

源代码1 项目: axmlparser   文件: AXMLParser.java
private final void doStart() throws IOException {
    ReadUtil.readCheckType(m_stream, AXML_CHUNK_TYPE);
    /*chunk size*/

    m_strings = StringBlock.read(new ExtDataInput((DataInput) new LittleEndianDataInputStream(m_stream)));

    ReadUtil.readCheckType(m_stream, RESOURCEIDS_CHUNK_TYPE);
    int chunkSize = ReadUtil.readInt(m_stream);
    if (chunkSize < 8 || (chunkSize % 4) != 0) {
        throw new IOException("Invalid resource ids size (" + chunkSize + ").");
    m_resourceIDs = ReadUtil.readIntArray(m_stream, chunkSize / 4 - 2);

源代码2 项目: noise   文件: FloatsSource.java
public float[] get() {
    try (LittleEndianDataInputStream dis = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(input))) {
        int size = dis.readInt();
        float[] floats = new float[size];

        float next = 0f;
        int read = 0;

        while (read < size) {
            next = nextFloat(dis);
            floats[read++] = next;

        if (read != size)
            throw new RuntimeException(String.format(Locale.US, "Not correct size, expected %d, but was %d", size, read));

        return floats;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码3 项目: ratel   文件: ARSCDecoder.java
private ARSCDecoder(InputStream arscStream, ResTable resTable, boolean storeFlagsOffsets, boolean keepBroken) {
    arscStream = mCountIn = new CountingInputStream(arscStream);
    if (storeFlagsOffsets) {
        mFlagsOffsets = new ArrayList<FlagsOffset>();
    } else {
        mFlagsOffsets = null;
    // We need to explicitly cast to DataInput as otherwise the constructor is ambiguous.
    // We choose DataInput instead of InputStream as ExtDataInput wraps an InputStream in
    // a DataInputStream which is big-endian and ignores the little-endian behavior.
    mIn = new ExtDataInput((DataInput) new LittleEndianDataInputStream(arscStream));
    mResTable = resTable;
    mKeepBroken = keepBroken;
源代码4 项目: ratel   文件: AXmlResourceParser.java
public void open(InputStream stream) {
    if (stream != null) {
        // We need to explicitly cast to DataInput as otherwise the constructor is ambiguous.
        // We choose DataInput instead of InputStream as ExtDataInput wraps an InputStream in
        // a DataInputStream which is big-endian and ignores the little-endian behavior.
        m_reader = new ExtDataInput((DataInput) new LittleEndianDataInputStream(stream));
源代码5 项目: noise   文件: FloatsSource.java
private float nextFloat(LittleEndianDataInputStream dis) {
    try {
        float f = dis.readFloat();
        return f;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return Float.MIN_VALUE;
源代码6 项目: Indra   文件: VectorIterator.java
public VectorIterator(File vectorsFile, long dimensions, boolean sparse) throws IOException {
    this.sparse = sparse;
    this.input = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(new FileInputStream(vectorsFile));

    if (this.dimensions != (int) dimensions) {
        throw new IOException("inconsistent number of dimensions.");

源代码7 项目: Indra   文件: VectorIterator.java
private void parseHeadline(LittleEndianDataInputStream input) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayDataOutput out = ByteStreams.newDataOutput();
    byte c;

    while((c = input.readByte()) != '\n') {

    String[] headline = new String(out.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8).split(" ");
    this.numberOfVectors = Integer.parseInt(headline[0]);
    this.dimensions = Integer.parseInt(headline[1]);
public ClickHouseRowBinaryInputStream(InputStream is, TimeZone timeZone, ClickHouseProperties properties) {
	this.in = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(is);
	if (properties.isUseServerTimeZoneForDates()) {
		this.timeZone = timeZone;
	} else {
		this.timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
源代码9 项目: KeePassJava2   文件: KdbxSerializer.java
private static void checkStartBytes(KdbxHeader kdbxHeader, InputStream decryptedInputStream) throws IOException {
    LittleEndianDataInputStream ledis = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(decryptedInputStream);

