

源代码1 项目: presto   文件: BigQueryConfig.java
@AssertTrue(message = "Exactly one of 'bigquery.credentials-key' or 'bigquery.credentials-file' must be specified, or the default GoogleCredentials could be created")
public boolean isCredentialsConfigurationValid()
    // only one of them (at most) should be present
    if (credentialsKey.isPresent() && credentialsFile.isPresent()) {
        return false;
    // if no credentials were supplied, let's check if we can create the default ones
    if (credentialsKey.isEmpty() && credentialsFile.isEmpty()) {
        try {
        catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
    return true;
源代码2 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: specificDate.java
private boolean isDateTimeValid() {
	try {
		SimpleDateFormat dateformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
		ParsePosition position = new ParsePosition(0);
       	String firstDateTime = this.startDate + " " + this.startTime;
       	String secondDateTime = this.endDate + " " + this.endTime;
       	Date first = dateformat.parse(firstDateTime, position);
       	if (( first == null) || (position.getIndex() != firstDateTime.length()))
       		return false;
       	position = new ParsePosition(0);
       	Date second = dateformat.parse(secondDateTime, position);
       	if (( second == null) || (position.getIndex() != secondDateTime.length()))
       		return false;
       	return first.before(second);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		return false;
源代码3 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: recurringSchedule.java
private boolean isRepeatOnValid() {
	String[] s_values = this.repeatOn.replace("\"", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(",");
	String[] weekday = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"};
    List<String> weekday_list = Arrays.asList(weekday);
    Set<String> validValues = new HashSet<String>(weekday_list);

    List<String> value_list = Arrays.asList(s_values);
    Set<String> value_set = new HashSet<String>(value_list);

    if ( s_values.length > value_set.size()) {
		return false;
	for (String s: s_values){
		if(!validValues.contains(s)) {
			return false;
	if ( s_values.length > validValues.size()) {
		return false;
	return true;
源代码4 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: recurringSchedule.java
private boolean isTimeValid() {
	try {
		SimpleDateFormat parser = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
       	ParsePosition position = new ParsePosition(0);
		Date start_time = parser.parse(this.startTime, position);
       	if (( start_time == null) || (position.getIndex() != this.startTime.length()))
       		return false;
       	position = new ParsePosition(0);
		Date end_time = parser.parse(this.endTime, position);
       	if (( end_time == null) || (position.getIndex() != this.endTime.length()))
       		return false;
       	return start_time.before(end_time);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		return false;
源代码5 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: Schedule.java
@AssertTrue(message="{Schedule.isTimeZoneValid.AssertTrue}") //debug
private boolean isTimeZoneValid() {
	if ((null != this.timezone) && (this.timezone.trim().length() != 0)) {
		BeanValidation.logger.debug("In schedules timezone is " + this.timezone);//debug
		Set<String> timezoneset = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(Constants.timezones));
	    	return true;
	    	return false;
	else { 
		BeanValidation.logger.debug("timezone is empty in schedules");//debug
              return false; //timezone must be specified in Schedule
源代码6 项目: presto   文件: TestLdapConfig.java
public void testValidation()
    assertValidates(new LdapConfig()

    assertValidates(new LdapConfig()

            new LdapConfig()
            "Connecting to the LDAP server without SSL enabled requires `ldap.allow-insecure=true`",

    assertFailsValidation(new LdapConfig().setLdapUrl("localhost"), "ldapUrl", "Invalid LDAP server URL. Expected ldap:// or ldaps://", Pattern.class);
    assertFailsValidation(new LdapConfig().setLdapUrl("ldaps:/localhost"), "ldapUrl", "Invalid LDAP server URL. Expected ldap:// or ldaps://", Pattern.class);

