

源代码1 项目: swift-t   文件: LoopUnroller.java
private static boolean unrollLoops(Logger logger, Program prog, Function f,
    Block block) {
  boolean unrolled = false;

  ListIterator<Continuation> it = block.continuationIterator();
  while (it.hasNext()) {
    Continuation c = it.next();
    // Doing from bottom up gives us better estimate of inner loop size after expansion
    for (Block b: c.getBlocks()) {
      boolean res = unrollLoops(logger, prog, f, b);
      unrolled = unrolled || res;
    Pair<Boolean, List<Continuation>> cRes;
    cRes = c.tryUnroll(logger, f.id(), block);
    if (cRes.val1) {
      unrolled = true;
      for (Continuation newC: cRes.val2) {
  return unrolled;
源代码2 项目: Babler   文件: DAO.java
 * Saves an entry to file
 * @param entry
 * @param dbName usually scrapig
 * @return true if success
public static boolean saveEntry(DBEntry entry, String dbName){

    if(entry == null || !entry.isValid())
        return false;

    Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DAO.class);

    MongoDatabase db = MongoDB.INSTANCE.getDatabase(dbName);

    String collectionName = getCollectionName(entry);

    MongoCollection collection = db.getCollection(collectionName,BasicDBObject.class);

    try {
        return true;
    catch (MongoWriteException ex){
        if (ex.getCode() != 11000) // Ignore errors about duplicates
        return false;

源代码3 项目: swift-t   文件: InitVariables.java
private static void recurseOnContinuation(Logger logger, InitState state,
    Continuation cont, boolean validate) {
  // Only recurse if we're validating, or if we need info from inner blocks
  boolean unifyBranches = InitState.canUnifyBranches(cont);
  List<InitState> branchStates = null;
  if (unifyBranches) {
    branchStates = new ArrayList<InitState>();

  InitState contState = state.enterContinuation(cont);
  for (Block inner: cont.getBlocks()) {
    InitState blockState = contState.makeChild();

    recurseOnBlock(logger, inner, blockState, validate);
    if (unifyBranches) {

  // Unify information from branches into parent
  if (unifyBranches) {
    state.unifyBranches(cont, branchStates);
源代码4 项目: powermock-examples-maven   文件: Log4jUserTest.java
public void assertThatLog4jMockPolicyWorks() throws Exception {
	final Log4jUser tested = createPartialMockAndInvokeDefaultConstructor(Log4jUser.class, "getMessage");
	final String otherMessage = "other message";
	final String firstMessage = "first message and ";



	final String actual = tested.mergeMessageWith(otherMessage);
	Class<? extends Logger> class1 = Whitebox.getInternalState(Log4jUserParent.class, Logger.class).getClass();


	assertEquals(firstMessage + otherMessage, actual);
源代码5 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: AutoConfigTest.java
public void testListAppender() {
    Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger("test");
    logger.debug("This is a test of the root logger");
    LoggerContext loggerContext = org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getContext(false);
    Configuration configuration = ((org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext) loggerContext).getConfiguration();
    Map<String, Appender> appenders = configuration.getAppenders();
    ListAppender eventAppender = null;
    ListAppender messageAppender = null;
    for (Map.Entry<String, Appender> entry : appenders.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getKey().equals("list")) {
            messageAppender = (ListAppender) ((AppenderAdapter.Adapter) entry.getValue()).getAppender();
        } else if (entry.getKey().equals("events")) {
            eventAppender = (ListAppender) ((AppenderAdapter.Adapter) entry.getValue()).getAppender();
    assertNotNull("No Event Appender", eventAppender);
    assertNotNull("No Message Appender", messageAppender);
    List<LoggingEvent> events = eventAppender.getEvents();
    assertTrue("No events", events != null && events.size() > 0);
    List<String> messages = messageAppender.getMessages();
    assertTrue("No messages", messages != null && messages.size() > 0);
源代码6 项目: swift-t   文件: ICInstructions.java
public void generate(Logger logger, CompilerBackend gen, GenInfo info) {
  switch(this.op) {
    gen.callForeignFunctionWrapped(id, outputs, inputs, props);
  case CALL_SYNC:
  case CALL_LOCAL:
      List<Boolean> blocking = info.getBlockingInputVector(id);
    assert(blocking != null && blocking.size() == inputs.size()) :
      this + "; blocking: " + blocking;
    List<Boolean> needToBlock = new ArrayList<Boolean>(inputs.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
      needToBlock.add(blocking.get(i) && (!this.closedInputs.get(i)));

