

源代码1 项目: hibersap   文件: TypeSafeActivator.java
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // called by reflection
static void activateBeanValidation(final Set<BapiInterceptor> bapiInterceptors,
                                   final SessionManagerConfig sessionManagerConfig) {
    try {
        ValidatorFactory factory = validatorFactoryFactory.buildValidatorFactory();
        bapiInterceptors.add(new BeanValidationInterceptor(factory));
    } catch (ValidationException e) {
        ValidationMode validationMode = sessionManagerConfig.getValidationMode();
        if (validationMode == ValidationMode.AUTO) {
            LOGGER.warn("Bean Validation will not be used: Bean Validation API is in the classpath, " +
                    "but default ValidatorFactory can not be built. " +
                    "ValidationMode is AUTO, so startup will be continued.", e);
        } else {
            throw new HibersapException("Unable to build the default ValidatorFactory, ValidationMode is " +
                    validationMode, e);
源代码2 项目: hawkbit   文件: MgmtTargetResource.java
public ResponseEntity<MgmtAction> updateAction(@PathVariable("targetId") final String targetId,
        @PathVariable("actionId") final Long actionId, @RequestBody final MgmtActionRequestBodyPut actionUpdate) {

    Action action = deploymentManagement.findAction(actionId)
            .orElseThrow(() -> new EntityNotFoundException(Action.class, actionId));
    if (!action.getTarget().getControllerId().equals(targetId)) {
        LOG.warn(ACTION_TARGET_MISSING_ASSIGN_WARN, action.getId(), targetId);
        return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();

    if (MgmtActionType.FORCED != actionUpdate.getActionType()) {
        throw new ValidationException("Resource supports only switch to FORCED.");

    action = deploymentManagement.forceTargetAction(actionId);

    return ResponseEntity.ok(MgmtTargetMapper.toResponseWithLinks(targetId, action));
源代码3 项目: conductor   文件: ValidationExceptionMapper.java
public Response toResponse(ValidationException exception) {

    Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder;

    if (exception instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {
        responseBuilder = Response.status(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST);
    } else {
        responseBuilder = Response.serverError();
        Monitors.error("error", "error");

    Map<String, Object> entityMap = new HashMap<>();
    entityMap.put("instance", host);


    return responseBuilder.build();
源代码4 项目: alchemy   文件: AllocationsTest.java
public void testClear() {
    Treatment t1, t2;
    try {
        t1 = new Treatment("control");
        t2 = new Treatment("other");
    } catch (ValidationException e) {
        // this should never happen
        t1 = null;
        t2 = null;

    final  Allocations allocations = new Allocations(Lists.newArrayList(
        new Allocation(t1, 0, 5),
        new Allocation(t2, 5, 5)

    assertEquals(2, allocations.getAllocations().size());
    assertEquals(10, allocations.getSize());


    assertEquals(0, allocations.getAllocations().size());
    assertEquals(0, allocations.getSize());
源代码5 项目: alchemy   文件: ExperimentTest.java
public void testClearTreatments()  throws ValidationException {
    final Experiment experiment =
        new Experiment(null, "foo")
            .allocate("bar", 10)
            .addOverride("override", "bar", "true");

    assertEquals(1, experiment.getTreatments().size());
    assertEquals(1, experiment.getAllocations().size());
    assertEquals(1, experiment.getOverrides().size());


    assertEquals(0, experiment.getTreatments().size());
    assertEquals(0, experiment.getAllocations().size());
    assertEquals(0, experiment.getOverrides().size());
源代码6 项目: alchemy   文件: ExperimentTest.java
public void testCopyOf()  throws ValidationException {

    final Experiment original =
        new Experiment(null, "experiment")
            .addOverride("override", "foo", "true")
            .allocate("foo", 10);

    final Experiment copy = Experiment.copyOf(original);

