

源代码1 项目: sofa-common-tools   文件: Log4jTest.java
public void testIndependentSpaceLog4j() {
    LoggerRepository repo1 = new Hierarchy(new RootLogger((Level) Level.DEBUG));
    URL url1 = LogbackTest.class.getResource("/com/alipay/sofa/rpc/log/log4j/log-conf.xml");
    OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(url1, null, repo1);
    Logger logger1 = repo1.getLogger("com.foo.Bar");

    //log4j logger 2

    LoggerRepository repo2 = new Hierarchy(new RootLogger((Level) Level.DEBUG));
    URL url2 = LogbackTest.class.getResource("/com/alipay/sofa/rpc/log/log4j/log4j_b.xml");
    OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(url2, null, repo2);
    Logger logger2 = repo1.getLogger("com.foo.Bar2");

    Assert.assertNotSame(logger1, logger2);
源代码2 项目: sofa-common-tools   文件: Log4jTest.java
public void testLocalProperties() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {

    LoggerRepository repo2 = new Hierarchy(new RootLogger((Level) Level.DEBUG));
    URL url2 = LogbackTest.class.getResource("/com/alipay/sofa/rpc/log/log4j/log4j_b.xml");
    DOMConfigurator domConfigurator = new DOMConfigurator();

    Field field = DOMConfigurator.class.getDeclaredField("props");
    Properties props = new Properties();
    field.set(domConfigurator, props);
    props.put("hello", "defaultb");

    domConfigurator.doConfigure(url2, repo2);

    Logger logger2 = repo2.getLogger("com.foo.Bar3");

源代码3 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: PropertyConfigurator.java
   Read configuration options from url <code>configURL</code>.
void doConfigure(java.net.URL configURL, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
  Properties props = new Properties();
  LogLog.debug("Reading configuration from URL " + configURL);
  InputStream istream = null;
  try {
    istream = configURL.openStream();
  catch (Exception e) {
    LogLog.error("Could not read configuration file from URL [" + configURL
   + "].", e);
    LogLog.error("Ignoring configuration file [" + configURL +"].");
  finally {
      if (istream != null) {
          try {
          } catch(Exception ignore) {
  doConfigure(props, hierarchy);
源代码4 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: PropertyConfigurator.java
void configureRootCategory(Properties props, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
   String effectiveFrefix = ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX;
   String value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(ROOT_LOGGER_PREFIX, props);

   if(value == null) {
     value = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX, props);
     effectiveFrefix = ROOT_CATEGORY_PREFIX;

   if(value == null)
     LogLog.debug("Could not find root logger information. Is this OK?");
   else {
     Logger root = hierarchy.getRootLogger();
     synchronized(root) {
parseCategory(props, root, effectiveFrefix, INTERNAL_ROOT_NAME, value);
源代码5 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: DOMConfigurator.java
   Configure log4j by reading in a log4j.dtd compliant XML
   configuration file.

void doConfigure(final InputStream inputStream, LoggerRepository repository) 
                                        throws FactoryConfigurationError {
    ParseAction action = new ParseAction() {
        public Document parse(final DocumentBuilder parser) throws SAXException, IOException {
            InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(inputStream);
            return parser.parse(inputSource);
        public String toString() { 
            return "input stream [" + inputStream.toString() + "]"; 
    doConfigure(action, repository);
源代码6 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: DOMConfigurator.java
   Configure log4j by reading in a log4j.dtd compliant XML
   configuration file.

void doConfigure(final Reader reader, LoggerRepository repository) 
                                        throws FactoryConfigurationError {
    ParseAction action = new ParseAction() {
        public Document parse(final DocumentBuilder parser) throws SAXException, IOException {
            InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(reader);
            return parser.parse(inputSource);
        public String toString() { 
            return "reader [" + reader.toString() + "]"; 
  doConfigure(action, repository);
源代码7 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: DOMConfigurator.java
   Configure log4j by reading in a log4j.dtd compliant XML
   configuration file.

