

源代码1 项目: lams   文件: ContextJndiBeanFactoryLocator.java
 * Load/use a bean factory, as specified by a factory key which is a JNDI
 * address, of the form {@code java:comp/env/ejb/BeanFactoryPath}. The
 * contents of this JNDI location must be a string containing one or more
 * classpath resource names (separated by any of the delimiters '{@code ,; \t\n}'
 * if there is more than one. The resulting BeanFactory (or ApplicationContext)
 * will be created from the combined resources.
 * @see #createBeanFactory
public BeanFactoryReference useBeanFactory(String factoryKey) throws BeansException {
	try {
		String beanFactoryPath = lookup(factoryKey, String.class);
		if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
			logger.trace("Bean factory path from JNDI environment variable [" + factoryKey +
					"] is: " + beanFactoryPath);
		String[] paths = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(beanFactoryPath, BEAN_FACTORY_PATH_DELIMITERS);
		return createBeanFactory(paths);
	catch (NamingException ex) {
		throw new BootstrapException("Define an environment variable [" + factoryKey + "] containing " +
				"the class path locations of XML bean definition files", ex);
 * Load/use a bean factory, as specified by a factory key which is a JNDI
 * address, of the form {@code java:comp/env/ejb/BeanFactoryPath}. The
 * contents of this JNDI location must be a string containing one or more
 * classpath resource names (separated by any of the delimiters '{@code ,; \t\n}'
 * if there is more than one. The resulting BeanFactory (or ApplicationContext)
 * will be created from the combined resources.
 * @see #createBeanFactory
public BeanFactoryReference useBeanFactory(String factoryKey) throws BeansException {
	try {
		String beanFactoryPath = lookup(factoryKey, String.class);
		if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
			logger.trace("Bean factory path from JNDI environment variable [" + factoryKey +
					"] is: " + beanFactoryPath);
		String[] paths = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(beanFactoryPath, BEAN_FACTORY_PATH_DELIMITERS);
		return createBeanFactory(paths);
	catch (NamingException ex) {
		throw new BootstrapException("Define an environment variable [" + factoryKey + "] containing " +
				"the class path locations of XML bean definition files", ex);
public void testBasicFunctionality() {
	ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator facLoc = new ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator(
			"classpath*:" + ClassUtils.addResourcePathToPackagePath(CLASS, CONTEXT));


	BeanFactoryReference bfr = facLoc.useBeanFactory("a.qualified.name.of.some.sort");
	BeanFactory fac = bfr.getFactory();
	assertTrue(fac instanceof ApplicationContext);
	assertEquals("a.qualified.name.of.some.sort", ((ApplicationContext) fac).getId());
	assertTrue(((ApplicationContext) fac).getDisplayName().contains("a.qualified.name.of.some.sort"));
	BeanFactoryReference bfr2 = facLoc.useBeanFactory("another.qualified.name");
	BeanFactory fac2 = bfr2.getFactory();
	assertEquals("another.qualified.name", ((ApplicationContext) fac2).getId());
	assertTrue(((ApplicationContext) fac2).getDisplayName().contains("another.qualified.name"));
	assertTrue(fac2 instanceof ApplicationContext);
源代码4 项目: lams   文件: SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.java
 * Actually release the BeanFactoryReference for the given target bean.
 * @param target the target bean to release
protected void doReleaseBean(Object target) {
	BeanFactoryReference ref = this.beanFactoryReferences.remove(target);
	if (ref != null) {
 * Actually release the BeanFactoryReference for the given target bean.
 * @param target the target bean to release
protected void doReleaseBean(Object target) {
	BeanFactoryReference ref = this.beanFactoryReferences.remove(target);
	if (ref != null) {
源代码6 项目: zstack   文件: ComponentLoaderImpl.java
public ComponentLoaderImpl () {
    BeanFactoryLocator factoryLocator = ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator
            .getInstance(String.format("classpath:%s", CoreGlobalProperty.BEAN_REF_CONTEXT_CONF));
    BeanFactoryReference ref = factoryLocator.useBeanFactory("parentContext");
    ioc = ref.getFactory();
源代码7 项目: scriptella-etl   文件: EtlExecutorBean.java
 * This method obtains a global ThreadLocal class independent of the classloader (JVM-scope singleton).
