

 * 两层循环实现建树
 * @param sysMenus
 * @return
public static List<SysMenu> treeBuilder(List<SysMenu> sysMenus) {
    List<SysMenu> menus = new ArrayList<>();
    for (SysMenu sysMenu : sysMenus) {
        if (ObjectUtils.equals(-1L, sysMenu.getParentId())) {
        for (SysMenu menu : sysMenus) {
            if (menu.getParentId().equals(sysMenu.getId())) {
                if (sysMenu.getSubMenus() == null) {
                    sysMenu.setSubMenus(new ArrayList<>());
    return menus;
public int compare(ResolvedArtifact artifact1, ResolvedArtifact artifact2) {
    int diff = artifact1.getName().compareTo(artifact2.getName());
    if (diff != 0) {
        return diff;
    diff = ObjectUtils.compare(artifact1.getClassifier(), artifact2.getClassifier());
    if (diff != 0) {
        return diff;
    diff = artifact1.getExtension().compareTo(artifact2.getExtension());
    if (diff != 0) {
        return diff;
    diff = artifact1.getType().compareTo(artifact2.getType());
    if (diff != 0) {
        return diff;
    // Use an arbitrary ordering when the artifacts have the same public attributes
    return artifact1.hashCode() - artifact2.hashCode();
源代码3 项目: projectforge-webapp   文件: TeamEventRight.java
 * Owners of the given calendar and users with full and read-only access have update access to the given calendar: obj.getCalendar().
 * @see org.projectforge.user.UserRightAccessCheck#hasHistoryAccess(org.projectforge.user.PFUserDO, java.lang.Object)
public boolean hasHistoryAccess(final PFUserDO user, final TeamEventDO obj)
  if (obj == null) {
    return true;
  final TeamCalDO calendar = obj.getCalendar();
  if (calendar == null) {
    return false;
  if (ObjectUtils.equals(user.getId(), calendar.getOwnerId()) == true) {
    // User has full access to it's own calendars.
    return true;
  final Integer userId = user.getId();
  if (teamCalRight.hasFullAccess(calendar, userId) == true || teamCalRight.hasReadonlyAccess(calendar, userId) == true) {
    return true;
  return false;
源代码4 项目: projectforge-webapp   文件: KostZuweisungDO.java
public boolean equals(final Object o)
  if (o instanceof KostZuweisungDO) {
    final KostZuweisungDO other = (KostZuweisungDO) o;
    if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.getIndex(), other.getIndex()) == false)
      return false;
    if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.getRechnungsPositionId(), other.getRechnungsPositionId()) == false)
      return false;
    if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.getEingangsrechnungsPositionId(), other.getEingangsrechnungsPositionId()) == false)
      return false;
    if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.getEmployeeSalaryId(), other.getEmployeeSalaryId()) == false)
      return false;
    return true;
  return false;
源代码5 项目: canal-mongo   文件: DataService.java
public void deleteData(String schemaName, String tableName, DBObject obj) {
    int i = 0;
    String path = "/" + schemaName + "/" + tableName + "/" + CanalEntry.EventType.DELETE.getNumber();
    DBObject newObj = (DBObject) ObjectUtils.clone(obj);
    DBObject logObj = (DBObject) ObjectUtils.clone(obj);
    try {
        if (obj.containsField("id")) {
            naiveMongoTemplate.getCollection(tableName).remove(new BasicDBObject("_id", obj.get("id")));
        SpringUtil.doEvent(path, newObj);
    } catch (MongoClientException | MongoSocketException clientException) {
        throw clientException;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logError(schemaName, tableName, 3, i, logObj, e);
源代码6 项目: tddl   文件: ConvertorHelper.java
private void initCommonTypes() {
    commonTypes.put(int.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Integer.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(short.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Short.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(long.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Long.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(boolean.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Boolean.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(byte.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Byte.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(char.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Character.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(float.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Float.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(double.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Double.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(BigDecimal.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(BigInteger.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
源代码7 项目: projectforge-webapp   文件: HRPlanningEntryDO.java
public boolean equals(Object o)
  if (o instanceof HRPlanningEntryDO) {
    HRPlanningEntryDO other = (HRPlanningEntryDO) o;
    if (this.getId() != null || other.getId() != null) {
      return ObjectUtils.equals(this.getId(), other.getId());
    if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.getPlanningId(), other.getPlanningId()) == false)
      return false;
    if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.getProjektId(), other.getProjektId()) == false)
      return false;
    if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.getStatus(), other.getStatus()) == false)
      return false;
    return true;
  return false;
源代码8 项目: astor   文件: StrTokenizerTest.java
public void test7() {