    gen.functionCall(id, outputs, inputs, needToBlock,
                                        execMode(), props);
    throw new STCRuntimeError("Huh?");
源代码7 项目: swift-t   文件: ICOptimizer.java
 * Optimize the program and return a new one
 * NOTE: the input might be modified in-place
 * @param icOutput where to log IC between optimiation steps.  Null for
 *              no output
 * @return
 * @throws InvalidWriteException
public static Program optimize(Logger logger, PrintStream icOutput,
                               Program prog) throws UserException {
  boolean logIC = icOutput != null;
  if (logIC) {
    prog.log(icOutput, "Initial IC before optimization");

  long nIterations = Settings.getLongUnchecked(Settings.OPT_MAX_ITERATIONS);

  boolean debug = Settings.getBooleanUnchecked(Settings.COMPILER_DEBUG);

  preprocess(icOutput, logger, debug, prog);
  iterate(icOutput, logger, prog, debug, nIterations);
  postprocess(icOutput, logger, debug, prog, nIterations);

  if (logIC) {
    prog.log(icOutput, "Final optimized IC");
  return prog;
源代码8 项目: ChatGameFontificator   文件: ControlPanelDebug.java
 * Enable or disable debugging
 * @param debugging
public void setDebugging(boolean debugging)
    this.debugging = debugging;
    if (debugging)
        // Turn off everything before disabling the debug tab
public void tesApplyUserLoggerLevels() {

    // set the level

    // read the configuration and remember the level
    RemoteLoggingConfigurator remoteLoggingConfig = new RemoteLoggingConfigurator(null, -1);

    // change the level in log4j

    // apply the remembered level
源代码10 项目: ignite   文件: GridTestLog4jLogger.java
 * Creates new logger with given configuration {@code cfgUrl}.
 * @param cfgUrl URL for Log4j configuration XML file.
 * @throws IgniteCheckedException Thrown in case logger can't be created.
public GridTestLog4jLogger(final URL cfgUrl) throws IgniteCheckedException {
    if (cfgUrl == null)
        throw new IgniteCheckedException("Configuration XML file for Log4j must be specified.");

    cfg = cfgUrl.getPath();

    addConsoleAppenderIfNeeded(null, new C1<Boolean, Logger>() {
        @Override public Logger apply(Boolean init) {
            if (init)

            return Logger.getRootLogger();

    quiet = quiet0;
源代码11 项目: attic-apex-core   文件: LoggerUtil.java
 * Adds Logger Appender to a specified logger
 * @param logger Logger to add appender to, if null, use root logger
 * @param name Appender name
 * @param properties Appender properties
 * @return True if the appender has been added successfully
public static boolean addAppender(Logger logger, String name, Properties properties)
  if (logger == null) {
    logger = LogManager.getRootLogger();
  if (getAppendersNames(logger).contains(name)) {
    LoggerUtil.logger.warn("A logger appender with the name '{}' exists. Cannot add a new logger appender with the same name", name);
  } else {
    try {
      Method method = PropertyConfigurator.class.getDeclaredMethod("parseAppender", Properties.class, String.class);
      Appender appender = (Appender)method.invoke(new PropertyConfigurator(), properties, name);
      if (appender == null) {
        LoggerUtil.logger.warn("Cannot add a new logger appender. Name: {}, Properties: {}", name, properties);
      } else {
        return true;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      LoggerUtil.logger.warn("Cannot add a new logger appender. Name: {}, Properties: {}", name, properties, ex);
  return false;
源代码12 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: XMLLayoutTest.java
   * Tests CDATA element within exception.  See bug 37560.
 public void testExceptionWithCDATA() throws Exception {
     Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.example.bar");
     Level level = Level.INFO;
     String exceptionMessage ="<envelope><faultstring><![CDATA[The EffectiveDate]]></faultstring><envelope>";
     LoggingEvent event =
       new LoggingEvent(
         "com.example.bar", logger, level, "Hello, World", new Exception(exceptionMessage));
     Layout layout = createLayout();
     String result = layout.format(event);
     Element parsedResult = parse(result);
     NodeList throwables = parsedResult.getElementsByTagName("log4j:throwable");
     assertEquals(1, throwables.getLength());
     StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
     for(Node child = throwables.item(0).getFirstChild();
             child != null;
             child = child.getNextSibling()) {
     assertTrue(buf.toString().indexOf(exceptionMessage) != -1);
源代码13 项目: rya   文件: DemoUtilities.java
 * Sets up log4j logging to fit the demo's needs.
 * @param loggingDetail the {@link LoggingDetail} to use.
public static void setupLogging(final LoggingDetail loggingDetail) {
    // Turn off all the loggers and customize how they write to the console.
    final Logger rootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger();
    final ConsoleAppender ca = (ConsoleAppender) rootLogger.getAppender("stdout");

