

源代码1 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: MetricReportUtils.java
 * Parses a {@link org.apache.gobblin.metrics.MetricReport} from a byte array Avro serialization.
 * @param reuse MetricReport to reuse.
 * @param bytes Input bytes.
 * @param schemaId Expected schemaId.
 * @return MetricReport.
 * @throws java.io.IOException
public synchronized static MetricReport deserializeReportFromAvroSerialization(MetricReport reuse, byte[] bytes,
    @Nullable String schemaId)
    throws IOException {
  if (!READER.isPresent()) {
    READER = Optional.of(new SpecificDatumReader<>(MetricReport.class));

  Closer closer = Closer.create();

  try {
    DataInputStream inputStream = closer.register(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)));
    if (schemaId != null) {
      readAndVerifySchemaId(inputStream, schemaId);
    } else {
    // Decode the rest
    Decoder decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(inputStream, null);
    return READER.get().read(reuse, decoder);
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw closer.rethrow(t);
  } finally {
源代码2 项目: presto   文件: SpillableHashAggregationBuilder.java
public void close()
    try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
        if (hashAggregationBuilder != null) {
        closer.register(() -> localUserMemoryContext.setBytes(0));
        closer.register(() -> localRevocableMemoryContext.setBytes(0));
    catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码3 项目: presto   文件: HashBuilderOperator.java
public void close()
    if (state == State.CLOSED) {
    // close() can be called in any state, due for example to query failure, and must clean resource up unconditionally

    lookupSourceSupplier = null;
    state = State.CLOSED;
    finishMemoryRevoke = finishMemoryRevoke.map(ifPresent -> () -> {});

    try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
        closer.register(() -> localUserMemoryContext.setBytes(0));
        closer.register(() -> localRevocableMemoryContext.setBytes(0));
    catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码4 项目: presto   文件: TestingPrestoServer.java
public void close()
        throws IOException
    try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
        closer.register(() -> {
            if (isDirectory(baseDataDir) && !preserveData) {
                deleteRecursively(baseDataDir, ALLOW_INSECURE);

        closer.register(() -> {
            if (lifeCycleManager != null) {
源代码5 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: AvroUtils.java
 * Get the latest avro schema for a directory
 * @param directory the input dir that contains avro files
 * @param fs the {@link FileSystem} for the given directory.
 * @param latest true to return latest schema, false to return oldest schema
 * @return the latest/oldest schema in the directory
 * @throws IOException
public static Schema getDirectorySchema(Path directory, FileSystem fs, boolean latest) throws IOException {
  Schema schema = null;
  try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
    List<FileStatus> files = getDirectorySchemaHelper(directory, fs);
    if (files == null || files.size() == 0) {
      LOG.warn("There is no previous avro file in the directory: " + directory);
    } else {
      FileStatus file = latest ? files.get(0) : files.get(files.size() - 1);
      LOG.debug("Path to get the avro schema: " + file);
      FsInput fi = new FsInput(file.getPath(), fs.getConf());
      GenericDatumReader<GenericRecord> genReader = new GenericDatumReader<>();
      schema = closer.register(new DataFileReader<>(fi, genReader)).getSchema();
  } catch (IOException ioe) {
    throw new IOException("Cannot get the schema for directory " + directory, ioe);
  return schema;
源代码6 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: SafeDatasetCommit.java
private Optional<CommitSequence.Builder> generateCommitSequenceBuilder(JobState.DatasetState datasetState,
    Collection<TaskState> taskStates) {
  try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
    Class<? extends CommitSequencePublisher> dataPublisherClass = (Class<? extends CommitSequencePublisher>) Class
            .getProp(ConfigurationKeys.DATA_PUBLISHER_TYPE, ConfigurationKeys.DEFAULT_DATA_PUBLISHER_TYPE));
    CommitSequencePublisher publisher = (CommitSequencePublisher) closer
        .register(DataPublisher.getInstance(dataPublisherClass, this.jobContext.getJobState()));
    return publisher.getCommitSequenceBuilder();
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    log.error("Failed to generate commit sequence", t);
    setTaskFailureException(datasetState.getTaskStates(), t);
    throw Throwables.propagate(t);
源代码7 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: Task.java
private void publishTaskData()
    throws IOException {
  Closer closer = Closer.create();
  try {
    Class<? extends DataPublisher> dataPublisherClass = getTaskPublisherClass();
    SingleTaskDataPublisher publisher =
        closer.register(SingleTaskDataPublisher.getInstance(dataPublisherClass, this.taskState));

