

源代码1 项目: Pydev   文件: TreeWithAddRemove.java
 * @param pathAsString
private void addTreeItem(String pathAsString) {
    if (pathAsString != null && pathAsString.trim().length() > 0) {

        // forbid duplicate selections
        TreeItem[] items = tree.getItems();
        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            if (items[i].getText().equals(pathAsString)) {

        TreeItem item = new TreeItem(tree, 0);
 * Checks whether this action can be added for the selected element in the call hierarchy.
 * @return <code> true</code> if the action can be added, <code>false</code> otherwise
protected boolean canActionBeAdded() {
	IStructuredSelection selection= (IStructuredSelection)getSelection();
	if (selection.isEmpty())
		return false;

	Iterator<?> iter= selection.iterator();
	while (iter.hasNext()) {
		Object element= iter.next();
		if (!(element instanceof MethodWrapper))//takes care of '...' node
			return false;

	TreeItem[] items= fCallHierarchyViewer.getTree().getSelection();
	for (int k= 0; k < items.length; k++) {
		if (!checkForChildren(items[k]))
			return false;
	return true;
源代码3 项目: birt   文件: LevelViewDialog.java
private void init( )
	if ( dimension != null )
		levelViewer.setInput( dimension );
		levelViewer.expandToLevel( dimension.getDefaultHierarchy( )
				.getContentCount( IHierarchyModel.LEVELS_PROP ) );

	if ( showLevels == null || showLevels.size( ) == 0 )
	TreeItem item = levelViewer.getTree( ).getItem( 0 );
	while ( item != null )
		LevelHandle level = (LevelHandle) item.getData( );
		if ( showLevels.contains( level ) )
			item.setChecked( true );
		if ( item.getItemCount( ) > 0 )
			item = item.getItem( 0 );
			item = null;

源代码4 项目: uima-uimaj   文件: ParameterSection.java
 * Common parm update.
 * @param existingTreeItem the existing tree item
 * @param existingCP the existing CP
 * @param prevName the prev name
private void commonParmUpdate(TreeItem existingTreeItem, ConfigurationParameter existingCP,
        String prevName) {
  updateParmInSettingsGUI(existingCP, existingTreeItem, prevName);

  String newName = existingCP.getName();
  if (!newName.equals(prevName)) {
    // name changed; update the settings model
    ConfigurationParameterSettings cps = getModelSettings();
    String[] allGroupNames = new String[] { null };
    if (usingGroupsButton.getSelection()) {
      allGroupNames = (String[]) Utility
              .addElementToArray(getAllGroupNames(), null, String.class);
    Object value;

    for (int i = 0; i < allGroupNames.length; i++) {
      if (null != (value = cps.getParameterValue(allGroupNames[i], prevName))) {
        cps.setParameterValue(allGroupNames[i], newName, value);
        cps.setParameterValue(allGroupNames[i], prevName, null);
源代码5 项目: uima-uimaj   文件: ParameterSection.java
 * Adds the parm.
 * @param name the name
 * @param modelParm the model parm
 * @param group the group
 * @param override the override
public void addParm(String name, ConfigurationParameter modelParm, ConfigGroup group,
        String override) {
  TreeItem parentGroup = getTreeItemGroup(group);
  AddParameterDialog dialog = new AddParameterDialog(this, group);
  dialog.parmName = name;
  dialog.description = modelParm.getDescription();
  dialog.mandatory = modelParm.isMandatory();
  dialog.multiValue = modelParm.isMultiValued();
  dialog.parmType = modelParm.getType();
  // dialog.overrideSpec = override;
  ConfigurationParameter parmInGroup = addNewConfigurationParameter(dialog, parentGroup);
  addOverride(parmInGroup, override);
源代码6 项目: hop   文件: ConstUi.java
 * Return the tree path seperated by Const.FILE_SEPARATOR, starting from a certain depth in the tree.
 * @param ti   The TreeItem to get the path for
 * @param from The depth to start at, use 0 to get the complete tree.
 * @return The tree path.
public static final String getTreePath( TreeItem ti, int from ) {
  String[] path = getTreeStrings( ti );

  if ( path == null ) {
    return null;

