

源代码1 项目: lams   文件: AbstractTerracottaJobStore.java
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {

  if (misFireThreshold != null) {

  if (synchWrite != null) {

  if (estimatedTimeToReleaseAndAcquireTrigger != null) {

  realJobStore.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);
源代码2 项目: lams   文件: DefaultClusteredJobStore.java
 * <p>
 * Called by the QuartzScheduler before the <code>JobStore</code> is used, in order to give the it a chance to
 * initialize.
 * </p>

// XXX: remove this suppression
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler schedulerSignaler) {
  this.terracottaClientId = clusterInfo.getCurrentNode().getId();
  this.ftrCtr = System.currentTimeMillis();

  // this MUST happen before initializing the trigger set (otherwise we might receive an update which get an NPE)
  // this.serializer.setClassLoadHelper(loadHelper);

  this.signaler = schedulerSignaler;

  getLog().info(getClass().getSimpleName() + " initialized.");

  ((ToolkitInternal) toolkit).registerBeforeShutdownHook(new ShutdownHook(this));
源代码3 项目: lams   文件: PlainTerracottaJobStore.java
public synchronized void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler)
    throws SchedulerConfigException {
  if (clusteredJobStore != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("already initialized"); }

  clusteredJobStore = createNewJobStoreInstance(schedName, Boolean.valueOf(synchWrite));

  // apply deferred misfire threshold if present
  if (misfireThreshold != null) {
    misfireThreshold = null;

  if (estimatedTimeToReleaseAndAcquireTrigger != null) {
    estimatedTimeToReleaseAndAcquireTrigger = null;
  clusteredJobStore.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);

  // update check
源代码4 项目: lams   文件: JobStoreCMT.java
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper,
        SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {

    if (nonManagedTxDsName == null) {
        throw new SchedulerConfigException(
            "Non-ManagedTX DataSource name not set!  " +
            "If your 'org.quartz.jobStore.dataSource' is XA, then set " + 
            "'org.quartz.jobStore.nonManagedTXDataSource' to a non-XA "+ 
            "datasource (for the same DB).  " + 
            "Otherwise, you can set them to be the same.");

    if (getLockHandler() == null) {
        // If the user hasn't specified an explicit lock handler, 
        // then we *must* use DB locks with CMT...

    super.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);

    getLog().info("JobStoreCMT initialized.");
源代码5 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: JobStoreCMT.java
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper,
        SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {

    if (nonManagedTxDsName == null) {
        throw new SchedulerConfigException(
            "Non-ManagedTX DataSource name not set!  " +
            "If your 'org.quartz.jobStore.dataSource' is XA, then set " + 
            "'org.quartz.jobStore.nonManagedTXDataSource' to a non-XA "+ 
            "datasource (for the same DB).  " + 
            "Otherwise, you can set them to be the same.");

    if (getLockHandler() == null) {
        // If the user hasn't specified an explicit lock handler, 
        // then we *must* use DB locks with CMT...

    super.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);

    getLog().info("JobStoreCMT initialized.");
源代码6 项目: quartz-redis-jobstore   文件: StoreTriggerTest.java
public void getTriggerState() throws Exception {
    SchedulerSignaler signaler = mock(SchedulerSignaler.class);
    AbstractRedisStorage storageDriver = new RedisStorage(new RedisJobStoreSchema(), new ObjectMapper(), signaler, "scheduler1", 2000);

    // attempt to retrieve the state of a non-existent trigger
    Trigger.TriggerState state = jobStore.getTriggerState(new TriggerKey("foobar"));
    assertEquals(Trigger.TriggerState.NONE, state);

    // store a trigger
    JobDetail job = getJobDetail();
    CronTriggerImpl cronTrigger = getCronTrigger("trigger1", "group1", job.getKey());
    jobStore.storeTrigger(cronTrigger, false);

    // the newly-stored trigger's state should be NONE
    state = jobStore.getTriggerState(cronTrigger.getKey());
    assertEquals(Trigger.TriggerState.NORMAL, state);

