

源代码1 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTStrategyUI.java
 * @param aStrategyPanelList
 * @return
 * @throws Atdl4jClassLoadException 
protected void buildAtdl4jWidgetMap( List<StrategyPanelT> aStrategyPanelList )
	Map<String, SWTWidget<?>> tempSWTWidgetMap = new HashMap<String, SWTWidget<?>>();
	setExpandBarList( new ArrayList<ExpandBar>() );

	// build panels and widgets recursively
	for ( StrategyPanelT panel : aStrategyPanelList )
		tempSWTWidgetMap.putAll( SWTStrategyPanelFactory.createStrategyPanelAndWidgets( getParent(), panel, getParameterMap(), SWT.NONE, getExpandBarList(), getAtdl4jWidgetFactory() ) );

	// 3/13/2010 John Shields HACK: make the first panel take the full width of the window
	Composite c = getParent();
	for ( Control child : c.getChildren() )
        if (child instanceof Composite) 
      	  Composite composite = (Composite) child;
      	  composite.setLayoutData( new GridData( SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true ) );
	setSWTWidgetMap( tempSWTWidgetMap );
源代码2 项目: tlaplus   文件: ProblemView.java
 * Creates the layout and fill it with data 
public void createPartControl(Composite parent)
    bar = new ExpandBar(parent, SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER);
    UIHelper.setHelp(bar, "ProblemView");
源代码3 项目: tlaplus   文件: ObligationsView.java
public void createPartControl(Composite parent)
     * Create the expand bar that will contain
     * a list of ExpandItems with interesting information
     * about obligations. The items for each obligation are created
     * in the method newMarker().
    bar = new ExpandBar(parent, SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.BORDER);

源代码4 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTStrategyUI.java
public void relayoutCollapsibleStrategyPanels()
	// -- avoid lots of 'thrash' during initial build/load of the various Strategy panels containing one or more collapsible panels --		
	for ( ExpandBar tempExpandBar : getExpandBarList() )
		// -- Force re-sizing (to support non-collapsed, collapsible ExpandBar components) --
		if ( tempExpandBar.getItem( 0 ).getExpanded() )
			SWTStrategyPanelHelper.relayoutExpandBar( tempExpandBar, false );
源代码5 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTRelayoutExpandBarThread.java
public SWTRelayoutExpandBarThread( ExpandBar anExpandBar )
	expandBar = anExpandBar;
	Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new Runnable()
        public void run()
        	SWTStrategyPanelHelper.relayoutExpandBar( expandBar );
源代码6 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTStrategyPanelHelper.java
public static void relayoutExpandBar(ExpandBar expandBar, boolean relayoutParents)
	Composite c = expandBar;
	int tempMaxControlX = 0;
	logger.debug( "----- relayoutExpandBar (relayoutParents: " + relayoutParents + " expandBar: " + expandBar + " -----" );
		logger.debug( "c: " + c.getClass() + " c.getParent(): " + c.getParent().getClass() );
		if ( c instanceof ExpandBar )
			ExpandBar eb = (ExpandBar) c;
			logger.debug( "ExpandBar.getSize(): " + eb.getSize() );
			for ( ExpandItem expandItem : eb.getItems() )
				logger.debug( "expandItem: " + expandItem + " text: " + expandItem.getText() + " control: " + expandItem.getControl() + " controlLocation: " + expandItem.getControl().getLocation());					
				logger.debug( "before pack(): expandItem.getControl().getSize(): " + expandItem.getControl().getSize() );

				if ( expandItem.getControl().getSize().x > tempMaxControlX )
					tempMaxControlX = expandItem.getControl().getSize().x;

				logger.debug( "before: expandItem.getHeight(): " + expandItem.getHeight() + " expandItem.getControl().getSize(): " + expandItem.getControl().getSize() );

				expandItem.setHeight( expandItem.getControl().computeSize( eb.getSize().x, SWT.DEFAULT, true ).y );

			// -- Need to set ExpandBar's GridData.widthHint to the width of the widest control within it -- 
			GridData tempGridData2 = (GridData) expandBar.getLayoutData();
			tempGridData2.widthHint = tempMaxControlX;
			// do not set height as ExpandBar handles this tempGridData2.heightHint = expandBar.getSize().y;
			expandBar.setLayoutData( tempGridData2 );
			if ( relayoutParents )
				Control p = c.getParent();
				if ( p instanceof ScrolledComposite )
					ScrolledComposite scrolledComposite = (ScrolledComposite) p;
					if ( scrolledComposite.getExpandHorizontal() || scrolledComposite.getExpandVertical() )
						scrolledComposite.setMinSize( scrolledComposite.getContent().computeSize( SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT, true ) );
						scrolledComposite.getContent().pack( true );

				if ( p instanceof Composite )
					Composite composite = (Composite) p;
				// -- this (or relayoutParents=true) is needed (otherwise ExampleStrategyPanelTests2.xml with 2 "columns" of StrategyPanels may not draw all of the ExpandBars initially) --

		c = c.getParent();
	while ( c != null && c.getParent() != null && !( c instanceof ScrolledComposite ) );

