

源代码1 项目: nexus-public   文件: QuartzSchedulerSPI.java
@SuppressWarnings("squid:S00107") //suppress constructor parameter count
public QuartzSchedulerSPI(final EventManager eventManager,
                          final NodeAccess nodeAccess,
                          final Provider<JobStore> jobStoreProvider,
                          final Provider<Scheduler> schedulerProvider,
                          final LastShutdownTimeService lastShutdownTimeService,
                          final DatabaseStatusDelayedExecutor delayedExecutor,
                          @Named("${nexus.quartz.recoverInterruptedJobs:-true}") final boolean recoverInterruptedJobs)
  this.eventManager = checkNotNull(eventManager);
  this.nodeAccess = checkNotNull(nodeAccess);
  this.jobStoreProvider = checkNotNull(jobStoreProvider);
  this.schedulerProvider = checkNotNull(schedulerProvider);
  this.lastShutdownTimeService = checkNotNull(lastShutdownTimeService);
  this.recoverInterruptedJobs = recoverInterruptedJobs;
  this.delayedExecutor = checkNotNull(delayedExecutor);

  this.scheduleFactory = new QuartzScheduleFactory();
  this.triggerConverter = new QuartzTriggerConverter(this.scheduleFactory);

  // FIXME: sort out with refinement to lifecycle below
  this.active = true;
protected Scheduler instantiate(QuartzSchedulerResources rsrcs, QuartzScheduler qs)
    Scheduler scheduler = super.instantiate(rsrcs, qs);
    JobStore jobStore = rsrcs.getJobStore();
    if (jobStore instanceof SchedulerAware)
        ((SchedulerAware) jobStore).setScheduler(scheduler);
    return scheduler;
源代码3 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates an in memory job store (<code>{@link RAMJobStore}</code>)
 * The thread priority is set to Thread.NORM_PRIORITY
 * @param maxThreads
 *          The number of threads in the thread pool
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed.
public void createVolatileScheduler(int maxThreads)
    throws SchedulerException {
    SimpleThreadPool threadPool = new SimpleThreadPool(maxThreads,
    JobStore jobStore = new RAMJobStore();
    this.createScheduler(threadPool, jobStore);

源代码4 项目: nexus-public   文件: JobStoreJdbcProvider.java
public JobStore get() {
  JobStore localRef = jobStore;
  if (localRef == null) {
    synchronized (this) {
      localRef = jobStore;
      if (localRef == null) {
        jobStore = localRef = createJobStore();
  return localRef;
源代码5 项目: nexus-public   文件: JobStoreJdbcProvider.java
private JobStore createJobStore() {
  try {
    DBConnectionManager.getInstance().addConnectionProvider(QUARTZ_DS, connectionProvider);
    JobStoreTX delegate = new JobStoreTX();
    return delegate;
  catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("Unable create job store", e);
    return null;
源代码6 项目: nexus-public   文件: QuartzSchedulerProvider.java
public QuartzSchedulerProvider(final NodeAccess nodeAccess,
                               final Provider<JobStore> jobStore,
                               final JobFactory jobFactory,
                               @Named("${nexus.quartz.poolSize:-20}") final int threadPoolSize,
                               @Named("${nexus.quartz.taskThreadPriority:-5}") final int threadPriority)
  this.nodeAccess = checkNotNull(nodeAccess);
  this.jobStore = checkNotNull(jobStore);
  this.jobFactory = checkNotNull(jobFactory);
  checkArgument(threadPoolSize > 0, "Invalid thread-pool size: %s", threadPoolSize);
  this.threadPoolSize = threadPoolSize;
  this.threadPriority = threadPriority;
  log.info("Thread-pool size: {}, Thread-pool priority: {}", threadPoolSize, threadPriority);
protected JobStore createJobStore(String name) {
  jobStore = new JobStoreJdbcProvider(new ConfigOrientConnectionProvider(database.getInstanceProvider())).get();

  return jobStore;
源代码8 项目: nexus-public   文件: AbstractJobStoreTest.java
public void testAcquireTriggers() throws Exception {
  SchedulerSignaler schedSignaler = new SampleSignaler();
  ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = new CascadingClassLoadHelper();