    // set the trigger's state
    storageDriver.setTriggerState(RedisTriggerState.WAITING, 500, schema.triggerHashKey(cronTrigger.getKey()), jedis);

    // the trigger's state should now be NORMAL
    state = jobStore.getTriggerState(cronTrigger.getKey());
    assertEquals(Trigger.TriggerState.NORMAL, state);
源代码7 项目: quartz-redis-jobstore   文件: BaseTest.java
public void setUpRedis() throws IOException, SchedulerConfigException {
    port = getPort();
    logger.debug("Attempting to start embedded Redis server on port " + port);
    redisServer = RedisServer.builder()
    final short database = 1;
    JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig();
    jedisPool = new JedisPool(jedisPoolConfig, host, port, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, null, database);

    jobStore = new RedisJobStore();
    mockScheduleSignaler = mock(SchedulerSignaler.class);
    jobStore.initialize(null, mockScheduleSignaler);
    schema = new RedisJobStoreSchema();

    jedis = jedisPool.getResource();
源代码8 项目: lams   文件: JobStoreTX.java
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper classLoadHelper,
        SchedulerSignaler schedSignaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {

    super.initialize(classLoadHelper, schedSignaler);

    getLog().info("JobStoreTX initialized.");
源代码9 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: RAMJobStore.java
 * <p>
 * Called by the QuartzScheduler before the <code>JobStore</code> is
 * used, in order to give the it a chance to initialize.
 * </p>
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper,
        SchedulerSignaler signaler) {

    this.signaler = signaler;

    getLog().info("RAMJobStore initialized.");
源代码10 项目: nexus-public   文件: JobStoreImpl.java
public void initialize(final ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, final SchedulerSignaler signaler)
    throws SchedulerConfigException
  log.info("Instance name: {}; ID: {}", instanceName, instanceId);

  // TODO: Should we consider using ClassLoadHelper?
  this.signaler = checkNotNull(signaler);

源代码11 项目: nexus-public   文件: AbstractJobStoreTest.java
public void testAcquireTriggers() throws Exception {
  SchedulerSignaler schedSignaler = new SampleSignaler();
  ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = new CascadingClassLoadHelper();

  JobStore store = createJobStore("testAcquireTriggers");
  store.initialize(loadHelper, schedSignaler);

  // Setup: Store jobs and triggers.
  long MIN = 60 * 1000L;
  Date startTime0 = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + MIN); // a min from now.
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    Date startTime = new Date(startTime0.getTime() + i * MIN); // a min apart
    JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job" + i).build();
    SimpleScheduleBuilder schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.repeatMinutelyForever(2);
    OperableTrigger trigger = (OperableTrigger)TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("job" + i).withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).startAt(startTime).build();

    // Manually trigger the first fire time computation that scheduler would do. Otherwise
    // the store.acquireNextTriggers() will not work properly.
    Date fireTime = trigger.computeFirstFireTime(null);
    Assert.assertEquals(true, fireTime != null);

    store.storeJobAndTrigger(job, trigger);

  // Test acquire one trigger at a time
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    long noLaterThan = (startTime0.getTime() + i * MIN);
    int maxCount = 1;
    long timeWindow = 0;
    List<OperableTrigger> triggers = store.acquireNextTriggers(noLaterThan, maxCount, timeWindow);
    Assert.assertEquals(1, triggers.size());
    Assert.assertEquals("job" + i, triggers.get(0).getKey().getName());

    // Let's remove the trigger now.
源代码12 项目: nexus-public   文件: AbstractJobStoreTest.java
public void testAcquireTriggersInBatch() throws Exception {
  SchedulerSignaler schedSignaler = new SampleSignaler();
  ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = new CascadingClassLoadHelper();

  JobStore store = createJobStore("testAcquireTriggersInBatch");
  store.initialize(loadHelper, schedSignaler);

