

源代码1 项目: FlyCms   文件: JobService.java
 * 新增任务
 * @param job
public DataVo insertJob(Job job){
    DataVo data = DataVo.failure("操作失败");
    if (!CronExpression.isValidExpression(job.getCronExpression())){
        return data=DataVo.failure("cron表达式格式错误!");
        return data=DataVo.failure("该任务已存在!");
    SnowFlake snowFlake = new SnowFlake(2, 3);
    job.setCreateTime(new Date());
    int totalCount=jobDao.insertJob(job);
    if(totalCount > 0){
        if ("1".equals(job.getStatus())) {
            ScheduleUtils.createScheduleJob(scheduler, job);
        data = DataVo.success("添加成功", DataVo.NOOP);
    return data;
源代码2 项目: nexus-public   文件: QuartzScheduleFactory.java
 * Cron schedule support using {@link CronExpression} validation.
public Cron cron(final Date startAt, final String cronExpression) {
  checkArgument(!Strings2.isBlank(cronExpression), "Empty Cron expression");

  // checking with regular-expression
  checkArgument(CRON_PATTERN.matcher(cronExpression).matches(), "Invalid Cron expression: %s", cronExpression);

  // and implementation for better coverage, as the following misses some invalid syntax
  try {
  catch (ParseException e) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Cron expression: '" + cronExpression + "': " + e.getMessage(), e);

  return new Cron(startAt, cronExpression);
    public void setCronExpression(String cronExpression) {
        Validation.notNullOrEmpty("Cron expression for cache update", cronExpression);
        try {
            DateTime now = DateTime.now();
            Date next = new CronExpression(cronExpression).getNextInvalidTimeAfter(DateTime.now().toDate());
            setUpdateInterval(DateTimeHelper.getMinutesSince(now, new DateTime(next)));
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationError(String.format("The defined cron expression '%s' is invalid!", cronExpression),
        // for later usage!
//        if (this.cronExpression == null) {
//            this.cronExpression = cronExpression;
//            reschedule();
//        } else if (!this.cronExpression.equalsIgnoreCase(cronExpression)) {
//            this.cronExpression = cronExpression;
//            reschedule();
//        }
源代码4 项目: webcurator   文件: Schedule.java
 * Retrieves the next execution time based on the schedule and
 * the supplied date.
 * @param after The date to get the next invocation after.
 * @return The next execution time.
public Date getNextExecutionDate(Date after) {
	try {
 	CronExpression expression = new CronExpression(this.getCronPattern());
 	Date next = expression.getNextValidTimeAfter(DateUtils.latestDate(after, new Date()));
 	if(next == null) { 
 		return null; 
 	else if(endDate != null && next.after(endDate)) {
 		return null;
 	else {
 		return next;
	catch(ParseException ex) {
    	System.out.println(" Encountered ParseException for cron expression: " + this.getCronPattern() + " in schedule: " + this.getOid());
		return null;
源代码5 项目: seed   文件: QssService.java
 * 更新CronExpression
boolean updateCron(long taskId, String cron){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("CronExpression不正确");
    Optional<ScheduleTask> taskOptional = scheduleTaskRepository.findById(taskId);
        throw new RuntimeException("不存在的任务:taskId=[" + taskId + "]");
    ScheduleTask task = taskOptional.get();
    boolean flag = 1 == scheduleTaskRepository.updateCronById(cron, taskId);
    try (Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource()) {
        jedis.publish(SeedConstants.CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBER, JSON.toJSONString(task));
    return flag;
源代码6 项目: mangooio   文件: SchedulerUtils.java
 * Creates a new quartz scheduler Trigger, which can be used to
 * schedule a new job by passing it into {@link io.mangoo.scheduler.Scheduler#schedule(JobDetail, Trigger) schedule}
 * @param identity The name of the trigger
 * @param groupName The trigger group name
 * @param description The trigger description
 * @param cron The cron expression for the trigger
 * @return A new Trigger object
public static Trigger createTrigger(String identity, String groupName, String description, String cron) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(identity, Required.IDENTITY.toString());
    Objects.requireNonNull(groupName, Required.GROUP_NAME.toString());
    Objects.requireNonNull(cron, Required.CRON.toString());
    Preconditions.checkArgument(CronExpression.isValidExpression(cron), "cron expression is invalid");