    LOG.info("Publishing data from task " + this.taskId);
  } catch (ClassCastException e) {
    LOG.error(String.format("To publish data in task, the publisher class must extend %s",
        SingleTaskDataPublisher.class.getSimpleName()), e);
    throw closer.rethrow(e);
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw closer.rethrow(t);
  } finally {
源代码8 项目: presto   文件: TestThriftProjectionPushdown.java
public void cleanup()
    if (servers != null) {
        try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
            for (DriftServer server : servers) {
                closer.register(() -> server.shutdown());
        catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        servers = null;
源代码9 项目: presto   文件: RubixInitializer.java
public void stopRubix()
        throws IOException
    try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
        closer.register(() -> {
            if (bookKeeperServer != null) {
                // This might throw NPE if Thrift server hasn't started yet (it's initialized
                // asynchronously from BookKeeperServer thread).
                // TODO: improve stopping of BookKeeperServer server in Rubix
                bookKeeperServer = null;
 * Update the log4j configuration.
 * @param targetClass the target class used to get the original log4j configuration file as a resource
 * @param log4jPath the custom log4j configuration properties file path
 * @param log4jFileName the custom log4j configuration properties file name
 * @throws IOException if there's something wrong with updating the log4j configuration
public static void updateLog4jConfiguration(Class<?> targetClass, String log4jPath, String log4jFileName)
    throws IOException {
  Closer closer = Closer.create();
  try {
    InputStream fileInputStream = closer.register(new FileInputStream(log4jPath));
    InputStream inputStream = closer.register(targetClass.getResourceAsStream("/" + log4jFileName));
    Properties customProperties = new Properties();
    Properties originalProperties = new Properties();

    for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : customProperties.entrySet()) {
      originalProperties.setProperty(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString());

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw closer.rethrow(t);
  } finally {
源代码11 项目: datawave   文件: TokenSearch.java
 * Load stopwords from the specified file located in the classpath.
 * <p>
 * If a directory name is specified, e.g: <code>tmp/stopwords.txt</code> that path will be used when searching for the resource. Otherwise, the package
 * contianing the DefaultTokenSearch class may be used.
 * <p>
 * The current thread's context classloader will be used to load the specified filename as a resource.
 * @param filename
 *            the filename containing the stoplist to load, located using the rules described above.
 * @return a lucene {@code CharArraySet} containing the stopwords. This is configured to be case insensitive.
 * @throws IOException
 *             if there is a problem finding or loading the specified stop word file..
public static CharArraySet loadStopWords(String filename) throws IOException {
    Closer closer = Closer.create();
    try {
        CharArraySet stopSet = new CharArraySet(16, true /* ignore case */);
        String pkg = Factory.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/');
        String resource = filename.indexOf("/") > -1 ? filename : (pkg + "/" + filename);
        InputStream resourceStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resource);
        logger.info("Loading stopwords file " + filename + " from resource " + resource);
        if (resourceStream == null) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Unable to load stopword file as resource " + filename);
        Reader reader = IOUtils.getDecodingReader(resourceStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        CharArraySet set = WordlistLoader.getWordSet(reader, "#", stopSet);
        logger.info("Loaded " + set.size() + " stopwords from " + filename + " (" + resource + ")");
        return set;
    } finally {
源代码12 项目: raptor   文件: ProfileLoader.java
private ImmutableList<AbstractProfileFileElement> loadProfileFiles(Multimap<Path, String> pathsToAttempt)
    throws IOException {
  ImmutableList.Builder<AbstractProfileFileElement> result = ImmutableList.builder();
  try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
    for (Map.Entry<Path, Collection<String>> entry : pathsToAttempt.asMap().entrySet()) {
      Path base = entry.getKey();
      if (Files.isRegularFile(base)) {
        FileSystem sourceFs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(base, getClass().getClassLoader());
        base = getOnlyElement(sourceFs.getRootDirectories());
      for (String path : entry.getValue()) {
        AbstractProfileFileElement element = loadProfileFile(base, path);
        if (element != null) {
  return result.build();
源代码13 项目: raptor   文件: SchemaLoader.java
public Schema load() throws IOException {
  if (sources.isEmpty()) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("No sources added.");