        String input = "a   b c \"d e\" f ";
        StrTokenizer tok = new StrTokenizer(input);
        String tokens[] = tok.getTokenArray();

        String expected[] = new String[]{"a", "", "", "b", "c", "d e", "f", "",};

        assertEquals(ArrayUtils.toString(tokens), expected.length, tokens.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
            assertTrue("token[" + i + "] was '" + tokens[i] + "' but was expected to be '" + expected[i] + "'",
                    ObjectUtils.equals(expected[i], tokens[i]));

源代码9 项目: openhab1-addons   文件: WeatherTokenResolver.java
 * Replaces the token with properties of the weather LocationConfig object.
private String replaceConfig(Token token) {
    LocationConfig locationConfig = WeatherContext.getInstance().getConfig().getLocationConfig(locationId);
    if (locationConfig == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Weather locationId '" + locationId + "' does not exist");

    if ("latitude".equals(token.name)) {
        return locationConfig.getLatitude().toString();
    } else if ("longitude".equals(token.name)) {
        return locationConfig.getLongitude().toString();
    } else if ("name".equals(token.name)) {
        return locationConfig.getName();
    } else if ("language".equals(token.name)) {
        return locationConfig.getLanguage();
    } else if ("updateInterval".equals(token.name)) {
        return ObjectUtils.toString(locationConfig.getUpdateInterval());
    } else if ("locationId".equals(token.name)) {
        return locationConfig.getLocationId();
    } else if ("providerName".equals(token.name)) {
        return ObjectUtils.toString(locationConfig.getProviderName());
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid weather token: " + token.full);
源代码10 项目: openhab1-addons   文件: CcuClient.java
public void setDatapointValue(HmDatapoint dp, String datapointName, Object value) throws HomematicClientException {
    HmInterface hmInterface = dp.getChannel().getDevice().getHmInterface();
    if (hmInterface == HmInterface.VIRTUALDEVICES) {
        String groupName = HmInterface.VIRTUALDEVICES + "." + dp.getChannel().getAddress() + "." + datapointName;
        if (dp.isIntegerValue() && value instanceof Double) {
            value = ((Number) value).intValue();
        String strValue = ObjectUtils.toString(value);
        if (dp.isStringValue()) {
            strValue = "\"" + strValue + "\"";

        HmResult result = sendScriptByName("setVirtualGroup", HmResult.class,
                new String[] { "group_name", "group_state" }, new String[] { groupName, strValue });
        if (!result.isValid()) {
            throw new HomematicClientException("Unable to set CCU group " + groupName);
    } else {
        super.setDatapointValue(dp, datapointName, value);
源代码11 项目: projectforge-webapp   文件: TeamCalDOConverter.java
public static CalendarObject getCalendarObject(final TeamCalDO src)
  if (src == null) {
    return null;
  final Integer userId = PFUserContext.getUserId();
  final CalendarObject cal = new CalendarObject();
  DOConverter.copyFields(cal, src);
  final TeamCalRight right = (TeamCalRight) UserRights.instance().getRight(TeamCalDao.USER_RIGHT_ID);
  cal.setMinimalAccess(right.hasMinimalAccess(src, userId));
  cal.setReadonlyAccess(right.hasReadonlyAccess(src, userId));
  cal.setFullAccess(right.hasFullAccess(src, userId));
  cal.setOwner(ObjectUtils.equals(userId, src.getOwnerId()));
  return cal;
源代码12 项目: astor   文件: StrTokenizerTest.java
public void test5() {