  String retval = "";

  for ( int i = from; i < path.length; i++ ) {
    if ( !path[ i ].equalsIgnoreCase( Const.FILE_SEPARATOR ) ) {
      retval += Const.FILE_SEPARATOR + path[ i ];

  return retval;
源代码7 项目: uima-uimaj   文件: TypeSection.java
 * Edits the allowed value.
 * @param item the item
 * @param parent the parent
private void editAllowedValue(TreeItem item, TreeItem parent) {

  TypeDescription td = getTypeDescriptionFromTableTreeItem(parent);
  AllowedValue av = getAllowedValueFromTableTreeItem(item);
  AllowedValue localAv = getLocalAllowedValue(td, av); // must use unmodified value of "av"
  AddAllowedValueDialog dialog = new AddAllowedValueDialog(this, av);
  if (dialog.open() == Window.CANCEL)

  allowedValueUpdate(av, dialog);
  allowedValueUpdate(localAv, dialog);
  if (!valueChanged)

  // update the GUI
  item.setText(AV_COL, av.getString());

源代码8 项目: birt   文件: ToolTipFaker.java
private String getToolTip( TreeItem item )
	Object obj = item.getData( );
	if ( obj instanceof TreeData )
		Object data = ( (TreeData) item.getData( ) ).getWrappedObject( );
		if ( data instanceof Field )
			return ( (Field) data ).getName( )
					+ " : " //$NON-NLS-1$
					+ ClassParser.getTypeLabel( ( (Field) data ).getGenericType( ) );
		if ( data instanceof Method )
			return ( (Method) data ).getName( )
					+ "(" //$NON-NLS-1$
					+ ClassParser.getParametersLabel( (Method) data )
					+ ")" //$NON-NLS-1$
					+ " : " + ClassParser.getTypeLabel( ( (Method) data ).getGenericReturnType( ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$ 
		return item.getText( );
	return null;
源代码9 项目: IndentGuide   文件: IndentGuidePreferencePage.java
public boolean performOk() {
  final IPreferenceStore store = getPreferenceStore();
  store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.ENABLED, enabled.getSelection());
  store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.LINE_ALPHA, lineAlpha.getSelection());
      lineStyle.getSelectionIndex() + 1);
  store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.LINE_WIDTH, lineWidth.getSelection());
  store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.LINE_SHIFT, lineShift.getSelection());
  final RGB rgb = colorFieldEditor.getColorSelector().getColorValue();
  final Color color = new Color(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay(), rgb);
  String types = "";
  for (final TreeItem item : contentTypesTree.getItems()) {
    types = getContentTypes(item, types);
  store.setValue(PreferenceConstants.CONTENT_TYPES, types);
  return super.performOk();
源代码10 项目: uima-uimaj   文件: ParameterSection.java
 * Alter existing configuration parameter.
 * @param dialog the dialog
 * @param existingTreeItem the existing tree item
private void alterExistingConfigurationParameter(AddParameterDialog dialog,
        TreeItem existingTreeItem) {
  ConfigurationParameter existingCP = getCorrespondingModelParm(existingTreeItem);
  ConfigurationParameter previousCP = existingCP;
  previousCP = (ConfigurationParameter) previousCP.clone();
  fillModelParm(dialog, existingCP);
  fillParmItem(existingTreeItem, existingCP);

  // the following may have changed in an existing param spec, that could
  // affect the setting:
  // 1) the name, 2) the type, 3) the multi-value aspect
  // Description or mandatory changes have no effect on the settings

