

源代码1 项目: mobius   文件: Transformers.java
 * Creates an {@link ObservableTransformer} that will flatten the provided {@link Consumer} into
 * the stream as a {@link Completable} every time it receives an effect from the upstream effects
 * observable. This will result in calling the consumer on the specified scheduler, and passing it
 * the requested effect object.
 * @param doEffect the {@link Consumer} to be run every time the effect is requested
 * @param scheduler the {@link Scheduler} to be used when invoking the consumer
 * @param <F> the type of Effect this transformer handles
 * @param <E> these transformers are for effects that do not result in any events; however, they
 *     still need to share the same Event type
 * @return an {@link ObservableTransformer} that can be used with a {@link
 *     RxMobius.SubtypeEffectHandlerBuilder}.
static <F, E> ObservableTransformer<F, E> fromConsumer(
    final Consumer<F> doEffect, @Nullable final Scheduler scheduler) {
  return new ObservableTransformer<F, E>() {
    public ObservableSource<E> apply(Observable<F> effectStream) {
      return effectStream
              new Function<F, CompletableSource>() {
                public CompletableSource apply(final F effect) {
                  Completable completable =
                          new Action() {
                            public void run() throws Throwable {
                  return scheduler == null ? completable : completable.subscribeOn(scheduler);
public void doNotTimeout() {
    TestObserver<?> observer = Completable.fromRunnable(helloWorldService::returnHelloWorld)

    testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

源代码3 项目: resilience4j   文件: SingleRateLimiter.java
protected void subscribeActual(SingleObserver<? super T> downstream) {
    long waitDuration = rateLimiter.reservePermission();
    if (waitDuration >= 0) {
        if (waitDuration > 0) {
            Completable.timer(waitDuration, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
                .subscribe(() -> upstream.subscribe(new RateLimiterSingleObserver(downstream)));
        } else {
            upstream.subscribe(new RateLimiterSingleObserver(downstream));
    } else {
源代码4 项目: resilience4j   文件: CompletableBulkheadTest.java
public void shouldComplete() {


源代码5 项目: openapi-generator   文件: PetApi.java
 * Add a new pet to the store
 * @param body Pet object that needs to be added to the store (required)
 * @return Completable
Completable addPet(
  @retrofit2.http.Body Pet body
源代码6 项目: openapi-generator   文件: PetApi.java
 * Update an existing pet
 * @param body Pet object that needs to be added to the store (required)
 * @return Completable
Completable updatePet(
  @retrofit2.http.Body Pet body
源代码7 项目: openapi-generator   文件: FakeApi.java
 * creates an XmlItem
 * this route creates an XmlItem
 * @param xmlItem XmlItem Body (required)
 * @return Completable
Completable createXmlItem(
  @retrofit2.http.Body XmlItem xmlItem
源代码8 项目: catnip   文件: RestGuild.java
public Completable modifyGuildChannelPositions(@Nonnull final PositionUpdater updater,
                                               @Nullable final String reason) {
    final JsonArray array = new JsonArray();
            .map(x -> JsonObject.builder().value("id", x.getKey()).value("position", x.getValue()).done())
    return Completable.fromObservable(catnip().requester()
            .queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.MODIFY_GUILD_CHANNEL_POSITIONS.withMajorParam(updater.guildId()),
                    Map.of(), array, reason)));
源代码9 项目: catnip   文件: RestEmoji.java
public Completable deleteGuildEmoji(@Nonnull final String guildId, @Nonnull final String emojiId,
                                    @Nullable final String reason) {
    return Completable.fromObservable(catnip().requester().queue(
            new OutboundRequest(
                    Map.of("emojis", emojiId)).reason(reason).emptyBody(true)));
源代码10 项目: catnip   文件: RestGuild.java
public Completable deleteGuildRole(@Nonnull final String guildId, @Nonnull final String roleId,
                                   @Nullable final String reason) {
    return Completable.fromObservable(catnip().requester()
            .queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.DELETE_GUILD_ROLE.withMajorParam(guildId),
                    Map.of("role", roleId)).reason(reason).emptyBody(true)));
源代码11 项目: catnip   文件: RestGuild.java
public Completable removeGuildBan(@Nonnull final String guildId, @Nonnull final String userId,
                                  @Nullable final String reason) {
    return Completable.fromObservable(catnip().requester()
            .queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.REMOVE_GUILD_BAN.withMajorParam(guildId),
                    Map.of("user", userId)).reason(reason).emptyBody(true)));
public void timeout() {
    TestObserver<?> observer = Maybe.timer(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
        .flatMapCompletable(t -> Completable.complete())

    testScheduler.advanceTimeBy(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