    // Turn the loggers used by the demo back on.
源代码14 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: NTEventLogAppenderTest.java
 *   Simple test of NTEventLogAppender.
public void testSimple() {
  BasicConfigurator.configure(new NTEventLogAppender());
  Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.apache.log4j.nt.NTEventLogAppenderTest");
  int i  = 0;
  logger.debug( "Message " + i++);
  logger.info( "Message " + i++);
  logger.warn( "Message " + i++);
  logger.error( "Message " + i++);
  logger.log(Level.FATAL, "Message " + i++);
  logger.debug("Message " + i++,  new Exception("Just testing."));
源代码15 项目: ats-framework   文件: Test_SmtpNegative.java
public void setUp() {

    smtp = new SmtpManager();
          .info("--------------------------START TESTCASE----------------------------------------");

源代码16 项目: datawave   文件: DateIndexTableConfigHelperTest.java
public void setup() {
    Level desiredLevel = Level.ALL;
    Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DateIndexTableConfigHelperTest.class);
    DateIndexTableConfigHelperTest.testDriverLevel = log.getLevel();
源代码17 项目: datawave   文件: RegexQueryTest.java
@Test(expected = FullTableScansDisallowedException.class)
public void testErrorMissingReverseIndex() throws Exception {
    log.info("------  testMissingReverseIndex  ------");
    // should at least match usa, fra, and ita
    String regex = "'.*?a'";
    for (final TestCities city : TestCities.values()) {
        String query = CityField.CODE.name() + RE_OP + regex;
        runTest(query, query);
源代码18 项目: ats-framework   文件: JoinTestCaseEvent.java
public JoinTestCaseEvent( String loggerFQCN,
                          Logger logger,
                          TestCaseState testCaseState ) {

          "Joining test case with id " + testCaseState.getTestcaseId(),

    this.testCaseState = testCaseState;
源代码19 项目: Asqatasun   文件: SSPHandlerImpl.java
 * This method is used to initialize the image map. Images are downloaded
 * by the crawler component, and the map we initialize here associates
 * the url of the image with the binary image content.
public void initializeImageMap() {
    if (imageMap == null) {
        imageMap = new HashMap<>();
    if (imageOnErrorSet == null) {
        imageOnErrorSet = new HashSet<>();
    for (RelatedContent relatedContent : ssp.getRelatedContentSet()) {
        if (relatedContent instanceof ImageContent) {

            BufferedImage image;
            if (((ImageContent) relatedContent).getHttpStatusCode() != 200
                    || ((ImageContent) relatedContent).getContent() == null) {
                imageOnErrorSet.add((ImageContent) relatedContent);
            } else {
                try {
                    image = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(
                            ((ImageContent) relatedContent).getContent()));
                    imageMap.put(((Content) relatedContent).getURI(), image);
                } catch (IOException ex) {
源代码20 项目: hadoop   文件: TestFifoScheduler.java
public void testAllocateContainerOnNodeWithoutOffSwitchSpecified()
    throws Exception {
  Logger rootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger();
  MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
  MockNM nm1 = rm.registerNode("", 6 * GB);

  RMApp app1 = rm.submitApp(2048);
  // kick the scheduling, 2 GB given to AM1, remaining 4GB on nm1
  RMAppAttempt attempt1 = app1.getCurrentAppAttempt();
  MockAM am1 = rm.sendAMLaunched(attempt1.getAppAttemptId());

  // add request for containers
  List<ResourceRequest> requests = new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>();
  requests.add(am1.createResourceReq("", 1 * GB, 1, 1));
  requests.add(am1.createResourceReq("/default-rack", 1 * GB, 1, 1));
  am1.allocate(requests, null); // send the request