  // Setup: Store jobs and triggers.
  long MIN = 60 * 1000L;
  Date startTime0 = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + MIN); // a min from now.
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    Date startTime = new Date(startTime0.getTime() + i * MIN); // a min apart
    JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job" + i).build();
    SimpleScheduleBuilder schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.repeatMinutelyForever(2);
    OperableTrigger trigger = (OperableTrigger)TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("job" + i).withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).startAt(startTime).build();

    // Manually trigger the first fire time computation that scheduler would do. Otherwise
    // the store.acquireNextTriggers() will not work properly.
    Date fireTime = trigger.computeFirstFireTime(null);
    Assert.assertEquals(true, fireTime != null);

    store.storeJobAndTrigger(job, trigger);

  // Test acquire batch of triggers at a time
  long noLaterThan = startTime0.getTime() + 10 * MIN;
  int maxCount = 7;
  // time window needs to be big to be able to pick up multiple triggers when they are a minute apart
  long timeWindow = 8 * MIN;
  List<OperableTrigger> triggers = store.acquireNextTriggers(noLaterThan, maxCount, timeWindow);
  Assert.assertEquals(7, triggers.size());
  for (int i=0; i < 7; i++) {
    Assert.assertEquals("job" + i, triggers.get(i).getKey().getName());
public AbstractRedisStorage(RedisJobStoreSchema redisSchema, ObjectMapper mapper, SchedulerSignaler signaler, String schedulerInstanceId, int lockTimeout) {
    this.signaler = signaler;
    this.schedulerInstanceId = schedulerInstanceId;
    this.redisSchema = redisSchema;
    this.mapper = mapper;
    this.lockTimeout = lockTimeout;
源代码14 项目: quartz-redis-jobstore   文件: StoreTriggerTest.java
public void pauseTrigger() throws Exception {
    SchedulerSignaler signaler = mock(SchedulerSignaler.class);
    AbstractRedisStorage storageDriver = new RedisStorage(new RedisJobStoreSchema(), new ObjectMapper(), signaler, "scheduler1", 2000);

    // store a trigger
    JobDetail job = getJobDetail();
    CronTriggerImpl cronTrigger = getCronTrigger("trigger1", "group1", job.getKey());
    cronTrigger.setNextFireTime(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
    jobStore.storeTrigger(cronTrigger, false);

    // set the trigger's state to COMPLETED
    storageDriver.setTriggerState(RedisTriggerState.COMPLETED, 500, schema.triggerHashKey(cronTrigger.getKey()), jedis);

    // trigger's state should not have changed
    assertEquals(Trigger.TriggerState.COMPLETE, jobStore.getTriggerState(cronTrigger.getKey()));

    // set the trigger's state to BLOCKED
    storageDriver.setTriggerState(RedisTriggerState.BLOCKED, 500, schema.triggerHashKey(cronTrigger.getKey()), jedis);

    // trigger's state should be PAUSED
    assertEquals(Trigger.TriggerState.PAUSED, jobStore.getTriggerState(cronTrigger.getKey()));

    // set the trigger's state to ACQUIRED
    storageDriver.setTriggerState(RedisTriggerState.ACQUIRED, 500, schema.triggerHashKey(cronTrigger.getKey()), jedis);

    // trigger's state should be PAUSED
    assertEquals(Trigger.TriggerState.PAUSED, jobStore.getTriggerState(cronTrigger.getKey()));
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {
	// Absolutely needs thread-bound DataSource to initialize.
	this.dataSource = SchedulerFactoryBean.getConfigTimeDataSource();
	if (this.dataSource == null) {
		throw new SchedulerConfigException("No local DataSource found for configuration - " +
				"'dataSource' property must be set on SchedulerFactoryBean");

	// Configure transactional connection settings for Quartz.
	setDataSource(TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName());

	// Register transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
			TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName(),
			new ConnectionProvider() {
				public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
					// Return a transactional Connection, if any.
					return DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection(dataSource);
				public void shutdown() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.
				/* Quartz 2.2 initialize method */
				public void initialize() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.