    assertFalse(original == copy);
    assertFalse(original.getTreatments().get(0) == copy.getTreatments().get(0));
    assertFalse(original.getAllocations().get(0) == copy.getAllocations().get(0));
    assertFalse(original.getOverrides().get(0) == copy.getOverrides().get(0));
    assertTrue(copy.getAllocations().get(0).getTreatment() == copy.getTreatments().get(0));
    assertTrue(copy.getOverrides().get(0).getTreatment() == copy.getTreatments().get(0));
源代码7 项目: attic-apex-core   文件: PropertyInjectorVisitor.java
public void setup(DAGSetupPlugin.Context context)
  this.dag = context.getDAG();
  try {
    this.path = context.getConfiguration().get("propertyVisitor.Path");
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
      propertyMap.put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString());
  } catch (IOException ex) {
    throw new ValidationException("Not able to load input file " + path);
  context.register(PRE_VALIDATE_DAG, this);
public void testSetOperatorProperty()
  GenericTestOperator o1 = dag.addOperator("o1", GenericTestOperator.class);
  OperatorMeta o1Meta = dag.getMeta(o1);

  TestPlanContext ctx = new TestPlanContext();
  dag.setAttribute(OperatorContext.STORAGE_AGENT, ctx);
  PhysicalPlan plan = new PhysicalPlan(dag, ctx);

  PlanModifier pm = new PlanModifier(plan);
  try {
    pm.setOperatorProperty(o1Meta.getName(), "myStringProperty", "propertyValue");
    Assert.fail("validation error exepected");
  } catch (javax.validation.ValidationException e) {

  GenericTestOperator newOperator = new GenericTestOperator();
  pm.addOperator("newOperator", newOperator);
  pm.setOperatorProperty("newOperator", "myStringProperty", "propertyValue");
  Assert.assertEquals("", "propertyValue", newOperator.getMyStringProperty());
源代码9 项目: onedev   文件: Input.java
public Object getTypedValue(@Nullable InputSpec inputSpec) {
	if (inputSpec != null) {
		try {
			return inputSpec.convertToObject(getValues());
		} catch (ValidationException e) {
			String displayValue;
			if (type.equals(FieldSpec.SECRET)) 
				displayValue = SecretInput.MASK;
				displayValue = "" + getValues();
			logger.error("Error converting field value (field: {}, value: {}, error: {})", 
					getName(), displayValue, e.getMessage());
			return null;
	} else {
		return null;
源代码10 项目: nexus-public   文件: CapabilityDescriptorSupport.java
protected void validateUnique(@Nullable final CapabilityIdentity id, final Map<String, String> properties)
  CapabilityReferenceFilter filter = duplicatesFilter(id, properties);

  log.trace("Validating that unique capability of type {} and properties {}", type(), filter.getProperties());

  Collection<? extends CapabilityReference> references = capabilityRegistry.get().get(filter);
  if (!references.isEmpty()) {
    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder().append("Only one capability of type '").append(name()).append("'");
    for (Entry<String, String> entry : filter.getProperties().entrySet()) {
      message.append(", ").append(propertyName(entry.getKey()).toLowerCase()).append(" '").append(entry.getValue())
    message.append(" can be created");
    throw new ValidationException(message.toString());
源代码11 项目: quarkus   文件: ResteasyViolationExceptionMapper.java
public Response toResponse(ValidationException exception) {
    if (exception instanceof ConstraintDefinitionException) {
        return buildResponse(unwrapException(exception), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
    if (exception instanceof ConstraintDeclarationException) {
        return buildResponse(unwrapException(exception), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
    if (exception instanceof GroupDefinitionException) {
        return buildResponse(unwrapException(exception), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
    if (exception instanceof ResteasyViolationException) {
        ResteasyViolationException resteasyViolationException = ResteasyViolationException.class.cast(exception);
        Exception e = resteasyViolationException.getException();
        if (e != null) {
            return buildResponse(unwrapException(e), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        } else if (resteasyViolationException.getReturnValueViolations().size() == 0) {
            return buildViolationReportResponse(resteasyViolationException, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
        } else {
            return buildViolationReportResponse(resteasyViolationException, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
    return buildResponse(unwrapException(exception), MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
源代码12 项目: attic-apex-core   文件: PlanModifier.java
 * Add stream to logical plan. If a stream with same name and source already
 * exists, the new downstream operator will be attached to it.
 * @param streamName
 * @param sourceOperName
 * @param sourcePortName
 * @param targetOperName
 * @param targetPortName
public void addStream(String streamName, String sourceOperName, String sourcePortName, String targetOperName, String targetPortName)
  OperatorMeta om = logicalPlan.getOperatorMeta(sourceOperName);
  if (om == null) {
    throw new ValidationException("Invalid operator name " + sourceOperName);