    return newTrigger()
            .withIdentity(identity, groupName)
源代码7 项目: supplierShop   文件: CronUtils.java
 * 返回下一个执行时间根据给定的Cron表达式
 * @param cronExpression Cron表达式
 * @return Date 下次Cron表达式执行时间
public static Date getNextExecution(String cronExpression)
        CronExpression cron = new CronExpression(cronExpression);
        return cron.getNextValidTimeAfter(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
    catch (ParseException e)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());
源代码8 项目: centraldogma   文件: AuthConfig.java
private static String validateSchedule(String sessionValidationSchedule) {
    try {
        return sessionValidationSchedule;
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid session validation schedule", e);
源代码9 项目: FEBS-Cloud   文件: CronValidator.java
public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
    try {
        return CronExpression.isValidExpression(value);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;
源代码10 项目: FEBS-Cloud   文件: JobController.java
public boolean checkCron(String cron) {
    try {
        return CronExpression.isValidExpression(cron);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return false;
源代码11 项目: herd   文件: AbstractSystemJobTest.java
public void testGetCronExpression() throws ParseException
    // Build a list of system jobs to be scheduled.
    Map<String, AbstractSystemJob> systemJobs = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(AbstractSystemJob.class);

    // Validate that we located the expected number of system job.
    assertEquals(7, CollectionUtils.size(systemJobs));

    // Validate cron expression configured in the system for each system job.
    for (Map.Entry<String, AbstractSystemJob> entry : systemJobs.entrySet())
        // Get the name and the system job implementation.
        String jobName = entry.getKey();
        AbstractSystemJob systemJob = entry.getValue();

        // Get the cron expression configured in the system for the job.
        String cronExpressionAsText = systemJob.getCronExpression();
        LOGGER.info(String.format("Testing cron expression \"%s\" specified for \"%s\" system job...", cronExpressionAsText, jobName));

        // Validate the cron expression.
        if (CronExpression.isValidExpression(cronExpressionAsText))
            CronExpression cronExpression = new CronExpression(cronExpressionAsText);
            LOGGER.info(String.format("Next valid time for \"%s\" cron expression after now is \"%s\".", cronExpressionAsText,
                cronExpression.getNextValidTimeAfter(new Date())));
            fail(String.format("Cron expression \"%s\" specified for \"%s\" system job is not valid.", cronExpressionAsText, jobName));
源代码12 项目: RuoYi-Vue   文件: CronUtils.java
 * 返回下一个执行时间根据给定的Cron表达式
 * @param cronExpression Cron表达式
 * @return Date 下次Cron表达式执行时间
public static Date getNextExecution(String cronExpression)
        CronExpression cron = new CronExpression(cronExpression);
        return cron.getNextValidTimeAfter(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
    catch (ParseException e)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());
源代码13 项目: WeEvent   文件: TimerSchedulerController.java
public BaseRspEntity checkCorn(@RequestParam("corn") String corn) {
    BaseRspEntity resEntity = new BaseRspEntity(ConstantsHelper.RET_SUCCESS);
    boolean validExpression = CronExpression.isValidExpression(corn);
    return resEntity;
源代码14 项目: zeppelin   文件: NotebookRestApi.java
 * Register cron job REST API.
 * @param message - JSON with cron expressions.
 * @return JSON with status.OK
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public Response registerCronJob(@PathParam("noteId") String noteId, String message)
    throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
  LOG.info("Register cron job note={} request cron msg={}", noteId, message);

  CronRequest request = CronRequest.fromJson(message);

  Note note = notebook.getNote(noteId);
  checkIfUserCanRun(noteId, "Insufficient privileges you cannot set a cron job for this note");

  if (!CronExpression.isValidExpression(request.getCronString())) {
    return new JsonResponse<>(Status.BAD_REQUEST, "wrong cron expressions.").build();