  // If the multi-value aspect changes, drop all the settings
  // If the type changes, drop all the settings
  // If the name changes, change existing settings for that parm name in all groups

  if ((!previousCP.getType().equals(existingCP.getType()))
          || (previousCP.isMultiValued() != existingCP.isMultiValued())) {
    removeParmSettingFromMultipleGroups(existingTreeItem, !REMOVE_FROM_GUI);

  commonParmUpdate(existingTreeItem, existingCP, previousCP.getName());
源代码11 项目: pentaho-kettle   文件: ConstUI.java
 * Get an array of strings containing the path from the given TreeItem to the parent.
 * @param ti
 *          The TreeItem to look at
 * @return An array of string describing the path to the TreeItem.
public static final String[] getTreeStrings( TreeItem ti ) {
  int nrlevels = getTreeLevel( ti ) + 1;
  String[] retval = new String[nrlevels];
  int level = 0;

  retval[nrlevels - 1] = ti.getText();
  TreeItem parent = ti.getParentItem();
  while ( parent != null ) {
    retval[nrlevels - level - 1] = parent.getText();
    parent = parent.getParentItem();

  return retval;
源代码12 项目: gwt-eclipse-plugin   文件: SwtBotTreeActions.java
private static boolean waitUntilTreeHasItemImpl(SWTBot bot, final TreeItem tree,
    final String nodeText) {
  try {
    bot.waitUntil(new DefaultCondition() {
      public String getFailureMessage() {
        return "Could not find node with text " + nodeText;

      public boolean test() throws Exception {
        return getTreeItem(tree, nodeText) != null;
  } catch (TimeoutException e) {
    return false;

  return true;
源代码13 项目: uima-uimaj   文件: ExtnlResBindSection.java
 * remove either a binding or an external resource. Removing the resource removes all bindings
 * associated with it
private void handleRemove() {
  int selectionCount = tree.getSelectionCount();
  if (1 != selectionCount)
  TreeItem item = tree.getSelection()[0];
  if (null == item.getParentItem()) { // case of removing a resource
    if (Window.CANCEL == Utility
            .popOkCancel("Removing Resource",
                    "Removing an External Resource and all its bindings. Resource name:"
                            + item.getText(), MessageDialog.WARNING))
  } else { // case of removing a binding
源代码14 项目: tracecompass   文件: ExportToTsvUtils.java
 * Export content of a tree to TSV file
 * @param tree
 *              the tree to export
 * @param stream
 *              the output stream
public static void exportTreeToTsv(@Nullable Tree tree, @Nullable OutputStream stream) {
    if (tree == null || stream == null) {
    try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(stream)) {
        int size = tree.getItemCount();
        List<String> columns = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < tree.getColumnCount(); i++) {
            String valueOf = String.valueOf(tree.getColumn(i).getText());
            if (valueOf.isEmpty() && i == tree.getColumnCount() - 1) {
                // Linux "feature", an invisible column is added at the end
                // with gtk2
        String join = Joiner.on('\t').skipNulls().join(columns);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            TreeItem item = tree.getItem(i);
            printItem(pw, columns, item);
源代码15 项目: nebula   文件: XViewerCustomMenu.java
private void performViewOrCopyCell(Option option) {
   try {
      MouseEvent event = xViewer.getMouseListener().getLeftClickEvent();
      TreeItem item = xViewer.getItemUnderMouseClick(new Point(event.x, event.y));
      TreeColumn column = xViewer.getColumnUnderMouseClick(new Point(event.x, event.y));
      if (item != null && column != null) {
         int columnNum = 0;
         for (int x = 0; x < xViewer.getTree().getColumnCount(); x++) {
            if (xViewer.getTree().getColumn(x).equals(column)) {
               columnNum = x;
         ViewSelectedCellDataAction action = new ViewSelectedCellDataAction(xViewer, clipboard, option);
         action.run(column, item, columnNum);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
      // do nothing
源代码16 项目: uima-uimaj   文件: TypeSection.java
 * Handle hover.
 * @param event the event
public void handleHover(Event event) {
  // next getItem call requires that table have SWT.FULL_SELECTION Style
  TreeItem item = tt.getItem(new Point(event.x, event.y));
  if (null != item) {
    Object o = item.getData();
    if (null == o)
      throw new InternalErrorCDE("invalid state");

