

源代码1 项目: presto   文件: PrometheusRecordCursor.java
public PrometheusRecordCursor(List<PrometheusColumnHandle> columnHandles, ByteSource byteSource)
    this.columnHandles = columnHandles;

    fieldToColumnIndex = new int[columnHandles.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < columnHandles.size(); i++) {
        PrometheusColumnHandle columnHandle = columnHandles.get(i);
        fieldToColumnIndex[i] = columnHandle.getOrdinalPosition();

    try (CountingInputStream input = new CountingInputStream(byteSource.openStream())) {
        metricsItr = prometheusResultsInStandardizedForm(new PrometheusQueryResponseParse(input).getResults()).iterator();
        totalBytes = input.getCount();
    catch (IOException e) {
        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
源代码2 项目: presto   文件: ExampleRecordCursor.java
public ExampleRecordCursor(List<ExampleColumnHandle> columnHandles, ByteSource byteSource)
    this.columnHandles = columnHandles;

    fieldToColumnIndex = new int[columnHandles.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < columnHandles.size(); i++) {
        ExampleColumnHandle columnHandle = columnHandles.get(i);
        fieldToColumnIndex[i] = columnHandle.getOrdinalPosition();

    try (CountingInputStream input = new CountingInputStream(byteSource.openStream())) {
        lines = byteSource.asCharSource(UTF_8).readLines().iterator();
        totalBytes = input.getCount();
    catch (IOException e) {
        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
源代码3 项目: size-analyzer   文件: WebpAutoFix.java
 * Writes the provided bytes into a new file path, based on the initial image's filepath, but with
 * a .webp extension.
public void apply() {
  Path newFilePath =
      filePath.resolveSibling(MoreFiles.getNameWithoutExtension(filePath) + ".webp");
  try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath.toString()))) {
    CountingInputStream countingStream = new CountingInputStream(inputStream);
    BufferedImage bufferedImage = WebpSuggester.safelyParseImage(countingStream);

    long oldSize = countingStream.getCount();
    byte[] webpBytes = webpConverter.encodeLosslessWebp(bufferedImage);
    Files.write(newFilePath, webpBytes);
  } catch (IOException | ImageReadException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
public long cstore(AetDictionary.Aet target,
    String studyUid,
    String seriesUid,
    String sopInstanceUid,
    String sopClassUid)
    throws IDicomWebClient.DicomWebException, IOException, InterruptedException {
  String wadoUri =
      String.format("studies/%s/series/%s/instances/%s", studyUid, seriesUid, sopInstanceUid);
  log.info("CStore wadoUri : " + wadoUri);

  InputStream responseStream = dicomWebClient.wadoRs(wadoUri);

  CountingInputStream countingStream = new CountingInputStream(responseStream);
  DicomClient.connectAndCstore(sopClassUid, sopInstanceUid, countingStream,
      applicationEntity, target.getName(), target.getHost(), target.getPort());
  return countingStream.getCount();
public void send(PubsubMessage message) throws Exception {
  String wadoUri = message.getData().toStringUtf8();
  String qidoUri = qidoFromWadoUri(wadoUri);

  // Invoke QIDO-RS to get DICOM tags needed to invoke C-Store.
  JSONArray qidoResponse = dicomWebClient.qidoRs(qidoUri);
  if (qidoResponse.length() != 1) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Invalid QidoRS JSON array length for response: " + qidoResponse.toString());
  String sopClassUid = AttributesUtil.getTagValue(qidoResponse.getJSONObject(0),
  String sopInstanceUid = AttributesUtil.getTagValue(qidoResponse.getJSONObject(0),

  // Invoke WADO-RS to get bulk DICOM.
  InputStream responseStream = dicomWebClient.wadoRs(wadoUri);

  CountingInputStream countingStream = new CountingInputStream(responseStream);
  DicomClient.connectAndCstore(sopClassUid, sopInstanceUid, countingStream,
      applicationEntity, dimsePeerAET, dimsePeerIP, dimsePeerPort);
  MonitoringService.addEvent(Event.BYTES, countingStream.getCount());
源代码6 项目: pgptool   文件: EncryptionServicePgpImpl.java
 * @param countingStream this stream is passed for progress reporting only.
 *                       Optional, if not provided then return from pIn method
 *                       will be used
private static void pipeStream(InputStream pIn, OutputStream pOut, int bufSize, Updater progress,
		CountingInputStream countingStream) throws IOException, UserRequestedCancellationException {
	byte[] buf = new byte[bufSize];
	long totalRead = 0;

	int len;
	while ((len = pIn.read(buf)) > 0) {
		pOut.write(buf, 0, len);

		if (countingStream == null) {
			totalRead += len;
			updateProgress(progress, totalRead);
		} else {
			updateProgress(progress, countingStream.getCount());
源代码7 项目: indexr   文件: ArithmeticCoderTest.java
public void encodeDecodeTest() throws IOException {
    ArthmeticCoder.SimpleFrequency freq = new ArthmeticCoder.SimpleFrequency(counts);