    byte [] startBytes = new byte[32];
    if (!Arrays.equals(startBytes, kdbxHeader.getStreamStartBytes())) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Inconsistent stream start bytes. This usually means the credentials were wrong.");
源代码10 项目: KeePassJava2   文件: KdbxSerializer.java
private static int getInt(LittleEndianDataInputStream ledis) throws IOException {
    short fieldLength = ledis.readShort();
    if (fieldLength != 4) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Int required but length was " + fieldLength);
    return ledis.readInt();
源代码11 项目: KeePassJava2   文件: KdbxSerializer.java
private static long getLong(LittleEndianDataInputStream ledis) throws IOException {
    short fieldLength = ledis.readShort();
    if (fieldLength != 8) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Long required but length was " + fieldLength);
    return ledis.readLong();
源代码12 项目: FastAsyncWorldedit   文件: LevelDBToMCAFile.java
private List<NamedTag> read(byte[] data) {
    ArrayList<NamedTag> list = new ArrayList<>();
    ByteArrayInputStream baos = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
    try (NBTInputStream in = new NBTInputStream((DataInput) new LittleEndianDataInputStream(baos))) {
        while (baos.available() > 0) {
            NamedTag nt = in.readNamedTag();
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return list;
源代码13 项目: imhotep   文件: FileSerializationBenchmark.java
public int[] deserialize(File file) throws IOException {
    LittleEndianDataInputStream is = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)));
    int[] ret = new int[(int)(file.length() / 4)];
    for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) {
        ret[i] = is.readInt();
    return ret;
源代码14 项目: lsmtree   文件: ImmutableBTreeIndex.java
public TempFileIterator(
        Path tempPath,
        int tmpCount,
        Serializer<K> keySerializer
) throws IOException {
    this.tmpCount = tmpCount;
    this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
    in = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(tempPath), 131072));
源代码15 项目: lsmtree   文件: ImmutableBTreeIndex.java
public Reader(Path path, Comparator<K> comparator, Serializer<K> keySerializer, Serializer<V> valueSerializer, final boolean mlockFiles) throws IOException {
    this.comparator = comparator;
    indexFile = path.resolve("index.bin");
    sizeInBytes = Files.size(indexFile);
    buffer = new MMapBuffer(indexFile, FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
    try {
        stuffToClose = SharedReference.create((Closeable)buffer);
        final MemoryDataInput in = new MemoryDataInput(buffer.memory());
        if (sizeInBytes < Header.length()) {
            throw new IOException("file is less than header length bytes");
        final byte[] headerBytes = new byte[Header.length()];
        in.seek(sizeInBytes - Header.length());
        final LittleEndianDataInputStream headerStream = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(headerBytes));
        final Header header = new HeaderSerializer().read(headerStream);
        hasDeletions = header.hasDeletions;
        size = header.size;
        if (header.fileLength != sizeInBytes) {
            throw new IOException("file length written to last 8 bytes of file does not match file length, file is inconsistent");
        rootLevel = Level.build(buffer.memory(), keySerializer, valueSerializer, comparator, header.hasDeletions, header.indexLevels);
        rootLevelStartAddress = header.rootLevelStartAddress;
        if (mlockFiles) buffer.mlock(0, buffer.memory().length());
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        Closeables2.closeQuietly(buffer, log);
        Throwables.propagateIfInstanceOf(t, IOException.class);
        throw Throwables.propagate(t);
源代码16 项目: bazel   文件: AndroidCompiledDataDeserializer.java
private static byte[] readBytesAndSkipPadding(LittleEndianDataInputStream input, int size)
    throws IOException {
  byte[] result = new byte[size];

  long overage = size % AAPT_FLAT_FILE_ALIGNMENT;
  if (overage != 0) {
    ByteStreams.skipFully(input, AAPT_FLAT_FILE_ALIGNMENT - overage);
  return result;
源代码17 项目: hive-dwrf   文件: InputStreamSliceInput.java
public InputStreamSliceInput(InputStream inputStream)
    pushbackInputStream = new PushbackInputStream(inputStream);
    countingInputStream = new CountingInputStream(pushbackInputStream);
    dataInputStream = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(countingInputStream);
源代码18 项目: tutorials   文件: GuavaIOUnitTest.java
public void whenWriteReadLittleEndian_thenCorrect() throws IOException {
    final int value = 100;

    final LittleEndianDataOutputStream writer = new LittleEndianDataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("src/test/resources/test_le.txt"));