	// Non-transactional DataSource is optional: fall back to default
	// DataSource if not explicitly specified.
	DataSource nonTxDataSource = SchedulerFactoryBean.getConfigTimeNonTransactionalDataSource();
	final DataSource nonTxDataSourceToUse = (nonTxDataSource != null ? nonTxDataSource : this.dataSource);

	// Configure non-transactional connection settings for Quartz.
	setNonManagedTXDataSource(NON_TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName());

	// Register non-transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
			NON_TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName(),
			new ConnectionProvider() {
				public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
					// Always return a non-transactional Connection.
					return nonTxDataSourceToUse.getConnection();
				public void shutdown() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.
				/* Quartz 2.2 initialize method */
				public void initialize() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.

	// No, if HSQL is the platform, we really don't want to use locks...
	try {
		String productName = JdbcUtils.extractDatabaseMetaData(this.dataSource, "getDatabaseProductName");
		productName = JdbcUtils.commonDatabaseName(productName);
		if (productName != null && productName.toLowerCase().contains("hsql")) {
			setLockHandler(new SimpleSemaphore());
	catch (MetaDataAccessException ex) {
		logWarnIfNonZero(1, "Could not detect database type. Assuming locks can be taken.");

	super.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);

public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {
	// Absolutely needs thread-bound DataSource to initialize.
	this.dataSource = SchedulerFactoryBean.getConfigTimeDataSource();
	if (this.dataSource == null) {
		throw new SchedulerConfigException("No local DataSource found for configuration - " +
				"'dataSource' property must be set on SchedulerFactoryBean");

	// Configure transactional connection settings for Quartz.
	setDataSource(TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName());

	// Register transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
			TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName(),
			new ConnectionProvider() {
				public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
					// Return a transactional Connection, if any.
					return DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection(dataSource);
				public void shutdown() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.
				/* Quartz 2.2 initialize method */
				public void initialize() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.

	// Non-transactional DataSource is optional: fall back to default
	// DataSource if not explicitly specified.
	DataSource nonTxDataSource = SchedulerFactoryBean.getConfigTimeNonTransactionalDataSource();
	final DataSource nonTxDataSourceToUse = (nonTxDataSource != null ? nonTxDataSource : this.dataSource);

	// Configure non-transactional connection settings for Quartz.
	setNonManagedTXDataSource(NON_TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName());

	// Register non-transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
			NON_TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName(),
			new ConnectionProvider() {
				public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
					// Always return a non-transactional Connection.
					return nonTxDataSourceToUse.getConnection();
				public void shutdown() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.
				/* Quartz 2.2 initialize method */
				public void initialize() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.

	// No, if HSQL is the platform, we really don't want to use locks...
	try {
		String productName = JdbcUtils.extractDatabaseMetaData(this.dataSource, "getDatabaseProductName");
		productName = JdbcUtils.commonDatabaseName(productName);
		if (productName != null && productName.toLowerCase().contains("hsql")) {
			setLockHandler(new SimpleSemaphore());
	catch (MetaDataAccessException ex) {
		logWarnIfNonZero(1, "Could not detect database type. Assuming locks can be taken.");

	super.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);

源代码17 项目: lams   文件: LocalDataSourceJobStore.java
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler)
		throws SchedulerConfigException {

	// Absolutely needs thread-bound DataSource to initialize.
	this.dataSource = SchedulerFactoryBean.getConfigTimeDataSource();
	if (this.dataSource == null) {
		throw new SchedulerConfigException(
			"No local DataSource found for configuration - " +
			"'dataSource' property must be set on SchedulerFactoryBean");

	// Configure transactional connection settings for Quartz.
	setDataSource(TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName());

	// Register transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
			TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName(),
			new ConnectionProvider() {
				public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
					// Return a transactional Connection, if any.
					return DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection(dataSource);
				public void shutdown() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.
				/* Quartz 2.2 initialize method */
				public void initialize() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.