  JobStore store = createJobStore("testAcquireTriggers");
  store.initialize(loadHelper, schedSignaler);

  // Setup: Store jobs and triggers.
  long MIN = 60 * 1000L;
  Date startTime0 = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + MIN); // a min from now.
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    Date startTime = new Date(startTime0.getTime() + i * MIN); // a min apart
    JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job" + i).build();
    SimpleScheduleBuilder schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.repeatMinutelyForever(2);
    OperableTrigger trigger = (OperableTrigger)TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("job" + i).withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).startAt(startTime).build();

    // Manually trigger the first fire time computation that scheduler would do. Otherwise
    // the store.acquireNextTriggers() will not work properly.
    Date fireTime = trigger.computeFirstFireTime(null);
    Assert.assertEquals(true, fireTime != null);

    store.storeJobAndTrigger(job, trigger);

  // Test acquire one trigger at a time
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    long noLaterThan = (startTime0.getTime() + i * MIN);
    int maxCount = 1;
    long timeWindow = 0;
    List<OperableTrigger> triggers = store.acquireNextTriggers(noLaterThan, maxCount, timeWindow);
    Assert.assertEquals(1, triggers.size());
    Assert.assertEquals("job" + i, triggers.get(0).getKey().getName());

    // Let's remove the trigger now.
源代码9 项目: nexus-public   文件: AbstractJobStoreTest.java
public void testAcquireTriggersInBatch() throws Exception {
  SchedulerSignaler schedSignaler = new SampleSignaler();
  ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = new CascadingClassLoadHelper();

  JobStore store = createJobStore("testAcquireTriggersInBatch");
  store.initialize(loadHelper, schedSignaler);

  // Setup: Store jobs and triggers.
  long MIN = 60 * 1000L;
  Date startTime0 = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + MIN); // a min from now.
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    Date startTime = new Date(startTime0.getTime() + i * MIN); // a min apart
    JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job" + i).build();
    SimpleScheduleBuilder schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.repeatMinutelyForever(2);
    OperableTrigger trigger = (OperableTrigger)TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("job" + i).withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).startAt(startTime).build();

    // Manually trigger the first fire time computation that scheduler would do. Otherwise
    // the store.acquireNextTriggers() will not work properly.
    Date fireTime = trigger.computeFirstFireTime(null);
    Assert.assertEquals(true, fireTime != null);

    store.storeJobAndTrigger(job, trigger);

  // Test acquire batch of triggers at a time
  long noLaterThan = startTime0.getTime() + 10 * MIN;
  int maxCount = 7;
  // time window needs to be big to be able to pick up multiple triggers when they are a minute apart
  long timeWindow = 8 * MIN;
  List<OperableTrigger> triggers = store.acquireNextTriggers(noLaterThan, maxCount, timeWindow);
  Assert.assertEquals(7, triggers.size());
  for (int i=0; i < 7; i++) {
    Assert.assertEquals("job" + i, triggers.get(i).getKey().getName());
protected JobStore createJobStore(final String name) {
  jobStore = new JobStoreJdbcProvider(new ConfigStoreConnectionProvider(sessionRule)).get();

  return jobStore;
源代码11 项目: nexus-public   文件: TaskSchedulerHelper.java
public void init(@Nullable final Integer poolSize, @Nullable final JobFactory factory) throws Exception {
  eventManager = new SimpleEventManager();
  applicationDirectories = mock(ApplicationDirectories.class);
  baseUrlManager = mock(BaseUrlManager.class);
  nodeAccess = mock(NodeAccess.class);
  lastShutdownTimeService = mock(LastShutdownTimeService.class);
  statusDelayedExecutor = mock(DatabaseStatusDelayedExecutor.class);

  Module module = binder -> {
    Properties properties = new Properties();
    properties.put("basedir", util.getBaseDir());
    if (poolSize != null) {
      properties.put("nexus.quartz.poolSize", poolSize);