源代码13 项目: catnip   文件: MessageChannel.java
 * Add a reaction to the message with the given id in this channel.
 * @param messageId The id of the message to add a reaction to.
 * @param emoji     The reaction to add.
 * @return A Observable that completes when the reaction is added.
default Completable addReaction(@Nonnull final String messageId, @Nonnull final String emoji) {
    if(isGuild()) {
        PermissionUtil.checkPermissions(catnip(), asGuildChannel().guildId(), id(),
                Permission.ADD_REACTIONS, Permission.READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY);
    return catnip().rest().channel().addReaction(id(), messageId, emoji);
源代码14 项目: catnip   文件: MessageChannel.java
 * Add a reaction to the message with the given id in this channel.
 * @param messageId The id of the message to add a reaction to.
 * @param emoji     The reaction to add.
 * @return A Observable that completes when the reaction is added.
default Completable addReaction(@Nonnull final String messageId, @Nonnull final Emoji emoji) {
    if(isGuild()) {
        PermissionUtil.checkPermissions(catnip(), asGuildChannel().guildId(), id(),
                Permission.ADD_REACTIONS, Permission.READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY);
    return catnip().rest().channel().addReaction(id(), messageId, emoji);
源代码15 项目: catnip   文件: MessageChannel.java
 * Delete a user's reaction on the given message.
 * @param messageId The id of the message to remove a reaction from.
 * @param userId    The id of the user whose reaction is to be removed.
 * @param emoji     The reaction to remove.
 * @return A Observable that completes when the reaction is removed.
default Completable deleteUserReaction(@Nonnull final String messageId, @Nonnull final String userId,
                                       @Nonnull final String emoji) {
    if(isGuild()) {
        PermissionUtil.checkPermissions(catnip(), asGuildChannel().guildId(), id(),
    return catnip().rest().channel().deleteUserReaction(id(), messageId, userId, emoji);
源代码16 项目: catnip   文件: MessageChannel.java
 * Delete all reactions on the given message
 * @param messageId The id of the message to remove all reactions from.
 * @return A Observable that completes when the reaction is removed.
default Completable bulkRemoveReaction(@Nonnull final String messageId) {
    if(isGuild()) {
        PermissionUtil.checkPermissions(catnip(), asGuildChannel().guildId(), id(),
    return catnip().rest().channel().deleteAllReactions(id(), messageId);
源代码17 项目: catnip   文件: Webhook.java
 * Deletes the webhook.
 * @return A Single that completes when the webhook is deleted.
default Completable delete() {
    PermissionUtil.checkPermissions(catnip(), guildId(), channelId(), Permission.MANAGE_WEBHOOKS);
    return catnip().rest().webhook().deleteWebhook(id());
源代码18 项目: catnip   文件: Message.java
default Completable delete(@Nullable final String reason) {
    final User self = catnip().selfUser();
    if(self != null && !author().id().equals(self.id())) {
        PermissionUtil.checkPermissions(catnip(), guildId(), channelId(),
    return catnip().rest().channel().deleteMessage(channelId(), id(), reason);
源代码19 项目: catnip   文件: CachingBuffer.java
private Completable maybeCache(final String eventType, final int shardId, final JsonObject data) {
    if(CACHE_EVENTS.contains(eventType)) {
        try {
            return catnip().cacheWorker().updateCache(eventType, shardId, data);
        } catch(final Exception e) {
            catnip().logAdapter().warn("Got error updating cache for payload {}", eventType, e);
            catnip().logAdapter().warn("Payload: {}", JsonUtil.encodePrettily(data));
            return RxHelpers.completedCompletable(catnip());
    } else {
        return RxHelpers.completedCompletable(catnip());
源代码20 项目: resilience4j   文件: CompletableRateLimiterTest.java
public void shouldDelaySubscription() {