	// -- Needed to ensure that strategy panel is expanded vertically as panels go from collapsed to expanded
源代码7 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTStrategyUI.java
 * @return the expandBarList
protected List<ExpandBar> getExpandBarList()
	return this.expandBarList;
源代码8 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTStrategyUI.java
 * @param aExpandBarList the expandBarList to set
protected void setExpandBarList(List<ExpandBar> aExpandBarList)
	this.expandBarList = aExpandBarList;
源代码9 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTStrategyPanelFactory.java
public static Map<String, SWTWidget<?>> createStrategyPanelAndWidgets(Composite parent, StrategyPanelT panel, Map<String, ParameterT> parameters, int style, List<ExpandBar> aExpandBarList, Atdl4jWidgetFactory aAtdl4jWidgetFactory)
	logger.debug( "createStrategyPanelAndWidgets(Composite parent, StrategyPanelT panel, Map<String, ParameterT> parameters, int style)" + " invoked with parms parent: "
			+ parent + " panel: " + panel + " parameters: " + parameters + " style: " + style );

	Map<String, SWTWidget<?>> controlWidgets = new HashMap<String, SWTWidget<?>>();

	// -- Handles StrategyPanel's Collapsible, Title, Border, etc.  Sets its layout and layoutData and data. --
	Composite c = SWTStrategyPanelHelper.createStrategyPanelContainer( panel, parent, style );

	if ( panel.getStrategyPanel().size() > 0 && panel.getControl().size() > 0 )
		// -- Wrap each Control with an auto-built StrategyPanel if setting is true --
		if ( aAtdl4jWidgetFactory.getAtdl4jOptions().isAccommodateMixOfStrategyPanelsAndControls() )
			// -- FIXatdl 1.1 spec recommends against vs. prohibits.  Mixed list may not be displayed 'in sequence' of file. --
			logger.warn( "StrategyPanel contains both StrategyPanel (" + panel.getStrategyPanel().size() +") and Control ( " + panel.getControl().size() + " elements.\nSee Atdl4jOptions.setAccommodateMixOfStrategyPanelsAndControls() as potential work-around, though Controls will appear after StrategyPanels." );
			StrategyPanelT tempPanel = new StrategyPanelT();
			tempPanel.setCollapsible( Boolean.FALSE );
			tempPanel.setCollapsed( Boolean.FALSE );
			tempPanel.setOrientation( panel.getOrientation() );
			tempPanel.setColor( panel.getColor() );
			logger.warn( "Creating a StrategyPanel to contain " + panel.getControl().size() + " Controls." );
			tempPanel.getControl().addAll( panel.getControl() );
			panel.getStrategyPanel().add(  tempPanel );
			// 7/20/2010 -- original behavior:
			throw new IllegalStateException( "StrategyPanel may not contain both StrategyPanel and Control elements." );

	// build panels widgets recursively
	for ( StrategyPanelT p : panel.getStrategyPanel() )
		Map<String, SWTWidget<?>> widgets = createStrategyPanelAndWidgets( c, p, parameters, style, aExpandBarList, aAtdl4jWidgetFactory );
		// check for duplicate IDs
		for ( String newID : widgets.keySet() )
			for ( String existingID : controlWidgets.keySet() )
				if ( newID.equals( existingID ) )
					throw new IllegalStateException( "Duplicate Control ID: \"" + newID + "\"" );
		controlWidgets.putAll( widgets );

	// build control widgets recursively
	for ( ControlT control : panel.getControl() )
		ParameterT parameter = null;

		if ( control.getParameterRef() != null )
			parameter = parameters.get( control.getParameterRef() );
			if ( parameter == null )
				throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot find Parameter \"" + control.getParameterRef() + "\" for Control ID: \"" + control.getID() + "\"" );
		SWTWidget<?> widget = SWTWidgetFactory.createWidget( c, control, parameter, style, aAtdl4jWidgetFactory );
		widget.setParentStrategyPanel( panel );
		widget.setParent( c );

		// check for duplicate Control IDs
		if ( control.getID() != null )
			// check for duplicate Control IDs
			for ( SWTWidget<?> w : controlWidgets.values() )
				if ( w.getControl().getID().equals( control.getID() ) )
					throw new IllegalStateException( "Duplicate Control ID: \"" + control.getID() + "\"" );
			controlWidgets.put( control.getID(), widget );
			throw new IllegalStateException( "Control Type: \"" + control.getClass().getSimpleName() + "\" is missing ID" );

	if ( c.getParent() instanceof ExpandBar )
		aExpandBarList.add( (ExpandBar)c.getParent() );
	return controlWidgets;
源代码10 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTExpandBarResizer.java
public void itemCollapsed(ExpandEvent aE)
	SWTStrategyPanelHelper.revalidateLayoutAsync( (ExpandBar)composite.getParent() );
源代码11 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTExpandBarResizer.java
public void itemExpanded(ExpandEvent aE)
	SWTStrategyPanelHelper.revalidateLayoutAsync( (ExpandBar)composite.getParent() );
源代码12 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTStrategyPanelHelper.java
 * Helper method contributed on web:
 * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/586414
 * /why-does-an-swt-composite-sometimes
 * -require-a-call-to-resize-to-layout-correctl
 * @author http://stackoverflow.com/users/63293/peter-walser
 * @param control
// 3/13/2010 John Shields
// streamlined method to increase speed; previously was doing too much
// layout work which made the app very slow.

public static void relayoutExpandBar(ExpandBar expandBar)
	relayoutExpandBar( expandBar, true );
源代码13 项目: atdl4j   文件: SWTStrategyPanelHelper.java
 * Invokes revalidateLayout() within Display.getCurrent().asyncExec(new
 * Runnable() ... )
 * @param aControl
public static void revalidateLayoutAsync(ExpandBar anExpandBar)
	SWTRelayoutExpandBarThread tempRevalidateLayoutThread = new SWTRelayoutExpandBarThread( anExpandBar );