	// Non-transactional DataSource is optional: fall back to default
	// DataSource if not explicitly specified.
	DataSource nonTxDataSource = SchedulerFactoryBean.getConfigTimeNonTransactionalDataSource();
	final DataSource nonTxDataSourceToUse = (nonTxDataSource != null ? nonTxDataSource : this.dataSource);

	// Configure non-transactional connection settings for Quartz.
	setNonManagedTXDataSource(NON_TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName());

	// Register non-transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
			NON_TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName(),
			new ConnectionProvider() {
				public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
					// Always return a non-transactional Connection.
					return nonTxDataSourceToUse.getConnection();
				public void shutdown() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.
				/* Quartz 2.2 initialize method */
				public void initialize() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.

	// No, if HSQL is the platform, we really don't want to use locks...
	try {
		String productName = JdbcUtils.extractDatabaseMetaData(this.dataSource, "getDatabaseProductName").toString();
		productName = JdbcUtils.commonDatabaseName(productName);
		if (productName != null && productName.toLowerCase().contains("hsql")) {
			setLockHandler(new SimpleSemaphore());
	catch (MetaDataAccessException ex) {
		logWarnIfNonZero(1, "Could not detect database type. Assuming locks can be taken.");

	super.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);

源代码18 项目: lams   文件: JobStoreSupport.java
 * <p>
 * Called by the QuartzScheduler before the <code>JobStore</code> is
 * used, in order to give it a chance to initialize.
 * </p>
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper,
        SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {

    if (dsName == null) { 
        throw new SchedulerConfigException("DataSource name not set."); 

    classLoadHelper = loadHelper;
    if(isThreadsInheritInitializersClassLoadContext()) {
        log.info("JDBCJobStore threads will inherit ContextClassLoader of thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
        initializersLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    this.schedSignaler = signaler;

    // If the user hasn't specified an explicit lock handler, then 
    // choose one based on CMT/Clustered/UseDBLocks.
    if (getLockHandler() == null) {
        // If the user hasn't specified an explicit lock handler, 
        // then we *must* use DB locks with clustering
        if (isClustered()) {
        if (getUseDBLocks()) {
            if(getDriverDelegateClass() != null && getDriverDelegateClass().equals(MSSQLDelegate.class.getName())) {
                if(getSelectWithLockSQL() == null) {
                    String msSqlDflt = "SELECT * FROM {0}LOCKS WITH (UPDLOCK,ROWLOCK) WHERE " + COL_SCHEDULER_NAME + " = {1} AND LOCK_NAME = ?";
                    getLog().info("Detected usage of MSSQLDelegate class - defaulting 'selectWithLockSQL' to '" + msSqlDflt + "'.");
            getLog().info("Using db table-based data access locking (synchronization).");
            setLockHandler(new StdRowLockSemaphore(getTablePrefix(), getInstanceName(), getSelectWithLockSQL()));
        } else {
                "Using thread monitor-based data access locking (synchronization).");
            setLockHandler(new SimpleSemaphore());

源代码19 项目: lams   文件: QuartzScheduler.java
public SchedulerSignaler getSchedulerSignaler() {
    return signaler;
源代码20 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: JobStoreSupport.java
 * <p>
 * Called by the QuartzScheduler before the <code>JobStore</code> is
 * used, in order to give it a chance to initialize.
 * </p>
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper,
        SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {

    if (dsName == null) { 
        throw new SchedulerConfigException("DataSource name not set."); 

    classLoadHelper = loadHelper;
    if(isThreadsInheritInitializersClassLoadContext()) {
    	log.info("JDBCJobStore threads will inherit ContextClassLoader of thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
    	initializersLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    this.schedSignaler = signaler;

