter)) {
            final NavigationFilter del = naviFilter;
            naviFilter = new CascadingNavigationFilter() {
                public void setDot(NavigationFilter.FilterBypass fb, int dot, Position.Bias bias) {
                    del.setDot(fb, dot, bias);

                public void moveDot(NavigationFilter.FilterBypass fb, int dot, Position.Bias bias) {
                    del.moveDot(fb, dot, bias);

                public int getNextVisualPositionFrom(JTextComponent text, int pos, Position.Bias bias, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) throws BadLocationException {
                    return del.getNextVisualPositionFrom(text, pos, bias, direction, biasRet);
        ((CascadingNavigationFilter)naviFilter).setOwnerAndPrevious(component, origin, prev);
    if (MoveCaretsOrigin.DEFAULT == origin) {
    } else {
        doPutNavigationFilter(component, origin.getActionType(), prev);
源代码19 项目: netbeans   文件: MergingOffsetsBagTest.java
private String dumpHighlight(Position start, Position end, AttributeSet attribs) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    sb.append(start == null ? " " : start.getOffset());
    sb.append(end == null ? " " : end.getOffset());
    dumpAttributes(sb, attribs);

    return sb.toString();
源代码20 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: MultiTextUI.java
 * Invokes the <code>modelToView</code> method on each UI handled by this object.
 * @return the value obtained from the first UI, which is
 * the UI obtained from the default <code>LookAndFeel</code>
public Rectangle modelToView(JTextComponent a, int b, Position.Bias c)
        throws BadLocationException {
    Rectangle returnValue =
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(0))).modelToView(a,b,c);
    for (int i = 1; i < uis.size(); i++) {
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(i))).modelToView(a,b,c);
    return returnValue;
源代码21 项目: netbeans   文件: FoldView.java
    public Shape modelToViewChecked(int offset, Shape alloc, Position.Bias bias) {
//        TextLayout textLayout = getTextLayout();
//        if (textLayout == null) {
//            return alloc; // Leave given bounds
//        }
//        Rectangle2D.Double bounds = ViewUtils.shape2Bounds(alloc);
//        return bounds;
        return alloc;
源代码22 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: JList.java
 * Returns the next list element whose {@code toString} value
 * starts with the given prefix.
 * @param prefix the string to test for a match
 * @param startIndex the index for starting the search
 * @param bias the search direction, either
 * Position.Bias.Forward or Position.Bias.Backward.
 * @return the index of the next list element that
 * starts with the prefix; otherwise {@code -1}
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if prefix is {@code null}
 * or startIndex is out of bounds
 * @since 1.4
public int getNextMatch(String prefix, int startIndex, Position.Bias bias) {
    ListModel<E> model = getModel();
    int max = model.getSize();
    if (prefix == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= max) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    prefix = prefix.toUpperCase();

    // start search from the next element after the selected element
    int increment = (bias == Position.Bias.Forward) ? 1 : -1;
    int index = startIndex;
    do {
        E element = model.getElementAt(index);

        if (element != null) {
            String string;

            if (element instanceof String) {
                string = ((String)element).toUpperCase();
            else {
                string = element.toString();
                if (string != null) {
                    string = string.toUpperCase();

            if (string != null && string.startsWith(prefix)) {
                return index;
        index = (index + increment + max) % max;
    } while (index != startIndex);
    return -1;
源代码23 项目: netbeans   文件: LockView.java
public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException {
    try {
        if (view != null) {
            return view.modelToView(pos, a, b);
        return null;

    } finally {
源代码24 项目: netbeans   文件: InteriorSectionImpl.java
public boolean contains(Position pos, boolean allowHoles) {
    if (!allowHoles) {
		return header.getBegin().getOffset() <= pos.getOffset() &&
	    footer.getEnd().getOffset() >= pos.getOffset();
    } else {
	if (header.getBegin().getOffset() <= pos.getOffset() &&
	    header.getEnd().getOffset() >= pos.getOffset()) {
	    return true;
	return footer.getBegin().getOffset() <= pos.getOffset() &&
	    footer.getEnd().getOffset() >= pos.getOffset();
源代码25 项目: netbeans   文件: JSFEditorUtilities.java
private static int writeString(BaseDocument doc, String text, int offset){
    int formatLength = 0;
    Indent indenter = Indent.get(doc);
    Reformat formatter = Reformat.get(doc);
    try {
            offset = indenter.indentNewLine(offset + 1);
            doc.insertString(offset, text, null );
            Position endPos = doc.createPosition(offset + text.length() - 1);
            formatter.reformat(offset, endPos.getOffset());
            formatLength = Math.max(0, endPos.getOffset() - offset);
        catch(BadLocationException ex){
        finally {
    } finally {
    return offset + formatLength + 1;
源代码26 项目: netbeans   文件: JavaSemanticTokenList.java
static void handleIdentifier(Document doc, List<Position[]> p, int[] span, String name) {
    if (span == null)
        return ;
    List<int[]> spans = new LinkedList<int[]>();
    List<String> separatedWords = separateWords(name, spans);
    for (int[] s : spans) {
        try {
            p.add(new Position[]{doc.createPosition(span[0] + s[0]), doc.createPosition(span[0] + s[1])});
        } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
源代码27 项目: jdk8u60   文件: MultiTextUI.java
 * Invokes the <code>viewToModel</code> method on each UI handled by this object.
 * @return the value obtained from the first UI, which is
 * the UI obtained from the default <code>LookAndFeel</code>
public int viewToModel(JTextComponent a, Point b, Position.Bias[] c) {
    int returnValue =
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(0))).viewToModel(a,b,c);
    for (int i = 1; i < uis.size(); i++) {
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(i))).viewToModel(a,b,c);
    return returnValue;
源代码28 项目: netbeans   文件: FormatSupport.java
/** Get the previous position of the position given by parameters.
 * It can be either just offset decreasing but it can be movement
 * to the previous token for the token boundary.
 * @return next token-position or null for the first position in the chain
public FormatTokenPosition getPreviousPosition(TokenItem token, int offset,
Position.Bias bias) {
    FormatTokenPosition ret = null;
    if (token == null) { // end of chain
        TokenItem lastToken = findNonEmptyToken(getLastToken(), true);
        if (lastToken != null) { // regular last token
            ret = getPosition(lastToken, lastToken.getImage().length() - 1,

    } else { // regular token

        if (offset < 0) {
            token = token.getPrevious();
            if (token != null) { // was first pos in first token
                ret = getPosition(token, token.getImage().length() - 1,

        } else { // still inside token
            ret = getPosition(token, offset,

    return ret;
源代码29 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: MultiTextUI.java
public Rectangle2D modelToView2D(JTextComponent a, int b, Position.Bias c) throws BadLocationException {
    Rectangle2D returnValue =
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(0))).modelToView2D(a,b,c);
    for (int i = 1; i < uis.size(); i++) {
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(i))).modelToView2D(a,b,c);
    return returnValue;
源代码30 项目: JDKSourceCode1.8   文件: MultiTextUI.java
 * Invokes the <code>getNextVisualPositionFrom</code> method on each UI handled by this object.
 * @return the value obtained from the first UI, which is
 * the UI obtained from the default <code>LookAndFeel</code>
public int getNextVisualPositionFrom(JTextComponent a, int b, Position.Bias c, int d, Position.Bias[] e)
        throws BadLocationException {
    int returnValue =
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(0))).getNextVisualPositionFrom(a,b,c,d,e);
    for (int i = 1; i < uis.size(); i++) {
        ((TextUI) (uis.elementAt(i))).getNextVisualPositionFrom(a,b,c,d,e);
    return returnValue;