        String input = "a;b; c;\"d;\"\"e\";f; ; ;";
        StrTokenizer tok = new StrTokenizer(input);
        String tokens[] = tok.getTokenArray();

        String expected[] = new String[]{"a", "b", "c", "d;\"e", "f", null, null, null,};

        assertEquals(ArrayUtils.toString(tokens), expected.length, tokens.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
            assertTrue("token[" + i + "] was '" + tokens[i] + "' but was expected to be '" + expected[i] + "'",
                    ObjectUtils.equals(expected[i], tokens[i]));

源代码13 项目: xds-ide   文件: XdsSymbolParser.java
 * Replaces static reference to the symbols by the dynamic ones.
protected void replaceStaticRefs() {
    for (IProxyReference<IModulaSymbol> proxyRef : symbolReferences) {
        Assert.isTrue(proxyRef.getReference() instanceof IStaticModulaSymbolReference<?>);
        IModulaSymbol staticSymbol = proxyRef.resolve();
        IModulaSymbolReference<IModulaSymbol> dynamicRef = ReferenceFactory.createRef(staticSymbol);

            IModulaSymbol dynamicSymbol = ReferenceUtils.resolve(dynamicRef); 
            if (!(staticSymbol instanceof IInvalidModulaSymbol) && !ObjectUtils.equals(staticSymbol, dynamicSymbol)) {
                System.out.println("-- staticSymbol: " + staticSymbol.getQualifiedName() );
                String message = String.format( 
                    dynamicRef, staticSymbol, dynamicSymbol
                error(staticSymbol.getPosition(), staticSymbol.getName().length(), message);
源代码14 项目: astor   文件: StrTokenizerTest.java
public void test8() {

        String input = "a   b c \"d e\" f ";
        StrTokenizer tok = new StrTokenizer(input);
        String tokens[] = tok.getTokenArray();

        String expected[] = new String[]{"a", "b", "c", "d e", "f",};

        assertEquals(ArrayUtils.toString(tokens), expected.length, tokens.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
            assertTrue("token[" + i + "] was '" + tokens[i] + "' but was expected to be '" + expected[i] + "'",
                    ObjectUtils.equals(expected[i], tokens[i]));

 * Looks up a property on the criteria object and sets it as a key/value pair in the values Map
 * @param criteria the DocumentSearchCriteria
 * @param property the DocumentSearchCriteria property name
 * @param fieldName the destination field name
 * @param values the map of values to update
protected static void convertCriteriaPropertyToField(DocumentSearchCriteria criteria, String property, String fieldName, Map<String, String[]> values) {
    try {
        Object val = PropertyUtils.getProperty(criteria, property);
        if (val != null) {
            values.put(fieldName, new String[] { ObjectUtils.toString(val) });
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
        LOG.error("Error reading property '" + property + "' of criteria", nsme);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
        LOG.error("Error reading property '" + property + "' of criteria", ite);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
        LOG.error("Error reading property '" + property + "' of criteria", iae);

源代码16 项目: ymate-platform-v2   文件: PropertyStateSupport.java
public T bind() {
    if (__bound == null) {
        __bound = (T) ClassUtils.wrapper(__source).duplicate(Enhancer.create(__targetClass, new MethodInterceptor() {
            public Object intercept(Object targetObject, Method targetMethod, Object[] methodParams, MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
                PropertyStateMeta _meta = __propertyStates.get(targetMethod.getName());
                if (_meta != null && ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(methodParams) && !ObjectUtils.equals(_meta.getOriginalValue(), methodParams[0])) {
                    if (__ignoreNull && methodParams[0] == null) {
                        methodParams[0] = _meta.getOriginalValue();
                return methodProxy.invokeSuper(targetObject, methodParams);
    return __bound;
public int compare(ResolvedArtifact artifact1, ResolvedArtifact artifact2) {
    int diff = artifact1.getName().compareTo(artifact2.getName());
    if (diff != 0) {
        return diff;
    diff = ObjectUtils.compare(artifact1.getClassifier(), artifact2.getClassifier());
    if (diff != 0) {
        return diff;
    diff = artifact1.getExtension().compareTo(artifact2.getExtension());
    if (diff != 0) {
        return diff;
    diff = artifact1.getType().compareTo(artifact2.getType());
    if (diff != 0) {
        return diff;
    // Use an arbitrary ordering when the artifacts have the same public attributes
    return artifact1.hashCode() - artifact2.hashCode();
源代码18 项目: astor   文件: StrTokenizerTest.java
public void test3() {