    if (o instanceof TypeDescription) {
      setToolTipText(tt, ((TypeDescription) o).getDescription());
    } else if (o instanceof FeatureDescription) {
      FeatureDescription fd = (FeatureDescription) o;
      if (item.getBounds(MULTIPLE_REF_OK_COL).contains(event.x, event.y)
              && isArrayOrListType(fd.getRangeTypeName())) {
        Boolean mra = fd.getMultipleReferencesAllowed();
        setToolTipText(tt, (mra != null && mra) ? "Multiple References Allowed"
                : "Multiple References Not Allowed");
      } else
        setToolTipText(tt, fd.getDescription());
    } else if (o instanceof AllowedValue) {
      setToolTipText(tt, ((AllowedValue) o).getDescription());
  } else
源代码17 项目: txtUML   文件: VisualizeTxtUMLPage.java
private void selectionHandler(Event event) {
	if (event.detail == SWT.CHECK) {
		TreeItem item = (TreeItem) event.item;
		if (item.getData() instanceof IType) {
			IType type = (IType) item.getData();
			if (!txtUMLLayout.contains(type)) {
			} else {
		} else {
			checkItems(item, item.getChecked());
源代码18 项目: nebula   文件: PTColorEditor.java
protected void openWindow(final PTWidget widget, final Item item, final PTProperty property) {
	final ColorDialog dialog = new ColorDialog(widget.getWidget().getShell());
	final RGB result = dialog.open();
	if (result != null) {

		final Color bgColor = getBackgroundColor(property);
		if (bgColor != null) {
			if (item instanceof TableItem) {
				((TableItem) item).setBackground(1, bgColor);
			if (item instanceof TreeItem) {
				((TreeItem) item).setBackground(1, bgColor);
			SWTGraphicUtil.addDisposer(item, bgColor);

		if (item instanceof TableItem) {
			((TableItem) item).setText(1, getTextFor(property));

		} else {
			((TreeItem) item).setText(1, getTextFor(property));
源代码19 项目: nebula   文件: PTDirectoryEditor.java
 * @see org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.propertytable.editor.PTChooserEditor#openWindow(org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.propertytable.PTWidget,
 *      org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Item, org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.opal.propertytable.PTProperty)
protected void openWindow(final PTWidget widget, final Item item, final PTProperty property) {
	final DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(widget.getWidget().getShell());
	final String result = dialog.open();
	if (result != null) {
		if (item instanceof TableItem) {
			((TableItem) item).setText(1, result);
		} else {
			((TreeItem) item).setText(1, result);

 * Updates the check / gray state of all parent items.
 * @param item
 *          the item
private void updateParentItems(final TreeItem item) {
  if (item != null) {
    final Item[] children = getChildren(item);
    boolean containsChecked = false;
    boolean containsUnchecked = false;
    for (final Item element : children) {
      final TreeItem curr = (TreeItem) element;
      containsChecked |= curr.getChecked();
      containsUnchecked |= (!curr.getChecked() || curr.getGrayed());
    item.setGrayed(containsChecked && containsUnchecked);
源代码21 项目: tmxeditor8   文件: ColumnChooserDialog.java
 * If all the leaves in a group are selected the group is also selected
private void setGroupsSelectionIfRequired(Tree tree, List<Integer> columnEntryIndexes){
	Collection<TreeItem> allLeaves = ArrayUtil.asCollection(tree.getItems());
	Collection<TreeItem> selectedLeaves = ArrayUtil.asCollection(tree.getSelection());

	for (TreeItem leaf : allLeaves) {
			boolean markSelected = true;
			Collection<TreeItem> nestedLeaves = ArrayUtil.asCollection(leaf.getItems());

			for (TreeItem nestedLeaf : nestedLeaves) {
				ColumnEntry columnEntry = getColumnEntryInLeaf(nestedLeaf);
					markSelected = false;
	tree.setSelection(selectedLeaves.toArray(new TreeItem[] {}));
源代码22 项目: birt   文件: ExpressionTreeSupport.java
private TreeItem createSubFolderItem( TreeItem parent, IClassInfo classInfo )
	return createSubTreeItem( parent,
			classInfo.getDisplayName( ),
			classInfo.getToolTip( ),
			true );
源代码23 项目: hop   文件: HopVfsFileDialog.java
private void refreshBrowser() {
  String filename = wFilename.getText();
  if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( filename ) ) {