void doConfigure(final InputSource inputSource, LoggerRepository repository) 
                                        throws FactoryConfigurationError {
    if (inputSource.getSystemId() == null) {
    ParseAction action = new ParseAction() {
        public Document parse(final DocumentBuilder parser) throws SAXException, IOException {
            return parser.parse(inputSource);
        public String toString() { 
            return "input source [" + inputSource.toString() + "]"; 
    doConfigure(action, repository);
源代码8 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxeDebugLogger.java
private synchronized void captureState(LoggerRepository hierarchy) throws IllegalStateException {
  if (null == hierarchy) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Hierarchy is not allowed.");
  if (null != capturedHierarchy && capturedHierarchy != hierarchy) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Log configurations is already holding a captured hierarchy.");
  capturedHierarchy = hierarchy;
  threshold = hierarchy.getThreshold();
  Enumeration e = hierarchy.getCurrentLoggers();
  while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
    Logger l = (Logger)e.nextElement();
    Level v = l.getLevel();
    // No point in capturing or restoring NULL loggers.
    if (null != v) {
      capturedConfiguration.addConfiguration(l.getName(), v);
源代码9 项目: tez   文件: TezLog4jConfigurator.java
public void doConfigure(Properties properties, LoggerRepository repository) {
  String logParams = System.getenv(TezConstants.TEZ_CONTAINER_LOG_PARAMS);
  if (logParams != null) {
    String []parts = logParams.split(TezConstants.TEZ_CONTAINER_LOG_PARAMS_SEPARATOR);
    for (String logParam : parts) {
      String [] logParamParts = logParam.split("=");
      if (logParamParts.length == 2) {
        String loggerName = "log4j.logger." + logParamParts[0];
        String logLevel = logParamParts[1].toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
        properties.setProperty(loggerName, logLevel);
      } else {
        // Cannot use Log4J logging from here.
        System.out.println("TezLog4jConfigurator Ignoring invalid log parameter [" + logParam + "]");
  super.doConfigure(properties, repository);
源代码10 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: PropertyConfigurator.java
    Read configuration options from <code>properties</code>.

    See {@link #doConfigure(String, LoggerRepository)} for the expected format.
 void doConfigure(Properties properties, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
   String value = properties.getProperty(LogLog.DEBUG_KEY);
   if(value == null) {
     value = properties.getProperty("log4j.configDebug");
     if(value != null)
LogLog.warn("[log4j.configDebug] is deprecated. Use [log4j.debug] instead.");

   if(value != null) {
     LogLog.setInternalDebugging(OptionConverter.toBoolean(value, true));

     //   if log4j.reset=true then
     //        reset hierarchy
   String reset = properties.getProperty(RESET_KEY);
   if (reset != null && OptionConverter.toBoolean(reset, false)) {

   String thresholdStr = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(THRESHOLD_PREFIX,
   if(thresholdStr != null) {
					     (Level) Level.ALL));
     LogLog.debug("Hierarchy threshold set to ["+hierarchy.getThreshold()+"].");

   configureRootCategory(properties, hierarchy);
   parseCatsAndRenderers(properties, hierarchy);

   LogLog.debug("Finished configuring.");
   // We don't want to hold references to appenders preventing their
   // garbage collection.
源代码11 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: PropertyConfigurator.java
    Parse non-root elements, such non-root categories and renderers.
 void parseCatsAndRenderers(Properties props, LoggerRepository hierarchy) {
   Enumeration enumeration = props.propertyNames();
   while(enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
     String key = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
     if(key.startsWith(CATEGORY_PREFIX) || key.startsWith(LOGGER_PREFIX)) {
String loggerName = null;
if(key.startsWith(CATEGORY_PREFIX)) {
  loggerName = key.substring(CATEGORY_PREFIX.length());
} else if(key.startsWith(LOGGER_PREFIX)) {
  loggerName = key.substring(LOGGER_PREFIX.length());
String value =  OptionConverter.findAndSubst(key, props);
Logger logger = hierarchy.getLogger(loggerName, loggerFactory);
synchronized(logger) {
  parseCategory(props, logger, key, loggerName, value);
  parseAdditivityForLogger(props, logger, loggerName);
     } else if(key.startsWith(RENDERER_PREFIX)) {
String renderedClass = key.substring(RENDERER_PREFIX.length());
String renderingClass = OptionConverter.findAndSubst(key, props);
if(hierarchy instanceof RendererSupport) {
  RendererMap.addRenderer((RendererSupport) hierarchy, renderedClass,
源代码12 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: DOMConfigurator.java
void doConfigure(final String filename, LoggerRepository repository) {
  ParseAction action = new ParseAction() {
        public Document parse(final DocumentBuilder parser) throws SAXException, IOException {
            return parser.parse(new File(filename));
        public String toString() { 
            return "file [" + filename + "]"; 
  doConfigure(action, repository);
源代码13 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: DOMConfigurator.java
void doConfigure(final URL url, LoggerRepository repository) {
    ParseAction action = new ParseAction() {
        public Document parse(final DocumentBuilder parser) throws SAXException, IOException {
            return parser.parse(url.toString());
        public String toString() { 
            return "url [" + url.toString() + "]"; 
    doConfigure(action, repository);
源代码14 项目: olat   文件: ThreadLocalLogLevelManager.java
public ThreadLocalAwareLoggerRepository(Logger originalRoot, LoggerRepository parentRepository, LoggerFactory loggerFactory) {
    if (loggerFactory == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("loggerFactory must not be null");
    loggerFactory_ = loggerFactory;