  Map<String, Object> config = note.getConfig();
  config.put("cron", request.getCronString());
  config.put("releaseresource", request.getReleaseResource());

  return new JsonResponse<>(Status.OK).build();
源代码15 项目: zuihou-admin-boot   文件: XxlJobServiceImpl.java
public ReturnT<String> start(Integer id) {
    XxlJobInfo xxlJobInfo = xxlJobInfoDao.loadById(id);
    if (JobTypeEnum.CRON.eq(xxlJobInfo.getType())) {
        if (!CronExpression.isValidExpression(xxlJobInfo.getJobCron())) {
            return new ReturnT<String>(ReturnT.FAIL_CODE, I18nUtil.getString("jobinfo_field_cron_unvalid"));
    } else {
        String msg = validate(xxlJobInfo.getIntervalSeconds(), xxlJobInfo.getRepeatCount(),
                xxlJobInfo.getStartExecuteTime(), xxlJobInfo.getEndExecuteTime());
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(msg)) {
            return new ReturnT<String>(ReturnT.FAIL_CODE, msg);
    String group = String.valueOf(xxlJobInfo.getJobGroup());
    String name = String.valueOf(xxlJobInfo.getId());
    String cronExpression = xxlJobInfo.getJobCron();
    boolean ret = false;
    try {
        if (JobTypeEnum.CRON.eq(xxlJobInfo.getType())) {
            ret = XxlJobDynamicScheduler.addJob(name, group, cronExpression);
        } else {
            /*if (!DateUtil.isMatch(xxlJobInfo.get())) {
                return new ReturnT<>(ReturnT.START_JOB_FAI, "触发时间不能小于当前时间.");
            ret = XxlJobDynamicScheduler.addJob(name, group, xxlJobInfo.getStartExecuteTime(), xxlJobInfo.getEndExecuteTime(), xxlJobInfo.getIntervalSeconds(), xxlJobInfo.getRepeatCount());
        return ret ? ReturnT.SUCCESS : ReturnT.FAIL;
    } catch (SchedulerException e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return ReturnT.FAIL;
源代码16 项目: liteflow   文件: QuartzUtils.java
 * 获取时间区间内,满足crontab表达式的时间
 * @param crontab
 * @param startTime
 * @param endTime
 * @return
public static List<Date> getRunDateTimes(String crontab, Date startTime, Date endTime){

    Preconditions.checkArgument(startTime != null, "startTime is null");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(endTime != null, "endTime is null");

    List<Date> dateTimes = Lists.newArrayList();
    try {
        CronExpression cronExpression = new CronExpression(crontab);
         * 由于开始时间可能与第一次触发时间相同而导致拿不到第一个时间
         * 所以,起始时间较少1ms
        DateTime startDateTime = new DateTime(startTime).minusMillis(1);
        Date runtime = startDateTime.toDate();
            runtime = cronExpression.getNextValidTimeAfter(runtime);

        }while (runtime.before(endTime));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(crontab + " is invalid");
    return dateTimes;

private List<String> validateProposedConfiguration(final ReportingTaskNode reportingTask, final ReportingTaskDTO reportingTaskDTO) {
    final List<String> validationErrors = new ArrayList<>();

    // get the current scheduling strategy
    SchedulingStrategy schedulingStrategy = reportingTask.getSchedulingStrategy();

    // validate the new scheduling strategy if appropriate
    if (isNotNull(reportingTaskDTO.getSchedulingStrategy())) {
        try {
            // this will be the new scheduling strategy so use it
            schedulingStrategy = SchedulingStrategy.valueOf(reportingTaskDTO.getSchedulingStrategy());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            validationErrors.add(String.format("Scheduling strategy: Value must be one of [%s]", StringUtils.join(SchedulingStrategy.values(), ", ")));

    // validate the scheduling period based on the scheduling strategy
    if (isNotNull(reportingTaskDTO.getSchedulingPeriod())) {
        switch (schedulingStrategy) {
            case TIMER_DRIVEN:
                final Matcher schedulingMatcher = FormatUtils.TIME_DURATION_PATTERN.matcher(reportingTaskDTO.getSchedulingPeriod());
                if (!schedulingMatcher.matches()) {
                    validationErrors.add("Scheduling period is not a valid time duration (ie 30 sec, 5 min)");
            case CRON_DRIVEN:
                try {
                    new CronExpression(reportingTaskDTO.getSchedulingPeriod());
                } catch (final ParseException pe) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Scheduling Period '%s' is not a valid cron expression: %s", reportingTaskDTO.getSchedulingPeriod(), pe.getMessage()));
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scheduling Period is not a valid cron expression: " + reportingTaskDTO.getSchedulingPeriod());