    ByteArrayOutputStream encodedPool = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    CountingOutputStream outputCounting = new CountingOutputStream(encodedPool);
    ArthmeticCoder.Encoder encoder = new ArthmeticCoder.Encoder(freq, new BitWrappedOutputStream(outputCounting));
    for (int s : symbols) {

    ByteArrayInputStream decodedPool = new ByteArrayInputStream(encodedPool.toByteArray());
    CountingInputStream inputCounting = new CountingInputStream(decodedPool);
    ArthmeticCoder.Decoder decoder = new ArthmeticCoder.Decoder(freq, new BitWrappedInputStream(inputCounting));
    int[] symbols2 = new int[symbols.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
        symbols2[i] = decoder.read();

    Assert.assertEquals(outputCounting.getCount(), inputCounting.getCount());
    Assert.assertArrayEquals(symbols, symbols2);
源代码8 项目: pulsar   文件: DataBlockHeaderImpl.java
public static DataBlockHeader fromStream(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
    CountingInputStream countingStream = new CountingInputStream(stream);
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(countingStream);
    int magic = dis.readInt();
    if (magic != MAGIC_WORD) {
        throw new IOException("Data block header magic word not match. read: " + magic + " expected: " + MAGIC_WORD);

    long headerLen = dis.readLong();
    long blockLen = dis.readLong();
    long firstEntryId = dis.readLong();
    long toSkip = headerLen - countingStream.getCount();
    if (dis.skip(toSkip) != toSkip) {
        throw new EOFException("Header was too small");

    return new DataBlockHeaderImpl(headerLen, blockLen, firstEntryId);
源代码9 项目: brooklin   文件: FileProcessor.java
public FileProcessor(DatastreamTask datastreamTask, DatastreamEventProducer producer) throws FileNotFoundException {
  _task = datastreamTask;
  _fileName = datastreamTask.getDatastreamSource().getConnectionString();
  _positionKey = new FilePositionKey(_task.getTaskPrefix(), _task.getDatastreamTaskName(), Instant.now(), _fileName);
  _positionValue = new FilePositionValue();

  // Set up input streams/readers
  final File file = new File(_fileName);
  _inputStream = new CountingInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
  _fileReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(_inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
  _lineNo = new AtomicInteger();

  _producer = producer;
  _isStopped = false;
  _cancelRequested = false;
  LOG.info("Created FileProcessor for " + datastreamTask);
源代码10 项目: hprof-tools   文件: HprofValidator.java
public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        String fileName = args != null && args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "in.hprof";
        CountingInputStream in = new CountingInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName));
        ValidatingProcessor processor = new ValidatingProcessor(in);
        HprofReader reader = new HprofReader(in, processor);
        while (reader.hasNext()) {
        // All data loaded, start to check that it is consistent
    catch (IOException e) {
       System.err.print("Failed to process file");
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码11 项目: OpenMapKitAndroid   文件: OSMMapBuilder.java
protected JTSModel doInBackground(File... params) {
    File f = params[0];
    fileName = f.getName();
    String absPath = f.getAbsolutePath();
    Log.i("BEGIN_PARSING", fileName);
    try {
        InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
        countingInputStream = new CountingInputStream(is);
        OSMDataSet ds = OSMXmlParserInOSMMapBuilder.parseFromInputStream(countingInputStream, this);
        if (isOSMEdit) {
            jtsModel.mergeEditedOSMDataSet(absPath, ds);
        } else {
            jtsModel.addOSMDataSet(absPath, ds);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return jtsModel;
public void send(PubsubMessage message) throws Exception {
  // Invoke WADO-RS to get bulk DICOM.
  String wadoUri = message.getData().toStringUtf8();
  InputStream responseStream = sourceDicomWebClient.wadoRs(wadoUri);