    parentLoggerRepository_ = parentRepository;
源代码15 项目: olat   文件: ThreadLocalLogLevelManager.java
 * Installs the ThreadLogManager in this system.
 * <p>
 * Note that this can fail if some other framework has done a call to LogManager.setRepositorySelector with a guard already.
 * @param logMessageModifier
 *            optional implementation of LogMessageModifier which allows messages to be modified should they be affected by a threadlocal loglevel overwrite. This
 *            allows for example for messages to be prepended with a token so that they can be easier found in the log
void install(final LogMessageModifier logMessageModifier) {

    try {
        final LoggerFactory loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory() {

            public Logger makeNewLoggerInstance(String name) {
                return new ThreadLocalAwareLogger(name, threadLocalLogLevel_, logMessageModifier);

        final Logger originalRootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger();

        final LoggerRepository parentRepository = originalRootLogger.getLoggerRepository();

        final LoggerRepository repository = new ThreadLocalAwareLoggerRepository(originalRootLogger, parentRepository, loggerFactory);

        LogManager.setRepositorySelector(new RepositorySelector() {

            public LoggerRepository getLoggerRepository() {
                return repository;
        }, guard);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException re) {
        // thrown by LogManager.setRepositorySelector
        log.error("Could not install ThreadLocalLogLevelManager", re);

源代码16 项目: olat   文件: ThreadLocalLogLevelManager.java
public ThreadLocalAwareLoggerRepository(Logger originalRoot, LoggerRepository parentRepository, LoggerFactory loggerFactory) {
    if (loggerFactory == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("loggerFactory must not be null");
    loggerFactory_ = loggerFactory;

    parentLoggerRepository_ = parentRepository;
源代码17 项目: olat   文件: ThreadLocalLogLevelManager.java
 * Installs the ThreadLogManager in this system.
 * <p>
 * Note that this can fail if some other framework has done a call to LogManager.setRepositorySelector with a guard already.
 * @param logMessageModifier
 *            optional implementation of LogMessageModifier which allows messages to be modified should they be affected by a threadlocal loglevel overwrite. This
 *            allows for example for messages to be prepended with a token so that they can be easier found in the log
void install(final LogMessageModifier logMessageModifier) {

    try {
        final LoggerFactory loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory() {

            public Logger makeNewLoggerInstance(String name) {
                return new ThreadLocalAwareLogger(name, threadLocalLogLevel_, logMessageModifier);

        final Logger originalRootLogger = LogManager.getRootLogger();

        final LoggerRepository parentRepository = originalRootLogger.getLoggerRepository();

        final LoggerRepository repository = new ThreadLocalAwareLoggerRepository(originalRootLogger, parentRepository, loggerFactory);

        LogManager.setRepositorySelector(new RepositorySelector() {

            public LoggerRepository getLoggerRepository() {
                return repository;
        }, guard);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException re) {
        // thrown by LogManager.setRepositorySelector
        log.error("Could not install ThreadLocalLogLevelManager", re);