        String input = "a;b; c;\"d;\"\"e\";f; ; ;";
        StrTokenizer tok = new StrTokenizer(input);
        String tokens[] = tok.getTokenArray();

        String expected[] = new String[]{"a", "b", " c", "d;\"e", "f", " ", " ", "",};

        assertEquals(ArrayUtils.toString(tokens), expected.length, tokens.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
            assertTrue("token[" + i + "] was '" + tokens[i] + "' but was expected to be '" + expected[i] + "'",
                    ObjectUtils.equals(expected[i], tokens[i]));

源代码19 项目: projectforge-webapp   文件: SkillRatingRight.java
public boolean hasAccess(final PFUserDO user, final SkillRatingDO obj, final SkillRatingDO oldObj, final OperationType operationType)
  final SkillRatingDO skill = (oldObj != null) ? oldObj : obj;

  if (skill == null) {
    return true; // General insert and select access given by default.

  switch (operationType) {
    case SELECT:
    case INSERT:
      // Everyone is allowed to read and create skillratings
      return true;
    case UPDATE:
    case DELETE:
      // Only owner is allowed to edit his skillratings
      return ObjectUtils.equals(user.getId(), skill.getUserId());
      return false;
源代码20 项目: ranger   文件: AbstractPredicateUtil.java
public int compare(RangerBaseModelObject o1, RangerBaseModelObject o2) {
	String val1 = null;
	String val2 = null;

	if(o1 != null) {
		if(o1 instanceof RangerServiceDef) {
			val1 = ((RangerServiceDef)o1).getName();
		} else if(o1 instanceof RangerService) {
			val1 = ((RangerService)o1).getType();

	if(o2 != null) {
		if(o2 instanceof RangerServiceDef) {
			val2 = ((RangerServiceDef)o2).getName();
		} else if(o2 instanceof RangerService) {
			val2 = ((RangerService)o2).getType();

	return ObjectUtils.compare(val1, val2);
源代码21 项目: tddl5   文件: ConvertorHelper.java
private void initCommonTypes() {
    commonTypes.put(int.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Integer.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(short.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Short.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(long.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Long.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(boolean.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Boolean.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(byte.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Byte.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(char.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Character.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(float.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Float.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(double.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(Double.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(BigDecimal.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
    commonTypes.put(BigInteger.class, ObjectUtils.NULL);
源代码22 项目: kfs   文件: ObjectUtil.java
 * Determine if they have the same values in the specified fields
 * @param targetObject the target object
 * @param sourceObject the source object
 * @param keyFields the specified fields
 * @return true if the two objects have the same values in the specified fields; otherwise, false
public static boolean equals(Object targetObject, Object sourceObject, List<String> keyFields) {
    if (targetObject == sourceObject) {
        return true;

    if (targetObject == null || sourceObject == null) {
        return false;

    for (String propertyName : keyFields) {
        try {
            Object propertyValueOfSource = PropertyUtils.getProperty(sourceObject, propertyName);
            Object propertyValueOfTarget = PropertyUtils.getProperty(targetObject, propertyName);