  // Send the STOW-RS request to peer DicomWeb service.
  CountingInputStream countingStream = new CountingInputStream(responseStream);
  MonitoringService.addEvent(Event.BYTES, countingStream.getCount());
源代码13 项目: elastic-load-balancing-tools   文件: InputAssist.java
public InputAssist(InputStream inputStream, boolean enforceChecksum) {
    // use MAX_VALUE before we know the actual header size
    headerSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    cin = new CountingInputStream(inputStream);
    in = new CRC32CInputStream(cin, enforceChecksum);
源代码14 项目: phoenicis   文件: Tar.java
List<File> uncompressTarBz2File(File inputFile, File outputDir, Consumer<ProgressEntity> stateCallback) {
    try (CountingInputStream countingInputStream = new CountingInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile));
            InputStream inputStream = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(countingInputStream)) {
        final long finalSize = FileUtils.sizeOf(inputFile);
        return uncompress(inputStream, countingInputStream, outputDir, finalSize, stateCallback);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ArchiveException(TAR_ERROR_MESSAGE, e);
源代码15 项目: phoenicis   文件: Tar.java
List<File> uncompressTarGzFile(File inputFile, File outputDir, Consumer<ProgressEntity> stateCallback) {
    try (CountingInputStream countingInputStream = new CountingInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile));
            InputStream inputStream = new GZIPInputStream(countingInputStream)) {
        final long finalSize = FileUtils.sizeOf(inputFile);
        return uncompress(inputStream, countingInputStream, outputDir, finalSize, stateCallback);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ArchiveException(TAR_ERROR_MESSAGE, e);
源代码16 项目: phoenicis   文件: Tar.java
List<File> uncompressTarXzFile(File inputFile, File outputDir, Consumer<ProgressEntity> stateCallback) {
    try (CountingInputStream countingInputStream = new CountingInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile));
            InputStream inputStream = new XZCompressorInputStream(countingInputStream)) {
        final long finalSize = FileUtils.sizeOf(inputFile);
        return uncompress(inputStream, countingInputStream, outputDir, finalSize, stateCallback);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ArchiveException(TAR_ERROR_MESSAGE, e);
源代码17 项目: phoenicis   文件: Tar.java
List<File> uncompressTarFile(File inputFile, File outputDir, Consumer<ProgressEntity> stateCallback) {
    try (CountingInputStream countingInputStream = new CountingInputStream(new FileInputStream(inputFile))) {
        final long finalSize = FileUtils.sizeOf(inputFile);
        return uncompress(countingInputStream, countingInputStream, outputDir, finalSize, stateCallback);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ArchiveException(TAR_ERROR_MESSAGE, e);
源代码18 项目: c5-replicator   文件: SequentialLogWithHeader.java
private static HeaderWithSize readHeaderFromPersistence(BytePersistence persistence) throws IOException {

    try (CountingInputStream input = getCountingInputStream(persistence.getReader())) {
      final OLogHeader header = decodeAndCheckCrc(input, HEADER_SCHEMA);
      final long headerSize = input.getCount();

      return new HeaderWithSize(header, headerSize);
源代码19 项目: webarchive-commons   文件: ARCResource.java
public ARCResource(MetaData metaData, ResourceContainer container, 
		ARCMetaData arcMetaData, InputStream raw) {

	envelope = metaData;
	this.arcMetaData = arcMetaData;
	this.raw = raw;

	metaData.putLong(ARC_HEADER_LENGTH, arcMetaData.getHeaderLength());
	long leadingNL = arcMetaData.getLeadingNL();
	if(leadingNL > 0) {
		metaData.putLong(PAYLOAD_LEADING_SLOP_BYTES, leadingNL);
	MetaData fields = metaData.createChild(ARC_HEADER_METADATA);

	fields.putString(URL_KEY, arcMetaData.getUrl());
	fields.putString(IP_KEY, arcMetaData.getIP());
	fields.putString(DATE_STRING_KEY, arcMetaData.getDateString());
	fields.putString(MIME_KEY, arcMetaData.getMime());
	fields.putLong(DECLARED_LENGTH_KEY, arcMetaData.getLength());

	countingIS = new CountingInputStream(
			ByteStreams.limit(raw, arcMetaData.getLength()));

	try {
		digIS = new DigestInputStream(countingIS, 
	} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
源代码20 项目: webarchive-commons   文件: WARCResource.java
public WARCResource(MetaData metaData, ResourceContainer container,
		HttpResponse response) throws ResourceParseException {

	envelope = metaData;
	this.response = response;