    File workDir = util.createTempDir(util.getTargetDir(), "workdir");



    doAnswer(i  -> {
      ((Runnable) i.getArguments()[0]).run();
      return null;

    if (factory != null) {


    // filtering by feature flag is not supported here yet

  this.injector = Guice.createInjector(new WireModule(
      module, new StateGuardModule(),
      new SpaceModule(new URLClassSpace(TaskSchedulerHelper.class.getClassLoader()), BeanScanning.INDEX)
源代码12 项目: nexus-public   文件: AbstractJobStoreTest.java
public void testMatchers() throws Exception {
  SchedulerSignaler schedSignaler = new SampleSignaler();
  ClassLoadHelper loadHelper = new CascadingClassLoadHelper();

  JobStore store = createJobStore("testMatchers");
  store.initialize(loadHelper, schedSignaler);

  JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job1", "aaabbbccc").build();
  store.storeJob(job, true);
  SimpleScheduleBuilder schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule();
  Trigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("trig1", "aaabbbccc").withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).build();
  store.storeTrigger((OperableTrigger) trigger, true);

  job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job1", "xxxyyyzzz").build();
  store.storeJob(job, true);
  schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule();
  trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("trig1", "xxxyyyzzz").withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).build();
  store.storeTrigger((OperableTrigger)trigger, true);

  job = JobBuilder.newJob(MyJob.class).withIdentity("job2", "xxxyyyzzz").build();
  store.storeJob(job, true);
  schedule = SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule();
  trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity("trig2", "xxxyyyzzz").withSchedule(schedule).forJob(job).build();
  store.storeTrigger((OperableTrigger)trigger, true);

  Set<JobKey> jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.anyJobGroup());
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by anything matcher", 3, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupEquals("xxxyyyzzz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by equals matcher", 2, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupEquals("aaabbbccc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by equals matcher", 1, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupStartsWith("aa"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by starts with matcher", 1, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupStartsWith("xx"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by starts with matcher", 2, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupEndsWith("cc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by ends with matcher", 1, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupEndsWith("zzz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by ends with matcher", 2, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupContains("bc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by contains with matcher", 1, jkeys.size());

  jkeys = store.getJobKeys(GroupMatcher.jobGroupContains("yz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of jobs found by contains with matcher", 2, jkeys.size());

  Set<TriggerKey> tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.anyTriggerGroup());
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by anything matcher", 3, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEquals("xxxyyyzzz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by equals matcher", 2, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEquals("aaabbbccc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by equals matcher", 1, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupStartsWith("aa"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by starts with matcher", 1, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupStartsWith("xx"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by starts with matcher", 2, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEndsWith("cc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by ends with matcher", 1, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupEndsWith("zzz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by ends with matcher", 2, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupContains("bc"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by contains with matcher", 1, tkeys.size());

  tkeys = store.getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher.triggerGroupContains("yz"));
  Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of triggers found by contains with matcher", 2, tkeys.size());