    return validationErrors;
源代码18 项目: opencron   文件: VerifyController.java
public void validateCronExp(Integer cronType, String cronExp, HttpServletResponse response) {
    boolean pass = false;
    if (cronType == 0) pass = SchedulingPattern.validate(cronExp);
    if (cronType == 1) pass = CronExpression.isValidExpression(cronExp);
    WebUtils.writeHtml(response, pass ? "success" : "failure");
源代码19 项目: eladmin   文件: QuartzJobServiceImpl.java
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void create(QuartzJob resources) {
    if (!CronExpression.isValidExpression(resources.getCronExpression())){
        throw new BadRequestException("cron表达式格式错误");
    resources = quartzJobRepository.save(resources);
源代码20 项目: FlyCms   文件: JobService.java
 * 更新任务
 * @param job
public DataVo updateJobById(Job job){
    DataVo data = DataVo.failure("操作失败");
    Job oldJob = this.findJobById(job.getId());
        return data = DataVo.failure("该任务不存在");
    if (!CronExpression.isValidExpression(job.getCronExpression())){
        return data=DataVo.failure("cron表达式格式错误!");
        return data=DataVo.failure("已存在,不能同时存在两个以上任务!");
    job.setCreateTime(new Date());
    int totalCount=jobDao.updateJobById(job);
    if(totalCount > 0){
        CronTrigger trigger = ScheduleUtils.getCronTrigger(scheduler, job.getId());
        if (trigger == null) {
            ScheduleUtils.createScheduleJob(scheduler, job);
            ScheduleUtils.updateScheduleJob(scheduler, job);
        data = DataVo.success("已更新成功!", DataVo.NOOP);
    return data;
源代码21 项目: DataHubSystem   文件: ExecutorImpl.java
/** Constructor. */
public CronSchedule (String cron_string) throws ParseException
   Objects.requireNonNull (cron_string);
   this.cronString = cron_string;
   this.cronExpression = new CronExpression (cron_string);
   this.cronExpression.setTimeZone (TimeZone.getTimeZone ("UTC"));
源代码22 项目: DimpleBlog   文件: QuartzJobServiceImpl.java
public int insertQuartzJob(QuartzJob quartzJob) {
    if (!CronExpression.isValidExpression(quartzJob.getCronExpression())) {
        throw new CustomException("Cron表达式错误");
    return quartzJobMapper.insertQuartzJob(quartzJob);
源代码23 项目: aion-germany   文件: AbstractCronTask.java
public AbstractCronTask(String cronExpression) throws ParseException {
	if (cronExpression == null) {
		throw new NullPointerException("cronExpressionString");

	cronExpressionString = cronExpression;

	ServerVariablesDAO dao = DAOManager.getDAO(ServerVariablesDAO.class);
	runTime = dao.load(getServerTimeVariable());

	runExpression = new CronExpression(cronExpressionString);
	Date nextDate = runExpression.getTimeAfter(new Date());
	Date nextAfterDate = runExpression.getTimeAfter(nextDate);
	period = nextAfterDate.getTime() - nextDate.getTime();

	if (getRunDelay() == 0) {
		if (canRunOnInit()) {
			ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(this, 0);
		else {
源代码24 项目: aion-germany   文件: HousingBidService.java
protected void postInit() {
	try {
		registerDateExpr = new CronExpression(registerEndExpression);
	catch (ParseException e) {
		log.error("[HousingBidService] Error with CronExpression: " + e.getMessage());