  Operators.PortMappingDescriptor portMap = new Operators.PortMappingDescriptor();
  Operators.describe(om.getOperator(), portMap);
  PortContextPair<OutputPort<?>> sourcePort = portMap.outputPorts.get(sourcePortName);
  if (sourcePort == null) {
    throw new AssertionError(String.format("Invalid port %s (%s)", sourcePortName, om));
  addStream(streamName, sourcePort.component, getInputPort(targetOperName, targetPortName));
源代码13 项目: attic-apex-core   文件: LogicalPlanTest.java
public void testLocalityValidation()
  TestGeneratorInputOperator input1 = dag.addOperator("input1", TestGeneratorInputOperator.class);
  GenericTestOperator o1 = dag.addOperator("o1", GenericTestOperator.class);
  StreamMeta s1 = dag.addStream("input1.outport", input1.outport, o1.inport1).setLocality(Locality.THREAD_LOCAL);

  TestGeneratorInputOperator input2 = dag.addOperator("input2", TestGeneratorInputOperator.class);
  dag.addStream("input2.outport", input2.outport, o1.inport2);

  try {
    Assert.fail("Exception expected for " + o1);
  } catch (ValidationException ve) {
    Assert.assertThat("", ve.getMessage(), RegexMatcher.matches("Locality THREAD_LOCAL invalid for operator .* with multiple input streams .*"));

源代码14 项目: Knowage-Server   文件: AbstractDataSetResource.java
private void validateFields(String formula, List<SimpleSelectionField> columns) {
	Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
	Matcher m = p.matcher(formula);

	while (m.find()) {
		boolean found = false;
		for (SimpleSelectionField simpleSelectionField : columns) {

			if (simpleSelectionField.getName().equals(m.group(0).replace("\"", ""))) {
				found = true;

		if (!found)
			throw new ValidationException();

源代码15 项目: dropwizard-jaxws   文件: ValidatingInvoker.java
 * Copied and modified from com.yammer.dropwizard.jersey.jackson#JacksonMessageBodyProvider.validate()
 * Notes on Hibernate Validator:
 * - when validating object graphs, null references are ignored.
 * - from version 5 on, Hibernate Validator throws IllegalArgumentException instead of ValidationException
 *   for null parameter values:
 *   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: HV000116: The object to be validated must not be null.
private Object validate(Annotation[] annotations, Object value) {
    final Class<?>[] classes = findValidationGroups(annotations);

    if (classes != null) {
        final Collection<String> errors = ConstraintViolations.format(
                validator.validate(value, classes));

        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
            String message = "\n";
            for (String error : errors) {
                message += "    " + error + "\n";
            throw new ValidationException(message);

    return value;
源代码16 项目: Spring-Boot-Book   文件: GlobalExceptionHandler.java
 * 400 - Bad Request
public String handleValidationException(ValidationException e, Model model) {
    logger.error("参数验证失败", e);
    String message = "【参数验证失败】" + e.getMessage();
    model.addAttribute("message", message);
    model.addAttribute("code", 400);
    return viewName;
源代码17 项目: Spring-Boot-Book   文件: GlobalExceptionHandler.java
 * 400 - Bad Request
public String handleValidationException(ValidationException e, Model model) {
    logger.error("参数验证失败", e);
    String message = "【参数验证失败】" + e.getMessage();
    model.addAttribute("message", message);
    model.addAttribute("code", 400);
    return viewName;
源代码18 项目: Bats   文件: LogicalPlan.java
 * Validates that operators in Affinity Rule are valid: Checks that operator names are part of the dag and adds them to map of rules
 * @param affinitiesMap
 * @param rule
 * @param operators
private void addToMap(HashMap<OperatorPair, AffinityRule> affinitiesMap, AffinityRule rule, OperatorPair operators)
  OperatorMeta operator1 = getOperatorMeta(operators.first);
  OperatorMeta operator2 = getOperatorMeta(operators.second);
  if (operator1 == null || operator2 == null) {
    if (operator1 == null && operator2 == null) {
      throw new ValidationException(String.format("Operators %s & %s specified in affinity rule are not part of the dag", operators.first, operators.second));
    throw new ValidationException(String.format("Operator %s specified in affinity rule is not part of the dag", operator1 == null ? operators.first : operators.second));
  affinitiesMap.put(operators, rule);
源代码19 项目: Bats   文件: LogicalPlan.java
private void checkAttributeValueSerializable(AttributeMap attributes, String context)
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  String delim = "";
  // Check all attributes got operator are serializable
  for (Entry<Attribute<?>, Object> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {
    if (entry.getValue() != null && !(entry.getValue() instanceof Serializable)) {
      delim = ", ";
  if (sb.length() > 0) {
    throw new ValidationException("Attribute value(s) for " + sb.toString() + " in " + context + " are not serializable");
源代码20 项目: alchemy   文件: ExperimentsStoreProviderTest.java
public void testGetActiveExperiments() throws ValidationException {