源代码13 项目: lams   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates an in memory job store (<code>{@link RAMJobStore}</code>)
 * The thread priority is set to Thread.NORM_PRIORITY
 * @param maxThreads
 *          The number of threads in the thread pool
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed.
public void createVolatileScheduler(int maxThreads)
    throws SchedulerException {
    SimpleThreadPool threadPool = new SimpleThreadPool(maxThreads,
    JobStore jobStore = new RAMJobStore();
    this.createScheduler(threadPool, jobStore);
源代码14 项目: lams   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Same as
 * {@link DirectSchedulerFactory#createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)},
 * with the addition of specifying the scheduler name and instance ID. This
 * scheduler can only be retrieved via
 * {@link DirectSchedulerFactory#getScheduler(String)}
 * @param schedulerName
 *          The name for the scheduler.
 * @param schedulerInstanceId
 *          The instance ID for the scheduler.
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
        String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)
    throws SchedulerException {
    createScheduler(schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId, threadPool,
            jobStore, null, 0, -1, -1);
源代码15 项目: lams   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store and
 * binds it to RMI.
 * @param schedulerName
 *          The name for the scheduler.
 * @param schedulerInstanceId
 *          The instance ID for the scheduler.
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @param rmiRegistryHost
 *          The hostname to register this scheduler with for RMI. Can use
 *          "null" if no RMI is required.
 * @param rmiRegistryPort
 *          The port for RMI. Typically 1099.
 * @param idleWaitTime
 *          The idle wait time in milliseconds. You can specify "-1" for
 *          the default value, which is currently 30000 ms.
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
        String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool,
        JobStore jobStore, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort,
        long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval)
    throws SchedulerException {
            schedulerInstanceId, threadPool,
            jobStore, null, // plugins
            rmiRegistryHost, rmiRegistryPort,
            idleWaitTime, dbFailureRetryInterval,
源代码16 项目: lams   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and
 * plugins, and binds it to RMI.
 * @param schedulerName
 *          The name for the scheduler.
 * @param schedulerInstanceId
 *          The instance ID for the scheduler.
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @param schedulerPluginMap
 *          Map from a <code>String</code> plugin names to
 *          <code>{@link org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin}</code>s.  Can use
 *          "null" if no plugins are required.
 * @param rmiRegistryHost
 *          The hostname to register this scheduler with for RMI. Can use
 *          "null" if no RMI is required.
 * @param rmiRegistryPort
 *          The port for RMI. Typically 1099.
 * @param idleWaitTime
 *          The idle wait time in milliseconds. You can specify "-1" for
 *          the default value, which is currently 30000 ms.
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
        String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool,
        JobStore jobStore, Map<String, SchedulerPlugin> schedulerPluginMap,
        String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort,
        long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval,
        boolean jmxExport, String jmxObjectName)
    throws SchedulerException {
    createScheduler(schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId, threadPool,
            DEFAULT_THREAD_EXECUTOR, jobStore, schedulerPluginMap,
            rmiRegistryHost, rmiRegistryPort, idleWaitTime,
            dbFailureRetryInterval, jmxExport, jmxObjectName);
源代码17 项目: lams   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and
 * plugins, and binds it to RMI.
 * @param schedulerName
 *          The name for the scheduler.
 * @param schedulerInstanceId
 *          The instance ID for the scheduler.
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param threadExecutor
 *          The thread executor for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @param schedulerPluginMap
 *          Map from a <code>String</code> plugin names to
 *          <code>{@link org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin}</code>s.  Can use
 *          "null" if no plugins are required.
 * @param rmiRegistryHost
 *          The hostname to register this scheduler with for RMI. Can use
 *          "null" if no RMI is required.
 * @param rmiRegistryPort
 *          The port for RMI. Typically 1099.
 * @param idleWaitTime
 *          The idle wait time in milliseconds. You can specify "-1" for
 *          the default value, which is currently 30000 ms.
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
        String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool,
        ThreadExecutor threadExecutor,
        JobStore jobStore, Map<String, SchedulerPlugin> schedulerPluginMap,
        String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort,
        long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval,
        boolean jmxExport, String jmxObjectName)
    throws SchedulerException {
    createScheduler(schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId, threadPool,
            DEFAULT_THREAD_EXECUTOR, jobStore, schedulerPluginMap,
            rmiRegistryHost, rmiRegistryPort, idleWaitTime,
            dbFailureRetryInterval, jmxExport, jmxObjectName, DEFAULT_BATCH_MAX_SIZE, DEFAULT_BATCH_TIME_WINDOW);
源代码18 项目: lams   文件: QuartzSchedulerResources.java
 * <p>
 * Set the <code>{@link JobStore}</code> for the <code>{@link QuartzScheduler}</code>
 * to use.
 * </p>
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException
 *              if jobStore is null.
public void setJobStore(JobStore jobStore) {
    if (jobStore == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JobStore cannot be null.");