	ServerVariablesDAO dao = DAOManager.getDAO(ServerVariablesDAO.class);
	timeProlonged = dao.load("auctionProlonged");
源代码25 项目: NewsRecommendSystem   文件: HRCronTriggerRunner.java
public void task(List<Long> users,String cronExpression) throws SchedulerException
    // Initiate a Schedule Factory
    SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory();
    // Retrieve a scheduler from schedule factory
    Scheduler scheduler = schedulerFactory.getScheduler();
    // Initiate JobDetail with job name, job group, and executable job class
    JobDetailImpl jobDetailImpl = 
    	new JobDetailImpl();
    jobDetailImpl.setKey(new JobKey("HRJob1"));
    // Initiate CronTrigger with its name and group name
    CronTriggerImpl cronTriggerImpl = new CronTriggerImpl();
    try {
        // setup CronExpression
        CronExpression cexp = new CronExpression(cronExpression);
        // Assign the CronExpression to CronTrigger
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // schedule a job with JobDetail and Trigger
    scheduler.scheduleJob(jobDetailImpl, cronTriggerImpl);
    // start the scheduler
源代码26 项目: zuihou-admin-cloud   文件: XxlJobServiceImpl.java
public ReturnT<String> start(Integer id) {
    XxlJobInfo xxlJobInfo = xxlJobInfoDao.loadById(id);
    if (JobTypeEnum.CRON.eq(xxlJobInfo.getType())) {
        if (!CronExpression.isValidExpression(xxlJobInfo.getJobCron())) {
            return new ReturnT<String>(ReturnT.FAIL_CODE, I18nUtil.getString("jobinfo_field_cron_unvalid"));
    } else {
        String msg = validate(xxlJobInfo.getIntervalSeconds(), xxlJobInfo.getRepeatCount(),
                xxlJobInfo.getStartExecuteTime(), xxlJobInfo.getEndExecuteTime());
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(msg)) {
            return new ReturnT<String>(ReturnT.FAIL_CODE, msg);
    String group = String.valueOf(xxlJobInfo.getJobGroup());
    String name = String.valueOf(xxlJobInfo.getId());
    String cronExpression = xxlJobInfo.getJobCron();
    boolean ret = false;
    try {
        if (JobTypeEnum.CRON.eq(xxlJobInfo.getType())) {
            ret = XxlJobDynamicScheduler.addJob(name, group, cronExpression);
        } else {
            /*if (!DateUtil.isMatch(xxlJobInfo.get())) {
                return new ReturnT<>(ReturnT.START_JOB_FAI, "触发时间不能小于当前时间.");
            ret = XxlJobDynamicScheduler.addJob(name, group, xxlJobInfo.getStartExecuteTime(), xxlJobInfo.getEndExecuteTime(), xxlJobInfo.getIntervalSeconds(), xxlJobInfo.getRepeatCount());
        return ret ? ReturnT.SUCCESS : ReturnT.FAIL;
    } catch (SchedulerException e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return ReturnT.FAIL;
源代码27 项目: RuoYi   文件: CronUtils.java
 * 返回下一个执行时间根据给定的Cron表达式
 * @param cronExpression Cron表达式
 * @return Date 下次Cron表达式执行时间
public static Date getNextExecution(String cronExpression) {
    try {
        CronExpression cron = new CronExpression(cronExpression);
        return cron.getNextValidTimeAfter(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());
源代码28 项目: LuckyFrameWeb   文件: CronUtils.java
 * 返回一个字符串值,表示该消息无效Cron表达式给出有效性
 * @param cronExpression Cron表达式
 * @return String 无效时返回表达式错误描述,如果有效返回null
public static String getInvalidMessage(String cronExpression)
        new CronExpression(cronExpression);
        return null;
    catch (ParseException pe)
        return pe.getMessage();
源代码29 项目: LuckyFrameWeb   文件: CronUtils.java
 * 返回下一个执行时间根据给定的Cron表达式
 * @param cronExpression Cron表达式
 * @return Date 下次Cron表达式执行时间
public static Date getNextExecution(String cronExpression)
        CronExpression cron = new CronExpression(cronExpression);
        return cron.getNextValidTimeAfter(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
    catch (ParseException e)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());
源代码30 项目: albedo   文件: CronUtils.java
 * 返回一个字符串值,表示该消息无效Cron表达式给出有效性
 * @param cronExpression Cron表达式
 * @return String 无效时返回表达式错误描述,如果有效返回null
public static String getInvalidMessage(String cronExpression) {
	try {
		new CronExpression(cronExpression);
		return null;
	} catch (ParseException pe) {
		return pe.getMessage();