 * The easiest solution is to use System.getProperties().get/put, but this solution violate
 * Properties contract and have other drawbacks.
 * <p>Current solution relies on the idea behind
 * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.access.SingletonBeanFactoryLocator}. See also bug #4648
 * @return Global ThreadLocal (JVM-scope singleton).
private static ThreadLocal<BeanFactory> getGlobalThreadLocal() {
    BeanFactoryLocator locator = SingletonBeanFactoryLocator.getInstance(BEAN_FACTORY_XML_PATH);
    BeanFactoryReference ref = locator.useBeanFactory(FACTORY_BEAN_NAME);
    StaticApplicationContext ctx = (StaticApplicationContext) ref.getFactory();
    if (!ctx.containsBean(THREAD_LOCAL_BEAN_NAME)) {
        ctx.registerSingleton(THREAD_LOCAL_BEAN_NAME, ThreadLocal.class);
    return (ThreadLocal) ctx.getBean(THREAD_LOCAL_BEAN_NAME);
源代码8 项目: lams   文件: SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor.java
 * Determine the BeanFactoryReference for the given target bean.
 * <p>The default implementation delegates to {@link #getBeanFactoryLocator}
 * and {@link #getBeanFactoryLocatorKey}.
 * @param target the target bean to autowire
 * @return the BeanFactoryReference to use (never {@code null})
 * @see #getBeanFactoryLocator
 * @see #getBeanFactoryLocatorKey
 * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BeanFactoryLocator#useBeanFactory(String)
protected BeanFactoryReference getBeanFactoryReference(Object target) {
	String key = getBeanFactoryLocatorKey(target);
	BeanFactoryReference ref = getBeanFactoryLocator(target).useBeanFactory(key);
	this.beanFactoryReferences.put(target, ref);
	return ref;
 * Determine the BeanFactoryReference for the given target bean.
 * <p>The default implementation delegates to {@link #getBeanFactoryLocator}
 * and {@link #getBeanFactoryLocatorKey}.
 * @param target the target bean to autowire
 * @return the BeanFactoryReference to use (never {@code null})
 * @see #getBeanFactoryLocator
 * @see #getBeanFactoryLocatorKey
 * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.access.BeanFactoryLocator#useBeanFactory(String)
protected BeanFactoryReference getBeanFactoryReference(Object target) {
	String key = getBeanFactoryLocatorKey(target);
	BeanFactoryReference ref = getBeanFactoryLocator(target).useBeanFactory(key);
	this.beanFactoryReferences.put(target, ref);
	return ref;
源代码10 项目: lams   文件: ContextJndiBeanFactoryLocator.java
 * Create the BeanFactory instance, given an array of class path resource Strings
 * which should be combined. This is split out as a separate method so that
 * subclasses can override the actual BeanFactory implementation class.
 * <p>Delegates to {@code createApplicationContext} by default,
 * wrapping the result in a ContextBeanFactoryReference.
 * @param resources an array of Strings representing classpath resource names
 * @return the created BeanFactory, wrapped in a BeanFactoryReference
 * (for example, a ContextBeanFactoryReference wrapping an ApplicationContext)
 * @throws BeansException if factory creation failed
 * @see #createApplicationContext
 * @see ContextBeanFactoryReference
protected BeanFactoryReference createBeanFactory(String[] resources) throws BeansException {
	ApplicationContext ctx = createApplicationContext(resources);
	return new ContextBeanFactoryReference(ctx);
 * Create the BeanFactory instance, given an array of class path resource Strings
 * which should be combined. This is split out as a separate method so that
 * subclasses can override the actual BeanFactory implementation class.
 * <p>Delegates to {@code createApplicationContext} by default,
 * wrapping the result in a ContextBeanFactoryReference.
 * @param resources an array of Strings representing classpath resource names
 * @return the created BeanFactory, wrapped in a BeanFactoryReference
 * (for example, a ContextBeanFactoryReference wrapping an ApplicationContext)
 * @throws BeansException if factory creation failed
 * @see #createApplicationContext
 * @see ContextBeanFactoryReference
protected BeanFactoryReference createBeanFactory(String[] resources) throws BeansException {
	ApplicationContext ctx = createApplicationContext(resources);
	return new ContextBeanFactoryReference(ctx);