

源代码1 项目: RxCache   文件: CacheAndRemoteStrategy.java
public <T> Publisher<Record<T>> execute(RxCache rxCache, String key, Flowable<T> source, Type type) {

    Flowable<Record<T>> cache = rxCache.<T>load2Flowable(key, type);

    Flowable<Record<T>> remote = source
            .map(new Function<T, Record<T>>() {
                public Record<T> apply(@NonNull T t) throws Exception {

                    rxCache.save(key, t);

                    return new Record<>(Source.CLOUD, key, t);

    return Flowable.concatDelayError(Arrays.asList(cache, remote))
            .filter(new Predicate<Record<T>>() {
                public boolean test(@NonNull Record<T> record) throws Exception {
                    return record.getData() != null;
源代码2 项目: RxCache   文件: CacheAndRemoteStrategy.java
public <T> Publisher<Record<T>> execute(RxCache rxCache, String key, Flowable<T> source, Type type, BackpressureStrategy backpressureStrategy) {

    Flowable<Record<T>> cache = rxCache.<T>load2Flowable(key, type, backpressureStrategy);

    Flowable<Record<T>> remote = source
            .map(new Function<T, Record<T>>() {
                public Record<T> apply(@NonNull T t) throws Exception {

                    rxCache.save(key, t);

                    return new Record<>(Source.CLOUD, key, t);

    return Flowable.concatDelayError(Arrays.asList(cache, remote))
            .filter(new Predicate<Record<T>>() {
                public boolean test(@NonNull Record<T> record) throws Exception {
                    return record.getData() != null;
源代码3 项目: RxCache   文件: CacheAndRemoteStrategy.java
public <T> Maybe<Record<T>> execute(RxCache rxCache, String key, Maybe<T> source, Type type) {

    Maybe<Record<T>> cache = rxCache.<T>load2Maybe(key, type);

    Maybe<Record<T>> remote = source
            .map(new Function<T, Record<T>>() {
                public Record<T> apply(@NonNull T t) throws Exception {

                    rxCache.save(key, t);

                    return new Record<>(Source.CLOUD, key, t);

    return Maybe.concatDelayError(Arrays.asList(cache,remote))
            .filter(new Predicate<Record<T>>() {
                public boolean test(@NonNull Record<T> record) throws Exception {
                    return record.getData() != null;
源代码4 项目: RxCache   文件: CacheAndRemoteStrategy.java
public <T> Observable<Record<T>> execute(RxCache rxCache, String key, Observable<T> source, Type type) {

    Observable<Record<T>> cache = rxCache.<T>load2Observable(key, type);

    Observable<Record<T>> remote = source
            .map(new Function<T, Record<T>>() {
                public Record<T> apply(@NonNull T t) throws Exception {

                    rxCache.save(key, t);

                    return new Record<>(Source.CLOUD, key, t);

    return Observable.concatDelayError(Arrays.asList(cache, remote))
            .filter(new Predicate<Record<T>>() {
                public boolean test(@NonNull Record<T> record) throws Exception {
                    return record.getData() != null;
源代码5 项目: RxCache   文件: CacheFirstTimeoutStrategy.java
public <T> Publisher<Record<T>> execute(RxCache rxCache, String key, Flowable<T> source, Type type) {

    Flowable<Record<T>> cache = rxCache.<T>load2Flowable(key, type)
            .filter(new Predicate<Record<T>>() {
                public boolean test(Record<T> record) throws Exception {
                    return System.currentTimeMillis() - record.getCreateTime() <= timestamp;

    Flowable<Record<T>> remote = source
            .map(new Function<T, Record<T>>() {
                public Record<T> apply(@NonNull T t) throws Exception {

                    rxCache.save(key, t);

                    return new Record<>(Source.CLOUD, key, t);

    return cache.switchIfEmpty(remote);
源代码6 项目: RxCache   文件: CacheFirstTimeoutStrategy.java
public <T> Publisher<Record<T>> execute(RxCache rxCache, String key, Flowable<T> source, Type type, BackpressureStrategy backpressureStrategy) {

    Flowable<Record<T>> cache = rxCache.<T>load2Flowable(key, type, backpressureStrategy)
            .filter(new Predicate<Record<T>>() {
                public boolean test(Record<T> record) throws Exception {
                    return System.currentTimeMillis() - record.getCreateTime() <= timestamp;

    Flowable<Record<T>> remote = source
            .map(new Function<T, Record<T>>() {
                public Record<T> apply(@NonNull T t) throws Exception {

                    rxCache.save(key, t);

                    return new Record<>(Source.CLOUD, key, t);

    return cache.switchIfEmpty(remote);
源代码7 项目: RxCache   文件: CacheFirstTimeoutStrategy.java
public <T> Maybe<Record<T>> execute(RxCache rxCache, String key, Maybe<T> source, Type type) {

    Maybe<Record<T>> cache = rxCache.<T>load2Maybe(key, type)
            .filter(new Predicate<Record<T>>() {
                public boolean test(Record<T> record) throws Exception {
                    return System.currentTimeMillis() - record.getCreateTime() <= timestamp;

    Maybe<Record<T>> remote = source
            .map(new Function<T, Record<T>>() {
                public Record<T> apply(@NonNull T t) throws Exception {

                    rxCache.save(key, t);

                    return new Record<>(Source.CLOUD, key, t);

    return cache.switchIfEmpty(remote);
源代码8 项目: RxCache   文件: CacheFirstTimeoutStrategy.java
public <T> Observable<Record<T>> execute(RxCache rxCache, String key, Observable<T> source, Type type) {

    Observable<Record<T>> cache = rxCache.<T>load2Observable(key, type)
            .filter(new Predicate<Record<T>>() {
                public boolean test(Record<T> record) throws Exception {
                    return System.currentTimeMillis() - record.getCreateTime() <= timestamp;

    Observable<Record<T>> remote = source
            .map(new Function<T, Record<T>>() {
                public Record<T> apply(@NonNull T t) throws Exception {

                    rxCache.save(key, t);

                    return new Record<>(Source.CLOUD, key, t);

    return cache.switchIfEmpty(remote);
源代码9 项目: apollo-android   文件: Rx3ApolloTest.java
public void callProducesValue() throws Exception {
      .from(apolloClient.query(new EpisodeHeroNameQuery(Input.fromNullable(EMPIRE))))
      .assertValue(new Predicate<Response<EpisodeHeroNameQuery.Data>>() {
        @Override public boolean test(Response<EpisodeHeroNameQuery.Data> response) throws Exception {
          return true;
源代码10 项目: RxLifecycle   文件: RxLifecycle.java
private static <R> Observable<R> takeUntilEvent(final Observable<R> lifecycle, final R event) {
    return lifecycle.filter(new Predicate<R>() {
        public boolean test(R lifecycleEvent) throws Exception {
            return lifecycleEvent.equals(event);
public void eventThrowsBadException() {
    PublishSubject<String> stream = PublishSubject.create();
    PublishSubject<String> lifecycle = PublishSubject.create();

    TestObserver<String> testObserver = stream
        .compose(RxLifecycle.<String, String>bind(lifecycle, CORRESPONDING_EVENTS))

    // We get an error from the function for this lifecycle event


    // We only want to check for our IllegalArgumentException, but may have
    // to wade through a CompositeException to get at it.
    testObserver.assertError(new Predicate<Throwable>() {
        public boolean test(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
            if (throwable instanceof CompositeException) {
                CompositeException ce = (CompositeException) throwable;
                for (Throwable t : ce.getExceptions()) {
                    if (t instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
                        return true;

            return false;