    assertFailsValidation(new LdapConfig(), "ldapUrl", "may not be null", NotNull.class);
源代码7 项目: presto   文件: MySqlJdbcConfig.java
@AssertTrue(message = "Invalid JDBC URL for MySQL connector")
public boolean isUrlValid()
    try {
        Driver driver = new Driver();
        Properties properties = driver.parseURL(getConnectionUrl(), null);
        return properties != null;
    catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码8 项目: presto   文件: MySqlJdbcConfig.java
@AssertTrue(message = "Database (catalog) must not be specified in JDBC URL for MySQL connector")
public boolean isUrlWithoutDatabase()
    try {
        Driver driver = new Driver();
        Properties properties = driver.parseURL(getConnectionUrl(), null);
        return (properties == null) || (driver.database(properties) == null);
    catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码9 项目: RestDoc   文件: AssertTruePostProcessor.java
public PropertyModel postProcessInternal(PropertyModel propertyModel) {
    AssertTrue assertTrueAnno = propertyModel.getPropertyItem().getAnnotation(AssertTrue.class);
    if (assertTrueAnno == null) return propertyModel;

    propertyModel.setDescription(TextUtils.combine(propertyModel.getDescription(), " (值只能为true)"));
    return propertyModel;
源代码10 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: Schedule.java
@AssertTrue(message="{Schedule.isScheduleValid.AssertTrue}") //debug
private boolean isScheduleValid() {
	if (((null == this.recurringSchedule) || (this.recurringSchedule.size() == 0) ) && ((null == this.specificDate) || (this.specificDate.size() == 0)) ){
              return false;  //at least one setting should be exist
	return true;
源代码11 项目: java-di   文件: GenieTest.java
public void testRegisteredPostConstructProcessor() {
    genie.registerPostConstructProcessor(AssertTrue.class, new AssertTrueHandler());
    try {
        fail("Expect ValidationException here");
    } catch (ValidationException e) {
        // test pass
源代码12 项目: backstopper   文件: ReflectionMagicWorksTest.java
 * Makes sure that the Reflections helper stuff is working properly and capturing all annotation possibilities (class type, constructor, constructor param, method, method param, and field).
public void verifyThatTheReflectionsConfigurationIsCapturingAllAnnotationPossibilities() {
    List<Pair<Annotation, AnnotatedElement>> annotationOptionsClassAnnotations = getSubAnnotationListForElementsOfOwnerClass(TROLLER.allConstraintAnnotationsMasterList,
    assertThat(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations.size(), is(10));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, SomeClassLevelJsr303Annotation.class).size(), is(2));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, OtherClassLevelJsr303Annotation.class).size(), is(1));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, AssertTrue.class).size(), is(1));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, AssertFalse.class).size(), is(1));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, NotNull.class).size(), is(2));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, Min.class).size(), is(2));
    assertThat(getSubAnnotationListForAnnotationsOfClassType(annotationOptionsClassAnnotations, Max.class).size(), is(1));
源代码13 项目: backstopper   文件: ReflectionMagicWorksTest.java
@AssertTrue(message = "I am a constructor annotated with a constraint even though it doesn't really make sense")
public DifferentValidationAnnotationOptions(String nonAnnotatedConstructorParam,
                                            @NotNull(message = "I am a constructor param annotated with a constraint 1") String annotatedConstructorParam1,
                                            @NotNull(message = "I am a constructor param annotated with a constraint 2") String annotatedConstructorParam2,
                                            String alsoNotAnnotatedConstructorParam) {