  try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
    // Map the physical path to the file system root. For regular directories the key and the
    // value are equal. For ZIP files the key is the path to the .zip, and the value is the root
    // of the file system within it.
    Map<Path, Path> directories = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (Path source : sources) {
      if (Files.isRegularFile(source)) {
        FileSystem sourceFs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(source, getClass().getClassLoader());
        directories.put(source, getOnlyElement(sourceFs.getRootDirectories()));
      } else {
        directories.put(source, source);
    return loadFromDirectories(directories);
源代码14 项目: javaide   文件: FileOp.java
public Properties loadProperties(@NonNull File file) {
    Properties props = new Properties();
    Closer closer = Closer.create();
    try {
        FileInputStream fis = closer.register(new FileInputStream(file));
    } catch (IOException ignore) {
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
    return props;
源代码15 项目: bazel   文件: ClassCache.java
private static ImmutableMap<String, LazyClassEntry> buildClassIndex(
    ImmutableSet<Path> jars, Closer closer, Predicate<Path> isDirect) throws IOException {
  HashMap<String, LazyClassEntry> result = new HashMap<>();
  for (Path jarPath : jars) {
    boolean jarIsDirect = isDirect.test(jarPath);
    try {
      ZipFile zipFile = closer.register(new ZipFile(jarPath.toFile()));
              entry -> {
                String name = entry.getName();
                if (!name.endsWith(".class")) {
                  return; // Not a class file.
                String internalName = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
                    key -> new LazyClassEntry(key, zipFile, jarPath, jarIsDirect));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Error in reading zip file " + jarPath, e);
  return ImmutableMap.copyOf(result);
源代码16 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: ProxiedFileSystemUtils.java
 * Retrives a {@link Token} from a given sequence file for a specified user. The sequence file should contain a list
 * of key, value pairs where each key corresponds to a user and each value corresponds to a {@link Token} for that
 * user.
 * @param userNameKey The name of the user to retrieve a {@link Token} for
 * @param tokenFilePath The path to the sequence file containing the {@link Token}s
 * @return A {@link Token} for the given user name
public static Optional<Token<?>> getTokenFromSeqFile(String userNameKey, Path tokenFilePath) throws IOException {
  log.info("Reading tokens from sequence file " + tokenFilePath);

  try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
    FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration());
    SequenceFile.Reader tokenReader =
        closer.register(new SequenceFile.Reader(localFs, tokenFilePath, localFs.getConf()));
    Text key = new Text();
    Token<?> value = new Token<>();
    while (tokenReader.next(key, value)) {
      log.debug("Found token for user: " + key);
      if (key.toString().equals(userNameKey)) {
        return Optional.<Token<?>> of(value);
  log.warn("Did not find any tokens for user " + userNameKey);
  return Optional.absent();
源代码17 项目: hive-third-functions   文件: ConfigUtils.java
public static List<String> loadFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
    ArrayList<String> strings = Lists.newArrayList();
    Closer closer = Closer.create();
    try {
        InputStream inputStream = ConfigUtils.class.getResourceAsStream(fileName);
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
        String line;
        while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
            if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(line) || line.startsWith("#")) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("loadFile {} error. error is {}.", fileName, e);
        throw e;
    } finally {