    assertFalse("should have no active experiments", experiments.getActiveExperiments().iterator().hasNext());


    assertTrue("should have an active experiment", experiments.getActiveExperiments().iterator().hasNext());
源代码21 项目: SENS   文件: GlobalExceptionHandler.java
 * 400 - Bad Request
public String handleValidationException(ValidationException e, Model model) {
    log.error("参数验证失败", e);
    String message = "【参数验证失败】" + e.getMessage();
    model.addAttribute("message", message);
    model.addAttribute("code", 400);
    return viewName;
源代码22 项目: sinavi-jfw   文件: FixedAfterTest.java
public void invalidPattern() {

    class FixedAfterTargetBean {

        public Date value;
    FixedAfterTargetBean target = new FixedAfterTargetBean();
public <T> T unwrap(@Nullable Class<T> type) {
	Assert.state(this.targetValidator != null, "No target Validator set");
	try {
		return (type != null ? this.targetValidator.unwrap(type) : (T) this.targetValidator);
	catch (ValidationException ex) {
		// ignore if just being asked for plain Validator
		if (javax.validation.Validator.class == type) {
			return (T) this.targetValidator;
		throw ex;
源代码24 项目: dts-shop   文件: GlobalExceptionHandler.java
public Object badArgumentHandler(ValidationException e) {
	if (e instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {
		ConstraintViolationException exs = (ConstraintViolationException) e;
		Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> violations = exs.getConstraintViolations();
		for (ConstraintViolation<?> item : violations) {
			String message = ((PathImpl) item.getPropertyPath()).getLeafNode().getName() + item.getMessage();
			return ResponseUtil.fail(402, message);
	return ResponseUtil.badArgumentValue();
源代码25 项目: alchemy   文件: ExperimentTest.java
@Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
public void testUnmodifiableOverrides()  throws ValidationException {
    final  Experiment experiment =
        new Experiment(null, "experiment")
            .addOverride("override", "foo", "true");

public <T> T unwrap(@Nullable Class<T> type) {
	Assert.state(this.targetValidator != null, "No target Validator set");
	try {
		return (type != null ? this.targetValidator.unwrap(type) : (T) this.targetValidator);
	catch (ValidationException ex) {
		// ignore if just being asked for plain Validator
		if (javax.validation.Validator.class == type) {
			return (T) this.targetValidator;
		throw ex;
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
	try {
	catch (ValidationException ex) {
		LogFactory.getLog(getClass()).debug("Failed to set up a Bean Validation provider", ex);
源代码28 项目: sinavi-jfw   文件: LessThanTest.java
public void invocation_target_exception_test() {

    LessThanInvocationTargetExceptionBean target = new LessThanInvocationTargetExceptionBean();
源代码29 项目: joyrpc   文件: StandardValidator.java
public void validate(final Class clazz) throws ValidationException {
    Set<String> overloads = new HashSet<>();
    GenericChecker checker = new GenericChecker();
    checker.checkMethods(clazz, NONE_STATIC_METHOD.and(method -> {
        if (!overloads.add(method.getName())) {
            onOverloadMethod(clazz, method);
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    }), new MyConsumer(checker, c -> standards.contains(c), noRecommendations));
源代码30 项目: attic-apex-core   文件: LogicalPlanTest.java
public void testValidationForNonInputRootOperator()
  NoInputPortOperator x = dag.addOperator("x", new NoInputPortOperator());
  try {
    Assert.fail("should fail because root operator is not input operator");
  } catch (ValidationException e) {
    // expected