  // Browse to the selected file location...
  try {
    activeFileObject = HopVfs.getFileObject( filename );
    if ( activeFileObject.isFolder() ) {
      activeFolder = activeFileObject;
    } else {
      activeFolder = activeFileObject.getParent();

    fileObjectsMap = new HashMap<>();

    TreeItem parentFolderItem = new TreeItem( wBrowser, SWT.NONE );
    parentFolderItem.setImage( GuiResource.getInstance().getImageFolder() );
    parentFolderItem.setText( activeFolder.getName().getBaseName() );
    fileObjectsMap.put( getTreeItemPath( parentFolderItem ), activeFolder );

    populateFolder( activeFolder, parentFolderItem );

    parentFolderItem.setExpanded( true );
  } catch ( Throwable e ) {
    showError( "Error browsing to location: " + filename, e );

源代码24 项目: uima-uimaj   文件: AbstractSectionParm.java
 * Takes an existing model parm and fills a pre-allocated treeItem. 3 callers:
 * addNewConfigurationParameter, alterExistingConfigurationParamater (editing), fill (bulk update
 * from refresh)
 * @param item the item
 * @param parm the parm
protected void fillParmItem(TreeItem item, ConfigurationParameter parm) {

  // // set data if tree == parmsection tree
  // if (item.getParent() == parameterSectionTree)
  // back link used to find corresponding model parm decl from tree item
源代码25 项目: translationstudio8   文件: ColumnChooserDialog.java
private void toggleColumnGroupSelection(TreeItem treeItem) {
		Collection<TreeItem> selectedLeaves = ArrayUtil.asCollection(selectedTree.getSelection());
		boolean selected = selectedLeaves.contains(treeItem);
			selectAllChildren(selectedTree, treeItem);
		} else {
			unSelectAllChildren(selectedTree, treeItem);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected void setExpanded(final Item item, final boolean expand) {
  super.setExpanded(item, expand);
  if (expand && item instanceof TreeItem) {
    initializeItem((TreeItem) item);
源代码27 项目: gwt-eclipse-plugin   文件: SwtBotTreeActions.java
 * Helper method to check whether a given tree is expanded which can be called from any thread.
public static boolean isTreeExpanded(final TreeItem tree) {
  return UIThreadRunnable.syncExec(new Result<Boolean>() {
    public Boolean run() {
      return tree.getExpanded();
源代码28 项目: ermasterr   文件: SequenceOutlineEditPart.java
 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void refreshOutlineVisuals() {
    final Sequence sequence = (Sequence) getModel();

    if (!DBManagerFactory.getDBManager(getDiagram()).isSupported(DBManager.SUPPORT_SEQUENCE)) {
        ((TreeItem) getWidget()).setForeground(ColorConstants.lightGray);

    } else {
        ((TreeItem) getWidget()).setForeground(ColorConstants.black);

源代码29 项目: AndroidRobot   文件: FileUtility.java
public static void refresh(TreeItem root,Display display,String path){
	File fileScript = new File(path);
	File files[] = fileScript.listFiles();
	for(int i=0;i<files.length;i++){
public IJavaProject[] getCheckedProjects() {
	ArrayList<Object> res= new ArrayList<Object>();
	TreeItem[] treeItems= fInputGroup.getTree().getItems();
	for (int i= 0; i < treeItems.length; i++) {
		if (treeItems[i].getChecked()) {
			Object curr= treeItems[i].getData();
			if (curr instanceof IJavaProject) {
	return res.toArray(new IJavaProject[res.size()]);