    return strings;
源代码18 项目: styx   文件: StyxScheduler.java
private static DockerRunner createDockerRunner(
    String id,
    Environment environment,
    StateManager stateManager,
    Stats stats,
    Debug debug,
    Set<String> secretWhitelist,
    Time time) {
  final Config config = environment.config();
  final Closer closer = environment.closer();

  final String styxEnvironment = config.getString(STYX_ENVIRONMENT);
  final NamespacedKubernetesClient kubernetes = closer.register(getKubernetesClient(config, id));
  final ServiceAccountKeyManager serviceAccountKeyManager = createServiceAccountKeyManager();
  var fabric8Client = TracingProxy.instrument(Fabric8KubernetesClient.class,
          Fabric8KubernetesClient.of(kubernetes), stats, time));
  return closer.register(DockerRunner.kubernetes(id, fabric8Client, stateManager, stats,
      serviceAccountKeyManager, debug, styxEnvironment, secretWhitelist));
源代码19 项目: emodb   文件: EmoFileSystem.java
 * Read data from the original input stream and pipe it to the compressing stream until fully read.
private void streamAndCompressInput() {
    try {
        byte[] newline = "\n".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
        while (!_closed && fetchNextRow()) {
            _rawOut.write(_buffer.array(), 0, _buffer.limit());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            Closer closer = Closer.create();
        } catch (IOException ignore) {
            // Ignore exceptions closing, don't mask the original exception.
        if (!_closed) {
            _inputException = e instanceof IOException ? (IOException ) e : new IOException(e);
public void closeTest() throws IOException, FileBasedHelperException {
  State state = new State();

  GoogleDriveFsHelper fsHelper = new GoogleDriveFsHelper(state, client, Closer.create());

  Get getResult = mock(Get.class);
  InputStream is = mock(InputStream.class);


  verify(is, times(1)).close();
public void testSendShutdownRequest() throws Exception {
  Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("testSendShutdownRequest");
  Closer closer = Closer.create();
  try {
    CuratorFramework curatorFramework = TestHelper.createZkClient(this.testingZKServer, closer);
    final GetInstanceMessageNumFunc getMessageNumFunc =
        new GetInstanceMessageNumFunc(GobblinClusterManagerTest.class.getSimpleName(),
    AssertWithBackoff assertWithBackoff =


        .format("/%s/INSTANCES/%s/MESSAGES", GobblinClusterManagerTest.class.getSimpleName(),
            TestHelper.TEST_HELIX_INSTANCE_NAME)).getVersion(), 0);

    assertWithBackoff.assertEquals(getMessageNumFunc, 1, "1 message queued");

    // Give Helix sometime to handle the message
    assertWithBackoff.assertEquals(getMessageNumFunc, 0, "all messages processed");
  } finally {
源代码22 项目: nexus-public   文件: NpmSearchIndexFacetGroup.java
private void pauseTransactionAndProcessMemberRepositories(final StorageTx tx,
                                                          final List<Repository> members,
                                                          final Closer closer,
                                                          final ArrayList<JsonParser> parsers)
    throws IOException
  UnitOfWork groupWork = UnitOfWork.pause();
  try {
    for (Repository repository : Lists.reverse(members)) {
      processMember(closer, parsers, repository);
  finally {
源代码23 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: YarnService.java
private ByteBuffer getSecurityTokens() throws IOException {
  Credentials credentials = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getCredentials();
  Closer closer = Closer.create();
  try {
    DataOutputBuffer dataOutputBuffer = closer.register(new DataOutputBuffer());