    final LittleEndianDataInputStream reader = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/test_le.txt")));
    final int result = reader.readInt();

    assertEquals(value, result);
源代码19 项目: mph-table   文件: SerializedKeyValueIterator.java
public SerializedKeyValueIterator(final InputStream input, final SmartSerializer<K> keySerializer, final SmartSerializer<V> valueSerializer) throws IOException {
    this.input = input;
    this.in = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(input);
    this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
    this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
源代码20 项目: clickhouse-jdbc   文件: ClickHouseLZ4Stream.java
public ClickHouseLZ4Stream(InputStream stream) {
    this.stream = stream;
    dataWrapper = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(stream);
源代码21 项目: KeePassJava2   文件: KdbxSerializer.java
 * Populate a KdbxHeader from the input stream supplied
 * @param kdbxHeader a header to be populated
 * @param inputStream an input stream
 * @return the populated KdbxHeader
 * @throws IOException on error
public static KdbxHeader readKdbxHeader(KdbxHeader kdbxHeader, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {

    MessageDigest digest = Encryption.getMessageDigestInstance();
    // we do not close this stream, otherwise we lose our place in the underlying stream
    DigestInputStream digestInputStream = new DigestInputStream(inputStream, digest);
    // we do not close this stream, otherwise we lose our place in the underlying stream
    LittleEndianDataInputStream ledis = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(digestInputStream);

    if (!verifyMagicNumber(ledis)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Magic number did not match");

    if (!verifyFileVersion(ledis)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("File version did not match");
    byte headerType;
    while ((headerType = ledis.readByte()) != HeaderType.END) {
        switch (headerType) {

            case HeaderType.COMMENT:

            case HeaderType.CIPHER_ID:

            case HeaderType.COMPRESSION_FLAGS:

            case HeaderType.MASTER_SEED:

            case HeaderType.TRANSFORM_SEED:

            case HeaderType.TRANSFORM_ROUNDS:

            case HeaderType.ENCRYPTION_IV:

            case HeaderType.PROTECTED_STREAM_KEY:

            case HeaderType.STREAM_START_BYTES:

            case HeaderType.INNER_RANDOM_STREAM_ID:

            default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown File Header");

    // consume length etc. following END flag

    return kdbxHeader;
源代码22 项目: KeePassJava2   文件: KdbxSerializer.java
private static byte [] getByteArray(LittleEndianDataInputStream ledis) throws IOException {
    short fieldLength = ledis.readShort();
    byte [] value = new byte[fieldLength];
    return value;
源代码23 项目: SmartModInserter   文件: Util.java
public static String readString(LittleEndianDataInputStream objectInputStream) throws IOException {
    int size = objectInputStream.readInt();
    byte read[] = new byte[size];
    return new String(read);
源代码24 项目: FastAsyncWorldedit   文件: LevelDBToMCAFile.java
public static void copyLevelDat(File folderTo, File in) throws IOException {
    File levelDat = new File(folderTo, "level.dat");
    if (!levelDat.exists()) {
    try (LittleEndianDataInputStream ledis = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(new FileInputStream(in))) {
        int version = ledis.readInt(); // Ignored
        int length = ledis.readInt(); // Ignored
        NBTInputStream nis = new NBTInputStream((DataInput) ledis);
        NamedTag named = nis.readNamedTag();
        com.sk89q.jnbt.CompoundTag tag = (CompoundTag) named.getTag();
        Map<String, com.sk89q.jnbt.Tag> map = ReflectionUtils.getMap(tag.getValue());

        Map<String, String> gameRules = new HashMap<>();
        gameRules.put("firedamage", "firedamage");
        gameRules.put("falldamage", "falldamage");
        gameRules.put("dofiretick", "doFireTick");
        gameRules.put("drowningdamage", "drowningdamage");
        gameRules.put("doentitydrops", "doEntityDrops");
        gameRules.put("keepinventory", "keepInventory");
        gameRules.put("sendcommandfeedback", "sendCommandFeedback");
        gameRules.put("dodaylightcycle", "doDaylightCycle");
        gameRules.put("commandblockoutput", "commandBlockOutput");
        gameRules.put("domobloot", "doMobLoot");
        gameRules.put("domobspawning", "doMobSpawning");
        gameRules.put("doweathercycle", "doWeatherCycle");
        gameRules.put("mobgriefing", "mobGriefing");
        gameRules.put("dotiledrops", "doTileDrops");