    this.jobStore = jobStore;
源代码19 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store. This
 * scheduler can be retrieved via
 * {@link DirectSchedulerFactory#getScheduler()}
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)
    throws SchedulerException {
            threadPool, jobStore);
    initialized = true;
源代码20 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Same as
 * {@link DirectSchedulerFactory#createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)},
 * with the addition of specifying the scheduler name and instance ID. This
 * scheduler can only be retrieved via
 * {@link DirectSchedulerFactory#getScheduler(String)}
 * @param schedulerName
 *          The name for the scheduler.
 * @param schedulerInstanceId
 *          The instance ID for the scheduler.
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
        String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)
    throws SchedulerException {
    createScheduler(schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId, threadPool,
            jobStore, null, 0, -1, -1);
源代码21 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store and
 * binds it to RMI.
 * @param schedulerName
 *          The name for the scheduler.
 * @param schedulerInstanceId
 *          The instance ID for the scheduler.
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @param rmiRegistryHost
 *          The hostname to register this scheduler with for RMI. Can use
 *          "null" if no RMI is required.
 * @param rmiRegistryPort
 *          The port for RMI. Typically 1099.
 * @param idleWaitTime
 *          The idle wait time in milliseconds. You can specify "-1" for
 *          the default value, which is currently 30000 ms.
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
        String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool,
        JobStore jobStore, String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort,
        long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval)
    throws SchedulerException {
            schedulerInstanceId, threadPool,
            jobStore, null, // plugins
            rmiRegistryHost, rmiRegistryPort,
            idleWaitTime, dbFailureRetryInterval,
源代码22 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool, job store, and
 * plugins, and binds it to RMI.
 * @param schedulerName
 *          The name for the scheduler.
 * @param schedulerInstanceId
 *          The instance ID for the scheduler.
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @param schedulerPluginMap
 *          Map from a <code>String</code> plugin names to
 *          <code>{@link org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin}</code>s.  Can use
 *          "null" if no plugins are required.
 * @param rmiRegistryHost
 *          The hostname to register this scheduler with for RMI. Can use
 *          "null" if no RMI is required.
 * @param rmiRegistryPort
 *          The port for RMI. Typically 1099.
 * @param idleWaitTime
 *          The idle wait time in milliseconds. You can specify "-1" for
 *          the default value, which is currently 30000 ms.
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(String schedulerName,
        String schedulerInstanceId, ThreadPool threadPool,
        JobStore jobStore, Map schedulerPluginMap,
        String rmiRegistryHost, int rmiRegistryPort,
        long idleWaitTime, long dbFailureRetryInterval,
        boolean jmxExport, String jmxObjectName)
    throws SchedulerException {
    createScheduler(schedulerName, schedulerInstanceId, threadPool,
            DEFAULT_THREAD_EXECUTOR, jobStore, schedulerPluginMap,
            rmiRegistryHost, rmiRegistryPort, idleWaitTime,
            dbFailureRetryInterval, jmxExport, jmxObjectName);
源代码23 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: QuartzSchedulerResources.java
 * <p>
 * Set the <code>{@link JobStore}</code> for the <code>{@link QuartzScheduler}</code>
 * to use.
 * </p>
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException
 *              if jobStore is null.
public void setJobStore(JobStore jobStore) {
    if (jobStore == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JobStore cannot be null.");

    this.jobStore = jobStore;
源代码24 项目: lams   文件: DirectSchedulerFactory.java
 * Creates a scheduler using the specified thread pool and job store. This
 * scheduler can be retrieved via
 * {@link DirectSchedulerFactory#getScheduler()}
 * @param threadPool
 *          The thread pool for executing jobs
 * @param jobStore
 *          The type of job store
 * @throws SchedulerException
 *           if initialization failed
public void createScheduler(ThreadPool threadPool, JobStore jobStore)
    throws SchedulerException {
            threadPool, jobStore);
源代码25 项目: lams   文件: QuartzSchedulerResources.java
 * <p>
 * Get the <code>{@link JobStore}</code> for the <code>{@link QuartzScheduler}</code>
 * to use.
 * </p>
public JobStore getJobStore() {
    return jobStore;
源代码26 项目: AsuraFramework   文件: QuartzSchedulerResources.java
 * <p>
 * Get the <code>{@link JobStore}</code> for the <code>{@link QuartzScheduler}</code>
 * to use.
 * </p>
public JobStore getJobStore() {
    return jobStore;
源代码27 项目: nexus-public   文件: AbstractJobStoreTest.java
protected abstract JobStore createJobStore(String name); 