        .awaitDone(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
源代码21 项目: catnip   文件: RestGuild.java
public Completable addGuildMemberRole(@Nonnull final String guildId, @Nonnull final String userId,
                                      @Nonnull final String roleId, @Nullable final String reason) {
    return Completable.fromObservable(catnip().requester()
            .queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.ADD_GUILD_MEMBER_ROLE.withMajorParam(guildId),
                    Map.of("user", userId, "role", roleId)).reason(reason).emptyBody(true)));
源代码22 项目: catnip   文件: RestChannel.java
public Completable deleteMessage(@Nonnull final String channelId, @Nonnull final String messageId,
                                 @Nullable final String reason) {
    return catnip().requester().queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.DELETE_MESSAGE.withMajorParam(channelId),
            Map.of("message", messageId)).reason(reason))
源代码23 项目: catnip   文件: RestChannel.java
public Completable editPermissionOverride(@Nonnull final String channelId, @Nonnull final PermissionOverride overwrite,
                                          @Nonnull final Collection<Permission> allowed,
                                          @Nonnull final Collection<Permission> denied,
                                          @Nullable final String reason) {
    return editPermissionOverride(channelId,
            overwrite.type() == OverrideType.MEMBER,
源代码24 项目: catnip   文件: RestChannel.java
public Completable addReaction(@Nonnull final String channelId, @Nonnull final String messageId,
                               @Nonnull final String emoji) {
    return catnip().requester().queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.CREATE_REACTION.withMajorParam(channelId),
            Map.of("message", messageId, "emojis", encodeUTF8(emoji)), new JsonObject()))
源代码25 项目: resilience4j   文件: FlowableRateLimiter.java
protected void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> downstream) {
    long waitDuration = rateLimiter.reservePermission();
    if (waitDuration >= 0) {
        if (waitDuration > 0) {
            Completable.timer(waitDuration, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
                .subscribe(() -> upstream.subscribe(new RateLimiterSubscriber(downstream)));
        } else {
            upstream.subscribe(new RateLimiterSubscriber(downstream));
    } else {
源代码26 项目: catnip   文件: RestChannel.java
public Completable editPermissionOverride(@Nonnull final String channelId, @Nonnull final String overwriteId,
                                          @Nonnull final Collection<Permission> allowed,
                                          @Nonnull final Collection<Permission> denied,
                                          final boolean isMember) {
    return editPermissionOverride(channelId, overwriteId, allowed, denied, isMember, null);
源代码27 项目: catnip   文件: RestChannel.java
public Completable deleteEmojiReaction(@Nonnull final String channelId, @Nonnull final String messageId,
                                     @Nonnull final String emoji) {
    return Completable.fromObservable(catnip().requester()
            .queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.DELETE_EMOJI_REACTIONS.withMajorParam(channelId),
                    Map.of("message", messageId, "emojis", encodeUTF8(emoji))).emptyBody(true)));
源代码28 项目: resilience4j   文件: CompletableRateLimiterTest.java
public void shouldEmitCompleted() {

源代码29 项目: catnip   文件: RestChannel.java
public Completable deletePermissionOverride(@Nonnull final String channelId,
                                            @Nonnull final String overwriteId, @Nullable final String reason) {
    return Completable.fromObservable(catnip().requester()
            .queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.DELETE_CHANNEL_PERMISSION.withMajorParam(channelId),
                    Map.of("overwrite", overwriteId)).reason(reason).emptyBody(true)));
源代码30 项目: catnip   文件: RestChannel.java
public Completable editPermissionOverride(@Nonnull final String channelId, @Nonnull final String overwriteId,
                                          @Nonnull final Collection<Permission> allowed,
                                          @Nonnull final Collection<Permission> denied,
                                          final boolean isMember, @Nullable final String reason) {
    return Completable.fromObservable(catnip().requester()
            .queue(new OutboundRequest(Routes.EDIT_CHANNEL_PERMISSIONS.withMajorParam(channelId),
                    Map.of("overwrite", overwriteId), JsonObject.builder()
                    .value("allow", Permission.from(allowed))
                    .value("deny", Permission.from(denied))
                    .value("type", isMember ? "member" : "role")