	long length = -1;
	metaData.putLong(WARC_HEADER_LENGTH, response.getHeaderBytes());
	MetaData fields = metaData.createChild(WARC_HEADER_METADATA);
	for(HttpHeader h : response.getHeaders()) {
		String name = h.getName();
		String value = h.getValue();
		if(name.toLowerCase().equals("content-length")) {
			// TODO: catch formatexception
			length = Long.parseLong(value);

	if(length >= 0) {
		countingIS = new CountingInputStream(
				ByteStreams.limit(response, length));
	} else {
		throw new ResourceParseException(null);
	try {
		digIS = new DigestInputStream(countingIS, 
	} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
源代码21 项目: webarchive-commons   文件: HTTPRequestResource.java
public HTTPRequestResource(MetaData metaData, 
		ResourceContainer container, HttpRequest request,
		boolean forceCheck) {
	this.request = request;

	MetaData message = metaData.createChild(HTTP_REQUEST_MESSAGE);



	if(request.getHeaders().isCorrupt()) {

	MetaData headers = metaData.createChild(HTTP_HEADERS_LIST);
	for(HttpHeader h : request.getHeaders()) {
		// TODO: handle non-empty request entity (put/post)

	countingIS = new CountingInputStream(request);
	try {
		digIS = 
			new DigestInputStream(countingIS,
	} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
 * Seek forward to a particular offset in the compressed stream. Note
 * that after any seek/skip the memberNumbers may not reflect a member's
 * true ordinal position from the beginning of the stream. 
 * @param position target position
 * @throws IOException
public void compressedSeek(long position) throws IOException {
    long count = ((CountingInputStream)in).getCount();
    long delta = position - count;
    if(delta<0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't seek backwards: seeked "+position+" already at "+count); 
源代码23 项目: webarchive-commons   文件: ARCReaderFactory.java
 * Constructor.
 * @param f Uncompressed arcfile to read.
 * @param offset Offset at which to position ARCReader.
 * @throws IOException
public UncompressedARCReader(final File f, final long offset)
throws IOException {
    // Arc file has been tested for existence by time it has come
    // to here.
    setIn(new CountingInputStream(getInputStream(f, offset)));
源代码24 项目: webarchive-commons   文件: ARCReaderFactory.java
 * Constructor.
 * @param f Uncompressed arc to read.
 * @param is InputStream.
public UncompressedARCReader(final String f, final InputStream is, boolean atFirstRecord) {
    // Arc file has been tested for existence by time it has come
    // to here.
    setIn(new CountingInputStream(is));
源代码25 项目: webarchive-commons   文件: WARCReaderFactory.java
 * Constructor.
 * @param f Uncompressed file to read.
 * @param offset Offset at which to position Reader.
 * @throws IOException
public UncompressedWARCReader(final File f, final long offset)
throws IOException {
    // File has been tested for existence by time it has come to here.
    setIn(new CountingInputStream(getInputStream(f, offset)));
源代码26 项目: webarchive-commons   文件: WARCReaderFactory.java
 * Constructor.
 * @param f Uncompressed file to read.
 * @param is InputStream.
public UncompressedWARCReader(final String f, final InputStream is) {
    // Arc file has been tested for existence by time it has come
    // to here.
    setIn(new CountingInputStream(is));
源代码27 项目: hive-dwrf   文件: InputStreamSliceInput.java
public InputStreamSliceInput(InputStream inputStream)
    pushbackInputStream = new PushbackInputStream(inputStream);
    countingInputStream = new CountingInputStream(pushbackInputStream);
    dataInputStream = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(countingInputStream);
源代码28 项目: BUbiNG   文件: GZIPArchiveReader.java
public GZIPArchiveReader(final InputStream input) {
	this.input = new CountingInputStream(input);
	this.repositionableInput = input instanceof RepositionableStream ? (RepositionableStream)input : null;
private TransactionSnapshot readSnapshotInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException {
  CountingInputStream countingIn = new CountingInputStream(in);
  TransactionSnapshot snapshot = codecProvider.decode(countingIn);
  LOG.info("Read encoded transaction snapshot of {} bytes", countingIn.getCount());
  return snapshot;
private TransactionVisibilityState readTransactionVisibilityStateFromInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException {
  CountingInputStream countingIn = new CountingInputStream(in);
  TransactionVisibilityState state = codecProvider.decodeTransactionVisibilityState(countingIn);
  LOG.info("Read encoded transaction snapshot of {} bytes", countingIn.getCount());
  return state;