        HashMap<String, com.sk89q.jnbt.Tag> ruleTagValue = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> rule : gameRules.entrySet()) {
            com.sk89q.jnbt.Tag value = map.remove(rule.getKey());
            if (value instanceof ByteTag) {
                value = new StringTag((Byte) value.getValue() == 1 ? "true" : "false");
            if (value != null) {
                ruleTagValue.put(rule.getValue(), value);

        HashSet<String> allowed = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
                "lightningTime", "pvp", "LevelName", "Difficulty", "GameType", "Generator", "LastPlayed", "RandomSeed", "StorageVersion", "Time", "commandsEnabled", "currentTick", "rainTime", "SpawnX", "SpawnY", "SpawnZ", "SizeOnDisk"
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, com.sk89q.jnbt.Tag>> iterator = map.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, com.sk89q.jnbt.Tag> entry = iterator.next();
            if (!allowed.contains(entry.getKey())) {

            map.put("GameRules", new CompoundTag(ruleTagValue));

            map.put("version", new IntTag(19133));
            map.put("DataVersion", new IntTag(1343));
            map.put("initialized", new ByteTag((byte) 1));
            map.putIfAbsent("SizeOnDisk", new LongTag(0));

            // generator
            int generator = tag.getInt("Generator");
            String name;
            switch (generator) {
                case 1:
                    name = "default";
                case 2:
                    name = "flat";
            map.put("generatorName", new StringTag(name));
            map.put("generatorOptions", new StringTag(""));
            map.put("generatorVersion", new IntTag(1));
            map.put("Difficulty", new ByteTag((byte) tag.getInt("Difficulty")));
            map.put("DifficultyLocked", new ByteTag((byte) 0));
            map.put("MapFeatures", new ByteTag((byte) 1));
            map.put("allowCommands", new ByteTag(tag.getByte("commandsEnabled")));
            long time = tag.getLong("Time");
            if (time == 0) time = tag.getLong("CurrentTick");
            map.put("Time", new LongTag(time));
            map.put("spawnMobs", new ByteTag((byte) 1));
            Long lastPlayed = tag.getLong("LastPlayed");
            if (lastPlayed != null && lastPlayed < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                lastPlayed = lastPlayed * 1000;
                map.put("LastPlayed", new LongTag(lastPlayed));

            HashMap<String, com.sk89q.jnbt.Tag> data = new HashMap<>();
            data.put("Data", new CompoundTag(map));
            CompoundTag root = new CompoundTag(data);

            try (NBTOutputStream nos = new NBTOutputStream(new PGZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(levelDat)))) {
                nos.writeNamedTag("level.dat", root);
源代码25 项目: android-classyshark   文件: XmlDecompressor.java
public String decompressXml(InputStream is) throws IOException {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
    try(LittleEndianDataInputStream dis = new LittleEndianDataInputStream(is)) {
        //Getting and checking the marker for a valid XML file
        int fileMarker = dis.readInt();
        if (fileMarker != PACKED_XML_IDENTIFIER) {
            throw new IOException(
        List<String> packedStrings = parseStrings(dis);

        int ident = 0;
        int tag = dis.readShort();
        do {
            int headerSize = dis.readShort();
            int chunkSize = dis.readInt();
            switch (tag) {
                case RES_XML_FIRST_CHUNK_TYPE: {
                    dis.skipBytes(chunkSize - 8);
                case RES_XML_RESOURCE_MAP_TYPE: {
                    dis.skipBytes(chunkSize - 8);
                case START_ELEMENT_TAG: {
                    parseStartTag(result, dis, packedStrings, ident);
                case END_ELEMENT_TAG: {
                    parseEndTag(result, dis, packedStrings, ident);
                case CDATA_TAG: {
                    parseCDataTag(result, dis, packedStrings, ident);
                    System.err.println(String.format(ERROR_UNKNOWN_TAG, tag));
            tag = dis.readShort();
        } while (tag != END_DOC_TAG);
        return result.toString();
源代码26 项目: bazel   文件: AndroidCompiledDataDeserializer.java
private static ResourceContainer readResourceContainer(
    ZipFile zipFile, boolean includeFileContentsForValidation) throws IOException {
  List<ResourceTable> resourceTables = new ArrayList<>();
  List<CompiledFileWithData> compiledFiles = new ArrayList<>();

  Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> resourceFiles = zipFile.entries();
  while (resourceFiles.hasMoreElements()) {
    ZipEntry resourceFile = resourceFiles.nextElement();
    String fileZipPath = resourceFile.getName();
    if (fileZipPath.endsWith(CompiledResources.ATTRIBUTES_FILE_EXTENSION)) {

    try (LittleEndianDataInputStream dataInputStream =
        new LittleEndianDataInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(resourceFile))) {
      int magic = dataInputStream.readInt();
          magic == AAPT_CONTAINER_MAGIC,
          "Unexpected magic number in %s: %s",
      int version = dataInputStream.readInt();
          version == AAPT_CONTAINER_VERSION,
          "Unexpected version number in %s: %s",

      int numberOfEntries = dataInputStream.readInt();
      for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) {
        int entryType = dataInputStream.readInt();
            entryType == AAPT_CONTAINER_ENTRY_RES_TABLE
                || entryType == AAPT_CONTAINER_ENTRY_RES_FILE,
            "Unexpected entry type in %s: %s",

        if (entryType == AAPT_CONTAINER_ENTRY_RES_TABLE) {
          long size = dataInputStream.readLong();
          verify(size <= Integer.MAX_VALUE);
          byte[] tableBytes = readBytesAndSkipPadding(dataInputStream, (int) size);

              ResourceTable.parseFrom(tableBytes, ExtensionRegistry.getEmptyRegistry()));
        } else {
          // useless and wrong "size" data; see
          // https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/frameworks/base/+/1161789
          ByteStreams.skipFully(dataInputStream, 8);
          int headerSize = dataInputStream.readInt();
          long payloadSize = dataInputStream.readLong();
          byte[] headerBytes = readBytesAndSkipPadding(dataInputStream, headerSize);

          CompiledFile compiledFile =
              CompiledFile.parseFrom(headerBytes, ExtensionRegistry.getEmptyRegistry());

          HashCode fingerprint;
          XmlNode rootXmlNode;
          if (includeFileContentsForValidation) {
            byte[] payloadBytes = readBytesAndSkipPadding(dataInputStream, (int) payloadSize);
            fingerprint = Hashing.goodFastHash(/*minimumBits=*/ 64).hashBytes(payloadBytes);
            rootXmlNode =
                compiledFile.getType() == Resources.FileReference.Type.PROTO_XML
                    ? XmlNode.parseFrom(payloadBytes, ExtensionRegistry.getEmptyRegistry())
                    : null;
          } else {
                dataInputStream, roundUpToNearest(payloadSize, AAPT_FLAT_FILE_ALIGNMENT));
            fingerprint = null;
            rootXmlNode = null;

          compiledFiles.add(CompiledFileWithData.create(compiledFile, fingerprint, rootXmlNode));
  return ResourceContainer.create(resourceTables, compiledFiles);
源代码27 项目: WorldPainter   文件: NBTInputStream.java
 * Creates a new {@code NBTInputStream}, which will source its data
 * from the specified input stream.
 * @param is The input stream.
 * @param littleEndian Whether the stream contains little endian data.
public NBTInputStream(InputStream is, boolean littleEndian) {
    if (is == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("is");
    this.is = littleEndian ? new LittleEndianDataInputStream(is) : new DataInputStream(is);
源代码28 项目: KeePassJava2   文件: KdbxSerializer.java
 * Read two lots of 4 bytes and verify that they satisfy the signature of a
 * kdbx file;
 * @param ledis an input stream
 * @return true if it looks like this is a kdbx file
 * @throws IOException on error
private static boolean verifyMagicNumber(LittleEndianDataInputStream ledis) throws IOException {
    int sig1 = ledis.readInt();
    int sig2 = ledis.readInt();
    return sig1 == SIG1 && sig2 == SIG2;
源代码29 项目: KeePassJava2   文件: KdbxSerializer.java
 * Read 4 bytes and make sure they conform to expectations of file version
 * @param ledis an input stream
 * @return true if it looks like we understand this file version
 * @throws IOException on error
private static boolean verifyFileVersion(LittleEndianDataInputStream ledis) throws IOException {