    // If the user hasn't specified an explicit lock handler, then 
    // choose one based on CMT/Clustered/UseDBLocks.
    if (getLockHandler() == null) {
        // If the user hasn't specified an explicit lock handler, 
        // then we *must* use DB locks with clustering
        if (isClustered()) {
        if (getUseDBLocks()) {
            if(getDriverDelegateClass() != null && getDriverDelegateClass().equals(MSSQLDelegate.class.getName())) {
                if(getSelectWithLockSQL() == null) {
                    String msSqlDflt = "SELECT * FROM {0}LOCKS UPDLOCK WHERE LOCK_NAME = ?";
                    getLog().info("Detected usage of MSSQLDelegate class - defaulting 'selectWithLockSQL' to '" + msSqlDflt + "'.");
            getLog().info("Using db table-based data access locking (synchronization).");
            setLockHandler(new StdRowLockSemaphore(getTablePrefix(), getSelectWithLockSQL()));
        } else {
                "Using thread monitor-based data access locking (synchronization).");
            setLockHandler(new SimpleSemaphore());

    if (!isClustered()) {
        try {
        } catch (SchedulerException se) {
            throw new SchedulerConfigException(
                    "Failure occured during job recovery.", se);
源代码21 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: QuartzScheduler.java
public SchedulerSignaler getSchedulerSignaler() {
    return signaler;
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler)
		throws SchedulerConfigException {

	// Absolutely needs thread-bound DataSource to initialize.
	this.dataSource = SchedulerFactoryBean.getConfigTimeDataSource();
	if (this.dataSource == null) {
		throw new SchedulerConfigException(
			"No local DataSource found for configuration - " +
			"'dataSource' property must be set on SchedulerFactoryBean");

	// Configure transactional connection settings for Quartz.
	setDataSource(TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName());

	// Register transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
			TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName(),
			new ConnectionProvider() {
				public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
					// Return a transactional Connection, if any.
					return DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection(dataSource);
				public void shutdown() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.
				/* Quartz 2.2 initialize method */
				public void initialize() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.

	// Non-transactional DataSource is optional: fall back to default
	// DataSource if not explicitly specified.
	DataSource nonTxDataSource = SchedulerFactoryBean.getConfigTimeNonTransactionalDataSource();
	final DataSource nonTxDataSourceToUse = (nonTxDataSource != null ? nonTxDataSource : this.dataSource);

	// Configure non-transactional connection settings for Quartz.
	setNonManagedTXDataSource(NON_TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName());

	// Register non-transactional ConnectionProvider for Quartz.
			NON_TX_DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX + getInstanceName(),
			new ConnectionProvider() {
				public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
					// Always return a non-transactional Connection.
					return nonTxDataSourceToUse.getConnection();
				public void shutdown() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.
				/* Quartz 2.2 initialize method */
				public void initialize() {
					// Do nothing - a Spring-managed DataSource has its own lifecycle.

	// No, if HSQL is the platform, we really don't want to use locks...
	try {
		String productName = JdbcUtils.extractDatabaseMetaData(this.dataSource, "getDatabaseProductName").toString();
		productName = JdbcUtils.commonDatabaseName(productName);
		if (productName != null && productName.toLowerCase().contains("hsql")) {
			setLockHandler(new SimpleSemaphore());
	catch (MetaDataAccessException ex) {
		logWarnIfNonZero(1, "Could not detect database type. Assuming locks can be taken.");

	super.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);

源代码23 项目: nexus-public   文件: AbstractJobStoreTest.java
public void testMatchers() throws Exception {
  SchedulerSignaler schedSignaler = new SampleSignaler();
  ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = new CascadingClassLoadHelper();

  JobStore store = createJobStore("testMatchers");
  store.initialize(loadHelper, schedSignaler);

  JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job1", "aaabbbccc").build();
  store.storeJob(job, true);
  SimpleScheduleBuilder schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule();
  Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("trig1", "aaabbbccc").withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).build();
  store.storeTrigger((OperableTrigger) trigger, true);

  job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job1", "xxxyyyzzz").build();
  store.storeJob(job, true);
  schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule();
  trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("trig1", "xxxyyyzzz").withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).build();
  store.storeTrigger((OperableTrigger)trigger, true);

  job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job2", "xxxyyyzzz").build();
  store.storeJob(job, true);
  schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule();
  trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("trig2", "xxxyyyzzz").withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).build();
  store.storeTrigger((OperableTrigger)trigger, true);

  Set<JobKey> jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.anyJobGroup());
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by anything matcher", 3, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupEquals("xxxyyyzzz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by equals matcher", 2, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupEquals("aaabbbccc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by equals matcher", 1, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupStartsWith("aa"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by starts with matcher", 1, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupStartsWith("xx"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by starts with matcher", 2, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupEndsWith("cc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by ends with matcher", 1, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupEndsWith("zzz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by ends with matcher", 2, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupContains("bc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by contains with matcher", 1, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupContains("yz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by contains with matcher", 2, jkeys.size());

  Set<TriggerKey> tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.anyTriggerGroup());
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by anything matcher", 3, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEquals("xxxyyyzzz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by equals matcher", 2, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEquals("aaabbbccc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by equals matcher", 1, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupStartsWith("aa"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by starts with matcher", 1, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupStartsWith("xx"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by starts with matcher", 2, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEndsWith("cc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by ends with matcher", 1, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEndsWith("zzz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by ends with matcher", 2, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupContains("bc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by contains with matcher", 1, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupContains("yz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by contains with matcher", 2, tkeys.size());

public RedisClusterStorage(RedisJobStoreSchema redisSchema, ObjectMapper mapper, SchedulerSignaler signaler, String schedulerInstanceId, int lockTimeout) {
    super(redisSchema, mapper, signaler, schedulerInstanceId, lockTimeout);
源代码25 项目: quartz-redis-jobstore   文件: RedisStorage.java
public RedisStorage(RedisJobStoreSchema redisSchema, ObjectMapper mapper, SchedulerSignaler signaler, String schedulerInstanceId, int lockTimeout) {
    super(redisSchema, mapper, signaler, schedulerInstanceId, lockTimeout);
public void setUpRedis() throws IOException, SchedulerConfigException {
    final List<Integer> sentinels = Arrays.asList(getPort(), getPort());
    final List<Integer> group1 = Arrays.asList(getPort(), getPort());
    final List<Integer> group2 = Arrays.asList(getPort(), getPort());
    //creates a cluster with 3 sentinels, quorum size of 2 and 3 replication groups, each with one master and one slave
    redisCluster = RedisCluster.builder().sentinelPorts(sentinels).quorumSize(2)
        .serverPorts(group1).replicationGroup("master1", 1)
        .serverPorts(group2).replicationGroup("master2", 1)
        .ephemeralServers().replicationGroup("master3", 1)

    Set<String> jedisSentinelHosts = JedisUtil.sentinelHosts(redisCluster);

    joinedHosts = Joiner.on(",").join(jedisSentinelHosts);

    final short database = 1;
    JedisPoolConfig jedisPoolConfig = new JedisPoolConfig();
    jedisPool = new JedisSentinelPool("master1", jedisSentinelHosts, jedisPoolConfig);
    jobStore = new RedisJobStore();
    mockScheduleSignaler = mock(SchedulerSignaler.class);
    jobStore.initialize(null, mockScheduleSignaler);
    schema = new RedisJobStoreSchema();

    jedis = jedisPool.getResource();

源代码27 项目: lams   文件: RAMJobStore.java
 * <p>
 * Called by the QuartzScheduler before the <code>JobStore</code> is
 * used, in order to give the it a chance to initialize.
 * </p>
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler schedSignaler) {

    this.signaler = schedSignaler;

    getLog().info("RAMJobStore initialized.");
源代码28 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: JobStoreTX.java
public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper,
        SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException {

    super.initialize(loadHelper, signaler);

    getLog().info("JobStoreTX initialized.");