  try {
    // kick the schedule
  } catch (NullPointerException e) {
    Assert.fail("NPE when allocating container on node but "
        + "forget to set off-switch request should be handled");
源代码21 项目: syslog4j   文件: Log4jSyslogBackLogHandler.java
public Log4jSyslogBackLogHandler(Class loggerClass, boolean appendReason) {
	if (loggerClass == null) {
		throw new SyslogRuntimeException("loggerClass cannot be null");
	this.logger = Logger.getLogger(loggerClass);
	this.appendReason = appendReason;
源代码22 项目: otroslogviewer   文件: OrRuleTest.java
 * Test Or of Level and Time.
@Test public void test3() {
    Stack<Object> stack = new Stack<>();
    stack.push(TimestampInequalityRule.getRule(">=", "2008-05-21 00:44:45"));
    Rule rule = OrRule.getRule(stack);
    AssertJUnit.assertEquals(0, stack.size());
    Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(2008, 4, 21, 0, 45, 44);
    LoggingEvent event = new LoggingEvent("org.apache.log4j.Logger",
            Logger.getRootLogger(), cal.getTimeInMillis(), Level.INFO,
            "Hello, World", null);
    AssertJUnit.assertTrue(rule.evaluate(Log4jUtil.translateLog4j(event), null));
源代码23 项目: attic-apex-core   文件: LoggerUtil.java
public Logger makeNewLoggerInstance(String name)
  Logger logger = new DefaultLogger(name);
  Level level = getLevelFor(name);
  if (level != null) {
  return logger;
源代码24 项目: SNOMED-in-5-minutes   文件: EqualsHashcodeTester.java
 * Creates two objects with the same field values and verifies they are equal.
 * @return true, if successful
 * @throws Exception the exception
public boolean testIdentityFieldEquals() throws Exception {
      "Test identity field equals - " + clazz.getName());
  Object o1 = createObject(1);
  Object o2 = createObject(1);
  return o1.equals(o2);
源代码25 项目: ignite   文件: Log4JLogger.java
 * Creates new logger with given implementation.
 * @param impl Log4j implementation to use.
 * @param path Configuration file/url path.
private Log4JLogger(final Logger impl, final String path) {
    assert impl != null;

    addConsoleAppenderIfNeeded(null, new C1<Boolean, Logger>() {
        @Override public Logger apply(Boolean init) {
            return impl;

    quiet = quiet0;
    cfg = path;
源代码26 项目: rocketmq-all-4.1.0-incubating   文件: Log4jTest.java
public void testLog4j() throws InterruptedException, MQClientException {
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("testLogger");
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        logger.info("log4j " + this.getType() + " simple test message " + i);
    int received = consumeMessages(30, "log4j",30);
源代码27 项目: unitime   文件: QueueItem.java
public void trace(Object message) {
	synchronized (iLog) {
		iLog.add(new QueueMessage(QueueMessage.Level.TRACE, message));
源代码28 项目: datawave   文件: ScanSessionStats.java
public void logSummary(final Logger log) {
    Logger logToUse = log;
    if (null != log)
        logToUse = this.log;
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
    int count = 1;
    long totalDurationMillis = 0l;
    logToUse.debug("Elapsed time running query");
    final int length = Integer.toString(TIMERS.values().length).length();
    for (TIMERS timer : TIMERS.values()) {
        final String countStr = Integer.toString(count);
        final String paddedCount = new StringBuilder(QueryStopwatch.INDENT).append(StringUtils.leftPad(countStr, length, "0")).append(") ").toString();
        long myValue = getValue(timer);
        // Stopwatch.toString() will give us appropriate units for the timing
        sb.append(paddedCount).append(timer.name()).append(": ").append(formatMillis(myValue));
        totalDurationMillis += myValue;
    sb.append(QueryStopwatch.INDENT).append("Total elapsed: ").append(formatMillis(totalDurationMillis));
源代码29 项目: openemm   文件: BaseDaoImpl.java
 * Logs the sql statement. This is typically used before db executions.
 * This method is also included in select and update methods of this class, so they don't have to be called explicitly
 * @param logger
 * @param statement
 * @param parameter
protected void logSqlStatement(Logger logger, String statement, Object... parameter) {
	if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
		if (parameter != null && parameter.length > 0) {
			logger.debug("SQL: " + statement + "\nParameter: " + getParameterStringList(parameter));
		} else {
			logger.debug("SQL: " + statement);
源代码30 项目: freehealth-connector   文件: PerfLog.java
public static void logMappingSguidAndUniqueId(Logger logger, SingleMessageWrapper singleMessageWrapper, String uniqueId) {
   List<PharmaceuticalCareEventType> listEvent = singleMessageWrapper.getAllEventsOfType(PharmaceuticalCareEventType.class);
   Iterator i$ = listEvent.iterator();

   while(i$.hasNext()) {
      PharmaceuticalCareEventType event = (PharmaceuticalCareEventType)i$.next();
      log(logger, "********** PERFLOG-INTERNAL: ", "MAPPING", (String)null, (Long)null, (Long)null, event.getId(), uniqueId);
