

源代码1 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件: ModulesSupport.java
private static boolean checkBindingRemoveRequired(final ConfigurationContext context,
                                                  final Binding binding,
                                                  final List<Class<?>> extensions,
                                                  final Multimap<Key, LinkedKeyBinding> linkedBindings) {
    final Key key = binding.getKey();
    if (isPossibleExtension(key)) {
        context.stat().count(Stat.AnalyzedBindingsCount, 1);
        final Class type = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType();
        if (ExtensionsSupport.registerExtensionBinding(context, type,
                binding, BindingUtils.getTopDeclarationModule(binding))) {
            LOGGER.debug("Extension detected from guice binding: {}", type.getSimpleName());
            return !context.isExtensionEnabled(type);
    // note if linked binding recognized as extension by its key - it would not be counted (not needed)
    if (binding instanceof LinkedKeyBinding) {
        // remember all linked bindings (do not recognize on first path to avoid linked binding check before
        // real binding)
        final LinkedKeyBinding linkedBind = (LinkedKeyBinding) binding;
        linkedBindings.put(linkedBind.getLinkedKey(), linkedBind);
    return false;
源代码2 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件: ModulesSupport.java
private static List<LinkedKeyBinding> findLinkedBindingsToRemove(final ConfigurationContext context,
                                                                 final List<Class<?>> extensions,
                                                                 final Multimap<Key, LinkedKeyBinding> links) {
    // try to recognize extensions in links
    for (Map.Entry<Key, LinkedKeyBinding> entry : links.entries()) {
        final Key key = entry.getKey();
        final Class type = key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType();
        final LinkedKeyBinding binding = entry.getValue();
        if (!isPossibleExtension(key)) {
        // try to detect extension in linked type (binding already analyzed so no need to count)
        if (!extensions.contains(type) && ExtensionsSupport.registerExtensionBinding(context, type,
                binding, BindingUtils.getTopDeclarationModule(binding))) {
            LOGGER.debug("Extension detected from guice link binding: {}", type.getSimpleName());
    // find disabled bindings (already removed)
    // for extensions recognized from links above imagine as we removed some (not existing) bindings
    final List<Key> removedExtensions = extensions.stream()
            .filter(it -> !context.isExtensionEnabled(it))
    return removeChains(removedExtensions, links);
源代码3 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件: ModulesSupport.java
 * Pass in removed binding keys. Need to find all links ending on removed type and remove.
 * Next, repeat with just removed types (to clean up entire chains because with it context may not start).
 * For example: {@code bind(Interface1).to(Interface2); bind(Interface2).to(Extension)}
 * Extension detected as extension, but if its disabled then link (Interface2 -> Extension) must be removed
 * but without it Interface1 -> Interface2 remains and fail context becuase its just interfaces
 * that's why entire chains must be removed.
 * @param removed  removed keys (to clean links leading to this keys)
 * @param bindings all linked bindings (actually without links with recognized extension in left part)
 * @return list of bindings to remove
private static List<LinkedKeyBinding> removeChains(final List<Key> removed,
                                                   final Multimap<Key, LinkedKeyBinding> bindings) {
    final List<Key> newlyRemoved = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<LinkedKeyBinding> res = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Key removedKey : removed) {
        // remove all links ending on removed key
        for (LinkedKeyBinding bnd : bindings.get(removedKey)) {

    // continue removing chains
    if (!newlyRemoved.isEmpty()) {
        res.addAll(removeChains(newlyRemoved, bindings));
    return res;
源代码4 项目: ProjectAres   文件: Bindings.java
public static <T> Optional<TypeLiteral<? extends T>> targetType(Injector injector, Binding<T> binding) {
    if(binding instanceof UntargettedBinding) {
        return Optional.of(binding.getKey().getTypeLiteral());
    } else if(binding instanceof ConstructorBinding) {
        return Optional.of((TypeLiteral<? extends T>) ((ConstructorBinding) binding).getConstructor().getDeclaringType());
    } else if(binding instanceof InstanceBinding) {
        return Optional.of(TypeLiteral.get((Class<T>) ((InstanceBinding) binding).getInstance().getClass()));
    } else if(binding instanceof LinkedKeyBinding) {
        return targetType(injector, injector.getBinding(((LinkedKeyBinding) binding).getLinkedKey()));
    } else if(binding instanceof ExposedBinding) {
        return targetType(((ExposedBinding) binding).getPrivateElements().getInjector(), binding.getKey());
    return Optional.empty();
源代码5 项目: ProjectAres   文件: BindingTargetTypeResolver.java
public Optional<TypeLiteral<?>> visit(LinkedKeyBinding<?> binding) {
    // Delegate to the binding for the target type
    return injector.getBinding(binding.getLinkedKey()).acceptTargetVisitor(this);
源代码6 项目: ProjectAres   文件: DependencyCollector.java
public Object visit(LinkedKeyBinding<? extends T> linkedKeyBinding) {
    return super.visit(linkedKeyBinding);
源代码7 项目: ProjectAres   文件: Scoper.java
public Void visit(LinkedKeyBinding<? extends T> binding) {
    scope(binding, rebind(binding).to(binding.getLinkedKey()));
    return null;
源代码8 项目: gef   文件: AdapterInjector.java
public TypeToken<?> visit(LinkedKeyBinding<? extends Object> binding) {
	Binding<?> linkedKeyBinding = injector
	return linkedKeyBinding.acceptTargetVisitor(this);
源代码9 项目: gef   文件: AdapterInjector.java
public MapBinderBinding<?> visit(
		LinkedKeyBinding<? extends Object> binding) {
	return null;