            if (!ObjectUtils.equals(propertyValueOfSource, propertyValueOfTarget)) {
                return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
    return true;
源代码23 项目: projectforge-webapp   文件: KontoDO.java
public boolean equals(final Object o)
  if (o instanceof KontoDO) {
    final KontoDO other = (KontoDO) o;
    if (ObjectUtils.equals(this.getNummer(), other.getNummer()) == false) {
      return false;
    return ObjectUtils.equals(this.getBezeichnung(), other.getBezeichnung());
  return false;
 * Set the value of stateChangeFromOptionId.
 * @param v  Value to assign to stateChangeFromOptionId.
public void setStateChangeFromOptionId(NumberKey  v) 
    if (!ObjectUtils.equals(v, this.stateChangeFromOptionId)) 
        modified = true;
        this.stateChangeFromOptionId = v;
源代码25 项目: openhab1-addons   文件: UPBBinding.java
private void parseConfiguration(final Map<String, Object> configuration) {
    port = ObjectUtils.toString(configuration.get("port"), null);
    network = Integer.valueOf(ObjectUtils.toString(configuration.get("network"), "0")).byteValue();

    logger.debug("Parsed UPB configuration:");
    logger.debug("Serial port: {}", port);
    logger.debug("UPB Network: {}", network & 0xff);

源代码26 项目: projectforge-webapp   文件: ToDoDao.java
protected void onSave(final ToDoDO obj)
  if (ObjectUtils.equals(PFUserContext.getUserId(), obj.getAssigneeId()) == false) {
    // To-do is changed by other user than assignee, so set recent flag for this to-do for the assignee.
 * Set the value of sortPolarity.
 * @param v  Value to assign to sortPolarity.
public void setSortPolarity(String  v) 
    if (!ObjectUtils.equals(v, this.sortPolarity)) 
        modified = true;
        this.sortPolarity = v;
源代码28 项目: foxtrot   文件: ElasticsearchQueryStoreTest.java
public void testSaveBulkLargeTextNodeWithBlockingDisabled() throws Exception {

    Table table = tableMetadataManager.get(TestUtils.TEST_TABLE_NAME);

    Document originalDocument = createLargeDummyDocument();
    Document translatedDocument = TestUtils.translatedDocumentWithRowKeyVersion1(table, originalDocument);
            .save(table, originalDocument);
    queryStore.save(TestUtils.TEST_TABLE_NAME, originalDocument);
    val currentIndex = ElasticsearchUtils.getCurrentIndex(TestUtils.TEST_TABLE_NAME, originalDocument.getTimestamp());
    val response = elasticsearchConnection.getClient()
            .prepareGet(currentIndex, ElasticsearchUtils.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME, originalDocument.getId())
            .setStoredFields(ElasticsearchUtils.DOCUMENT_META_TIMESTAMP_FIELD_NAME, "testField", "testLargeField")
    val request = new GetFieldMappingsRequest();

    val mappings = elasticsearchConnection.getClient()

    Set<String> expectedFields = Sets.newHashSet("_index", "date.minuteOfHour", "date.year",
            "date.dayOfMonth", "testField", "testField.analyzed",
            "_all", "date.dayOfWeek", "date.minuteOfDay",
            "_parent", "date.monthOfYear", "__FOXTROT_METADATA__.time",
            "time.date", "_version", "date.weekOfYear",
            "_routing", "__FOXTROT_METADATA__.rawStorageId",
            "_type", "__FOXTROT_METADATA__.id", "date.hourOfDay",
            "_seq_no", "_field_names", "_source", "_id", "time", "_uid");
    assertTrue(ObjectUtils.equals(expectedFields, mappings.mappings().get(currentIndex).get(ElasticsearchUtils.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME).keySet()));
源代码29 项目: smarthome   文件: GetAllScriptsParser.java
public Void parse(Object[] message) throws IOException {
    message = (Object[]) message[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {
        String scriptName = ObjectUtils.toString(message[i]);
        HmDatapoint dpScript = new HmDatapoint(scriptName, scriptName, HmValueType.BOOL, Boolean.FALSE, false,
    return null;
 * Set the value of commentQuery.
 * @param v  Value to assign to commentQuery.
public void setCommentQuery(String  v) 
    if (!ObjectUtils.equals(v, this.commentQuery)) 
        modified = true;
        this.commentQuery = v;