

源代码1 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: UnmarshallingContext.java
 * Reports an error to the user, and asks if s/he wants
 * to recover. If the canRecover flag is false, regardless
 * of the client instruction, an exception will be thrown.
 * Only if the flag is true and the user wants to recover from an error,
 * the method returns normally.
 * The thrown exception will be catched by the unmarshaller.
public void handleEvent(ValidationEvent event, boolean canRecover ) throws SAXException {
    ValidationEventHandler eventHandler = parent.getEventHandler();

    boolean recover = eventHandler.handleEvent(event);

    // if the handler says "abort", we will not return the object
    // from the unmarshaller.getResult()
    if(!recover)    aborted = true;

    if( !canRecover || !recover )
        throw new SAXParseException2( event.getMessage(), locator,
            new UnmarshalException(
                event.getLinkedException() ) );
源代码2 项目: jdk8u60   文件: XMLSerializer.java
public void reportError( ValidationEvent ve ) throws SAXException {
    ValidationEventHandler handler;

    try {
        handler = marshaller.getEventHandler();
    } catch( JAXBException e ) {
        throw new SAXException2(e);

    if(!handler.handleEvent(ve)) {
        if(ve.getLinkedException() instanceof Exception)
            throw new SAXException2((Exception)ve.getLinkedException());
            throw new SAXException2(ve.getMessage());
源代码3 项目: ph-commons   文件: GenericJAXBMarshaller.java
 * @param aClassLoader
 *        The class loader to be used for XML schema resolving. May be
 *        <code>null</code>.
 * @return The JAXB unmarshaller to use. Never <code>null</code>.
 * @throws JAXBException
 *         In case the creation fails.
private Unmarshaller _createUnmarshaller (@Nullable final ClassLoader aClassLoader) throws JAXBException
  final JAXBContext aJAXBContext = getJAXBContext (aClassLoader);

  // create an Unmarshaller
  final Unmarshaller aUnmarshaller = aJAXBContext.createUnmarshaller ();
  if (m_aVEHFactory != null)
    // Create and set a new event handler
    final ValidationEventHandler aEvHdl = m_aVEHFactory.apply (aUnmarshaller.getEventHandler ());
    if (aEvHdl != null)
      aUnmarshaller.setEventHandler (aEvHdl);

  // Set XSD (if any)
  final Schema aValidationSchema = createValidationSchema ();
  if (aValidationSchema != null)
    aUnmarshaller.setSchema (aValidationSchema);

  return aUnmarshaller;
源代码4 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: UnmarshallingContext.java
 * Reports an error to the user, and asks if s/he wants
 * to recover. If the canRecover flag is false, regardless
 * of the client instruction, an exception will be thrown.
 * Only if the flag is true and the user wants to recover from an error,
 * the method returns normally.
 * The thrown exception will be catched by the unmarshaller.
public void handleEvent(ValidationEvent event, boolean canRecover ) throws SAXException {
    ValidationEventHandler eventHandler = parent.getEventHandler();

    boolean recover = eventHandler.handleEvent(event);

    // if the handler says "abort", we will not return the object
    // from the unmarshaller.getResult()
    if(!recover)    aborted = true;

    if( !canRecover || !recover )
        throw new SAXParseException2( event.getMessage(), locator,
            new UnmarshalException(
                event.getLinkedException() ) );
源代码5 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: UnmarshallingContext.java
 * Reports an error to the user, and asks if s/he wants
 * to recover. If the canRecover flag is false, regardless
 * of the client instruction, an exception will be thrown.
 * Only if the flag is true and the user wants to recover from an error,
 * the method returns normally.
 * The thrown exception will be catched by the unmarshaller.
public void handleEvent(ValidationEvent event, boolean canRecover ) throws SAXException {
    ValidationEventHandler eventHandler = parent.getEventHandler();

    boolean recover = eventHandler.handleEvent(event);

    // if the handler says "abort", we will not return the object
    // from the unmarshaller.getResult()
    if(!recover)    aborted = true;