源代码18 项目: intellij-haxe   文件: HaxeDebugLogger.java
public synchronized void mute(LoggerRepository hierarchy) throws IllegalStateException {
  if (null == hierarchy) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Hierarchy is not allowed.");
  if (null != capturedHierarchy && capturedHierarchy != hierarchy) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to mute a hierarchy that is not the one previously captured.");
源代码19 项目: Bats   文件: LoggerUtil.java
private DelegatingLoggerRepository(LoggerRepository loggerRepository)
  this.loggerRepository = loggerRepository;
源代码20 项目: datawave   文件: ThreadConfigurableLogger.java
public LoggerRepository getHierarchy() {
    return log.getHierarchy();
源代码21 项目: datawave   文件: ThreadConfigurableLogger.java
public LoggerRepository getLoggerRepository() {
    return log.getLoggerRepository();
源代码22 项目: hadoop   文件: TestLog4Json.java
private TestLogger(String name, LoggerRepository repo) {
  repository = repo;
源代码23 项目: uavstack   文件: Log4jHookProxy.java
 * figure out the log4j's configuration: for example, appenders' file path, buff io, etc...
 * @param context
 * @param webapploader
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "static-access" })
private void figureOutLog4jConfig(HookContext context, ClassLoader webapploader) {

    Logger logger4j = Logger.getLogger(Log4jHookProxy.class);

    InterceptContext interceptContext = (InterceptContext) context.get(HookConstants.INTERCEPTCONTEXT);

    if (interceptContext == null) {
        logger.warn("No InterceptContext available, can't figure out Log4j configuration.", null);

    LinkedList<LogProfileInfo> list = (LinkedList<LogProfileInfo>) interceptContext

    if (null == list) {

        list = new LinkedList<LogProfileInfo>();

        interceptContext.put(HookConstants.LOG_PROFILE_LIST, list);

    String appid = (String) (interceptContext.get(InterceptConstants.CONTEXTPATH));

    // figureout root logger
    list.addAll(figureoutLogConfiguration(logger4j.getRootLogger(), appid));

    // figureour norootlogger
    LoggerRepository lr = null;
    try {
        lr = logger4j.getLoggerRepository();
    catch (NoSuchMethodError err) {
        // for log4j-over-slf4j, doesn't have this method

    Enumeration logEnum = lr.getCurrentLoggers();

    while (logEnum != null && logEnum.hasMoreElements()) {

        Logger sLogger = (Logger) logEnum.nextElement();

        list.addAll(figureoutLogConfiguration(sLogger, appid));
源代码24 项目: big-c   文件: TestLog4Json.java
private TestLogger(String name, LoggerRepository repo) {
  repository = repo;
void doConfigure(URL url, LoggerRepository repository) {
源代码26 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: DOMConfigurator.java
   Configure by taking in an DOM element. 
public void doConfigure(Element element, LoggerRepository repository) {
  this.repository = repository;
源代码27 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: DefaultLF5Configurator.java
 * This is a dummy method that will throw an
 * <code>IllegalStateException</code> if used.
public void doConfigure(URL configURL, LoggerRepository repository) {
  throw new IllegalStateException("This class should NOT be" +
      " instantiated!");
源代码28 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: Category.java
   Only the Hiearchy class can set the hiearchy of a
   category. Default package access is MANDATORY here.  */
void setHierarchy(LoggerRepository repository) {
  this.repository = repository;
源代码29 项目: cacheonix-core   文件: LoggerTestCase.java
void testDisable1() {
  CountingAppender caRoot = new CountingAppender();
  Logger root = Logger.getRootLogger();    

  LoggerRepository h = LogManager.getLoggerRepository();
  h.setThreshold((Level) Level.INFO);
  assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 0);     

  root.debug(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 0);  
  root.info(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 1);  
  root.log(Level.WARN, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 2);  
  root.warn(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 3);  

  h.setThreshold((Level) Level.WARN);
  root.debug(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 3);  
  root.info(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 3);  
  root.log(Level.WARN, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 4);  
  root.error(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 5);  
  root.log(Level.ERROR, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  

  root.debug(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.info(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.log(Level.WARN, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.error(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.log(Level.FATAL, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.log(Level.FATAL, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  

  root.debug(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.info(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.log(Level.WARN, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.error(MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);
  root.log(Level.ERROR, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
  root.log(Level.FATAL, MSG); assertEquals(caRoot.counter, 6);  
源代码30 项目: attic-apex-core   文件: LoggerUtil.java
private DelegatingLoggerRepository(LoggerRepository loggerRepository)
  this.loggerRepository = loggerRepository;