源代码14 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: HistoryData.java
private boolean isTimeZoneValid() {
	Set<String> timezoneset = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(Constants.timezones));
    	return true;
    return false;
源代码15 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: TransferedPolicy.java
private boolean isMetricTypeUnique() {
	Set<String> metric_types = new HashSet<String>();
	for (PolicyTrigger trigger : this.policyTriggers){
	if (metric_types.size() != this.policyTriggers.size())
		return false;
		return true;
源代码16 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: TransferedPolicy.java
private boolean isInstanceStepCountUpValid() {		//debug we support count instead of percent change only currently
	for (PolicyTrigger trigger : this.policyTriggers){
		if (trigger.instanceStepCountUp > (instanceMaxCount -1))
			return false;
	return true;
源代码17 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: TransferedPolicy.java
private boolean isMetricTypeSupported() {
	String [] supported_metrics = Constants.getMetricTypeByAppType(this.appType);
	BeanValidation.logger.info("supported metrics are: " + Arrays.toString(supported_metrics));
	if (supported_metrics != null) {
		for (PolicyTrigger trigger : this.policyTriggers) {
			if  (!(Arrays.asList(supported_metrics).contains(trigger.metricType)))
				return false;
	return true;
源代码18 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: TransferedPolicy.java
private boolean isRecurringScheduleTimeValid() {
	if ((this.schedules != null) && (RecurringScheduleTimeValid(this.schedules.recurringSchedule) == false)) {
		return false;
	return true;

源代码19 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: TransferedPolicy.java
private boolean isSpecificDateTimeValid() {
	if ((this.schedules != null) && (SpecificDateTimeValid(this.schedules.specificDate) == false)) {
		return false;
	return true;
源代码20 项目: open-Autoscaler   文件: specificDate.java
private boolean isInstCountValid() {
	if (this.maxInstCount > 0) { //maxInstCount is set
		if (this.minInstCount > this.maxInstCount) {
		    	return false;
    return true;
@AssertTrue(message = "exactly one of 'name' and 'nameExpression' must be set")
public boolean isExclusiveOptions() {
	return getName() != null ^ getNameExpression() != null;
源代码22 项目: presto   文件: ThriftMetastoreConfig.java
@AssertTrue(message = "Trust store must be provided when TLS is enabled")
public boolean isTruststorePathValid()
    return !tlsEnabled || getTruststorePath() != null;
源代码23 项目: staffjoy   文件: GetOrCreateRequest.java
@AssertTrue(message = "Empty request")
private boolean isValidRequest() {
    return StringUtils.hasText(name) || StringUtils.hasText(email) || StringUtils.hasText(phoneNumber);
源代码24 项目: staffjoy   文件: CreateAccountRequest.java
@AssertTrue(message = "Empty request")
private boolean isValidRequest() {
    return StringUtils.hasText(name) || StringUtils.hasText(email) || StringUtils.hasText(phoneNumber);
@AssertTrue(message = "routingKey or routingKeyExpression is required")
public boolean isRoutingKeyProvided() {
	return this.routingKey != null || this.routingKeyExpression != null;
源代码26 项目: staffjoy   文件: CreateShiftRequest.java
@AssertTrue(message = "stop must be after start")
private boolean shopIsAfterStart() {
    long duration = stop.toEpochMilli() - start.toEpochMilli();
    return duration > 0;
源代码27 项目: staffjoy   文件: CreateShiftRequest.java
@AssertTrue(message = "Shifts exceed max allowed hour duration")
private boolean withInMaxDuration() {
    long duration = stop.toEpochMilli()- start.toEpochMilli();
    return duration <= MAX_SHIFT_DURATION;
@AssertTrue(message = "Exactly one of 'queue', 'queueExpression', 'key', 'keyExpression', "
		+ "'topic' and 'topicExpression' must be set")
public boolean isMutuallyExclusive() {
	Object[] props = new Object[]{queue, queueExpression, key, keyExpression, topic, topicExpression};
	return (props.length - 1) == Collections.frequency(Arrays.asList(props), null);
源代码29 项目: staffjoy   文件: ShiftDto.java
@AssertTrue(message = "Shifts exceed max allowed hour duration")
private boolean withInMaxDuration() {
    long duration = stop.toEpochMilli() - start.toEpochMilli();
    return duration <= MAX_SHIFT_DURATION;
源代码30 项目: staffjoy   文件: WorkerShiftListRequest.java
@AssertTrue(message = "shift_start_after must be before shift_start_before")
private boolean correctAfterAndBefore() {
    long duration = shiftStartAfter.toEpochMilli() - shiftStartBefore.toEpochMilli();
    return duration < 0;