    if( !canRecover || !recover )
        throw new SAXParseException2( event.getMessage(), locator,
            new UnmarshalException(
                event.getLinkedException() ) );
源代码6 项目: gradle-golang-plugin   文件: TestSuites.java
private static javax.xml.bind.Marshaller marshallerFor(@Nonnull TestSuites element) {
    final javax.xml.bind.Marshaller marshaller;
    try {
        marshaller = JAXB_CONTEXT.createMarshaller();
        marshaller.setProperty(JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
        marshaller.setEventHandler(new ValidationEventHandler() {
            public boolean handleEvent(ValidationEvent event) {
                return true;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Could not create marshaller to marshall " + element + ".", e);
    return marshaller;
源代码7 项目: validator   文件: ConversionService.java
public <T> String writeXml(final T model, final Schema schema, final ValidationEventHandler handler) {
    if (model == null) {
        throw new ConversionExeption("Can not serialize null");
    try ( final StringWriter w = new StringWriter() ) {
        final JAXBIntrospector introspector = getJaxbContext().createJAXBIntrospector();
        final Marshaller marshaller = getJaxbContext().createMarshaller();
        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, Boolean.TRUE);
        marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING, "UTF-8");
        final XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newFactory();
        final XMLStreamWriter xmlStreamWriter = xof.createXMLStreamWriter(w);
        if (null == introspector.getElementName(model)) {
            final JAXBElement jaxbElement = new JAXBElement(createQName(model), model.getClass(), model);
            marshaller.marshal(jaxbElement, xmlStreamWriter);
        } else {
            marshaller.marshal(model, xmlStreamWriter);
        return w.toString();
    } catch (final JAXBException | IOException | XMLStreamException e) {
        throw new ConversionExeption(String.format("Error serializing Object %s", model.getClass().getName()), e);
源代码8 项目: cxf   文件: JAXBDataBase.java
protected ValidationEventHandler getValidationEventHandler(String cn) {
    try {
        return (ValidationEventHandler)ClassLoaderUtils.loadClass(cn, getClass()).newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
        LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Could not create validation event handler", e);
    return null;
源代码9 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: BridgeContextImpl.java
public void setErrorHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler) {
    try {
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        // impossible
        throw new Error(e);
源代码10 项目: tomee   文件: JaxbOpenejbJar2.java
public static <T> Object unmarshal(final Class<T> type, final InputStream in, final boolean logErrors) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, JAXBException {
    final InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(in);

    final SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    final SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();

    final JAXBContext ctx = getContext(type);
    final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = ctx.createUnmarshaller();
    unmarshaller.setEventHandler(new ValidationEventHandler() {
        public boolean handleEvent(final ValidationEvent validationEvent) {
            if (logErrors) {
            return false;

    unmarshaller.setListener(new Unmarshaller.Listener() {
        public void afterUnmarshal(final Object object, final Object object1) {
            super.afterUnmarshal(object, object1);

        public void beforeUnmarshal(final Object target, final Object parent) {
            super.beforeUnmarshal(target, parent);

    final NamespaceFilter xmlFilter = new NamespaceFilter(parser.getXMLReader());

    final SAXSource source = new SAXSource(xmlFilter, inputSource);

    return unmarshaller.unmarshal(source, type);
源代码11 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: BridgeContextImpl.java
public void setErrorHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler) {
    try {
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        // impossible
        throw new Error(e);
 * @see javax.xml.bind.Marshaller#setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler)
public void setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
    throws JAXBException {

    if( handler == null ) {
        eventHandler = new DefaultValidationEventHandler();
    } else {
        eventHandler = handler;
源代码13 项目: cxf   文件: XMLStreamDataWriterTest.java
private DataWriterImpl<XMLStreamWriter> newDataWriter(ValidationEventHandler handler) throws Exception {
    JAXBDataBinding db = getTestWriterFactory();

    DataWriterImpl<XMLStreamWriter> dw = (DataWriterImpl<XMLStreamWriter>)db.createWriter(XMLStreamWriter.class);

    // Build message to set custom event handler
    org.apache.cxf.message.Message message = new org.apache.cxf.message.MessageImpl();
    message.put(JAXBDataBinding.WRITER_VALIDATION_EVENT_HANDLER, handler);

    dw.setProperty("org.apache.cxf.message.Message", message);

    return dw;
源代码14 项目: hottub   文件: AbstractMarshallerImpl.java
 * @see javax.xml.bind.Marshaller#setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler)
public void setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
    throws JAXBException {

    if( handler == null ) {
        eventHandler = new DefaultValidationEventHandler();
    } else {
        eventHandler = handler;
源代码15 项目: jdk8u60   文件: BridgeContextImpl.java
public void setErrorHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler) {
    try {
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        // impossible
        throw new Error(e);
源代码16 项目: JDKSourceCode1.8   文件: AbstractMarshallerImpl.java
 * @see javax.xml.bind.Marshaller#setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler)
public void setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
    throws JAXBException {

    if( handler == null ) {
        eventHandler = new DefaultValidationEventHandler();
    } else {
        eventHandler = handler;
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: UnmarshallerImpl.java
public final ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler() {
    try {
        return super.getEventHandler();
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        // impossible
        throw new AssertionError();
源代码18 项目: openjdk-8   文件: AbstractMarshallerImpl.java
 * @see javax.xml.bind.Marshaller#setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler)
public void setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler)
    throws JAXBException {