    // Remove the AM->RM token so that containers cannot access it
    Iterator<Token<?>> tokenIterator = credentials.getAllTokens().iterator();
    while (tokenIterator.hasNext()) {
      Token<?> token = tokenIterator.next();
      if (token.getKind().equals(AMRMTokenIdentifier.KIND_NAME)) {

    return ByteBuffer.wrap(dataOutputBuffer.getData(), 0, dataOutputBuffer.getLength());
  } catch (Throwable t) {
    throw closer.rethrow(t);
  } finally {
源代码24 项目: scheduling   文件: Zipper.java
private static void zipFiles(List<File> files, String basepath, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
    Closer closer = Closer.create();
    try {
        ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(os);
        for (File file : files) {
            if (file.isFile()) {
                FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
                writeZipEntry(zipEntry(basepath, file), inputStream, zos);
            } else {
                ZipEntry ze = zipEntry(basepath, file);
                logger.trace("Adding directory zip entry: " + ze.toString());
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw closer.rethrow(ioe);
    } finally {
源代码25 项目: scheduling   文件: Zipper.java
public static void unzip(InputStream is, File outFile) throws IOException {
    Closer closer = Closer.create();
    try {
        ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(is);

        ZipEntry zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry();
        while (zipEntry != null) {
            File entryFile = new File(outFile, zipEntry.getName());
            File entryContainer = entryFile.getParentFile();
            if (!entryContainer.exists()) {
            if (!entryFile.isDirectory()) {
                FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(entryFile);
                Zipper.ZIP.unzipEntry(zis, outputStream);
            zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw closer.rethrow(ioe);
    } finally {
源代码26 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: MultiLimiter.java
public Closeable acquirePermits(long permits) throws InterruptedException {
  Closer closer = Closer.create();
  for (Limiter limiter : this.underlyingLimiters) {
    Closeable permit = limiter.acquirePermits(permits);
    if (permit == null) {
      try {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not return intermediate permits.");
      return null;
  return closer;
源代码27 项目: batfish   文件: StreamDecoder.java
 * Automatically detects charset of the input stream, reads it, decodes it, and returns the
 * resulting string with a newline appended if the original stream is non-empty. Does not close
 * the provided input stream.
 * @throws IOException if there is an error
@SuppressWarnings("PMD.CloseResource") // PMD does not understand Closer.
static @Nonnull String decodeStreamAndAppendNewline(@Nonnull InputStream inputStream)
    throws IOException {
  byte[] rawBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
  Charset cs = Charset.forName(new CharsetDetector().setText(rawBytes).detect().getName());
  try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
    InputStream inputByteStream =
        closer.register(bomInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(rawBytes)));
    InputStream finalInputStream =
            rawBytes.length > 0
                ? new SequenceInputStream(
                    closer.register(bomInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream("\n".getBytes(cs)))))
                : inputByteStream);
    return new String(IOUtils.toByteArray(finalInputStream), cs);
源代码28 项目: incubator-gobblin   文件: CopyIntegrationTest.java
public void testTarGzCopy() throws Exception {

  Closer closer = Closer.create();
  try {
    JobLauncher jobLauncher = closer.register(JobLauncherFactory.newJobLauncher(gobblinProps, jobProps));

    String file1Path =
        gobblinProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.DATA_PUBLISHER_FINAL_DIR) + "/LogData/sub1/sub2/text1.txt";
    String file2Path =
        gobblinProps.getProperty(ConfigurationKeys.DATA_PUBLISHER_FINAL_DIR) + "/LogData/sub1/sub2/text2.txt";

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.getLocal(new Configuration());

    Assert.assertEquals(IOUtils.toString(closer.register(fs.open(new Path(file1Path)))), "text1");
    Assert.assertEquals(IOUtils.toString(closer.register(fs.open(new Path(file2Path)))), "text2");

  } finally {
源代码29 项目: gecco   文件: DownloadImage.java
public static String download(String parentPath, String fileName, InputStream in) {
	Closer closer = Closer.create();
	try {
		File imageDir = new File(parentPath);
		if(!imageDir.exists()) {
		File imageFile = new File(imageDir, fileName);
		Files.write(ByteStreams.toByteArray(in), imageFile);
		return imageFile.getAbsolutePath();
	} catch(Exception ex) {
		return null;
	} finally {
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			closer = null;
源代码30 项目: presto   文件: MemoryTrackingContext.java
public void close()
    try (Closer closer = Closer.create()) {
    catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Exception closing memory tracking context", e);