    if( handler == null ) {
        eventHandler = new DefaultValidationEventHandler();
    } else {
        eventHandler = handler;
源代码19 项目: tomee   文件: JaxbJavaee.java
 * Read in a T from the input stream.
 * @param type     Class of object to be read in
 * @param in       input stream to read
 * @param validate whether to validate the input.
 * @param <T>      class of object to be returned
 * @return a T read from the input stream
 * @throws ParserConfigurationException is the SAX parser can not be configured
 * @throws SAXException                 if there is an xml problem
 * @throws JAXBException                if the xml cannot be marshalled into a T.
public static <T> Object unmarshal(final Class<T> type, final InputStream in, final boolean validate) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, JAXBException {
    final InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(in);

    final SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    final SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();

    final JAXBContext ctx = JaxbJavaee.getContext(type);
    final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = ctx.createUnmarshaller();
    unmarshaller.setEventHandler(new ValidationEventHandler() {
        public boolean handleEvent(final ValidationEvent validationEvent) {
            return false;

    final JaxbJavaee.NoSourceFilter xmlFilter = new JaxbJavaee.NoSourceFilter(parser.getXMLReader());

    final SAXSource source = new SAXSource(xmlFilter, inputSource);

    currentPublicId.set(new TreeSet<String>());
    try {
        return unmarshaller.unmarshal(source);
    } finally {
源代码20 项目: hottub   文件: UnmarshallerImpl.java
public final ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler() {
    try {
        return super.getEventHandler();
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        // impossible
        throw new AssertionError();
源代码21 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件: UnmarshallerImpl.java
public final ValidationEventHandler getEventHandler() {
    try {
        return super.getEventHandler();
    } catch (JAXBException e) {
        // impossible
        throw new AssertionError();
源代码22 项目: validator   文件: ConversionService.java
public <T> T readXml(final URI xml, final Class<T> type, final Schema schema, final ValidationEventHandler handler) {
    CollectingErrorEventHandler defaultHandler = null;
    ValidationEventHandler handler2Use = handler;
    if (schema != null && handler == null) {
        defaultHandler = new CollectingErrorEventHandler();
        handler2Use = defaultHandler;
    try {
        final XMLInputFactory inputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newFactory();
        inputFactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES, false);
        inputFactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES, false);
        inputFactory.setProperty(XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, false);
        final XMLStreamReader xsr = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new StreamSource(xml.toASCIIString()));
        final Unmarshaller u = getJaxbContext().createUnmarshaller();

        final T value = u.unmarshal(xsr, type).getValue();
        if (defaultHandler != null && defaultHandler.hasErrors()) {
            throw new ConversionExeption(
                    String.format("Schema errors while reading content from %s: %s", xml, defaultHandler.getErrorDescription()));

        return value;
    } catch (final JAXBException | XMLStreamException e) {
        throw new ConversionExeption(String.format("Can not unmarshal to type %s from %s", type.getSimpleName(), xml.toString()), e);
源代码23 项目: tomee   文件: JaxbSun.java
public static <T> Object unmarshal(final Class<T> type, final InputStream in, final boolean logErrors) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, JAXBException {
    // create a parser with validation disabled
    final SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    final SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();

    // Get the JAXB context -- this should be cached
    final JAXBContext ctx = JAXBContextFactory.newInstance(type);

    // get the unmarshaller
    final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = ctx.createUnmarshaller();

    // log errors?
    unmarshaller.setEventHandler(new ValidationEventHandler() {
        public boolean handleEvent(final ValidationEvent validationEvent) {
            if (logErrors) {
            return false;

    // add our XMLFilter which disables dtd downloading
    final NamespaceFilter xmlFilter = new NamespaceFilter(parser.getXMLReader());

    // Wrap the input stream with our filter
    final SAXSource source = new SAXSource(xmlFilter, new InputSource(in));

    // unmarshal the document
    return unmarshaller.unmarshal(source);
public ConstantValidationEventHandlerFactory (@Nullable final ValidationEventHandler aEventHandler)
  m_aEventHandler = aEventHandler;
源代码25 项目: hottub   文件: DomHandlerEx.java
public ResultImpl createUnmarshaller(ValidationEventHandler errorHandler) {
    return new ResultImpl();
源代码26 项目: sis   文件: PooledMarshaller.java
 * Delegates to the wrapped marshaller. The initial state will be saved
 * if it was not already done, for future restoration by {@link #reset(Pooled)}.
public void setEventHandler(final ValidationEventHandler handler) throws JAXBException {
源代码27 项目: openjdk-8   文件: W3CDomHandler.java
public Source marshal(Element element, ValidationEventHandler errorHandler) {
    return new DOMSource(element);
源代码28 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: BinderImpl.java
public void setEventHandler(ValidationEventHandler handler) throws JAXBException {
源代码29 项目: Java8CN   文件: W3CDomHandler.java
public Source marshal(Element element, ValidationEventHandler errorHandler) {
    return new DOMSource(element);
源代码30 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: DomHandlerEx.java
public ResultImpl createUnmarshaller(ValidationEventHandler errorHandler) {
    return new ResultImpl();